Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 171: Attack with poison

"It's a spider poison, yes, this fishy smell can't be wrong!" Chen Xianer said coldly.

Although the ancient man did not smell it, the ancient man chose to believe his mother for the first time.

"I can't smell it, it must have been poisoned by the Great Heavenly Perfection, spider poison? The sixth of the twelve peaks of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, Pansi Heavenly Demon?" The ancient man suddenly changed his face.

"Pansi demon?" Gu Hai suddenly sank.

Not long ago, the five peak masters of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land were forced by Qi You to retreat. Only a few days later, they actually chased them again?

"I could n’t bear the poison of Pansi Demon that year. It was colorless and tasteless. Once I was involved in the body too much, I would stiffen my body and let it be at my disposal. Moreover, this poison gas does not need to be inhaled and can be drilled through human pores. . This kind of poison, it is difficult to condense even the silk demon, covering the entire city of the sky, it takes at least three hundred years of accumulation, father, mother, let ’s go! ”Gu Han suddenly anxiously said.

The unborn were also in shape, and seemed to avoid it.

Gu Hai frowned as she was about to speak, but Chen Xianer shook her head: "Anyway, as long as it's poisonous, I can do it!"

"But, mother, this venomous poison is not the same ...!" The ancient man still worried.

"Listen to your mother, don't be impulsive!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Eh? Yes!" Gu Han's face was still extremely worried.

poison? If before, Gu Hai would still care, but Chen Xianer was resurrected, and Gu Hai would not worry. Because Gu Hai understands Chen Xianer's ability, and during this time in the ancient fairy sphere, Chen Xianer also showed Gu Hai his mastery of the poisonous path.

The body condensed by the law of poison. In itself, there is a natural manipulation of the law of poison between heaven and earth.

Compared with Fairy? This is the rhythm of death.

However, she saw that Chen Xianer reached out her right index finger and was a little bit virtual.


At that point in the void, a colorful dust-like ripples suddenly appeared, and the colorful dust instantly spread to the entire borderless sky.

Because of the diffusion, the colorful dust is very thin, making people unable to see the color.

"How?" Gu Hai looked at Chen Xianer.

"The poison has been resolved, and at the same time, I have applied another similar poison!" Chen Xianer laughed.

"Similar poison?"

"This venom of silk was refined when the ancient Wu clan refined the spider poison king. The output was very small, so it was modeled after the poison, but the refining failed. Defective, but it has no effect at all, "Chen Xianer explained.

Gu Hai nodded. Chen Xianer, is this the **** of magic?

The poisonous gas enveloped the skyless capital. After another half a day.


Suddenly, a common man in the borderless city of Tian became stiff.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

One after the other, the actions went rigid.

"What's going on? Me, why am I so stiff?"

"It seems to be entangled with a lot of spider silk!"

"Me too, it seems like I can't move!"

"It's getting stiffer, why is this happening? Help me .........!"




The people in the city showed horror.

"The people in the borderless sky are a little uncomfortable, don't be restless, it will be fine soon!" Suddenly, Gu Hai's voice sounded throughout the city.

Hearing the voice of the ancient sea, all the people immediately relieved themselves.

His Majesty said that it will be good soon, and it will certainly be good soon. Don't worry about it.

The ancient sea is now the spiritual pillar of the borderless city of heaven. Every word and every act is affecting the people in the city.

The people are not afraid. But at this moment, a sudden cold laugh passed to the entire borderless sky.

"Slightly uncomfortable? Soon? Ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, I think you can't move now!" A sudden voice came, and it blew instantly across the borderless sky.

Everyone twisted their bodies and looked, but they saw a white cloud above the sky. At this moment, three men in black robes were standing.

The first one was the one who just laughed.

At this moment, Gu Hai and his party are standing at Chongtian Temple Square.

Looking at the three black robe men together in the sky.

"Sure enough, the old Liu Pansi Tianmo put poison, the other two are the old eight, the old nine!" Gu Han stared.

"Amitabha Buddha!" ​​Dari Rulai's face was cold.

Shangguan marks even clenched his fists.

Chen Xianer stood beside the ancient sea, smiling at the three men in the sky.

"Fu Jun, they seem too confident?" Chen Xianer laughed.

Gu Hai looked at the three people in the sky: "Pansi Tianmo? Why, this time there are only three of you, the oldest five and the oldest ten?"

"The three of us are enough. Last time, the corpse grave world just had no time to prepare. Do you think we were really afraid of Chi You? Huh, I just do n’t want unnecessary losses. Now, how do you feel?" Sneered.

"How do you feel? Oh, do you guys know where this is? You want to leave the sky without borders, don't you want to leave?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Leave? Hahaha, just how many of you? Even if you are in the victory period, don't even think about leaving us, not to mention that you are all poisonous now, your nerves will be numb and you will be completely unconscious. Shangguan marks? Ancient man? Even if you are in the great consummation of the heavenly palace, under the poison of my silk, do n’t even think about it. My poison of this silk is the world ’s most poisonous. "Pansi Tianmo sneered.

"It's just the poison of pansi, but that's it!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"What did you say?" Pansi Tianmo said coldly.

"I said, you're sitting on a well and watching the sky too, you can say that the world is poisonous?" Gu Hai sneered.

Pansi Tianmo was about to be ridiculous, suddenly, the old nine on the side touched his nose, a little blood appeared on his fingers.

"Lao Liu, I have a nosebleed!" Lao Ji was surprised.

"I, I have a nosebleed too. I seem to be poisoned, old man, wouldn't you put the poison on me?" Old Man was also surprised.

"Nonsense, how is it possible that the world can use poison, who can compare with me? I ..., I have a nosebleed?" Pansi Tianmo suddenly surprised with shock.

"Impossible, sixth, you are the poisonous body, how could you be poisoned?" Laojiu exclaimed in disbelief.

To the poisonous body? Only the Pansi demon poisoned others, never poisoned.

Poisoned? Pansi Tianmo instantly thought of the tragic situation of those who died in the past. Poisoned yourself? Don't even know what poison is? How and how is it possible?

"Go get it!" Gu Hai ordered.

"it is good!"

Shangguanhen, Ancient Han, and Da Riru stepped out immediately.


The three great breaths suddenly burst out, as if a flash flood erupted towards Pansi Tianmo and others.

"You, you are not poisoned?" Lao Ji exclaimed.

"Come on, go on, eh!" Pansi Tianmao's poisonous blood spewed out.

Pansi Tianmo is a master of poison, and naturally understands how terrible this acute poison is. Now, he is no longer nosebleed, but Qiqiao bleeding. No more detoxification, poisonous fire attacking the heart, even if the arrogance came to the demon, he could not save himself.

"Let's go!" The three men turned around in fear and ran away.

"Want to leave? Was it a little late?" Shangguan marks coldly.

"Buddha's Palm!"

"Buddha in your palm!"

"Disha King Kong Palm!"

The three played a powerful hand almost at the same time.

Although the three big demons were poisoned, escape at this moment mattered, and they didn't even fight back.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three palms suddenly bombarded the three big demons.

"Puff puff!"

Instantly, the three people spewed blood and flew out.


As the three flew, their bodies flickered as if they had disappeared.

"No, they are about to run away, fast!" The ancient Han's face changed, and he grabbed it quickly.

However, the three of them flickered and disappeared.

"What about people?" Shangguanhen's face changed in surprise.

"The breath of hell?" Da Riru wondered.

"The two amulets bestowed by the great devil can travel between the two realms of yin and yang!" The ancient Han's face sank.

"Unborn, hurry up, please have unborn people open the gates of the underworld. They have been hit hard. It's a good time to chase after victory!" Shangguanchen eagerly said.

"No, it's too late. The shuttle between the two realms isn't shuttle to the underworld here, but somewhere in the random underworld. They fled and couldn't find it!" The ancient man repented.

"Just now, if only hurry up!" Shangguan Hen was also angry.

What happened to this hand made them run away? It's so outrageous.

The three returned to Chongtian Temple Square with a bitter look.

"Father, mother, and baby should be rushed early!" The ancient man regretted.

"No need to regret, you go up early, I have no time to poison, just escape, my poison has locked them, and they can come again, I can find out in advance!" Chen Xianer comforted.

At this moment, the people's just stiff bodies suddenly trembled and all recovered.

"Oh, I feel so relaxed!"

"What about the poison of the three black robes just now?"

"Still Your Majesty!"




No one is fortunate.

Gu Hai frowned slightly, but she didn't leave Pansi Tianmo just now, which is not a good sign. In just a few days, they hunted down to the sun.

"Fu Jun, don't worry, Pansi Demon's poison, unusual poison, although they fled, but want to detoxify, it can be solved in a short time, and who will help them detoxify, they will be infected by this poison! It won't be easy! "Chen Xianer comforted.

Gu Hai nodded.

The unborn person looked at Chen Xianer in horror. Wasn't she mortal before she died? Even if Gu Hai reshaped her body, she couldn't be so exaggerated? Why is it so powerful? That Baidi is not so exaggerated. The Heavenly Palace was so successful that she was poisoned by her silently? What can Wanqing do after this?

No one was worried for a while. The ancient sea was suddenly faint.

"Not good, Jiuli Dynasty? Brother's side!" Gu Hai's face suddenly changed.

"Chi You?" The ancient man wondered.

But when I saw Gu Haimei's heart suddenly opened, a light burst from Tianyan, and a breath of heavenly power suddenly made everyone's hearts startled.

In an instant, the ancient sea saw the center of Shenzhou in the distance. Emperor Jiuli, Dynasty, Chiyou City!


Over the city of Chiyou, the thunder and lightning rushed down like a waterfall. The entire city of Chiyou will be destroyed.

ps: Something is happening today, and the second one is probably about an hour later.

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