Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 72: Battle of Chiyou City

Shenzhou Center! Jiuli Dynasty! Chiyou City!

The city of Chiyou was renamed just when the dynasty was just established. Chiyou was announcing to everyone. I am back! Although three thousand years have passed, Chi You's name is still extremely loud.

A lord of the dynasty, once a Chiyou subordinate, learned that Chiyou returned and immediately gave up his country and regained allegiance. The six masters of the sects also gave up their sectarian forces.

In a short time, the Jiuli Dynasty was promoted to the Jiuli Dynasty. The general trend, the king returned. Although it is much worse than three thousand years ago, the Jiuli Dynasty has already taken shape and is getting bigger and bigger.

All the officials of the Jiuli Dynasty knew that Chi You was powerful and firmly believed that no one would dare to contend with himself except the Huanghuang Dynasty.

But today, a terrible calamity suddenly came.

Outside the city of Chiyou, the large array of guards, the outside, rolling thunder and lightning, like Tianhe breaking the bank, flooded the entire city of Chiyou.

Outside the city of Chiyou, there is already a scorched soil.

The people in the city showed horror, because a large number of cracks appeared in the large town, as if broken at any time. Once the billowing thunderstorm floods into the city, the people in the city will surely die.

The death threat threatened everyone.

Chi You, with his courtiers, looked coldly at the rolling thundercloud.

"Your Majesty, this, this is Shenxiao Tianlei? So many?" A courtier cried in horror.

"Brother, is this electric eel becoming a demon?" A giant eyeballed.

Chi You smiled coldly: "Sacred place of demon? The old ten we saw a few days ago?"

"Sacred place of heaven demon? They really have a haunting spirit, and they are all chasing to the sun? Lao Shi? Isn't that a perfect heavenly palace?" The giant said coldly.

"Yeah, the Heavenly Palace is a great consummation, oh, this is almost the same as that corpse savior, at best it is a line, electric eel? A miscellaneous fish!" Chi You said coldly.

"Your Majesty, give it to your brothers, brothers, eat it!" The giant said with a look of utterance.

The other eighty giants also showed their embarrassment.

"Eat? Eating is something to eat, but this is obviously not just as simple as the Heavenly Devil's Holy Land, hum, Ji Dihong, in order to deal with me, actually colluding with the Heavenly Demon's Holy Land? Hahaha, good to come, just because of these miscellaneous fish? Let ’s make it today You see, my Chi You is capable! "Chi You said coldly.

"Hear your Majesty's dispatch!" The giants yelled.

"Aren't you going to eat? Eat, except Chiyou City, everything is good!" Chiyou drank.

"Yes!" The eighty-one giant yelled.

All came to the door, no one was polite, and rushed out of the defensive town.


Suddenly, the rolling thunder and lightning washed away the body of the 81 giant. The rolling Shen Xiaotian thunder, even at a glance, was very chilling. The 81 giant did not even use the magic defense, and was suddenly drowned by the thunderous sea.

"Ha ha ha ha, my **** Xiaolei, but with poisonous electricity, you dare to touch with your flesh, and die!" A laugh came from the thunder and lightning.

Vaguely, a huge electric eel, a thousand feet long, was seen wandering in the thunder and lightning.


Suddenly a large number of thunder and lightning exploded on this group of giants, but this group of giants followed Chi You, learning the main path of witchcraft, swallowing the heavens and the world, and the steel and iron bones made by the flesh were inaccessible.

The blast of thunder and lightning exploded in his body without any scars, as if he was swimming in the water.

"What?" The electric eel monster was surprised.

"Quack quack, just drizzle, and also want to deal with my elder brother? What the hell, brothers, give me food!" A giant yelled.


Eighty-one huge mouths opened wide and sucked suddenly.

"Boom, boom!"

The thunder and lightning were like a river. They were instantly sucked into a huge population, and the thunder and lightning blew into their throats. The giants seemed to enjoy themselves. In a blink of an eye, one tenth of the thunder and lightning was eaten by the eighty-one giant.

The giant electric eel looked dumbfounded.

"Impossible, swallowing the sky? That vein of ancient witch repair is dead! You have got at least some fur!" The electric eel angered.

In anger, the figure was swayed, and one tail slammed towards a giant. The thunderbolt above that tail was even more black and slammed a giant.


The giant was shot and fluttered, his chest suddenly blackened.

"Hahaha, thought you were invincible!" The electric eel monster disdain.

"Hurt my brother? Brothers, eat it!" A giant roared suddenly.


Eighty giants rushed at the electric eel monster together.

"Huh, what the **** are you doing?" The electric eel monster disdain. Suddenly he slaps his tail at a giant again.


A tail was photographed, a huge sound, the giant did not blow up, but hugged his tail and stuck to it.


The giant spouted blood, but his face was fierce, and he bit his flesh on the electric eel.


The giant's teeth, like the most powerful blade in the world, bite off a piece of electric eel meat.

"Ah!" The electric eel flicked his tail in pain.

However, the giants all around swooped up one after another.

One after another, they bite the electric eel crazy, black lightning exploded, and all the giants were burnt and scorched, but the eighty-one people did not care about the injury, eat, choke, swallow!

"You flock of bugs, get away, get away!" The electric eel shook his body desperately, but the giants didn't linger.

Injury? What kind of injury is that, as long as you have food, you can care nothing.

In the blink of an eye, most of the giants got entangled in the electric eel, but the remaining giants were devouring lightning and rolling the sea of ​​lightning. The naked eye was rapidly decreasing.

"Get away!"


The body was shaken suddenly, and at the cost of a large piece of flesh being torn off, all the giants were thrown out.

"Thunder field, open!" The electric eel yelled.


Suddenly there were 10,000 electric eel monsters in the void. When the Shinto area opened, 10,000 electric eel monsters looked extremely huge.

"Originally, we didn't want to get more. As we get more, we get hungry! But hungry, let's eat some, anyway!" A giant said coldly.


Eighty-one giants were all able to perform Shinto areas, and suddenly everyone became 10,000.


Suddenly sucked. Shenxiaotianleihai was sucked for more than half, leaving only a thin layer.

"You guys have food? There are gods? Give me to die!" The eel monster was also furious.

Thousands of electric eels spit out a billowing black thunderbolt.


The eighty-one thousand giants opened their mouths to meet the black thunder.

"Boom!" "Crow!" "Coo!" ...............

After eating the black thunderbolt, it was Zhou Che, who is the electric eel monster. What about 10,000 electric eel monsters? You have domains, we also have domains, don't we just eat?


The great eel monster in the heavenly palace was actually trapped by the eighty-one giant, and was at a disadvantage, and was constantly being eaten.

In the distance, there is no capital in heaven.

The eyes of the ancient sea, the ancient Han, the day of the sun, the Shangguan marks, the eyes of the four, all look.

"Swallow the sky and eat the earth? It is indeed one of the five main threads of the Wu tribe. This eighty-one giant, the ninth weight of the heavenly palace, can meet the great consummation? Moreover, it still has the advantage?" Gu Hai sighed softly.

"The old ten of the holy land of the demon, the destruction of Hei Lei, can be harmed even if the heavenly palace is complete, this group of giants is not inconvenient? This physical body ...!" Said the ancient man in shock.

"Zi You is really extraordinary, husband, you have worshiped a great brother?" Chen Xianer laughed.

There was no one on the side, what did Chen Xianer's words mean? Does she also see the distance? Is Chen Xianer also a great success in the Heavenly Palace?

Gu Hai nodded gently, solemnly: "There is only one electric eel monster? It seems not so simple. Ancient Han, Shangguan marks!"

"Yes!" The two responded.

"You two, immediately go to Chiyou City and wait for Chiyou to dispatch! Meet the enemy!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes!" The two responded in surprise.

This picture clearly shows that Chi You has the upper hand. Why should we go? However, the two didn't ask much, stepped, and shot at the center of Shenzhou in an instant.

Sure enough, Chiyou City changed just as the two were just on their way.

But I saw that 10,000 clones returned to one again. Eighty-one giants clung to the electric eel monster, no matter how the electric eel twisted, he refused to let go, even if a lot of scars had been blown on his body , Still gnawing at the body of the electric eel monster.

In order to eat, I don't even want to die.

"You bastards, ah, loosen, loosen!" The electric eel monster kept bombing with destruction black thunder, but even if the injuries were serious, the giants would not let go.

"Save me, these bugs can't explode, save me!" The electric eel twisted his body in pain.

Vaguely, a large hand grabbed the thunderbolt toward the electric eel demon.

Below, Chi You smiled coldly: "Finally can't help it? Ha!"

While talking, Chi You reached into the sky with a palm of her hand.


A dark palm slapped into the sky, with a breath of great destruction, instantly broke the remaining thunder and lightning, and instantly arrived at the big hand that suddenly came.

The big hand was originally intended to help the electric eel demon, but Chi You's palm suddenly came, not dare to ignore it, and could only hit Chi You with one palm.

A palm slammed, but it was a huge bear's paw.

"It's you, Ji Dihong's running dog, the bear family is supreme, bears have? Huh, you don't know? My favorite food is bear's paw!" Chi Youxi laughed.

But I saw that when the huge bear's palm was about to collide with Chi You's palm, Chi You's palm was suddenly changed, and a mouth popped up in the palm of his hand. A large mouth full of fangs.

The palm of his palm opened sharply and bite at the bear's paw.

"What? You darling Chiyou, dare you!" There was a deep anger in Lei Dianhai.


The huge bear's paw was swallowed by Chi You's palm.


As if something had been bitten off, countless blood burst into the air in an instant.

"Roar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

An angry roar came from the sea of ​​thunder and lightning.

PS: Update late, forgive me! Today on Thursday, QQ chat will be slow for a few days. Now on Thursday, I am responsible for some other feedback to everyone, such as Fanwai and so on.

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