Eternal Taoist King

Chapter 506: Bloody Demon

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The old melon seed looked slightly dignified and said, "Do you think Song Ning can survive this battle?"

The old man with white beard shook his head: "It's very difficult. When I was fighting with this white-browed Dao immortal, he used this skill to pull mountains and rivers, but directly trapped me for a while. If it was replaced by an ordinary Dao immortal, One blow will seriously injure you, and if you are a monk, no matter which one you are, you will definitely die. "

What the old man with white beard said is good. The gap between Xu Xian and Dao Xian is too large, although it is only two small realms in the fairyland, but if it is really counted, I am afraid that none of the 1000 Xu Xian will come out A Taoxian, because Taoxian needs to understand Tao.

Only when you comprehend the Tao in the realm of the virtual fairy can you become a Taoist immortal, but which monk can understand this Tao?

Dao is a limit for the monk Xuxian, and only by constant understanding and continuous study can he embark on the road of "Tao", and the Daxian who is fighting with Song Ning at this moment is to realize the ultimate power. .

"Strengthening the mountains and rivers and twisting the universe, these two immortals are afraid that Song Ning can't resist at all." Whitebeard said.

The old man who ate melon seeds smiled: "I watched the stars at night when I was closed, and I saw something. Perhaps the sky will change in the demon domain."

The old man with white whiskers frowned, and his eyes fell on the top of the huge mountain. He suddenly felt a shock between his eyebrows.

What shocked at this moment was not just him, nor just the old man with the melon seeds beside him, but all the imaginary and Taoxian in the whole demon domain who were concerned about this battle.

Because when the top of the mountain fell, the top of the mountain suddenly began to tremble, and at this moment, a crazy force erupted beneath the top of the mountain, and a huge impact sound came, it seemed that Song Ning was fighting against the top of the mountain.

"Liba Mountain River!" The immortal mouth shouted, and at the same time, from some place, a long river flew out of nowhere. The long river went around the top of the mountain, and the violently violent peak stopped shaking at this moment.

"Baimei Daoxian's force pulls the mountains and rivers, that guy can't be cracked, but this is a very powerful fairy technique. Even Daoxian, under this technique, can only avoid its sharp edge, let alone this song Ning is still a smell The monks. "The spirit monks who watched far away relaxed, and they felt this way because they were just spirit monks, because they didn't even see Song Ning at the bottom of the mountain. What is the state.

There was horror in the look of the white eyebrow Dao immortal, he immediately took a heavy shot on the top of the mountain. After that, his entire face became pale, but the shaking of the mountain finally stopped.


At the top of the mountain, if Song Ning was underneath, then it must have been crushed into a meatloaf at the moment, but Song Ning was not underneath, but waving the Burning Sky Sword in the middle of the mountain.

The top of the mountain that had just stabilized exploded in a moment, the gravel was flying, the explosion on the top of the mountain was too strong, and the speed of the gravel was extremely fast, even those monks who were more than eighty miles away from this Stone, some monks who could not escape were killed on the spot.

At this time, Song Ning's long hair turned **** in the midair, and blood oozes from his skin. The whole blood man, the Burning Sky Sword held in his hand is like a mass of blood, his own The **** light and the word "death" of the **** chase order intersect each other.

"Death." Song Ning spit out such a short word, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when it appeared again, he had already reached behind the white-browed Dao Xian.

Baimei Dao's brow furrowed: "Do not control yourself!"

During the conversation, he turned around and pointed at Song Ning. An immortal force floated out of the body of Bai Mei Dao Xian and fell directly on Song Ning's body. At the same time, that Bai Mei Dao Xian also followed the force of the attack to the rear Fly away, and distance from Song Ning.

Immortal force hit Song Ning, but before it fell on Song Ning, it was already offset by the fluttering blood around Song Ning.

One inch of blood energy, that Xianli force was only offset by half a foot, was canceled out. This is not the strongest attack of Dao Xian, but it is not a casual slapstick, but I did not expect even Song Ning's body. Scarlet protection cannot be broken.

This is ... the state of the blood devil ...

The legend of the Sky Burning Sword is known to everyone, and the record about the Sky Burning Sword is the strongest state of the Blood Devil God in this era. If the master of the Sky Burning Sword can reach the state of the Blood Devil God, it means that It is already in spiritual communication with Burning Sky Sword, and monks in this state, not to mention their peers, even the leapfrog to kill the enemy is extremely easy.

"Blood Devil God ... The more the killing, the more blood, then the stronger the outside protection, one foot, already considered very strong, I did not expect that Song Ning had reached this level." Elder Longbeard felt some Astonished, according to Song Ning's current state, even Dao Xian, there are not many who can fight against it. The whole demon domain adds up to say that there are less than ten Dao Xian who can fight Song Ning, and can confidently control Song The Dao immortals killed by the condensate are afraid that there are no more than five.

Among these five, the elder with the long beard is not included, but it includes the white-browed fairy.

"Death." Song Ning only said the word in his mouth. At this moment, he was not even light. The blood in his body was constantly flowing into the Burning Sky Sword, which was the fundamental to maintain the state of the blood devil.

But at this time Song Ning doesn't care, he wants to kill people, the Buddha should kill the Buddha, the immortals block the immortals.

Bai Mei Dao Xian did not expect Song Ning to be so terrifying, but at the moment he also understood that this powerful is not just Song Ning, but also Tian Jian Jian, which is the three great artifacts left over from the ancient battlefield. In the ancient battlefield of the mountains, even Dao Xian is nothing but cannon fodder, so now that the Sky Burning Sword is incomplete, if it is really powerful, Dao Xian will be enough.

"This Song Ning ... has to die." It wasn't just a saying from any population. Immediately, his figure flickered, and the space behind Song Ning suddenly cracked, and one hand came out, facing Song Ning's heart. Hit.

"Sanyuan Zhenqi!" The old man with long beards looked at the palms that hit Song Ning's heart flashing three different colors of light, and said in silence.

"Unexpectedly, even Sanyuan Dao Xian couldn't help it." The old man who squashed seeds no longer squashed seeds, but stared at the battlefield.

Sanyuan was really angry, and the **** shield behind Song Ning seemed to have failed, and they all avoided it. The palm of the Sanyuan Dao immortal fell directly on Song Ning's body.


Song Ning's body flew towards the white eyebrow Dao Xian, and a cloud of blood mist exploded in his mouth, obviously that the palm just caused him a very strong injury.

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