Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 170: Lead the wolf into the room

Rhubarb heaven, Xuanyuan City! In the study!

"In the middle of Shenzhou, the Jiuli Dynasty, Chi You? Oh, this Jiuli Dynasty was annihilated that year, and now it wants to resurrect!" Ji Dihong sneered.

"Holy, we can defeat him once, we can defeat the second time. For thousands of years, my rhubarb dynasty is no longer the original. He Chiyou is back again, not our opponent at all!" Li Mu sneered.

"Yes, how long is this? He just convened a little old ministry, and one of the old ministry ceded the country to him. He is not the same as him. Without Jiang Lianshan, he is nothing!" Feng Bo also sneered. .

"The position of Taisho? He is especially unworthy. The Jiuli Dynasty is away from my Huanghuang Dynasty. There are three dynasties and 16 dynasties, and he is willing to lead troops and open up territory!" Emperor Kong solemnly said.

Ji Dihong tapped the desk with his finger, and was slightly silent.

"Masters, don't belittle this Chiyou!" Cangjie suddenly said.

"Huh?" Everyone looked at Cangjie.

"You should know the news a while ago, that Chi You and Gu Hai have gotten together. Our agent came to report. At that time, I heard that Gu Hai and Chi You were brothers!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

Everyone was quiet.

"Brothers are commensurate? Everyone, have you ever seen Gu Hai and brothers and sisters? Have you ever seen Chi You and brothers and sisters? These two are all born pride. Although Chi You has eighty-one brothers, do you see it? These eighty-one brothers all looked at Chi Youma first, but Guhai didn't ...! "Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Isn't that better?" Li Mu puzzled.

"Hehe, you did n’t understand that neither of them would surrender to anyone, but the relationship of worship is stronger than anything. Once the general offensive is launched against Chi You, Gu Hai will not stand idly by. You do n’t think Gu Hai is still ten years old. The ancient sea before? "Cangjie said lightly.

All of them suddenly became pale.

"Besides Gu Hai, for the time being, there are three Heavenly Palaces under his consummation?" Kong Di sank.

"Shangguanhen and the ancient Han listened to Gu Hai's orders. Although the big Sun Rulai talked with the ancient sea peers, but you also saw their friendship. You can follow Jiang Hailai to fight with the ancient sea. The friendship is deep!"

"But, even so, I am not afraid of the Dahan Emperor!" Li Mu frowned again.

"General Li Mu, my Dahuang Tianchao does not fear Dahan, but it is undeniable that Dahan can already cause us little trouble, right?" Cangjie laughed.

"Good!" Li Mu frowned and nodded.

"Second, have you forgotten Chi You's identity? He has no other relatives except Jiang Lianshan?" Cangjie looked away.

"Big cock, dying?" Everyone looked suddenly abruptly.

"Jiang Lianshan's calculations were so deep that he didn't even let his children down. At that time, the saints caused harm to both of them, so that even without Jiang Lianshan, Chi You and You are both worried about the Holy. It is also clear that it is really a big threat, even more dangerous than the Dahan Emperor Dynasty. She seems to be waiting for something. If I wait for a strong battle against Chi You, I will certainly intervene! "Cangjie analyzed.

Ji Dihong tapped his finger gently on the desk, his brows locked deep.

Indeed, this Chi You for Ji Dihong, if the cheekbones are in the throat, must be removed, but it does not look so thin on the surface.

"Holy, there is Yuanshi Tianzun in Zhengnan. There is a general in Zhengxi. Chiyou is in the middle! God really wants to start against Chiyou?" Cangjie looked at Ji Dihong.

Everyone calmed down and looked at Ji Dihong.

"I will be in the position of Taisho, whoever blocks!" Ji Dihong chuckled coldly.

"That being the case, then we have to think long and hard!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

"Is there any countermeasure?" Ji Dihong looked at Mr. Cangjie.

"Holy, the minister feels that our identities are too sensitive. What if there is any foreign aid?" Cangjie solemnly said.

"Foreign aid?" Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed.

"Yesterday, the messenger of the holy land that day, do you remember the holy?" Cangjie solemnly said.

"Big free demon? Huh, they want to get their hands on Yang Jian, if they agree to them, but they help them open the road to Yang Jian?" Ji Dihong's face sank.

"Ziyu Tianmo was annihilated by Yuan Shitian. The free spirit Tianmo was helpless. Jiang Chen occupied the realm of Lingshan. The free spirit Tianmo was even more incapable, so I thought of cooperating with us. The sun is not big, and one more person to divide it is indeed a wolf into the room. Yang is not only my rhubarb dynasty, in the future, someone will drive him back to hell! "Cangjie laughed.

Ji Dihong's eyes were slightly contemplative.

"Yeah, holy, what is the cooperation with the Heavenly Demon Holy Land? Since the free spirit Heavenly Devil is the White Tiger Supreme, then he and the general must be deadly opponents. In the future, they will fight against each other, which is also beneficial to us. This time, you can borrow them to test it out. Chi You, it's best to destroy Chi You! "Conte laughed suddenly.

Everyone nodded in the study. Expressed willingness to cooperate with the demon holy land.

Ji Dihong thought for a while, and finally nodded—

Sky without borders. Shouyuan Temple.

When the black and white gas of the unborn person appeared, a stone hanging from the chest robe suddenly gave out a hint of red light.


As soon as the red light came out, it flickered slightly.

"Huh?" The unborn man suddenly paused.

Even the practice stopped, and he eagerly took out the stone and looked at Hongguang.

"What's going on? Something happened?" Weisheng asked anxiously at the red stone.

"Bone gods are wanton and have begun to invade a large area. Although there is no danger now, Hou Tu Niang Niang said that there may be a conspiracy, so .........!"

But Long Wanqing's voice came from the red stone.

"I see. I'll bring Gu Hai right away!" The unborn person immediately stood up.

In the face of Sister Long Wanqing, as many cities as the unborn have disappeared.

"Don't be so anxious, Bone Gods Army, it's too early for us! Wait for Gu Hai to deal with his own affairs before telling him." Long Wanqing's voice came again.

"Unborn, don't force my brother-in-law, otherwise, don't come to see me!" Long Wanyu's voice came suddenly.

The unborn were a little silent, and his failure as a father was a failure. The conversation between the two daughters with themselves was to protect the ancient sea, so that the unborn person's heart was unpleasant.

"I know, I will tell him well!" Weisheng smiled bitterly.


The red stone trembled slightly, and then there was no movement.

The unborn sighed, stepped out of the hall, and looked towards the palace.

Coincidentally, Gu Hai and Chen Xianer also stepped out of the hall where the practice room was located.

"Chen Xianer?" The unborn voice expressed disappointment.

After all, Long Wanqing is the queen of Dahan, and now there is another queen. As Long Wanqing's father, she still opposes Chen Xianer.


In the distance the door of a temple opened.

The ancient Han quickly led the ancient Qin towards the hall where the ancient sea was practiced.

"Mother!" Gu Qin suddenly burst into tears.

"Baby meet his mother!" The ancient man was also excited.

The two approached, and immediately knelt down. Hoe to Chen Xianer.

"Xiao Qin, Xiao Han, what do you do, the ground is cold, get up quickly!" Chen Xianer immediately said.

The ground is cold? For the two, even if they were kneeling on the glacier, they could not feel the cold, but Chen Xianer said, the two were still warm in heart. This is the tone of the mother.

"The baby gave his mother three more heads!" Gu Qin said with excitement.

"Well, get you up, just get up! Don't make your mother unhappy!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes, yes!" The two brothers immediately got up. Extremely excited and happy looking at Chen Xianer.

Chen Xian'er looked at the two of them: "Both have changed!"

"Mother, we haven't changed, we will always be your son!" Said the ancient man immediately.

Chen Xianer smiled slightly: "Yeah, no matter what, you are all my children!"

Gu Hai, Chen Xian'er, Gu Qin, and Han, when the family had a happy conversation, no one flew over.

"Your Majesty!" Weiren respected him.

A meal for four.

Ancient Qin and Ancient Han frowned, seemingly unhappy.

Chen Xianer said politely: "I have seen unborn seniors!"

The unborn was Long Wanqing's father, and Chen Xianer was very polite to him.

"I've seen Queen Chen!" Weisheng also nodded stiffly.

As if she saw the dislike of the unborn, Chen Xianer didn't care. It was a slight smile.

"Unborn, what are you doing?" Gu Hai asked in confusion.

"Your Majesty, you promised the minister last time, it's almost time!" Weisheng respectfully said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked.

If no one is born, Gu Hai naturally understands that he must set off on his own journey to the land of Long Wanqing.

Gu Hai glanced at Chen Xianer, but Chen Xianer said solemnly: "Fu Jun, you still have to bring Wan Qing sister back as soon as possible! It is not safe all year round!

Gu Hai looked at Chen Xianer, felt Chen Xianer's generosity, a touch of emotion flashed in her eyes, and nodded.

It's strange that the unborn people are aside, does this Chen Xianer not contradict Long Wanqing?

As the ancient sea was about to speak, Chen Xianer frowned suddenly: "Don't move!"

"Huh?" Gu Hai wondered.

The unborn person sneered for a while. Is this Chen Xianer going to give ancient sea eye drops?

However, Chen Xianer did not mention Long Wanqing, but suddenly sniffed with her nose.

"Sniff, sniff, sniff ..." Chen Xianer sniffed her nose, her face cold.

"What's wrong?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Poisonous, poisonous gas in all directions. What a secret gas! And, this poison is so powerful. This is to poison all the people in the borderless sky. Want to poison the husband, poison Qin, poison Xiaohan? "Chen Xianer said coldly.

When it comes to poisoning the ancient sea father and son, no matter how much Chen Xianer's cultivation is, he is instantly angry, and a murderous spirit bursts out instantly.

As soon as this murderous spirit came out, the unborn person suddenly changed his face. This breath, the Heavenly Palace is a great success? impossible. How could Chen Xianer cultivate so high?

"Poison gas? Poison everyone? What poison? How can I not smell?" The ancient man wondered.

The ancient Han, however, was so successful that he couldn't notice it.

"It's a spider poison, yes, this fishy smell can't be wrong!" Chen Xianer said coldly.

Although the ancient man did not smell it, the ancient man chose to believe his mother for the first time.

"I can't smell it, it must have been poisoned by the Great Heavenly Perfection, spider poison? The sixth of the twelve peaks of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, Pansi Heavenly Demon?" The ancient man suddenly changed his face.

ps: Regarding the origin of Liudao Zhenjun, there is an article in the WeChat public account, which describes the origin of Liudao Zhenjun in detail. Interested to see. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add the WeChat public account program, open WeChat-click on the '+' in the upper right corner-click on 'Add a friend'-click on 'Public Account'-enter 'aiguanqi' search-add attention, the icon appears and I Concubine's wedding photo.

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