Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 991: Life and death go hand in hand

Chapter 991: Life and Death Follow

"Old, what's your stuff?"

Jihuo Daojun and others all looked at the elders in ancient times, with some jokes in their eyes.

Shangguanzi snorted and said, "Ancient head, see what we take out. If your stuff is too bad, don't take it out to shame."

"Shangguan, you two haven't become acquaintances, so you're facing the fiery disciples, really ..."

The elder Gu stared with a beard and looked really embarrassed.

Bailianmen can refinish, Qianhemen can make charms, Danyangmen can make Dan, their ancient array gates can only be deployed.

He had originally prepared a gift, a sword array.

But now, at first glance, his sword array technique is too weak to compare with the body protector and Taiyuan's life-saving Dan!

Looking at the three eyes of Jiuhudao Jun, the elder Gu bit his teeth, found an animal skin from the storage bag, and handed it to Su Zimo.

"What the hell?"

Elder Ge couldn't help but go up and mumbled, "Take a piece of broken animal skin to fool?"

Jiu Huo Dao Jun and Shang Guanzi glanced at each other, and fell on the complex mysterious lines on the animal skin, their hearts were shocked.

"Lao Gu, are you willing to take this out?"

Asked Jiujiaodao.

The elder Gu gritted his teeth and said, "I haven't been forced by you! Take it quickly, or I might regret it!"

Shangguanzi looked at Su Zimo and said with a smile, "Let ’s take it, this is one of the few treasures on the ancient head."

Su Zimo was curious and took a look at the animal skin.

The skin of the animal is engraved with mysterious formations, forming a fan shape, which is a hundred times more complicated than all the formations that Su Zimo has seen!

The ancient elder said: "In the ancient times, there was a large array of teleportation. As long as it was activated, you could take monks to teleport hundreds of millions of miles away! It is not a problem to cross the entire continent! Unfortunately, to this day, the array is long lost."

Su Zimo was shocked in his heart, exclaiming: "This is the pattern of transmitting a large array?"


The ancient elder said: "I want to be beautiful! This is just a broken line of teleportation, but if you can really understand, you can also gain something."

Although it is only a residual array, this treasure is also amazing enough!

To a certain extent, elixir is more valuable than Jihuodaojun and others' instruments!

The elder Gu thought for a while, and coughed again, and said, "In addition, don't blame me for not reminding you! If you can really comprehend and activate this residual array, don't step in easily."

"The monk who was lost by you before, haven't returned yet?" Ji Huodao asked.

The ancient elder looked snorted and snorted, but was not able to talk.

Shangguanzi thought about the face of the elders and spoke to Su Zimo: "More than five thousand years ago, the ancient head laid out this remnant array according to the above pattern."

"At that time, there were ten monks in the Guzhen Gate who volunteered and wanted to try it out. But after the ten monks were sent out, they never returned. For more than 5,000 years, there was no news, it should be more ferocious."

Su Zimo dumbfounded his tongue.

Although this remnant is valuable, it is really dangerous!

God knows where to teleport after launch.

If it was teleported directly into the lair of some Dragon Skeleton Valley, I am afraid that it will be killed by the dragons in the first place. Ten lives are not enough to die!

Su Zimo put away the animal skin. At least for now, he doesn't need it.

Everything is ready, Jiu Huo Dao closes his eyes, spreads his consciousness, spreads continuously, and feels the space nodes of the preaching place.


Jihuo Daojun stretched out his palm, and a flame appeared in the palm of his hand, the original void, burning out a hole, getting bigger and bigger!

It was dark and chaotic.


Jihuo Daojun said, "I can maintain this portal for almost a month. If you can't do anything, return to this portal and come back in time."

Su Zimo nodded, took a deep breath, and jumped into this huge hole in the void, his figure disappeared.

"Well, there are some big disciples inside. He's so fierce to go here."

Shangguanzi sighed.

Jiuhuodao groaned: "It's not that there is no chance. If he can establish the Dao heart and get the powerful inheritance inside, the combat power will be improved a bit."

"Not very useful."

The ancient elder shook his head and said, "Even if the power is inherited, the aura is exhausted, there is almost no way to cultivate, and his cultivation cannot be improved."

"The difference is a big realm, the demon tactics are suppressed, and there is no chance for God to wait for others."

Jihuodao murmured quietly: "I hope he can survive this disaster!"

"Let the Yuding Taoist wait for someone to come over."

Jihuo Daojun commanded another.

Not long after, dozens of Yuding Taoists arrived and returned.

"Some of you have already made up your mind, and some haven't. Just go in here and look for your chances normally."

Jihuo Daojun did not ask his disciples to help Su Zimo.

Even if he asks, no disciple dares to help!

Although they are returning to Taoism, their combat power is far from that of their disciples.

Who dares to help Su Zimo at the risk of death?

At this moment, a monk at the alchemy outside the hall walked in quickly, looking a little excited, saying: "Master Qilu, there is a demon outside the door, trying to mix into the gate, has been settled by the demon mirror, the body is a fierce Hey! "

After a pause, the monk hesitated, "but ..."

"But what?"

"However, the demon claimed to be lonely and said he knew Su Zimo."


Jihuo Daojun gave a soft whisper, his face bewildered, and said, "Bring him over."

His Yuanshen has been staying in the Ming Dynasty rosary, and naturally he knows that Gu Yun is a pure blood fierce surrendered by Su Zimo in Wangu Valley!

Before long, Gu Yun was brought into the hall, his face looked a little pale, and it seemed that he had not been hurt lightly.

"Really you?"

Jihuo Daojun recognized Lonely Cloud at a glance and frowned, asking, "What are you doing here? Didn't Zimo leave you in Xiaoyue Mountain?"

Gu Yun didn't know Jiuhuo Daojun.

But as soon as he left Xiaoyue Mountain, he heard the news from the Xiuzhen period and knew that Bai Lianmen and Su Zimo were on the side.

Gu Yun knelt directly on the ground and hugged his fist: "Seniors, I was a fierce prince of Wan Yao Valley. After I got the host's favor, I was accepted as a mount.

"This time I heard that the host went to the missionary place. It was extremely dangerous. How can I stay indifferent and stay out of the matter! Please allow my seniors to allow me to enter and stand with the host!"

"Your little fierce bully speaks of morale."

The elder Gu smiled and said, "But the preaching place is my holy place. You don't know what's going on inside."

"The demon enters it, and the body cannot be transformed. No demon can be released. The only thing that can be used is your physical body."

"I know."

Gu Yun nodded.


This time, Jihuo Daojun and others did not laugh.

The ancient elder frowned, "You know, there are countless practitioners inside, your demon identity is exposed, and you will die without burial place!"

"I know."

Gu Yun nodded.

"You know, even Su Zimo has no confidence in God and others, and if you go in, you are seeking your own way!"

Gu Yun said: "I know."

"Do you know where to go?" Asked Elder Gu.

Gu Yun said: "I have vowed to go with the Lord's life and death!"

Everyone moved.

(End of this chapter)

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