Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 183: Source of law

Gou Chen's song sounded.

It's still the original sound, the original taste, and the song sounded a moment, and the whole war that you lived and died was stopped immediately.

Both disciples and skeletons, at the same time, there were countless goose bumps all over their bodies. The skeletons were small bone spurs visible to the naked eye. Everyone was violently agitated, and even the battle was forgotten. The soul seemed to be in the snow and ice.

"His ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Everyone took a cold breath, and even those injured and fell to the ground shivered unconsciously.

Of course, this kind of distraction during the battle is deadly, and the disciples and skeletons are just distracted for a moment, and then fight again.

However, Gou Chen's voice sounded again.

"Oh ~~~~~, cute little skull, I am your father, come to my arms and let me help you with a little pigtail ........."

The song interrupted the fighting again.

All the skeletons looked at the intoxicated Gou Chen on the high platform at the same time.

It seems to be very intoxicating, but it's too bad.

Cute little skull? Are you our dad? My dad you look!

Come to your arms? Also help us with a little pigtail? Don't you know that skeletons are bald?

Lyrics, ideas, tones, singing skills, how to listen, how unpleasant. Even if one is uncomfortable, all four are unpleasant to vomit, and the four together make people feel numb.

Gouchen's singing voice has an unpleasant attribute. no matter who! Indiscriminate attack.

On the side, the eyes of the top ten monarchs were all rounded at this moment. This is the song that they just sought after? Is this the **** sent by the heavenly gods to help us? Is this sent to torture us?

Do you know how embarrassing the atmosphere is when you yell out on such a tragic and tragic occasion?

This one can't fight!

"What are you doing? Continue, the skeletons are not moving over there!" Cat Tianyun screamed as he pulled away from the soundproof enchantment.

After the call, panic re-arranged three sound-proof enchantments again, and this felt better, but even so, Mao Tianyun trembled violently.

It's awful!

"Don't stop, hurry up and kill!" The ten masters roared.

"Kill!" Zongmen disciples screamed again.

Sure enough, at this moment, the disciples of Zongmen are slowly redeeming their disadvantages, but they cannot stand it at this moment. Gou Chen's singing is an indiscriminate attack.

"Ah, Lord, I can't stand it!"

"I closed my ears and it was useless, lord, I'm going to vomit!"

"Master, please God raise your noble hands!"




Shouted a crowd of disciples.

The Ten Sovereigns couldn't stand it at this moment, they were right next to them, and they heard more clearly. The damage they suffered was also critical.

Want to stop Gou Chen, but Gou Chen is helping you against the enemy, how could he be open?

"For the Lord, bear it!" One lord shouted in tears.

"Yes!" A large number of disciples answered in tears.

Who makes himself crazy to believe in the six true monarchs, for the sake of faith, forbearance.

Countless disciples continued to fight with tears.

The opposite skull could not stand it anymore.

Even if the military defeat, the torture of this song is the most terrifying, this is the naked insult.

Aren't you cute?

If the tears can stop this disgusting, the skeletons will not hesitate to learn Zongmen disciples to cry, but the skeletons are doomed to tears.

"To shut up!"

"It's disgusting to sing, stop!"

"Voice is also awful, super awful, I'm going to kill you!"

"The stench of my corpse when it was decaying is better than your singing voice. Stop, I will kill you!"

"kill him!"




Countless skeletons trembled and roared angrily.

But Gou Chen was immersed in the song and kept on.

The battlefield reversed slightly, and Gou Chen's first song was over.

"It's so comfortable, I can't think of such a enthusiastic response. How do you think I sing over the ten monarchs over there?" Gou Chen finished singing a song and looked at the ten monarchs in front of him.

The top ten suzerains are all facing away.

For the sake of faith, the ten talents have always endured this unpleasant singing, and the torture is the greatest. At this moment, their eyes are shed with two lines of blood and tears.

"Ran Sovereign, you have something to do with Qin Dao, you have to evaluate it!" As the first Sovereign could not bear the blow, he kicked the ball out.

One of the lords of the green robe was not two lines of blood and tears at the moment, and two lines of nose blood were coming out of his nose.

Because he knows Qin Tao, this damage is even more critical. Hearing a song by Gou Chen, Lord Ran had a determination to never practice piano again.

However, for faith and to win, I had to say something against my heart: "Okay, sing well!"

"Really? It ’s great. I still have people who know the goods. During this time, I wrote hundreds of songs and sang them for you. Below, I sing my most famous song," Little Radish "! "Gou Chen cried excitedly.

Then, Gou Chen sang again.

The power of this "radish" is even greater than that of "You Are Not Cute".

As soon as the song came out, the fight in the distance became even more weird. One person and one skeleton didn't know how to fight. They scuffled and hugged, fell to the ground, kept twitching, and looked far away.

The nine masters looked at Ran Sovereign with murderous eyes, and Ran Sovereign's ears began to bloodshot.

Far away.

The bone **** surrounded by a large number of skulls, the fingers of the skull shook slightly.

Listening to this unpleasant song, even the mood of paying attention to distant bone ancestors disappeared.

Bone God can successfully usurp his throne, and his endurance is also extremely amazing. However, the end of Gou Chen's first song, all the endurance of Bone God is consumed.

"Sin barrier!" Bone God's tone carried a chill.

The other skeletons nodded in sympathy. Although the word 'sin barrier' is normally used by humans to call themselves such skulls, at this moment, the word 'sin barrier' must be named on Gou Chen.

If it weren't for the bone gods sitting here, the skeletons would have been manic.

"Skull and Skeleton You Are Not Cute" is over. Gou Chen said that he still has hundreds of songs? Hundreds of songs?

Then I sang "Small Radish"?

As soon as the song came out, the magic sound suddenly filled the mind of the bone god, and now the bone **** could not wait to strangle the evil barrier immediately. Singing to him, he will be sung by himself.

Look at the battlefield, there are a lot of skeletons ‘dead’ in the singing, even the disciples on the opposite side are foaming.

"Oh oh, radish ~~, I ...!" Gou Chen's sentence has not finished yet.

"Daikon your mother, let me die!" Bone God immediately stood up and grabbed Gou Chen with one palm.

Bone God burst into full force, the breath of terror filled the audience instantly, and everyone in the battle was suddenly blown down by a breath of atmosphere.


When everyone landed, they found that the earth was covered with endless bones.

With a radius of 100,000 miles, trees, rivers, earth, and stones are all turned into bones, endless bones.

"Ah, ah, ah ........." Gou Chen was interrupted and exclaimed.


Ancient seas, unborn people, mosquitoes, dragon gods.

The four quickly headed towards the battlefield of skeletons.

Along the way, Gu Hai told everyone, covering her ears, or setting up a noise barrier.

Gu Hai did it first, and the other three had not taken it seriously.

The three were in Tiandu, the borderless city, and I did hear someone mention Gou Chen, saying that it was difficult to sing.

But the three have not experienced it in person.

Is it ugly? How terrible? Ain't just a song?

The three didn't care, until they got closer and closer to the battlefield, and finally heard the singing of Gouchen in their ears.

The moment he heard the song, the mosquitoes and the dragon **** shivered at the same time.

"What kind of magic sound?" The Mosquito screamed.

"So horrible, this singing song is really horrible!" Long Shenzhen exclaimed.

"The magic sound is enlightening!" Weisheng also exclaimed.


The three of them suddenly learned that Gu Hai used sound insulation to separate himself.

During the flight of the ancient sea, his brows were slightly frowned: "No, soundproofing, why can't it be isolated?"

The soundproof enchantment does indeed isolate most of Gouchen's voice, but the sound of Goochen still wears in, and the soundproof enchantment is useless. It's just a little better if you have a soundproofed enchantment.

Just slightly better?

The four immediately merged the soundproof enchantment.

"The soundproofing enchantment is useless, this, there is no reason, how can this unpleasant song be sung?" The mosquito Taoist exclaimed.

"It shouldn't be, even if the words are curved, it's not good, but it's not so unpleasant. We haven't heard any noise, why do you feel a throbbing sound when you listen to this song?" Long Shenxi said in surprise.

"Bring its own awful attributes?" Gu Hai also picked his eyelids.

I haven't seen it for many years. Instead of getting better, Gochen's singing has become even worse.

"Perhaps, maybe his singing is the source of the law!" Weisheng couldn't bear to hear it.

"Oh? The source of the law?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Such words were originally said by Faming Faming. He said that Gochen's singing is not unpleasant, but the most beautiful voice in the world. It ’s just that most people do n’t know.

"His singing voice can evoke the entire piano rule, and the song of the entire rule naturally has a strange mystery that makes all beings feel strange, like His Majesty's" unpleasant attribute "." Weisheng analyzed.

"Yeah, why is it ugly?" Mosquitoist wondered.

"The law of piano is a collection of all the sounds in the world. It is not just the sound of the sound. From difficult to hear, from disgusting to beautiful, all are under the control of the law of piano. Maybe he ca n’t adjust it himself. Although he has moved the whole piano rule, he just happens to be the most unpleasant sound zone. Good songs can be pleasing to the eye and cultivate sentiment. Uncomfortable songs are like this , But can become a killer on the battlefield, annoying nerves, filthy reason. "Weiren analysis.

"It turned out to be so filthy, and Qin Dao hurts people so much. It doesn't hurt the human body and directly attacks consciousness and soul? Forcibly distort the aesthetics of others!" Mosquito Taoist marveled.

"Gou Chen's Qin Tao, directly transfer the rules, it is really powerful!" Long Shenxi also sighed.

"No, Bone God is about to shoot!" Gu Hai's face sank, his figure flickered, and his speed doubled.

PS: going out, the second is more likely to be about an hour later than normal. Excuse me!


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