Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 182: Go Chan's singing addiction

The ancient sea looks into the distance!

Mosquitoes, dragon gods, and unborn people followed the ancient sea eyes. Vaguely, the three saw a storm rolling up in the distance.

"Is there war?" Dragon God's face sank.

Gu Hai's Tianyan, already feeling Gou Chen's voice, naturally would not leave.

"Bone God is over there, just right, he and I have some personal grudges to resolve!" Gu Hai Shen whispered.

"Ah? Your Majesty, when did you have resentment against Bone God?" Weiren was surprised.

Is this the enemy?

"Bone God? Your Majesty, but that God of Heaven is a great success, we ...!" The mosquito Taoist worried.

"The Heavenly Palace is a great success? Oh, this is not the Six Immortals!" Gu Hai sneered.


"Here is the flawed immortal dome, a fake immortal six immortal dome, so there is ...!" Gu Hai whispered slightly as he spoke.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

The void suddenly rolled up a gusty wind, and each transparent silk thread seemed to be gently pulled away by the ancient sea, and the rolling fog wrapped up the ancient sea and his party in an instant.

"The rule of chess?" Mosquito Taoist suddenly surprised.

Are there rules of chess here? That great consummation, do you need to worry too much? The mosquitoes were relieved immediately.

"Huh?" Gu Hai frowned suddenly.

"What's wrong?" Weiren wondered.

"The rules of chess here are a bit weird, like what's wrong!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"This is the flaw. Listen to Wan Yu. Most of the three thousand roads here are flawed. Only three hundred roads are complete. At that time, Cangtian was deceived to help him perfect the remaining roads. Unfortunately, After all, there is nothing to do, even if Cangtian has a complete graphic of the Three Thousand Avenues, it can't fill the incompleteness of this world. Six true monarchs seem to have known this before, and they set up Cangtian!

"Three hundred complete roads?" Gu Hai suddenly opened his eyes.

"Your Majesty, since this chess rule is flawed, will it ...?" Mosquito Taoist worried.

Not the perfect rule of chess, the power of the ancient sea formation must be greatly weakened.

"It's okay, as long as you can avoid the heavy matrix as much as you can, it's better than Shenzhou!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes!" The crowd nodded solemnly.

"After a while, you try to cover your ears as much as possible, no, you can't cover your ears, set up a noise barrier!" Gu Hai said.

"Uh?" The three didn't quite understand.

Gu Hai didn't say much, and quickly took the three of them to the battlefield where the bone **** was.


An empty battlefield.

On the side of the battlefield, there is a rolling army of skeletons, all of which are the peerless powers of the skull tribe, and they together hold a huge throne in the center.

On the throne, the bone **** in a black robe sits end to end, blue light glows in the brim of the hat, and the body emits a monstrous black gas. An outrageous breath erupted.

On the other side, it is the major players in this world.

The masters of the gates gathered on a high platform. Disciples around him, holding the sword, faced the skeleton army.

On the high platform, there are ten statues, each of which is the appearance of six true monarchs. These ten statues all emit dazzling white light, and they gather together with the power of faith.

The ten monarchs continued to worship the statues. Ten statues burst out with white gods and poured into the ten disciples. The disciples suddenly became like gods, and their strength soared countlessly.

However, the skeleton army on the opposite side was too powerful, and the bone **** did not intervene. The skeleton army still completely suppressed the disciples of the Ten Schools.

Although the top ten suzerains were anxious, they did not panic, because in addition to the ten main gates, there were another batch of reinforcements. It was two people and one cat.

Hou Qing, Gou Chen, Mao Tianyun.

Hou Qing, the younger brother of Hou Tu Niang, used to help the six immortals in the underworld to guard the entrance to Asura Road, one of the four major ancestors. Later, due to accidentally hurting Long Wanyu in the borderless sky, she was almost killed by the palm of the Dragon Warring States. She was detained to take the road and sent Long Wanyu to see the Queen Mother.

Gou Chen, the celestial piano, the singing is too unpleasant, once recognized the ancient sea as the main. The previous life was the golden **** of the five gods under heaven.

Cat Tianyun, who was opposed to six true monarchs 800,000 years ago, was unintentionally released by the ancient sea to make the fire gods for the five gods under the former heavenly sky.

The top ten suspicious princes looked at the distant disciples, and one of them was anxious.

"Three gods, 800,000 years, we have lost contact with Cangtianxianqiang, and finally someone came from Cangtianxianqiang, how come these evildoers! Three gods, Cangtianxianqiang, we The six lords of heaven and the heavenly gods are also considered to be very good. Since the six lords of heaven have opened up our immortal sky, they may have consumed too much and have fallen asleep. Help me wait through the difficult times and wait for the Lord to wake up, we will decide on the Lord! "Respectfully said for the first Lord.

"Meow!" Cat Tianyun sat on a throne and looked at the ten lords with a sneer.

The flawed immortal people thought that Liu Daozhen had been sleeping in this world? Ridiculous, ridiculous, they didn't know that Liudao Zhenjun had already abandoned them.

Cat Tianyun ignored it. If it wasn't for Long Wanyu's request, it would be lazy to take care of things here.

Cat Tianyun stretched his back and did not speak.

After looking at the distance, Hou Qing was actually quite complicated inside.

A few years ago, he was about to die after being attacked by the Dragon Warring States, and was escorted again. Ben also expected his sister to help him get revenge. As a result, the sister learned about the situation and actually beat her head and covered her face. If it wasn't for Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu's pleading, it would be possible for her sister to kill herself. I am your brother.

Depressed Hou Qing, who originally hated it, was suddenly stupid when she learned of Long Wanyu's identity. On several occasions, Hou Qing even wanted to secretly report to the Six Immortals.

Because once the Six Immortals knew this, they would definitely be grateful. By then, Long Wanyu would be eliminated, and her past mistakes would be avoided, especially Jiang Yan. She **** off the Six because she cultivated the body of the zombie ancestor of the fire department Fairy. The Six Immortals will certainly forgive Jiang Yan's sin.

However, once the six immortals are reported, the sister may be implicated.

One side is an older sister, and the other is a woman she likes.

When previously sent by Long Wanyu, Hou Qing did not have much enthusiasm.

Although these ten suzerains have repeatedly asked, what is the matter with me?

"Gou Chen, or else you come!" Hou Qing said lightly.

"Let me come? How can I come?" Gou Chen said silently.

Gou Chen only repaired in the Tiangong Temple now. Isn't this rushing to death?

"You can sing, meow!" Cat Tianyun smiled.

After 800,000 years of precipitation, Cat Tianyun is no longer simple. He was teased and teased by four other gods 800,000 years ago. Now, it seems that it is also good to tease these reincarnation gods.

"I sing, what does it have to do with their fight?" Gou Chen reluctantly said.

Cat Tianyun looked at the Ten Sovereigns: "You have to defeat this group of skeletons, it is very simple, please ask Chen Shenshi to sing, and the groups of skeletons will not break!"

After the cat Tianyun finished speaking, the top ten masters were at a loss for a while. Do you tease me? Sing a song and win? Just kidding.

However, since Cat Tianyun said it, the top ten sovereigns can only nod their heads.

"Please God save me!"

"God get your shot!"

"God of God, please do it!"

"God, please sing!"




The ten lords suddenly paid their respects to Gou Chen.

Gou Chen was suddenly moved, singing? It ’s been a long time since I sang, especially Gou Chen is still a celestial piano, and it ’s “no sound and dislike”. In these days, Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun look away from their singing with disgusting faces. Gou Chen has n’t sang for a long time. Already. This is singing addiction.

It ’s like many people on the planet ca n’t leave their mobile phones. Addicted to playing mobile phones. If they do n’t play for a day, they feel uncomfortable.

The same is true for Gou Chen singing. The incarnation of Tian Qin loves to sing to others, even if others say it is unpleasant, it is also tasteless.

At this moment, the ten great masters worshiped and asked to sing, and Gou Chen's heart seemed to be tickling. At this time, you can't let yourself sing.

Cat Tianyun saw the excited flushing expression on Gou Chen's face, and her face suddenly changed, and her two ears suddenly pulled down and blocked the pierced ears.

"Hurry up, please ask Gou Chen to sing. You can win with a sing, please go Go Chen to everyone. Sing with the loudest voice!" Cat Tianyun cried his ears.

After calling, Mao Tianyun still felt uninsured, and even set up a soundproof enchantment around himself.

The top ten suzerain looked backward.

Hou Qing looked stiffened, and finally nodded: "Yes!"

Speaking, Hou Qing also set himself a soundproof enchantment.

In the daze of the ten suzerains, they worshiped Gou Chen again: "Please God to save me!"

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, a large number of Zongmen disciples were defeated, and the vomiting blood fled, and they saw that the suzerain were begging, and they immediately worshiped.

"Please God to act, save me Zongmen!" All the people nearby worshiped.

Gou Chen's self-confidence was inflated, and some proudly nodded. He coughed twice, and passed the sound to the entire battlefield in an instant through the law of piano.

"Originally, let me sing to you, these skeletons. I refused. It wasn't you who asked me to sing, I will sing, but who wants you to worship me so much? Since you want to listen to me so much Just sing a song for you, it's my improvisation, called "You Are Not Cute". "

Gou Chen's voice spread across the audience instantly.

The ten suzerains looked blankly at Gou Chen. Do you really want to sing?

"Ah!", "Sovereign, save me!", "I'll die, ah!" ………………

A terrible scream came from disciple disciples. At this tragic moment, you said that you really wanted to sing a song impromptu? Is this enemy Chen sent by the enemy?

The skeletons in the distance also showed their disdain. Continue to fight.

No one is optimistic about Gou Chen's singing, they all feel that this is a teaser sent by the Celestial Immortals.

Only Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun immediately added a layer of sound insulation to their sound insulation.

But looking at that Gou Chen, instantly put the feeling into the singing. With an intoxicated expression, he began to sing.

"Oh ~~~~~, cute little skull, I am your father, come to my arms and let me help you make a little pigtail ........." Gou Chen's voice rang through the battlefield.

The song sounded, the whole roaring battlefield, a sudden pause, silent for a moment, quiet and quiet, all people, all skeletons, all covered with goosebumps suddenly, the whole body was shaking trembling , I feel my soul is frozen in the snow and ice.


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