Even Cthulhu Can't Stop Me From Picking Up Trash

Chapter 74 · The work is to breathe fire to the holy beast

Lu Kai thought silently: Do people in this place... have some problems with their brains? He has a very violent temper. He kills people if he doesn't agree with each other. He kills people without hesitation. It's only been a long time since he came here. He has already seen the dead old man watching the fun, the stall owner selling crystal meat, and the 4 people who extort him. , and this drinking recorder...

And the causes of death are trivial things, and everyone takes it for granted. As a progressive youth in the 21st century, it is difficult to stand up.

It should be affected by extraordinary factors. In this area, in addition to the volcanic ash floating in the sky, the air is also filled with fire elements. Lu Kai looked at the spiritual space, and the fire elements kept accumulating, but they were all sealed in the cube.

People here live under these conditions, and it's logical to be weird.

So Lu Kai became the 10th Holy Follower, and Lu Kai brought a shovel to participate in the learning course of the Holy Follower.

Go up in the mining area to the top of the mountain, here is a simple temple, you can see the Huo Miao Village below the temple, and the high temple overlooks Huo Miao Village.

The young and strong labor force in Huomiao Village has been arrested and mined. There was no one on the street.

Lu Kai followed the staff to a side hall of the temple, where the other 9 Saint followers had already arrived. Lu Kai was surprised to find that there was an acquaintance in this holy follower-the cow herding girl who he met at the beginning.

Lu Kai then stood in the line of Saint's followers and stood with the cow herding girl.

Staff: "Everyone is here, so let me introduce the work of your holy followers."

"The job of the holy follower is to take care of the holy beast, and the holy beast is in the side hall."

"Your job is to pick up the flamethrower and create a comfortable environment for the holy beast to breathe fire."

"Ten of you, divided into three groups, one group of three, three groups with three shifts, holy beasts are very sensitive, and can't stop breathing fire, one group of two people spray, one person rotates; three groups of 9 people, the rest The next person will be the captain, the captain has a very heavy responsibility, he has to be stationed for 72 hours to deal with emergencies, the captain..."

The staff looked at a muscular, 2-meter-high girl with braids, raised her head and said to her, "You are the captain, you look strong."

"Then, now pick up the flamethrower behind you, and I'll teach you how to use the flamethrower."

The staff picked up the flamethrower. The flamethrower is a shower, and the scale wheel at the connection of the shower can adjust the firepower.

The staff connected the pipe of the shower to a boxy metal box, and the pipe was connected with a "click" sound.

Staff: "Okay, after connecting the battery, this flamethrower can be used. It is forbidden to spray on people, the temperature is very high."

I saw the staff twisted, and the shower head spewed out fire whistling, and the fire burned on the ground. The ground was a local specialty stone, which became crystal clear and incandescent light when it was burned by the fire.

The staff turned off the fire and put the shower head on the ground: "Now I'll teach you how to install batteries."

The staff pressed the two buckles of the metal box at the same time, and the metal box opened, and inside were 16...red transparent stones.

The staff's thumb pressed on the stone, the stone sank, and then popped out: "Like this, you can press it to pop it out, and you can replace the battery. The core of these batteries is made of fire pith, which cannot be hit, and will explode. Yes. Be careful when changing batteries."

"You can see how much power is left in the metal casing. Here are 16 grids. The grid will change from blue to red, and if it turns black, it is dead. 16 batteries are enough to spray for 8 hours at a time, which is one shift time. The batteries must be checked every shift, and the shift will be done after the battery is fully charged! The batteries are all in the warehouse, and the warehouse is managed by your captain!”

The staff put away the flamethrower: "It's a very simple operation, even the mentally handicapped can do it, you are all smart guys and Aunt Liang,

Don't mess with me, don't implicate me when you die! have you understood? "

Lu Kai shouted: "Understood!"

Well, then the other 9 people didn't answer at all.

The staff ignored it: "Now, the first group comes with me, just you, the loudest boy, pick two people to be the first group."

So Lu Kai chose a cow herding girl and a handsome young brother as team members. The three followed the staff into the side hall of the temple with flamethrowers and batteries.

In the center of the side hall, three staff members were working and spraying with flamethrowers. When they saw someone coming in, they turned off the fire and left.

As he walked, he said, "I'll leave it to you. It's killing me." "Let's go and have a glass of ice."

So Lu Kai twisted the flamethrower and began to breathe fire on the holy beast.

The holy beast is a beetle curled up in a big cauldron. This beetle is red all over, with golden spots dotted on its carapace, and it looks domineering.

It takes two people to breathe fire at a time, the cow girl pouted and began to breathe fire. Looks reluctant.

Lu Kai asked, "What's wrong? You don't look very happy."

Cow herding girl: "The fire-breathing delays my cattle-herding! My cattle have to drive 10 kilometers to the mountains to eat tender stones every time. I can't go to herd the cattle if the fire-breathing occurs, and the snails will lose fat! "

Lu Kai: "This... so it is."

Another handsome little brother sat aside, the whole side hall was tumbling with heat waves, and the three of them were sweating for a while.

At this time, Captain Muscle Girl came in, looked at Brother Qingxiu, and looked at Lu Kai.

So he instructed the young brother Qingxiu: "Hey, go take it for you, little brother, come into the room with me."

Lu Kai: "Huh? Enter the room? What are you doing?"

The muscular girl smiled and said: "I'll check your body. The heat poison of this million volcano is very powerful. If you accidentally accumulate the heat poison, it will spontaneously ignite. You have to come with an experienced person to help you get rid of the heat poison. Come with me. "

Lu Kaixin thought: This heat poison is the fire element sealed in the spiritual consciousness space. Indeed, if you don’t get rid of these, your psionic performance will be affected, and your thinking will become manic, so it’s not bad to get rid of the heat poison.

Just as she was about to leave with the muscle girl, the cow herder girl shouted: "Just be a man! He's just a child! You are detoxifying people in the village, how many people have been detoxified! The road can't be walked! You If you're going to screw him up, who's going to breathe fire!?"

Lu Kai: "Uh..." This detoxification is not as simple as an ordinary detoxification. Lu Kai looked at the muscular girl's eyes and saw something unusual. Lu Kai was frightened and shrank back: "Team... Captain, I'm still young, so I don't need to detoxify. Thank you, Captain."

Muscular girl: "Humph!" Then she turned her head to the younger brother Qingxiu and said, "Then come with me!"

The young brother Qingxiu shook his head like a rattle: "I... I don't need it either! I made it myself the day before yesterday!"

The muscular girl grabbed the young brother Qingxiu by the neck and carried it away like a chicken: "You don't have to line up, I line up! Go! Follow me into the house!"

So brother Qingxiu was carried into the lounge.

There was a constant wailing from the warehouse.

After a long time, the muscular girl came out with a refreshing look, turned back to Lu Kai and the cow girl and said, "You guys have a blast, I'll arrange the working hours for the next group, and I'll do it for you later."

Then the young brother Qingxiu climbed out of the lounge, his legs trembling.

Lu Kai and the cow herding girl looked at each other: It seems that there is no time to rest!

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