Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 185: Yuanshi Tianzun out of trouble

Six Immortals! Beyond the immortal sky, there is nothing.

Nothingness is nothing, nothing, nothing dark, nothing. However, at this moment, in this nothingness, there is a white robe standing, which is the Yuanshi Tianzun of Wanshou Taoism.

When Yuan Shitianzun snatched his hand, all the piles of articles were crushed into powder.

The powder was in this nothingness, and after just a flash, it disappeared. Nothingness has its own magical power, which slowly dissipates and dies until it disappears. This is also the reason why the flawed fairy dome was abandoned by the six immortals. Only the Six Immortals and the Immortals' Immortals can stably exist in this nothingness.

Watching the pile of items disappear into powder, Yuan Shi Tianzun sneered.

"With these things, Ji Dihong, you also want to trap the six immortals? Ha, ridiculous, ridiculous!" Yuan Shitianzun revealed a trace of icy cold.

It was dark all around, and a pair of purple pupils of Yuanshi Tianzun seemed to be able to look around through this darkness.

Facing a direction, Yuan Shitianzun's mouth showed a trace of coldness: "Ji Dihong, oh, I'm out now, and next, your Dahuang Tianchao can't be peaceful!"

His eyes were cold and cold, Yuan Shi Tianzun was going back to the Six Immortals, and he looked suddenly in a different direction.

"In addition to the Six Immortals, there is another immortal?" Yuan Shitianzhuang frowned slightly.

After a close look, Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes froze: "This immortal vault is bleak, and there are eighteen huge cracks. It is not a mixed yuan at all. The collapse is, is this ...? Six Tao Zhenjun for 800,000 years The former Heavenly Celestial Dome? Not destroyed yet? "

Yuan Shi Tianzun revealed a hint of accident.

"No, 800,000 years ago, it should have collapsed. The eighteen huge rifts are extremely deadly, but they still exist? What are they?" Yuan Shi Tianzun looked intently.

Stepping, Yuan Shitian Zun's figure fluttered towards the flawed fairy sky.


Inside the flawed fairy dome.

Bone God suppressed Houqing, the Ten Sovereigns, and Mao Tianyun with one person's strength.

Originally, the two sides were deadlocked, but the bone **** was still at ease. However, the expression of that expression and the tone of singing made the bone god's mood suddenly changed.

That unpleasant song is like a magic sound. Even if you hear it once and it will be unforgettable, will you still sing the singing song that can hear people?

The horrible revealing of Qindao's law has not been sung, and the magic sound has already sounded in the mind of the bone god, the sound of the magic voice is intriguing, and the instinct has aroused the emotion of the bone god.

When I was emotional and irritable, I didn't notice any abnormalities around me.

In addition, the ancient sea is extremely careful, hiding in the ancient immortal dome, it is silent.

On the occasion of the death of the dragon god, there was Gou Chen rescued. At the time when the bone **** was most angered, the ancient sea immediately pulled out the dead sword and cut it into the bone god.

Dare not to be underestimated, the ancient sea was directly on Zhou Tianjiu, and the huge power gathered in a moment, stabbing into the body of the bones.

The dead knife seemed to have resentment to avenge it, and there was a burst of light. Although it was obstructed, it had no intention of thinking, and did its best, and naturally penetrated the body of the bone **** instantly.

"What? Who?" Bone Shen's face changed with anger.

"I'm the master of Gou Chen! Aren't you going to kill me with me?" Gu Hai suddenly coldly.

Not afraid to hesitate, Gu Hai stared, and cut it out again on Zhou Tianjiu. Bone God was cut off by a knife. The two bodies suddenly flew out of each other.

Sudden changes caught him by surprise. The power in his hand was unbalanced. On the other side, the power of Mao Tianyun, Hou Qing, and the Ten Sovereigns slammed on the palms of the bone gods.

"Boom Kaka Kaka!"

The powerful forces collided, and the palms of the bone gods exploded and opened, leaving only the third weak palm, which was swaying slightly.

"Impossible!" The bone **** in the upper body exclaimed.

Two bodies flew away. Hou Qing, Mao Tianyun, and the Ten Sovereigns also widened their eyes.

"Master, master, you are really here!" Gou Chen was caught by Dragon God, and exclaimed ecstatically.

"Gu Hai?" Hou Qing looked cold.

Hou Qing had deep resentment against Gu Hai, twice because he was underaged by the Dragon Warring States because of Gu Hai, and because of Gu Hai, he messed up with the mission of the Six Immortals.

Gu Hai cut off the bone **** with a stab. At this moment, the dead sword seemed to draw a strange power, which gave Gu Hai a whole body shock.

"In the upper half of the body, is there a treasure?" Gu Hai stared at the bone **** with a sudden stare.

"Meow, be careful, he wants to recover his body!" Cat Tianyun exclaimed suddenly.

When Cat Tianyun waved his hand, a flame storm rushed towards two skeletons, and there was even a huge flame faucet in the flame storm.

"Boom, boom, boom ...............!"

When the flame storm slammed the two parts of Bone God's body, Bone God's black robe burned out instantly, and the body of the bones became scorched. However, even if the scorch was black, the two bodies still suffered heavy injuries and flew together to reconnect.

"Hou Qing, stop it!" Cat Tianyun growled.

"Hum!" Hou Qing snorted, after all, came up to help.

"I'm in charge of the upper body!" Gu Hai shouted.

While speaking, Gu Hai cut it again with a razor knife.

"Zhou Tianjiu!" Gu Hai cut off with a stab.

The sky was full of swordsmanship, gathered together, and went away with the ancient sea breaking through the void.

That half of the skeleton's body, although without arms, is still a great consummation practice. Zhou Tianjiu can fight against ordinary consummation, but this is not ordinary consummation.

The bone **** roared openly.

From his mouth, he suddenly rushed out of a long river of bones and came straight to the ancient sea.

Zhou Tianjiu welcomed the cut.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The two forces are indistinguishable.

"Senior, let's help you!" The top ten lords shouted.


The ten masters shot at the same time, slamming the bones over the river together.

However, the power of the long river of bones is too strong. Even if the top ten lords mobilized the power of faith, it was only barely supported.

Zhou Tianjiu also seemed unable to move.

"Roar, you can't do it! When my body recovers, don't even want to live!" Bone God spit out his bones and laughed.

"Destroy the light!"

Gu Haimei's heart suddenly burst into the sky.


The light of God of Destruction avoided the river of bones and shot at the bone of God's neck.


The huge spine was suddenly shattered into a large piece.

"What?" Bone God exclaimed.

Gu Hai was even more surprised. The light of the **** of extinction failed to completely break its spine?

the other side.

Bone God's lower body fights with Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun.

Even if it was divided into two sections, it was still fierce, but Cat Tianyun and Hou Qing were not vegetarian. They gradually suppressed their legs and crushed their legs into powder.

"Destroy the light!"

Gu Haimei's heart once again shot a god-destroying light.

"Huh!" Bone God suddenly deflected his body, and actually hid.

"Well, what will you do to destroy the light of God? What's the point of not hitting me?" Bone God shouted.

"Rules of chess!" Gu Hai waved with his right hand.


A weird array envelops the bone god.

"Destroy the light!"

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Two more shots.

Bone gods are partial, but at the moment, being in the chess pattern, the body position is not at the mercy of the ancient sea?

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, most of the cervical spine burst. However, in his skull, a force emerged to repair the neck strangely.

"No, no!" Bone God was anxious.

"Hey, hey, hey!"

Three lights of extermination are emitted.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Finally, the skull's cervical spine was overwhelmed and broken in two.

"No!" The skull screamed in despair.

Zhou Tianjiu finally beheaded when the skull was weak.


The broken skull suddenly flew out.

"You destroy Bone God's body, I'll go and chop his head!" Gu Hai drank.

"call out!"

Gu Hai pursued the past.

"Hou Qing, you have to deal with that half-cut upper body. This lower body has almost destroyed us. Come to five lords and accompany me to destroy the lower body of the bone god!" Cat Tianyun called.

"Good!" Hou Qing immediately flew.

The five lords flew to Mao Tianyun immediately.

"Boom boom boom ...............!"

The fierce battle begins again.

Cat Tianyun's face was sulking: "Meow meow. You ca n’t make you complete, but you can't destroy your lower body? Meow!"

Wrapped in fire, Mao Tianyun turned on the inhumane destruction mode.

The upper body, Hou Qing is also enough to deal with. Suddenly vented all previous shame. Bone God's two bodies suddenly suffered a devastating blow.

The ancient sea chased the skull of the bone god. It is because the deadblade senses that there seems to be something in the skull that the deadblade wants, and maybe that thing itself is a deadblade.

"Where are all dead!" Bone God roared.

"Bone God! I'm waiting!" A large number of strong skeletons came.

"Stop them!" Gu Hai cried.

"Yes!" Mosquito Taoist and Dragon God chanted immediately.

Mosquitoes and dragon gods can't deal with bone gods, but it's not difficult to deal with other strong people of these skeletons.

Unborn and Gou Chen hide in the distance.


Mosquitoes cast dark fields, and thousands of mosquitoes stopped all the skeletons. The dragon **** is on his side to deal with the strongest skeletons.

"Boom!" The two sides struck instantly.

Gu Haishou held the knife, but chased the skull of the bone god.

"Now, I am the only one left, and you have only the skull, Bone God!" Gu Hai sneered.

Bone God's head finally showed panic: "Bone ancestor? Can't blame me. At that time, you valued me, and I also thank you, but that rebellion, I had to do it, I had to do it!"

"Bone God, can you say something with integrity? You have to do it?" Gu Hai sneered.

"It's six immortals. He made me rebel. I didn't agree with him, he destroyed me, it's none of my business!" Bone God said with a fear.

"Six Immortals?" Gu Hai sank.

"Yes, you are a rib of the Celestial Immortal. In the nothingness, you have gained some power of nothingness, and it is different. But, after all, you are a rib of the Celestial Immortal, so the six immortals are worried that you are the Celestial Immortal. Hand, that's why I let you destroy you, and it gave me strength. It's none of my business! "The bone god's head anxiously said.

"Huh, it's none of your business? You tell the knife!" Gu Hai approached in an instant.

Bone God's head suddenly showed a hint of panic, and he spit out a blue light again.

"Destroy the light!" Gu Hai drank softly.


The two rays collided suddenly, the power of the god-destroying light was more powerful, and it smashed the jaw of the bone god.


The deadly knife also blasted in from the head of Bone God.

"No!" Bone God roared desperately.


On the skull of the bone god, a large number of bone spurs emerged, which instantly penetrated into the ancient sea body.

"Huh!" Gu Hai's face changed.

But it was those bone spurs that pierced through the chest of the ancient sea and pierced the back.

However, Guhai's whole body bones can also be ossified. Gently remove these bone spurs, avoiding all the key points.

Even so, the state of Guhai at the moment is extremely appalling. Seems to be penetrated by ten bone spurs.

"Your Majesty!" Exclaimed the mosquito.

"Master!" Gou Chen also exclaimed.

"I'm fine, stop them, don't bring them over!" Growled Gu Hai.

Because the physical body was severely wounded through the hole, but the strength of the dead sword drawn from the skull of the bone **** quickly compensated the ancient sea, and the ancient sea suddenly felt extremely comfortable. Extremely comfortable!

PS: Next Monday, QQ chat, everyone remembers to come. In addition, the plot on the other side of the earth, Dragon Warring States on the earth ’s huge layout, has appeared on the WeChat public account in a foreign situation, interested in watching the current situation of the Earth in Dragon Warring States, can Take a look, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add WeChat public account program, open WeChat ---- click on the '+' in the upper right corner-click on 'Add a friend'--click on 'Public Account' ----enter 'aiguanqi' search ----- With attention, it appeared, the icon is my wedding photo with my wife.


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