Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 173: Four-way support

Chiyou City!

"Roar!" An angry roar came from Thundercloud.

"Bears, don't call them so horrible, your bear's paw, I ain't never eaten, ha ha ha ha!" Chi You laughed.

"Chi You, you will die today!" A roar came from Thunder Cloud.

Chi You smiled disdainfully.

"Asshole, you flock of bugs!" The electric eel yelled suddenly.

Roaring, he turned his head and swallowed a giant in his mouth.

Although the giant is larger than ordinary people, it is only three feet long. The electric eel monster has thousands of feet and swallows naturally.

Swallow a giant, but the other giants don't care about it, they are still biting.

"Hum, eat, see who has eaten who, I'll eat all of you!" The electric eel roared.


Suddenly, two giants were swallowed again.

"I have a lot of destruction of Hei Lei in my belly. Once in it, I, I, I ........." said the electric eel demon with a cheeky face, but half of it, he stared suddenly.


Suddenly, the electric eel monster spewed blood.

"Why, what?" The eel monster exclaimed.

"Hahaha, our brothers, bronze head and iron, inaccessible to fire and water, destroying the black mine? See if I can make my brother, hahahaha!" The giants laughed.

In the abdomen of the electric eel demon, although the three giants were wrapped in countless black thunder, they opened their mouths quickly and devoured the flesh in the abdomen of the electric eel demon. For a time, it caused huge trauma to the electric eel monster, and the body suddenly suffered numerous injuries.

The gods in the body wanted to stop, but at that moment, they were almost eaten.

"Click, click, click!"

Suddenly, a roar spit out the three giant evil stars.

The giant is entangled with the electric eel. No matter how the electric eel attacks, even if it bites the giant with sharp teeth, the giant can't penetrate the gun, can't bite, and can only be eaten constantly.

"What else are you looking at? Old five, old five, get out of here!" The eel monster roared.


Suddenly, four palms were stretched out amidst the rest of the thundercloud.

Four palms?

Seeing the sudden emergence of the four palms, Chi You suddenly condensed in her eyes and finally attached importance, because the four palms were different.

Moreover, this momentum, like the four heavenly palaces, was perfectly successful.

"Hum, how useful is it? Break!" Chi You slammed into the sky again.

One of the palms greeted Chiyou in a bang, and the remaining three were the rescue eel monsters.

As soon as the palm came, it turned into red, and Chi You's palm once again made a big mouth. Seeing that the fiery red palm was going to be swallowed, the fiery red palm suddenly enlarged a hundredfold, exceeding the size of the large mouth in the palm.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the fiery red palm blasted out, obviously not losing to Chi You, but it was not eaten by Chi You, which also made Chi You's face sink.

"Is that you? The fifth child in the Heavenly Demon Holy Land?" Chi You looked cold.

Not long ago, the corpse grave had just fought once, and Chi You couldn't forget this breath.

On the other side, three huge palms were shot, and 81 giants were blown out in a blast, and the electric eel monster was rescued.

The electric eel monster immediately escaped, and now covered with blood, it was miserable.


The electric eel monster suddenly turned into a blood-covered man, quite obese, but at this moment a large piece of flesh was torn off, so it was miserable.


The eighty-one giant opened its mouth, and all the thunder and lightning in the sky were swallowed up instantly.

Suddenly, five figures in the sky were exposed.

"Two dogs in the holy land, three dogs in the rhubarb dynasty? Fire clam demon? Electric eel demon? Bears? Aoying? Fengbo?" Chi You said coldly.

The electric eel demon, covered with blood, looked at Chi You with cold face.

Fire clam demon is a black robe, but the exposed palms are reddish, and the whole body exudes a poisonous fire.

Ao Ying squeezed his fists, his face cold.

Feng Bo looked at Chi You with a smile, but his eyes were full of murder.

The last one, but a big man in a fur robe, showed his face, covered his **** right hand, and looked coldly at Chi You. The **** right hand seemed to have been bitten just now, and now it is slowly growing out. . Soon, it was back to where it was. The bear family is supreme, the bear has.

"Fire clam demon, how about a palm just now?" Feng Bo asked.

"Hurry up, this Chiyou is really powerful, but I can hold him!" Fire Clam demon reveals himself.

"Bear is supreme, how are you injured?" Feng Bo looked at Qiupao Han.

"Huh, Chi is so cunning, I'm fine, I can kill him!" Xiong yelled.

But Chi You sneered: "You can kill me? You mean it? Do you think that you are doing your best?"

The five faces sank.

"Ao Ying? You actually went to the Heavenly Palace to great consummation? Looks unstable yet!" Chi You said coldly.

"I just came to the Tiangong Temple to great consummation, but when I step into this step, I won't lose you and wait!" Ao Ying said coldly.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, the heavenly palace is a great consummation? Yes, your dragon tribe is truly unique, and you should have some kind of inheritance of the ancestor? As soon as you enter the heavenly palace, it is better than this eel, but what? Road.

Ao Ying looked coldly at Chi You.

Chi You finally looked at Feng Bo: "Feng Bo? Oh, I really underestimated you, it was so deep hidden, was sent by the old husband of Jiang Lianshan to watch Ji Dihong, actually acting Ji Dihong? Ha ha ha ha, everyone misunderstood you! "

Feng Bo smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter if I read it right, what's important is that I did nothing wrong!"

"Chi You, you are not ready to mobilize the current trend. Our five heavenly palaces have come to a successful conclusion. You do n’t think that you can fight with us all? Except for you, who are you Jiuli Dynasty I ca n’t take it, oh, by the way, there are 81 black charcoal heads, just barely fighting the electric eel demon, you know, the electric eel demon is the weakest of five of us! Bear sneered supremely.

The eel supreme complex looked rigid, but did not refute.

"To deal with you guys, I don't have to take advantage of the trend!" Chi You said coldly.

"Hahahaha, it's your Jiuli Dynasty. It's not popular now. Even if you borrow the momentum of the Emperor Dynasty, you can't borrow much power!" Xiong You laughed.

"Chi You, since you have no soldiers available, today is your death!" Ao Ying said coldly.

Chi You was so cold that she was about to speak.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Suddenly, two streams of light came straight, and they instantly fell on two mountain peaks not far from Chiyou City.

Two powerful breaths suddenly burst out.

It is the great consummation of the heavenly palace.

"Huh?" Everyone turned to look.

"The Dahan emperor, Shangguanhen, got His Majesty's order, come and listen to the Emperor Jiuli's dispatch!"

"The Dahan Emperor, the ancient Han, got His Majesty's order, and came to hear the Emperor Jiuli's dispatch!" The ancient Han was also magnificent and respectful.

"Shangguan marks? Ancient man? You are here, what about the silk goddess?" Huoyang demons suddenly said coldly.

The crowd looked up at the borderless sky, but they saw that everything outside the borderless sky was extremely calm, and there was no trace of them.

"Something happened?" Fire Clam Shenmeng said.

Suddenly, the two heavenly palaces came to help.蚩 Yu suddenly laughed: "Ha ha ha, thank you two, originally, you don't need to worry about the second brother, but since you are here, come over!"


Shangguanhen, the ancient Chinese, stepped, and instantly came to Chiyou.

Chi You was not too polite with Gu Hai.

"Originally, I was just going to break these five small snacks, but now that you are here, help me hang around one or two. Now that you are there, I will leave all five of them, one without, and all beheaded Chi You said coldly.

"Hum, Chi You, you're not too bad!" Xiong glared.

However, the five were not as confident as before.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

But at this moment, two more streamers suddenly came.

"Huh?" Everyone turned to look.

But they saw that two figures crashed into the square where Chi You was.

"Xintian, Houyi?" Bear suddenly changed his face.

"Dacheng Heavenly Kingdom, Xingtian, in accordance with the divine order, come to hear from the emperor Jiuli!"

"Dalai Tianchao, Houyi, according to the order of the Holy Lord, come to hear the emperor Jiuli's dispatch!"

The two of them suddenly worshiped.

The fire clam not far away sneered, "Dahao Tianchao? Only two ninth-heavy people from the Heavenly Palace came to help? Hahaha, Dachao Tianchao doesn't seem to have a master!"

The fire clam demon can feel the breath of Xingtian and Houyi. This breath is only the ninth in the heavenly palace. Not even as good as the giant just now.

"No, it's not!" The most calm Feng Bo aside, but his face sank.

"What? Aren't they the ninth in the heavenly palace? This breath is clear!" The electric eel Tianmo disobeyed.

But he saw that Chi You frowned at Xing Tian and Hou Ji. His complexion was complex.

"Two brothers, oh, you have surrendered to Jiang Yan? What pride did you have!" Chi You had no idea at all.

"The holy majesty is a rough outline, I am waiting to follow, it is an honor to come!" Houyi eyes firmed.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, you guys are honored to arrive? I thought that when I was on the battlefield for the first time, or the two of you were guarding, it was almost 4,000 years old. The old man of Jiang Lianshan wanted to hide you, Seal you wait for repair? Jiang Yan has become a zombie, and his blood has changed, but I can help you untie, Jiang Yan? Hehe, if you come, let me help you unlock the seal, okay, let's go Come on! "Chi You said deeply.

During the conversation, his fingers trembled, two drops of blood spewed out from his fingertips, and instantly fell into Xingtian and Houyi's brows.

"Stop him!" Feng Bo exclaimed.

But it was too late.

Two drops of Chi You's blood fell into Xingtian, and Hou frowned. A **** ban suddenly erupted from their hearts.


Scarlet restraint broke open.

"Booming ~~~~~~~~~!"

A storm-like breath erupted from Xingtian and Houyi's body. The huge breath even cracked the ground.

"Shangtiangong great consummation?" The electric eel Tianmo's face changed.

"Thank you, Emperor Jiuli!"

"Two brothers? Oh, you are kind to me and made me too strange, but now it seems back to the year, we can fight side by side again. Originally, I only planned to leave these five running dogs. Now, I think, We should kill Xuanyuan City directly and slaughter the insidious villain Ji Dihong! "Chi You revealed.

"Let the Emperor Jiuli be dispatched!" Houyi and Xingtian responded.


Chi You, Xingtian, Houyi, Shangguanhen, the ancient Han, and the 81 giants suddenly looked at the five strongest men in the sky, one after another.

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