Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 181: Cang

Six Immortals, the Great Emperor of the Sun!

He entered the flawed fairy dome in the ancient sea and lost touch with the Dahan Emperor.


With a loud noise, the countless fortunes of Emperor Dahan suddenly collapsed.

Suddenly luck, all of a sudden.

If it were to change to a different direction, it would have collapsed at this moment. The disappointment of luck is a symptom of the emperor's collapse. The sky is falling apart, and people and officials are panicking.

But there are no boundaries.

The people looked up at heaven, bowed their heads, and continued to do their own thing.

Continue doing your own thing?

The spies who stayed in the borderless sky of the forces from all sides showed a daze. what's the situation?

Your emperor has lost his vitality. Why do you seem to be all right?

The detectives from all sides were so excited that they were poured with cold water.

The people did not take it seriously, they did worry about it for a while, but just worry about it, the people had so much confidence in the ancient sea, and it was not the first time that this luck had dissipated.

This is the third time and people are used to it. Anything to worry about, they will reunite after a while.

Ancient Qin summoned a group of ministers, some comfort.

Although the ministers were worried, after the previous two experiences, their hearts became too big. It was time to eat and sleep, and nothing mattered.

Da Han's subjects were soothed, and Gu Qin took several important ministers to see Chen Xian'er.

"After the mother, don't worry, my father will be fine!" The ancient man comforted.

Chen Xianer nodded: "I know, I can feel him, but that kind of induction is erratic, as if out of the six immortals!"

"Oh?" Everyone froze slightly.

"Well, you guys pay attention recently! The husband is not here, don't be taken in by others!" Chen Xianer said.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"Send a letter to Chi You, saying that the husband is innocent, so that he need not worry!" Chen Xianer immediately said.


Sure enough, Jiu Li emperor and Chi You got the news of Wudu Tiandu. He suddenly sank and wanted to hurry, but the news of Chen Xianer came quickly.

"Ancient man, are you sure, your father is not inconvenienced?" Chi You looked at the figurine coldly.

On the other side of the figurine, the ancient Han solemnly said, "My father must have encountered something mysterious again, but the mother has said that the father is not inconvenienced, the Emperor Jiuli is at ease!"

Chi You nodded.

The Jiuli Dynasty had no movement, and the Dahan Dynasty was operating as usual. But this luck suddenly disappeared, but it caused the eyes of all the major forces in the world.

Rhubarb heaven, Xuanyuan City.

"Sir, why is Gu Hai gone?" Ji Dihong wondered.

It didn't have to be too thorough. It was like going back to 800,000 years ago.

Cangjie shook his head: "According to my calculations, the last place where the ancient sea appeared should be Huang Quanhai. I have never explored that place. There must be some big secrets, but Dahong has already gone. Do n’t worry about holy!"

Ji Dihong nodded.


Suddenly, a guard entered the study.

"Holy Qilu, an ambassador who calls himself the Holy Land of Heaven, please see Holy!" The guard said respectfully.

Ji Dihong's eyes narrowed: "Heaven of the Devil? Oh, it seems that the fourth child is here!"


Defective Fairy Dome!

Gu Hai looked at the disciples of Dashou Shinzong in the distance and frowned slightly. Indeed, it was not difficult to deal with them, but these fanatics would be more troublesome. Delay yourself.

"Okay, no one is born, lead the way, we will go immediately!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Weiren nodded.

The four rushed up into the sky, blasting away in a direction in the distance.

"This world seems to be very vast?" Gu Hai frowned.

The strength of the people, this flying speed is extremely fast, actually flying for an hour, see what is endless.

"This flawed fairy dome was opened one by one with the six fairy domes!" Weisheng said.

"Oh? One by one?" Gu Hai looked slightly.

"Yes, Wan Yu said, under the inheritance of 800,000 years, there are already six percent of the six immortal vaults." Weisheng said.

"One percent? That's counting in trillions?" Gu Hai's eyes condensed.

"Yes!" Weiren nodded.

"You said just now that it was Wan Yu. You didn't make it clear last time. What secret does Long Wan Yu have?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

On the one hand, the dragon **** shivered and nodded: "I'm also curious. Does my father, the Dragon Warring States, know anything? Why was he so fond of Long Wanyu at that time? Even, his father was in front of him Did n’t see it? Even if the father is bullied, the father is free to let it go freely? It ’s strange, my father is a very serious man! "

At that time, the Dragon Warring States' pampering of Long Wanyu had reached a terrible level. So that no one dares to offend Long Wanyu. Long Wanyu shouted at the old man of the Dragon Warring States Period, who was not angry at all.

"Oh, of course the Dragon Warring States can't get angry!" Weisheng suddenly laughed.

"Also, when Wan Yu was injured that year, Long Zhanguo said that Hou Tu Niang Niang will save her, why?" Gu Haishen said.

The unborn person was silent for a moment, then looked at Gu Haidao: "Your Majesty, the last time the minister mentioned to you, your eyes are strange, have you already guessed?"

"I need you to say it!" Gu Hai didn't comment.

The unborn person nodded: "Yan Yu? Your Majesty guessed well, Wan Yu is actually a reincarnation body, her previous life is the heaven of the previous generation, Cang!"

"Cang? What, the six immortals are against the sky, but the previous life of Long Wanyu?" The mosquito Taoist exclaimed.

"God of the previous generation? No wonder, no wonder my father was so fond of her, and even if she was unbridled, she never got angry!" Said Dragon God.

"God of the previous generation? Wasn't she killed in the void by Liudao Zhenjun?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Although Cangtian was beheaded, Cangtian didn't have any resistance at all. The six true monarchs rushed to kill and destroy the form and spirit of Cang Tiansha. However, the resurrection of this life is enough! "Weiren affirmed.

The dragon gods, the mosquitoes, and the ancient sea all shocked in their hearts.

"That's why you refused to tell her identity in Liudaoxianqiang?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, although the Six Immortals were sleeping and healing, but maybe his ears were everywhere, and Chen did not dare to speak at will, and when the mother-in-law of Tutu knew about Wanyu's identity, she did not hesitate to bring her here. This flawed fairy sky! "Weisheng explained.

"This flawed fairy dome was developed by Liudao Zhenjun. Why ...?" Gu Hai frowned.

"It was developed by Liudao Zhenjun, but Liudao Zhenjun has abandoned it, and there is no divine thought here!" Weisheng affirmed.


"Liu Dao Zhenjun slayed the sky in nothingness. Therefore, he was also worried that he would be killed by others when he left Liu Dao Heavenly Sky. Therefore, he did not want to leave Liu Dao Heavenly Sky at all, and this flawed fairy dome collapsed and disappeared into nothingness It ’s a matter of time sooner or later, there is no need for the Six Immortals to do this, and they have never paid attention to it! ”Weisheng explained.

"Cangtian? Fairy? No wonder that weird, the Dragon Warring States respected her, and the Empress Dowager once acted as her god, so she was so concerned!" The mosquito Taoist shook.

"Wan Yu is all right now?" Gu Hai looked at the unborn.

"It's all right, I haven't gone back, but just restored my previous life!" Weisheng explained.

"Good!" Gu Hai exhaled softly and nodded.

"They're in the middle of this immortal sky, that ...!" Weisheng pointed to the distance, but half of it was interrupted by the ancient sea.


Gu Hai stopped in midair.

call! call! call!

The three also stopped.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?" Long Shenxian wondered.

Gu Hai's face was gloomy, but the dead knife in his body trembled again, but he felt something that made him angry again.

Bone God?

No need to guess, Gu Hai will know that this must be the bone god.

The dead sword was originally a bone ancestor, and was almost destroyed by the bone god's rebellion. It has a hard-working hatred for the bone god. At this moment, when the bone **** was sensed, the natural enemies met, and they were extremely jealous.

The news from Chang Ming last time, when he left, a large number of skeletons came to investigate, indicating that the bone **** can also sense the dead knife.

His own line of business, was also followed by Bone God?

If I go to see Wan Qing now, will I bring the bone gods too? In case of accidental injury, I will hurt Wan Qing sister, Gu Hai will definitely blame herself.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong? Wanqing are in front of them!" Weiren wondered.

Gu Hai shook his head, and suddenly, the eyes opened.

As soon as the eyes opened, following the induction of the knife, he looked instantly into the distance.


Suddenly, Gu Hai saw a battlefield in the distance.

On the battlefield, countless skeletons lined up in battle against the imperfect ancestral gate.

Countless skulls surround a huge throne. Above the throne, at this moment sits a black robe skull. The skull's brim is glowing with blue light, and the body is full of black gas. blacken.

When Gu Hai looked at it, the bone **** on the throne just turned his head and looked at Gu Hai.

The two stared at each other and found each other.

"Bone ancestor?" Bone Shen on the throne sank.

Gu Hai looked cold: "Bone God?"

The bone **** seemed to care about the war very much. Although he wanted to come over, he did not leave the throne after all.

As Gu Hai considered whether to pass, Tianyan suddenly felt a familiar voice.

"Originally, let me sing to you, these skeletons. I refused. It wasn't you who asked me to sing, I will sing, but who wants you to worship me so much? Since you want to listen to me so much Just sing a song for you, it's my improvisation, called "You Are Not Cute". "

Above the battlefield, suddenly this weird and loud voice came, and the army of skeletons on the opposite side listened for a while, but where was this silly thirteen?

Such a serious atmosphere, you say you want to sing? Who wants to listen to your song?

"Kill!" The skeleton army rushed into the singing area without even paying attention.

In the distance, Gu Hai ‘listened’ to this voice, but also said a little: “Are n’t you cute, a skeleton?”

Hearing the song's name, Gu Hai has gone from goose bumps all over his body. This name is already exciting, singing will ...?

"Gou Chen? He's going to sing again?" Gu Hai's face froze.

PS: There is something going out, the update is unstable, forgive me, the second is more likely to be an hour later than the usual second. Excuse me!


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