Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 175: Jinwu Reappearance

Goo, goo, goo!

When Chi You ate the fire clam Tenma, the eighty-one giant devoured the electric eel Tenma, even the leash and even the blood could not bear to discard it, and all ate into the belly.

In an instant, the two heavenly palaces were completely eaten.

Chi You turned to look at the remaining three, Xiong You, Ao Ying, and Feng Bo all changed their faces.

"Go!" Feng Bo sang loudly.

Xiong You and Ao Ying didn't stay at all. They turned around and flew away.

"Walk? Good, everyone, how about killing Xuanyuan City with me?" Chi You turned to look at everyone.

"Waiting for Emperor Jiuli's dispatch!" Shangguanhen, the ancient Han, Xingtian, Houyi answered at the same time.

"Let's go!" Chi You stepped forward and chased after the three fugitives.

The Big Four behind him are also close behind.

The eighty-one giant wants to go, but, after all, the repair is insufficient, and he only stays in Chiyou City——

Dasao Dynasty, Honghuang City.

He stood in the fiery red dragon robe, stood at the entrance of the God Temple, and looked coldly at the battle of Chiyou City.

"Sister, don't you help?" Jing Wei worried a little.

"It's not time yet!" Murmured Dan.

"But ...!" Jing Wei was anxious but couldn't help it.

Because no one can change what He decides--

Skyless city without borders, red sky palace square.

Gu Hai frowned slightly as she watched the battle in the distance.

"The power of Jiang Lianshan is really huge!" Gu Hai shook with a hint of shock.

"Jiang Rulai, Tian Rulai, People Rulai, Jiu, Houyi, Xing Tian, ​​Chi You, Feng Bo, Ji Dihong, Xiong You, Ao Ying? In addition to Jiang Lianshan himself, Jiang Rulai has the layout The Twelve Heavenly Palaces is a great success? Jiang Lianshan is so hidden! "Da Ri Ru Lai nodded in sigh.

"However, he died 800,000 years ago, heh, unfortunately, regrettable!" Gu Hai shook.

Da Riru nodded.

"Fu Jun, are you going to help?" Chen Xianer asked.

"Not yet!" Gu Hai shook his head gravely.

"Oh? Why?" Chen Xianer wondered.

"The eldest brother is killing Xuanyuan City today, the main purpose is to lift the card of the Huanghuang Tianchao. The card is not opened one day, and one day can not do everything! Including me and 妭, both are sharp knife, once, the yellow Huang old bottom Unveiled, we inserted it with no hesitation. However, Rhubarb Tianchao did n’t reveal the hole cards, we moved all over. Once there was resistance, it was equivalent to exposing my belly to Ji Dihong. The one who waited for us was Ji Di. Hong's lore! "Gu Hai explained.

"Eh? I don't understand something!" Chen Xian'er frowned slightly.

"The rhubarb dynasty is, after all, the dynasty, which is comparable to the idle emperor dynasty. Moreover, in the past, it competed for Shinto witches. In the end, even Jiang Rulai did not compete with Ji Dihong. It shows that Ji Dihong is better than Jiang Rulai and Jiang Rulai hides it. Deep, is Emperor Ji Dihong, will it not be hidden? I dare say that Ji Dihong is more hidden than Jiang Rulai at the beginning! It must be taken in advance, and it must be given in advance! This time, my brother captured Xuanyuan City. Good opportunity, Ji Dihong is the old man! "Gu Hai explained again.

"Eh? Okay!" Chen Xianer nodded, and seemed to understand--

Chi You and his party flew and chased the wind and went away.

As far as the heaven palace is concerned, the momentum flight was released all the way, passing all the way, like rolling up eight huge dark cloud storms.

"Houyi? What about your arrow?" Xing Tian frowned at Houyi.

Although the three of them fled, Hou Yi can only shoot if he shoots an arrow. Why hasn't Hou Yi ever shot an arrow.

Chi You may care about her old feelings and not blame it, but Xingtian couldn't help it.

Houyi frowned slightly: "After all, they used to be the same robes. If they don't, I can't bear to shoot arrows!"

"No shot? What does it mean?" Tian Tian frowned.

"Except for a few of them, others, I will not tolerate them. Moreover, if a few of them are shot, I will not show mercy again!" Houyi sighed slightly.

Chi You looked at Houyi, and finally smiled slightly: "Houyi, I finally understand why Jiang Lianshan, Ji Dihong, and the Dragon Warring States all wanted to win you back then. Because you are so serious!"

"Imperial Jiuli, I ...!" Houyi frowned slightly.

"No need to say anything, I understand, rest assured, you have protected me on the battlefield in the past, you are my brother in the same robe, I will not force you, everything is free!" Chi You said.

"Thank you Jiuli!" Houyi smiled slightly.

The crowd flew all the way, and the immense momentum also shocked all the masters along the way.

A number of emperors and lords of the gates were frightened by this breath, and they wanted to come out and see who was so presumptuous, but when they saw the fierce flames of this group of people, all of them swallowed at their mouth.

The Great Heavenly Palace is complete? And still eight? Who dares to stop? ——

Xuanyuan City, on the mouth of the study.

Ji Dihong and others looked at Chi You and others chasing Feng Bo in the distance, and their faces were gloomy for a while.

"Here comes the kill, what should I do? Holy?" Conte's face looked worried.

Among these ministers, one person stepped out immediately: "Holy, ministers lead ...!"

Just when the man spoke, Ji Dihong waved his hand and stopped the man's words.

Mr. Starless looked closely.

This person called Dahong. Seems like an ordinary civilian, but the calm and self-confidence just now surprised Mr. Wu Xing. Where does this person's self-confidence dare to challenge? Lead the army? Is there any army in the Dahuang Tianchao who can resist Chiyou?

Ji Dihong stopped it, as if he did not want to expose this power.

"Bing Ji!" Ji Dihong suddenly said.


The gate of a palace opened not far away.

From the inside, slowly came out a woman in a white veil. It was Bingji, the commander of the Third Army of the Dahandi Dynasty.

"Holy!" Bing Ji came, respectfully.

In the distance, there is no capital in heaven.

When Gu Hai saw Bingji, he suddenly picked his eyelid.

"That is Bing Ji? Really a beauty, she is the daughter of Tai Yi, the granddaughter of Ji Dihong?" Chen Xianer asked with a smile.

Gu Hai nodded, but Gu Hai was still extremely worried.

"Relax, husband, after all, she is Ji Dihong's granddaughter. Maybe Ji Dihong is also going to use her to deal with you, so now it should not hurt Sister Bing Ji!" Chen Xianer advised.

"Huh!" Gu Hai nodded.

"However, Bing Ji's expression looks very cold and cool! Fu Jun likes such an iceberg beauty, right?" Chen Xianer asked with a smile.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly and did not answer.

But I saw that Bing Ji in the distance paid respect to Ji Dihong.

"Bing Ji, command the ten-day cross, and go to intercept the enemy!" Ji Dihong said lightly.

"Yes!" Bingji nodded.

Big sleeves flung.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!" ...............

Suddenly, ten huge Jinwus flew out of Bingji's sleeve. The Jinwus flew out, and suddenly released a huge heat wave. For a time, the lake on the earth was instantly evaporated.

Ten Jinwu were getting bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye, they all had the size of three thousand feet. Flying high up like ten suns.


Ten Jinwu spread their wings, and they were extremely fast, as if a meteor flickered, and they flew towards a distant place.

Ji Dihong waved his hand, and there seemed to be a huge, reduced three-dimensional map. Let Bingji see the position of the enemy and Jinwu in the picture.


Ten Jinwu, passing all the way, the earth baked a slice instantly, countless plants, instantly burned into a monstrous fire.

"This Jinwu? Looks like Taiyi, also ...!" Mr. Wuxing was surprised.

"These ten are the East Emperor Taiyi!" Ji Dihong said to himself.

"Ah?" A group of courtiers surprised.

"Not the Emperor Taiyi a few decades ago. The Emperor Taiyi is just a false impression. This is the Emperor Taiyi 800,000 years ago!" Ji Dihong said lightly.

"800,000 years ago?" Everyone was surprised.

"Yes, that year, Xun and Jiang Lianshan returned to 800,000 years ago. The first thing they did was capture the Emperor Taiyi, and then copied an identical copy to make it stand up to 800,000 years ago. And Donghuang Tai Yi's body has already been refined by Jiang Lianshan and me! "Ji Dihong explained.

"This is 800,000 years old, is it the false emperor Taiyi?" Everyone said in astonishment.

"It is true that although there is a memory of Taiyi, it is not as fierce as the real Taiyi. Therefore, 800,000 years ago, he did not achieve the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace. If it was not fake, Taiyi would be eighty Didn't break through for ten thousand years? "Ji Dihong sneered.

Ji Dihong looked coldly into the distance.

What Ji Dihong didn't know was that Dong Huang Taiyi, who had dropped his bag that year, was dropped a second time by the ancient sea 800,000 years ago.

"Why is the Lord of Bingji County ...?" Conte frowned.

"The Sun God Palace, that Taiyi, although it is fake, was given the heart of the crow **** by six immortals. The purpose of Bingji's existence is to retrieve the heart of the crow **** and command the crows of the world! She did it, so To control this refining Taiyi Soul, blend a large number of evil spirits with evil shards, and then separate again, Taiyi will be able to change from one to ten, from one to ten! ”Ji Dihong explained .

"Their strength ...?"

"Each of them is the ninth peak of the Heavenly Palace, ten phase formations, and the perfect power of refining!" Ji Dihong said from his own channel.

"Ten days in the sky, is equivalent to the great power of the heavenly palace?" Kong Di's eyes brightened.

Everyone looked.

After ten rounds of Hao Ri, they have already flown to Feng Bo, Xiong You, and Ao Ying.

"Sacred God has sent someone to answer us, haha, this is a ten-day sky, even if I am trapped, I can't escape!" Feng Bo said with joy.

"Ten rounds of Hao Ri, self-contained, integrated Yuanyuan, like the sun and the sky!" Obviously Xiong You has also seen ten days of skyward bursts, and suddenly a happy face.

The ten Hao Days formed a large array. When burning the sky, it seemed to form an energy halo, which enveloped the ten rounds of the sun, forming a monstrous flame enchantment.

In the distance, Chi You and others also saw the ten-day horizontal air raid.

"Jinwu Sun? Huh, ten flat-haired beasts, want to stop me?" Chi You said coldly.

"The Emperor Jiuli, ten Jinwu, let me come!" Houyi detective took out the giant bow.

Draw a long purple arrow from the quiver, bow it with a bow, and pull it into a full moon.

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