Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 992: First Holy Land

Chapter 992: Entering the Holy Land

Jihuo Daojun's eyes gradually softened, and he whispered softly: "You have injuries now, but I've been reckless. You should cultivate for a day, so don't worry too much."

"Yeah, you can't help much if you go in like this."

Elder Ge stepped forward and shoved the two vials of Guyun, saying, "White external application, red internal application, your injury will soon be relieved."

"Thank you senior."

Gu Yun nodded and was taken to rest by the disciples of Bailianmen. After preparing to rest for a day, he entered the missionary land.

Looking at Gu Yun leaving, the looks of Shangguanzi and others were a little complicated.

The ancient elder sighed, "I can't imagine that there are such loyal generations among the demons, which is admirable."

Jiuhuodao Jundao said, "Demons are just like people, they also have good and evil. Sometimes, they have more contact with the demons, and they really like their straightforward temperament. They have no hypocrisy and no conspiracy."

Su Zimo spent a hundred years in the Valley of the Demon God, and Jihuo Daojun followed him. He has been with monkeys and other people for every hundred years.


Amidst the ruins, the wind was tumbling, sand and gravel filled the sky, there was no vitality, and the land was barren.


A huge cave cracked above the sky, dark and deep, and a figure fell out of it. As soon as it reached mid-air, it stabilized its shape.

Su Zimo looked around, spreading his senses, and exploring every corner around him.

"Is this the missionary place?"

Su Zimo murmured, and after a long exploration, he slowly withdrew the consciousness: "There is no danger nearby, but the aura is really thin."

Su Zimo slowly urged the blood.


In the surrounding space, what was instantly sensed, a huge coercion descended on him!

Under this coercion, he couldn't move at all!

as expected!

Su Zimo felt that if he forced his bloodlines, he would be crushed by this coercion instantly!

This is the will of many ancient powers!

This is a holy place for human races. Countless strong human races have left their heritage here, and no foreign races are allowed!

Su Zimo did not dare to act rashly, and the blood in his body gradually calmed down. This huge coercion also disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Standing quietly, in the sea of ​​Su Zimo's knowledge, the red-haired Yin moved.

There was no response from the surroundings, and the coercion of just before did not appear.

It is estimated that even the ancient great power did not expect that in future generations, such a strange species as Su Zimo will appear.

Try it several times in a row.

Su Zimo found that although the red-haired yin **** can walk freely in the sea, he can even merge with the black-haired yuan god.

But the red-headed, yin-god's consciousness cannot radiate.

Moreover, the fusion of the Yuanshen, the release of the consciousness, or the release of spells will also lead to the coercion of ancient power!

In other words, his demonic methods were indeed suppressed by the dead!

Su Zimo was not discouraged, which was already expected.

After discerning the direction, Su Zimo was heading towards the east, and his speed was not fast. He kept an eye on the surrounding movement.

Before walking far, a huge stone tablet suddenly appeared in front of it, standing a dozen feet tall, standing in the ruins, filled with the breath of time!

At the foot of the stele, more than a dozen returnees stood.

Su Zimo approached and looked up.

I saw a few lines of handwriting on the stele, with dragons and phoenixes dancing, full of arrogance: "My Road, Chifeng, practiced for five thousand years, and finally stepped into the united state!"

Faxiang Dao has a long life of 10,000 years and has practiced for 5,000 years, at the height of his peak. At this time, when he stepped into the united state, he is definitely a generation of arrogance!

"I have won the world with few defeats. Jin Dan's vision list is ranked 78, Tiandi Faxiang ranking is ranked 65, and Zeng Zhen killed the three great immortals ..."

These handwritings on the stele are obviously left by this Chifeng Power. Most of the words are reminiscent of the glory of the past.

"Unfortunately, the fifteen-thousand-year-old years still failed to break the last step, and stopped to fit together, it was sad! Even with all the glory of all ages, what can be done, but in the end, it can not reach the years and become a loess!

Stepping into a mixed state, the monk's birthday can reach 20,000 years!

The Chifeng Da Neng stepped into the ensemble state at the age of 5,000. However, he did not expect to spend 15,000 years and still failed to enter the Mahayana state.

Ningqi, Zhuji, Jindan, Yuanying, Huixu, Faxiang, fit, Mahayana, crossing the robbery.

The further you go, the harder your practice.

The Chifeng power, almost standing at the pinnacle of the self-cultivation world, still ran out of his life and died with regret.

Nothing is more cruel than spiritual practice.

"Before I was dying, I entered this place, organized what I learned throughout my life, and left a copy of the" Tian Xiao Ao Shi Jing "for those who have a chance."

This is the last sentence on the stele.

"I am willing to pursue the Longevity Avenue in this life, and I will never regret it, and make up for the regrets of my predecessors.

A returning Taoist shouted loudly as he stood on the stone tablet.

This person's words just came to an end, and another returning to the Tao said: "Predecessor Chifeng, my parents both died and were devoured by monsters! In this life, I am willing to cut off the monsters and remove the demons.

"Predecessor Chifeng, I would like to have a sword and a horse in my life, and be at ease, please give me the legacy!"

Monks after monks are under this stele and set their heart.

Generally speaking, if a monk's Tao heart is in line with the wish of the ancient power, the inheritance will come.

Of course, the conditions that trigger the opportunity are various.

Some fits will write it out straight, so that the monks can survive the storm or the storm of fire!

Soon, a dozen monks, everyone shouted again, but the stele did not respond.

"Daoyou, you can't just try it?"

Some monks noticed Su Zimo, slightly clenched his fists, and shouted.


Su Zimo smiled slightly and shook his head to refuse.

When he entered the preaching land, in addition to fighting the emperor, he also had a purpose to establish a Taoist heart and find his own inheritance!

The inheritance left by Chifeng Power in front of him is good, but it doesn't match what he thinks.

"Let's go, let's find another."

The dozen monks quickly dissipated. Only a thin man did not leave, kneeling in front of the stone monument, motionless.

"Who is this person? We were kneeling here before we came."

"I don't know. I heard that it is a casual repair. There is no way and no way. I knelt here for many years and never left."

"This person is also a tendon. I can't get this Chifeng's approval. Can I hang myself on a tree if I change it?"

Many monks talked.

At this moment, the stele suddenly shook, and countless dust fell!

The huge stele sent out a dazzling beam of light, straight into the sky.

"A vision is born!"

"Someone has inherited it!"

The crowd paused, looking at the stele, stunned.

Generally speaking, anything that gets a certain inheritance will have a vision!

The thin man looked excited, stretched out his palm, and gently rested on the stone tablet. The whole person suddenly turned into a streamer, disappeared into the stone tablet, and disappeared!

This means that the thin man has been recognized by Chifeng Power, entered the stele and accepted the heritage!

Su Zimo nodded secretly.

This person has waited for many years, and can achieve such a result.

(End of this chapter)

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