Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 505: Daoxian Suppression

Biquge, update the latest chapter of Vanguard Taoist as soon as possible!

Song Ning walked forward step by step, letting the wind and rain fall on her body, not moving at all. At the moment, the only thing he changed was that his eyes turned blood red, and blood flashed from time to time. There were many floating around Song Ning. The red gas that is invisible to the naked eye, these gases are all evil, come from the slaughter, if there are too few killings, it is impossible to have such a degree of color.

When the monks saw Song Ning walking towards them, they quickly retreated, and at this time they also said what a **** chase order was. The **** chase order was far less confusing to their minds than their fear of Song Ning.

"Don't run away, stay a little bit of strength, anyway ... I'm going to die." Song Ning's voice was very soft, as if talking to himself, he waved his hands and burned the sky sword, the blood rain and the sky started again.

Within the Demon Realm, the sky became **** again, the sound of death, the burning of flames, the shouting, the cursing, the sound of begging for mercy, intertwined in Song Ning's ears, but Song Ning seemed to hear nothing.

At this moment, even Xiaofen felt something wrong with the owner. Before that, Song Ning kept telling her not to kill too much, not to kill innocents, but now? This is clearly a slaughter. If it is not a certain stimulus, then someone must have taken the body away.

But now, how could he be lost?

Xiao Ke and Hei Feng have always been near Song Ning. They are always under the attack of this **** rain, but under the control of Song Ning, there is no blood rain around them.

In the realm of demon, until now, it is truly a doomsday scene.

"Shu Zixiu is too rampant!" Suddenly, a voice appeared in the sky. At the same time, a huge palm fell down and smashed towards Song Ning. While the palm fell, Song Ning's blood Yu Fentian was disturbed, the blood cloud in the sky suddenly dissipated, and Song Ning's technique also disappeared.

The monks around who had not yet died seemed to have seen the gods, but at this moment they did not have time to kneel and thank, but fled in panic, fearing that they would be chased down by Song Ning.

Song Ning didn't pay attention to the people who fled around. It seems that these people are some ants. If you want to kill, you can kill it. If you don't want to kill it, anyway, it's just a passing moment.

The huge palm fell in the sky, Song Ning lifted the Fentian sword and slashed towards the top of the head. The Fentian sword brought out a **** semicircle, the sword body expanded, and it was a hundred feet in size, inserted into the sky, but it reached the top. When it was on the palm, it stopped.

The palm was about to fall, but was suddenly stabbed by the Burning Sky Sword, and it was twitched, and it was difficult to fall. For a moment, it was stalemate with the Burning Sky Sword.

However, after a moment, the palm disappeared, and Song Ning withdrew the Burning Sky Sword. At the same time, an old man appeared from the position of the palm. The old man held a whisk in his hand. This whisk was waving at Song Ning, and only the sound of rumbling was heard. Rumor came out that a mountain ten miles away broke into pieces and slammed into Song Ning.

"Dao Xian, it is Dao Xian hands!"

"Kill him, kill the demon, kill him!"

These monks are vague in their mouths. The only thing they want to do at this moment is to kill Song Ning. Only when Song Ning is dead, can they hope to survive.

But when I look at Song Ning now, my eyes are indifferent. When I saw this scene, the corner of my mouth flickered gently: "You can't save the person I want to kill."

If those monks had run away Song Ning before, they would not kill, but now they have returned to watch the battle, it seems that they want to witness Song Ning's death.

Since you want to witness so much, then ... die.

Song Ning's hand flicked Tianjian, and his body turned around in a circle. The sword light of the burning Tianjian also moved in a circle. A **** color swayed around Song Ning's body as if it was rippled quickly. Expanding, this **** ripple cut off the monks watching around them. When they were slashed, flames ignited on their bodies and died on the spot.

"You are so bloodthirsty, looking for death!" The fairy appeared to want to suppress Song Ning when he appeared, but did not expect that Song Ning was still killing people.

At this time, the top of the mountain had already struck, and the sky above Song Ning had completely turned black. The speed at which the top of the mountain collided was extremely fast, and the power on the top of the mountain was even higher than that of Fan Tianyin that Song Ning had encountered before. The power is still great.

"Press!" Just as the top of the mountain fell, the immortal palm pressed down heavily, and the descending speed of the top of the mountain suddenly increased, and its power was instantly increased to several times before.

Before, he still wanted to suppress Song Ning, but now, he is already a trick. Those who watched the battle of the Immortal monks also saw this scene and felt that the matter should be over to such an extent, this **** chase The use of the kill order has caused a great disaster to the demon domain.

On the Changsheng Mountain, the old man sighed in his mouth, and seemed to be a little sad: "Unfortunately, if it weren't for the Scarlet Pursuit Order, your achievements in the future will certainly be much higher than my old thing."

The old man with white hair and long beard, he was pulling his beard with a trace of sadness in his eyes: "It's a pity, it's a pity, I wanted to invite you to come and sit here with me."

Just when he repeatedly said pity, another old man in Changsheng Mountain who appeared to be similar to him appeared. He sat across from the old man and said with a smile: "Why? What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, such a good boy, he was not so murderous, but was forced to be crazy. The old thing of the Bai family is really harmful." The old man said.

He looked across from the person who had just appeared. He placed the candied seeds and other things on his jade jadeite tea table and grabbed a handful of seeds to nibble: "He does n’t necessarily die, the one in his hand is the Burning Sword. . "

"How about burning Tianjian? In the face of Dao Xian, even if burning Tianjian, can a Wen Dao monk have resistance?"

"He is from the Falling Nation."

"That's a place that has been sealed for a long time, what can it do?"

"There is a drop of demon blood in his body. His physical body is extremely powerful. More importantly, you haven't seen all of his military training practices disappear before?"

Speaking of which, the eyes of the two old men were intertwined, and the old man who had been watching Song Ning was finally moved with interest.

"He was originally a monk who heard the pinnacle of the Dao Dao. He had also realized some rules before. Now Wu Xiuxi disappears, so he ..."

The old man who ate melon seeds smiled and nodded, "As long as he wants, he can become an immortal!"

"If the artistic conception becomes an immortal ..." The old man hesitated a little, but then shook his head again: "The artistic conception became an immortal, and with the might of the sky-burning sword, may be able to resist one or two. Now, the person he is facing now is not so simple? "

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