Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 174: I like to eat live

Rhubarb Tianchao, Xuanyuan City, Shangshukou!

Ji Dihong glanced at Chiyou City in the distance, his face was gloomy.

Behind him was a group of courtiers, of which Cangjie was condensing the scenes of Chiyou City to others.

Looking at the scene where the spells were condensed, the crowds instantly slumped.

In the last column of the ministers, Mr. Wu Xing had his eyes narrowed, and he kept thinking: "Feng Bo is also the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace? Is he always pretending not to be? This rhubarb dynasty has hidden many experts? Among this group of people, In addition to Cangjie, will there be other courtiers who are also in the Heavenly Palace, and the decoration is insufficient? "

Mr. Wu Xing searched on the faces of all the courtiers, but there was no simple, short time that no one could see the clue that he could be a minister under Ji Dihong.

"A good man swallows the sky, but unfortunately, the five heavenly palaces have come to a great close, Chi You is even able to escape with his wings!" Kong Di sneered.

"Huh? Shangguanhen, ancient man? Did the Heavenly Demon Holy Land's offensive against the borderless heavenly capital fail?" Li Mu looked cold.

Ji Dihong looked at the northern borderless sky. Sure enough, Boundless Sky is calm.

"It's really unreliable to do things in the Holy Land of Heaven!" Ji Dihong chuckled coldly.

Everyone patiently watched the picture waving to Cangjie.

"Houyi, Xingtian? Dalai Tianchao is here too, unblocking? Chiyou helped them unblock?" Kong Di said with surprise.

"The bear has supreme them, and there is trouble!" Cangjie said in a deep voice.

Ji Dihong had a somber face and stared into the distance.

In the distance, Chiyou's four great heavenly palaces helped each other and their strength suddenly rose to the extreme. Even if there are five powerful men coming, they are still not afraid, and each is fierce and the war will begin--

Chiyou City.

Chiyou's neck twisted, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Well, one person, you are entangled, let me kill!"

Chi You laughed with a wicked smile, and Shangguanhen, the ancient Han, and Xingtian suddenly stepped into the sky.

"Aoying? I'm coming!" Shangguan marks the whole body of Jin Guangzhang rushed to Aoying instantly.

"Shangguan marks? Do you think they are military veterans? You can't help it!" Ao Ying's eyes glared and a detective punched him.


With a punch, the sound of the dragon trembled like a blue dragon claw. Shangguan's face was exposed, and his fist also dazzled with golden light.


One punch collided, and the void instantly shattered countlessly.

Shangguan Hen and Ao Ying each retreated, and they actually made no difference.

"A little bit of patience, come again!" Ao Ying fluttered again with a stare in his eyes.

Shangguan marks refused to let him go, and the two clamored again.

The ancient Han came to the land of fire clam and demon in an instant.

"The two days have to be carefully instructed by the big day. The Buddha's kingdom has been realized in the palm of the hand, the fire clam demon will try again!" Said the ancient Han.

"Lao Qi? You are not as good as Lao Six, and you want to fight with me? Seek to death!" Fire Clam Tianmo snorted and called with a palm.

The palms of the two men collided in emptiness.


Under the huge impact, the area broken by the void is not smaller than that of Shangguan Hen and Ao Ying. The fifth child is the fifth child. Even if the ancient Chinese had a breakthrough, they were still not opponents, and they went backwards.

However, the purpose of the ancient man was not to defeat the fire clam, but to entangle him.

Only in the moment of retrogression, the ancient man rushed up again, and palmed up against the fire clam demon again and again, the golden rune behind him illuminates the void, and there are countless chanting voices in the palm. It is a lot stronger than before.

Xingtian, carrying a tomahawk and a giant shield, rushed towards the bear instantly.

"Xing Tian, ​​you and I were also comrades-in-arms!" Xiong Yizhang greeted Xing Tian giant shield.


With a huge shield, the void was broken at the blow.

"Comrade in arms? Oh, Xiong You, from the moment you betrayed the Old Saint, you and I are no longer comrades in arms!" Xing Tian axe slashed.

The bear has a palm to welcome the sky.

"Boom ~!"

The power of the axe is extremely great. Under this axe, the bear exploded instantly.

"Big bear power, great power? This is what Lao Sheng praised you in the past, but it doesn't look good now. Kill!" Xing Tian's eyes glared again.


The bear collided with it and exploded again.

Xingtian was pressing harder and harder to let it go.

Houyi didn't rush up, but he pulled out a god's arrow with his hand, took a bow, and looked at Feng Bo not far away.


The bow of Houyi slowly pulled into a full moon, and purple rays of light burst on the purple god's arrows. Amidst the icy sight of Feng Bo.

In the distance, Feng Bo is also a great success. It seems that there is not weak Xiong You, Ao Ying's prestige, but he can be followed by his heirs, but like an enemy, a lot of cold sweat comes from his forehead.

"Hoo, ho, **** ........."

Feng Bo attracted the wind of all directions and kept blowing around him, protecting himself, as if he wanted to deviate from Houyi's arrows.

"Houyi, you and I were the same robes in the past!" Feng Bo cried.

"You don't move, I don't move! You move, my arrow will come out!" Houyi said lightly.

Houyi did not take the initiative to attack the same robe in the past. However, the holy destiny was in his body and he could not do nothing. Since he did not want to kill, he restrained one person.

Maybe Feng Bo was too afraid of Hou Yi's arrow. But it really didn't move.

How dangerous things are in this chaotic battlefield, standing still, and also helpless--

Sky without borders.

Gu Hai frowned slightly: "Houyi? His arrow is so powerful? Feng Bo didn't dare to move?"

"The arrow is stunned, Hou Ji. The arrow is the best in the world. It is rumored that the person who the Dragon Warring States most wanted to subdue was Hou Ji!" Weisheng Shen said.

Arrow Road World First? The look of the ancient sea is suddenly! ——

Chiyou City.

Shangguanhen, Ancient Han, Houyi, and Xingtian restrained Aoying, Fire Clam Tianmo, Feng Bo, and Xiong You, respectively.

Today, only Chi You and the electric eel demon are left.

Chi You smiled coldly at the electric eel demon.

The electric eel demon suddenly showed horror.

"You, why do you leave Chiyou?" Exclaimed the electric eel demon.

However, they saw that Chi You took a step, and everyone didn't see how fast Qi You was. Just blinking her eyes, Chi You was behind the electric eel demon.

"What?" The electric eel demon's face changed, and he turned his head and slammed at Chi You.

Chi You did not resist.

The electric eel demon's palms slammed on Chi You's chest.

"Boom! Boom!"

Under the huge blow, the electric eel demon had no joy, but instead showed a panic, because Chi You's body was too hard, as if the child hit the iron wall of the copper wall, and even shaken, Chi You was not shaken.

Your own palms are invalid? The electric eel demon wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

"Let's go after the fight? Not so easy!" Chi You sneered.

One hand was caught on the shoulder of the electric eel demon, and the other hand suddenly clasped the head of the electric eel demon, and even the strength of his finger had already cut out five blood holes in his head.

"Ah, ah, ah, the fifth child, save me, save me, ah!" The electric eel screamed suddenly and painfully.

During the roar, Chi You's body was patted desperately, but Chi You's body was too aggressive and could not shake at all.

In the distance, the fire clam demon was suppressing the ancient man. When he heard the roar of the electric eel demon calling for help, he turned his head suddenly.

"Old ten!" Huo Tianmo exclaimed suddenly.

However, I saw a smirk in the corner of Chi You's mouth in the distance, her arms suddenly swelled with huge muscles, and she stunned suddenly.


Chiyou's head was twisted from his neck by Chi You.

His head was separated, and blood was splashing.


The two bodies of the electric eel demon suddenly turned into the form of a giant electric eel demon. At this moment, the electric eel demon is not dead yet, his head is separated, showing an incredible color.

"My brothers, you want to run before you're full? It's not the time!" Chi You sneered.

In a sneer, he threw two corpses of electric eel monsters at 81 giants.

"Brothers, eat fish!" Chi You said coldly.

"Yes, brother!" The giants suddenly rushed up.

"Giggle, giggle, giggle!"

The giant's stomach, like a bottomless pit, is swallowing the electric eel demon quickly.

"Old ten! You dare, stop!" Exclaimed Fire Clam.


Chi You turned her head abruptly, and her face was sloppy.

Fire clam stunned. Like the enemy.

"Fire clam demon? Although fire clam is a bit ugly, it should be a big supplement, ha!" Wu Youlang laughed.


As if the streamer flashed, Chi You instantly came to the fire clam Tianmo.

Fire clam Tianmo beat back the ancient man with one palm, but when he saw Chi You approaching, his face changed.

"Aren't you going to kill me? Now, I'm right in front of you, it's up to you!" Youyou flew towards the fire clam and the demon.

"Little brother of the ancient Han, just give it to me here, go!" Chi You yelled at the ancient Han.

"Yes!" The ancient man answered.

Fire clam Tianmo is like an enemy. With a wave of his hand, suddenly, the endless fire light soars into the sky, a red fire with a light green, immediately envelops Chiyou and himself.

"The Emperor Jiuli is careful. The poison in this fire is the poison of fire clams. The world is poisonous!" The ancient man cried when he retreated.

In the fire, Yu Lang laughed: "Poison? Fire? Hahahaha, but I will not invade the water and fire, I am not afraid of poison!"

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

There was a sound of loud noises in the huge sea of ​​fire and poison, Chi You was fighting against the fire clam god.

"What? No, Chi You, I have recorded your information in the Heavenly Holy Land, you should not be so strong, you should not ..., ah!" Fire Clam Heavenly Demon screamed suddenly.

"Documentation? Those are all waste paper, and you believe it, ha ha ha ha ha!" Chi You laughed.

"The fire clam is poisonous, and the earth is corrupted!" The terrified cry of the fire clam was heard from the fire.


But I saw that the pale green light suddenly flourished, and in a moment, it covered all the red in the fire. The whole fire turned green.

The place where the void was shrouded in fire was even more vocal. Even the void is being eroded.

"Fire clam divine poison? Do you know why I am not afraid of all poisons? Because I cultivate to eat the sky and eat everything, including poisons, all poisons are my food, ha ha ha ha ha!" Chi You's smile Ringing.

"call out!"

The sound of a strong wind came, but I saw the billowing green fire instantly shrinking, but was swallowed up by Chi You, completely swallowed into the belly.

That side of the vanity was instantly exposed in front of people.

Feng Bo, Xiong You and Ao Ying all changed their faces.

But he saw that Chi You had two hands, one hand had already been caught in the face of the fire clam, **** were buckled into his eyes, and the other three fingers were buckled with three blood holes in his face. The other hand, clasped above his right leg, is also five blood holes.

The fire clam demon constantly dances his arms to hit Chi You, but he can't move Chi You's body at all.

"No, no, you don't kill me, you dare to kill me, the Lord will not let you go!" Fire Clam exclaimed in exclaim.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Chi Youjun laughed.

"Ah?" Fire Clam demon said unexpectedly.

Won't kill myself?

"I like to eat live!" Chi You said in a cold voice.

I like to eat live?

When hearing Chi You's words, not only the fire clams, but also Feng Bo and others suddenly felt scalp.

But he saw that Chi You slammed his arms.


Fire clam Tianmo was broken in two by Chi You from the waist.

"Ah ~!"

Fire clams screamed in pain, screaming, tearing the void. Everyone felt the pain of the broken waist.

But the next moment, I saw Chi You's body suddenly became as tall as three feet high, and her mouth was full of fangs.

He swallowed the fire clam demon into his mouth.

Kong Xuan swallowed the demon and swallowed it directly.

Chi You swallowed it. In his mouth, Chi You chewed two rows of teeth.

"Creaky, creak, creak ...............!"

After chewing the whole fire clam, he swallowed slowly.

A heavenly palace was so successful that it was swallowed alive by chewing?

The squeaky, squeaky chewing sounds, and all the people in the heavenly palace heard the cold air in their hearts.

Ancient Wu tribe, one of the five main veins, devouring the earth? Too scary, right?

After swallowing the last bit of minced meat, Chi You suddenly turned her head to look at the remaining three, Ao Ying, Xiong You, and Feng Bo. Looking at them, Chi You smiled.

In this ordinary smile, in the eyes of the three, it seems like the most gloomy demon in the world is coming.

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