Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 184: Powerful bone god

Defective Fairy Dome!

Although Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun were very inconsistent with the ten gates that came to help, after all, there were orders from Houtu and Long Wanyu, and the two would definitely take the shot, but they only aimed at the bone god.

Let Gou Chen roar a song, although he will be extremely disgusting, but these days, I also have some precautions. However, Gouchen's singing has a huge effect on the skeleton family.

After this song, almost all the skeletons collapsed, including the bone god, finally couldn't help it.

It's awful.

Bone God stood up angrily. Between the steps, the earth within 100,000 miles was instantly ossified. Regardless of the trees, mountains, rivers, the material changes instantly, and the eyes became countless bones.

The Bone Realm of Bone God burst out instantly.

At the same time, Bone God grabbed at Gou Chen with one palm, trying to choke the singing Gou Chen in general.

"Ah, ah, ah .........!"

Before the palm of his hand, Gou Chen, the huge murderous force that had been forced to show his fear, stepped back in shouting.

The ten great masters saw that one palm, and although it was to be blocked intellectually, in their hearts, there seemed to be a voice shouting: "Yes, strangle him, strangle him!"

This is not just the aspirations of the top ten lords, all the skeletons, all the disciples, the common aspiration at this moment.

Strangle this evil barrier! Quickly choke him!

Even if someone has come to hinder instinct to overcome instinct, but how can bone gods cultivate? Those who rushed up were swept away instantly.

"I'm dead!" Gou Chen showed panic.

Suddenly, a fist came out from behind Gou Chen, welcoming the bones and palms.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise, a huge collision, rolled up a strong gale, the gale raged, all the disciples in the surrounding area were suddenly blown out, and in the place where the fists collided, there were a lot of cracks in the void. .

But at this moment, Hou Qing finally shot, and his fists and bones were deadlocked in the air.

"Houqing?" Bone Shen said coldly.

"You finally shot? Bone God, it seems that you are not very powerful? But Bone Zu, but a big miss!" Hou Qing sneered.

"Bone ancestor? Oh, I know, you lost it to him once, but how do you know, I'm not as good as bone ancestor? I was killed by bone ancestors, how can I be worse than him? He is just a rib In the fight with the six true monarchs, absorbed the power of nothingness, and survived, the power of nothingness? That is a source of infinite power, now that I have gained it, I will only be stronger than him! " Road.

The bones of the palm of his hand were pounding hard.


A loud noise. A black hole was ripped through the void all around.

"Hurry up!" Exclaimed the top ten masters.

Suddenly, numerous disciples and skeletons fled.

With tremendous strength, Hou Qing slammed into a stern shape, and when she stepped on it, numerous cracks appeared on the ground.

Hou Qing looked at Bone God in surprise, but with all her strength, she was just divided equally?

"Oh? Houqing, you are stronger than before? But even if you are stronger, you are still a little bit worse. You are far worse than you, you are better than generals! The wind is a stiff ancestor, and it ’s too bad for you to cultivate!" Bone God sneered Road.

"Huh, shit? What qualifications do you have to say I'm shit?"

Hou Qing's face was upset, and there was a sudden blast of wind behind her, and she turned towards the bone god. However, the bone **** can be blown down by a gust of wind? It was just that the black robe fluttered.

"The field of storms? It's useless to me at all, huh, what you can do is only the power of zombies? No more!" Bone God sneered.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The strength of the bones of God pressed Hou Qing a little bit, making the ground cracks more and more under Hou Qing's feet.

"Your strength is greater than me? Impossible!" Hou Qing exclaimed with a change of expression.

"Your most powerful force is not as good as mine. What do you fight with me?" Bone God sneered.

"No, the bone gods have cultivated to the perfect state of the gods!" Cat Tianyun's face changed.

The faces of the ten suzerains changed suddenly, and their piety suddenly appeared.

"The heavens and the earth are infinite, Qiankun borrows the law, and the six lords give me strength!" The ten masters roared at the same time.


The statues of the six true monarchs immediately released all their divine power and poured into the ten main bodies.


The ten masters struck towards the bone **** almost at the same time.

"Not enough!" Bone God smiled coldly.

However, I saw that the palm of Bone God's palm was zoomed in more than a hundred times, and the ten lords' thumps were stopped in all directions.


Under the huge collision, Hou Qing and others still couldn't be overwhelmed, and were even being suppressed.

"Hahahaha, I said, you guys are not enough!" Bone God sneered.

In sneer, Bone God's other palm suddenly stretched out.

"Cat Tianyun!" Hou Qing exclaimed.

"Meow!" Cat Tianyun yelled.


Heaven and earth were suddenly shrouded in fire.

Cat Tianyun's cat's claws were scratched, and the void seemed to be pulled down by countless thin lines, forming a huge flame dragon head, crashing into the other hand of Bone God.


The other palm of Bone God collided with the flame faucet suddenly, and the two sides froze again.

"The rules of the fire system? Sure enough, it's worthy of being a stray dog ​​in the sky, but in this flawed fairy dome, the rules are incomplete. If you are in the six immortal domes, you can use the power of the rules, plus this group of people can compete with me Now, but now that you have incomplete rules, how can you be against me? "Bone God sneered.


A hard hand. The flames blew, and the top ten suzerains and houqings also had a fierce meal.

"Meow!" Cat Tianyun waved his cat's claws with his face exposed.

The two parties immediately fell into a rubber war, and even though the bones of God were extremely confident, they were finally blocked by the efforts of the crowd.

Hou Qing also had a great consummation in the Heavenly Palace, but there was a gap in the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace, just like Chiyou and the electric eel Tianmo.

At this moment, with all my strength, everything fell into a brief calm.

In the void around, the aftermath of the strength of the human body, all the skeletons and the disciples of the Zongmen could not be approached.

"It's terrifying. I couldn't tell you at the time. I have to come! You fight first, I'll let you out!" Gou Chen was frightened and was about to run away.

"Gouchen, the bone **** has been dragged by us, quickly shot!" Cat Tianyun called anxiously.

"I'm shooting? I'm in Zhongtian Temple, you want me to shoot? Don't do it!" Gou Chen called suddenly.

"You can move the rules. Didn't you move the rules of the golden system before? You can now move the rules of the piano more than the rules of the golden system, faster!" Cat Tianyun said anxiously.

"I have forgotten the rules of the golden system. The rules of the piano? How can I move them? I don't know!" Gou Chen kept shaking his head.

"Sing, your singing is the attack of the Qin Tao Law, sing!" Cat Tianyun cried.

Sing? Regardless of the bone gods or the top ten suzerainmen, their hairs suddenly exploded. When ‘you die and I live’, do you let him sing? That's no difference.

"Sing, Hou Qing and I have listened a lot, and have been immune to a certain degree. Your singing voice, bad mind, chaotic bones and deities first, let's do our best!" Cried Cat Tianyun.

"Ah? Sing? Not good!" Gou Chen looked to the distant bone **** with a horror.

"The most annoying thing is you, this evil barrier, you dare to sing! I will set your bones down!" Bone God chilled.

"Come on!" Hou Qing gritted his teeth.

Gou Chen looked at the bone **** and determined that the bone **** was really unable to move. Then he suddenly nodded his head. Some yelled, "You have your hands restrained now. How can you frustrate me?" I sang. What can you do? No way? Hahaha! If you have the ability, come! "

Then, Gou Chen took a deep breath and was ready to sing.

Tear it!

The robe ripped from Bone God's chest, and a third skeleton hand emerged from his chest.

Suddenly the skeleton hand grabbed at Gou Chen.

"I said, you dare to sing, I will smash your bones! You wicked obstacle, let me die!" Bone God roared with a hate.

The power of the third palm is much smaller, but even if it is much smaller, it is not comparable, and it seems that it fell from the sky and crushed Chen to death.

"Save me!" Gou Chen burst into tears of remorse.

"Run!" Cat Tianyun exasperated.

At this moment, Cat Tianyun can't move, and if he mobilizes the power of the fire system, once he retreats, he will be greatly damaged by the power of the bone god.

The same is true of Hou Qing and the Ten Sovereigns.

"God, run away!" Exclaimed the Ten Sovereigns.

However, the third skull of Bone God grabbed it, and Gou Chen had no time to escape.

"Master, where are you, save me!" Gou Chen shouted in despair.

"Master? Hahahaha, no one can save you! Your master is here, I will kill him together!" Bone God laughed.

At this moment, suddenly a figure appeared next to Gou Chen, and suddenly pulled Gou Chen.

"Who?" Gu Shen sank.

However, it was a dragon **** shrew, which turned into a zombie and pulled away at the fastest speed.

"Want to run? You'll stay, too!" Bone God exclaimed.

The third palm grabbed at Long Shen, Gou Chen.

But at this moment, the void in front of me was blurry and undulating, and the third palm seemed to pass through the void to a huge array.

"Chess rules? Chess formations?" Cat Tianyun said in surprise.

"I'm out, I'm out!" Gou Chen escaped from his birth, exclaiming in excitement.

"No one can escape my palm and die for me!" Bone God roared.


There was no dead bone on the earth, and it suddenly soared into the sky. This area was wrapped up in general, and the escaped dragon gods and Gou Chen were wrapped again.

"The general of the bone world, the world of decay! You and your master, die together!" The bone **** burst out with all his power, burying everyone in the bone world.

"Well!" Hou Qing, Mao Tianyun and Gou Chen all turned wild.


Suddenly, a stab knife penetrated from the back of Bone God. Then suddenly emerged from his chest.

"What? Who?" Bone God's face changed.

But after the bone god, the ancient sea came out strangely from the ancient fairy heaven.

The blast of flames around the bone **** was the ninth person in the Heavenly Palace, which could not stand under the impact of the stock force, but the ancient sea opened the ancient immortal dome, and all of this force burst into the ancient immortal dome.

"I'm the master of Gou Chen! Aren't you going to kill me with me?" Gu Hai suddenly coldly.

In his hands, the razor knife seemed to tremble with excitement.


Gu Hai waved his hand suddenly. Bone God was cut off by a knife. The two bodies suddenly flew out of each other.

PS: Update late, sorry. Busy day today!


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