Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 187: Notice six

Hou Qing took Cat Tianyun back on the way!

"Hou Qing, do you hide anything from me?" Mao Tianyun looked at Hou Qing suspiciously.

"What can hide from you? You think too much!" Hou Qing laughed.

Cat Tianyun turned around around Hou Qing. Suspicious.

"Anyway, it's still early. I know a good place. There are good wines there. How about a drink together?" Hou Qing laughed.

Hou Qing wanted to delay time. The longer the time, the more dangerous the ancient sea was.

"I have a feeling, what are you hiding from me? You just said you were going back to life, and now you are going to drink again? Oh, never mind, your wine, I can't stand it!" Cat Tianyun flatly rejected.

"It's nothing to hide from you. Didn't you ask me about the zombies last time? Find a place and I'll tell you!" Hou Qing persuaded again.

"No need, I'll go and ask after Houtu!" Cat Tianyun immediately refused.

Speaking of this, Cat Tianyun flew towards the distance. Perhaps it was the cat's natural alertness. What always felt wrong was from Hou Qing. Cat Tianyun naturally did not want to follow him.

Hou Qing watched Cat Tianyun leave and frowned slightly. Can only helplessly follow along.

It didn't take long for one person and one cat to reach a place in the clouds, their figures flickered, they disappeared into the clouds, and they reached a very empty little space.

In the small space, there is a colorful light in all directions, but it is the power of the entire world's people, gathered from all sides of the flawed immortal dome, and headed for a hall in the center.

Outside the main hall.

Changsheng and Ziwei are sitting in front of a pile of food and eating. Their stomachs looked like bottomless pits, and they couldn't fill them up.

In a small kiosk aside, at this moment was sitting a beautiful woman in a black robe. The woman was playing with a few pawns, and she was a little mad. But it was Long Wan who clearly watched Wusiren, looked at Go, and thought of the ancient sea.

"Crumbling, kitten, are you back? Okay?" Changsheng was surprised while eating pig legs.

"How many times have I told you, don't call me a kitten, call me Tianyun!" Cat Tianyun stared, uncomfortable.

"Where's my sister?" Hou Qing asked.

"Hou Tu? Accompany Long Wanyu while practicing in the hall, and come out in a while!" Changsheng swallowed the flesh in his mouth.

"What about Gou Chen? Why didn't you see him come back?" Zi Wei asked, holding a chicken leg.

"He? He is with his master, that ancient sea!" Mao Tianyun said casually.

Hou Qing wanted to stop, but everything was too late.


The **** in Long Wanqing's hand suddenly fell down, and turned his head sharply.

"What are you talking about? The ancient sea is here?" Long Wanqing said with great surprise.

"Yes, if it wasn't for the ancient sea, we wouldn't have been so easy to deal with the bone god. The bone **** was actually the perfect repair of the gods, but it was finally beheaded by the ancient sea. Today, the ancient sea is in the middle of its spirit!" Cat Tianyun explained.

"The battle is not over yet? Kitten, the bone **** has not died yet, you will come back by yourself? Throw the ancient sea and Gou Chen there? You, you, you are too much!" Ziwei jumped up immediately.

Cat Tianyun's face froze: "I'm too much, I want to help, then Gu Hai said no need ...!"

However, Cat Tianyun did not know the relationship between Ziwei, Changsheng and Gu Hai.

Ziwei just said it, Changsheng also said immediately: "I was blind too, I misread you, you are such a person, no, you are such a cat!"

The longevity and Ziwei's disgust deeply hurt the cat Tianyun.

"What kind of cat? That Gu Hai don't help yourself!" Cried Cat Tianyun.

"Yeah, Gu Hai can handle it well, he said, you wait patiently, Gu Hai should be back soon!" Hou Qing said.

"No, I want to go!" Long Wanqing said excitedly.

Regardless of whether Gu Hai can deal with the bone god, Long Wanqing can't wait now, and must go immediately.

Hou Qing froze: "Long Wanqing, you still don't want to disturb Gu Hai, he will be here soon!"

Hou Qing stopped in front of Long Wanqing and seemed to persuade.

"Let's go!" Long Wanqing looked cold.

"Long Wanqing, you don't ...!" Hou Qing wanted to stop.

"I want you to let go!" Long Wanqing suddenly burst into a powerful black flame around her.

Hou Qing's face changed, afraid that Long Wanqing would shock Long Wanyu and her sister.

"Okay!" Hou Qing stepped back with a bitter smile.

"I'll go too!" Ziwei wiped his mouth.

"I'll go too!" Changsheng was also quite excited.

"Meow, what's the best way to go!" Cat Tianyun was unhappy at the moment.

Ziwei and Changsheng turned around and ignored Cat Tianyun.

Long Wanqing waved and flew out of this small space with Ziwei Changsheng.

As the three men left, Cat Tianyun was depressed. Ziwei and Changsheng should be on their side, they still said me?

"Cat Tianyun, forget it, they ...!" Hou Qing said falsely.

"I blame you, so eager to call me back to do? Huh!" Cat Tianyun snorted, ignored Hou Qing, and walked into a hall not far away.

Hou Qing's face froze, and finally her eyes looked coldly into the distance.

"Ziwei and Changsheng Xiu are insignificant. Only Long Wanqing has great consummate strength, but the three great conquerors deal with it. Oh, no one can save the ancient sea!" Hou Qing gave a cold look.


Among the bone graves where the ancient sea is located.

With the ghostly spirit and the empty bone marrow being drawn by the ancient sea, the bone god's head became weaker and weaker, and a lot of cracks appeared on the skull, as if in weathering.

The shape of the razor knife has become the ancient sea, but the material of the whole body is bones.

Gu Hai has dual purposes, and once he absorbs ghostly spirits, he continues to split his self-consciousness into the dead sword.

In the past, the ancestral consciousness of the ancestral sword was erased by the ancient sea. However, the remnants of instinct are like the consciousness to be recreated. Therefore, the ancient sea must constantly erase the recreated consciousness and fill its own consciousness.

Gu Hai could not be distracted at this moment, even moving his body into the ancient immortal vault.

It's like two ancient seas sitting together, sucking the energy in the skull together.


A sudden loud noise came from the ancient sea itself. A stream of air blew across the square.

But it is the ancient sea that has extracted almost all the ghostly spirits, and in the eyes of the sky, a blue and black ghostly spirit has condensed.

Ghostly erupted, and a powerful force burst into his body. As if the ghostly power of the heavens and the earth were connected, Gu Haixiu tried to improve him again.

"Ghostly Dan, seventh in the heavenly palace?" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

There is still some ghost air, but the remaining ghost air cannot condense the light of the gods.

On the other side, the skeleton avatar is also about to extract all the nothingness bone marrow. At this moment, the resistance of the skeleton avatar is even greater, and the ancient sea is afraid to hesitate, and strives to use its own will to constantly kill the new life of the skeleton avatar. Almost most of the consciousness is devoted to refining avatars.

Bone God has become a thing of the past. With rapid weathering, it will disappear completely in a blink of an eye.

"Bone ancestor, ha ha ha ha, you are still as cruel as that year, and even begging for forgiveness, I can't do it, but don't try to get the benefit, let's all go together!" Bone God roared in despair at last.

Gu Hai didn't bother, and all died together? To start with, you choose to explode, and maybe you can do it, but now, the power in your body is almost exhausted, and you want to die all together? Imaginary dream.

"The six immortal vaults are proof, I am a bone god, cursed with the last breath, I am forever lost, and I shall never be born as a curse, pass the voice of me, into the ears of heaven, six immortals, Huang Quanhai as the entrance, I am now at you The Holy Celestial Celestial Dome, the bone ancestor resurrection, is brewing here against the sky! Six immortals, please come to get rid of the inverse! "Bone God was desperate, and finally said fiercely.

"Miscellaneous accounts!" Gu Hai's face suddenly changed.


However, at this moment, the bone **** has completely exhausted everything, the soul has become the source of the curse, and the smoke disappears instantly. The skull also instantly rose into powder.

All the nimble bones enter the skeleton avatars transformed by the mortal sword.

At this final stage of meditation, Gu Hai could not move at all. Can't relax at all, but don't want to, the bone **** curses.


Gu Hai is desperately refining the skull clone.

And at this moment, a sound in the dark disappeared strangely in place, along the place where the bones came from, the sea, from the sea, through the Huangquan Road, passed to the Six Immortals, and came out of the Huangquanhai. The sound went straight to Jiuxiao and disappeared.

"The Six Immortals, Huang Quanhai is the entrance. I am now in your Holy Heavenly Celestial Dome, and the ancestors are resurrected. Here are the plans to counter the sky!

The quiet voice passed into the most secret place of heaven and earth.

Over the sea, Huangquan suddenly covered with dark clouds. Among the dark clouds was a huge crack.


The cracks parted, and the vast heavenly eyes were suddenly revealed.

The six immortals heard the voice of the bone god, opened their eyes and looked at Huang Quanhai.

At this moment, all living creatures and dead spirits in the four sides bowed down and bowed to the advent of the fairy.


Defective Fairy.

Gu Hai is desperately refining the skull clone. At this moment, Gu Hai couldn't even stop. Once it stopped, the will of the skull clone might burst into his mind and make himself wounded.

"Come on, hurry up, once the Six Immortals really come, it will be bad, not a bone ancestor, but Wan Yu, Wan Yu will be in danger!" Gu Hai anxiously said.

Heaven's ribs? Reincarnation of the sky? No matter what?

If you don't hurry anymore, you will be served by the Six Immortals.

The so-called woe is not alone.

Gu Hai is desperately refining the skeleton clone. On a mountain not far away, a black robe figure slowly appeared.

"Oh, Gu Hai, it seems that Hou Qing is also looking forward to your death. Seeing me coming, he actually greeted Cat Tianyun to go first!" The black robe figure froze coldly.

The ten great masters, Gou Chen, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God, and unborn were suddenly close to the enemy.

"You are, Heavenly Demon Holy Land, Old Nine? Cuckoo Heavenly Demon?" Mosquito Taoist suddenly changed his face.

Rhododendron demon, the heavenly palace is complete?

PS: Next Monday, QQ chat, everyone remembers to come. In addition, the plot on the other side of the earth, Dragon Warring States on the earth ’s huge layout, has appeared on the WeChat public account in a foreign situation, interested in watching the current situation of the Earth in Dragon Warring States, you can Take a look, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add WeChat public account program, open WeChat ---- click on the '+' in the upper right corner-click on 'Add a friend'--click on 'Public Account' ----enter 'aiguanqi' search ----- With attention, it appeared, the icon is my wedding photo with my wife.


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