Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 188: Ingratitude Ten Masters

Cuckoo demon?

Between the steps, over the dead bones on the ground, suddenly a lot of emerald green sprouts popped up, and then quickly came out one by one. Just momentarily, within 100,000 miles, the land was covered with endless rhododendrons.

Heavenly Temple complete?

The faces of the ten suzerains changed.

The skeletons rushing to the center all around suddenly stunned.

"Your Majesty, the cuckoo and the heavenly demon in the heavenly demon's holy place have come, Your Majesty!" The unborn person looked anxiously to the bone grave not far away.

Gu Hai is now concentrating on refining the skeleton avatar. Although he knows the external crisis, he cannot answer it.

"Be careful of mosquitoes," Long Shenzhang said.

"Good!" The mosquito brow frowned slightly and finally nodded.

Facing Great Success? Mosquitoes want to run away. After all, this cuckoo heavenly devil ranks ninth in the heavenly demon holy land, and the corpse heavenly demon who dares not to mess with him also ranks eleventh.

But looking at the ancient sea, the mosquitoes finally made up their minds and must try.

"He's here to deal with his master? Hou Qing? Hou Qing's bastard, I said why he suddenly ran so fast. It turned out that he had deliberately wanted to kill my master!" Gou Chen suddenly became furious.

Gou Chen likes to sing, which does not mean stupidity, and everything is analyzed in an instant.

"Masters, next, please troublesomely mobilize your faith and power to stop this cuckoo demon for us!" Gou Chen immediately asked the ten masters.

"Do you also want to bury the ancient sea?" Du Juan sneered.

The ten suzerainers looked at each other, and then looked at the mosquitoes and other people. Obviously, Gu Hai and his party were pitted by Hou Qing. Hou Qing borrowed a knife to kill people. Want to kill Gu Hai? And these people are certainly not their great opponents. The power of ten people to mobilize their faith, although it is also close to great consummation, but it is only close.

"No, your grievances, you solve them, let's go!" A suzerain yelled.

The disciples disciples slightly nodded, then nodded.

"What? Lord Ran, what do you mean? When the bone **** was about to destroy you, but we helped you, but my master killed you for the bone god, now you cross the river to tear down the bridge?" Gou Chen glared and stared.

Ran Zong shook his head: "I was in crisis before, but I didn't ask you for help!"

"You ...!" Gou Chen was immediately angry.

"Sorry, your grudges, we can't help you!" The other lords nodded.

"You guys, ungratefulness!" Gou Chen growled depressedly.

"God Chen, we are helpless, he is a great success in the Heavenly Palace, I ca n’t stop him at all, and in the previous battle, our case suffered heavy losses and we ca n’t lose any more. He apparently came to the ancient sea to seek revenge Yes, I urge you to leave early! "Ran Zongrui relentlessly refused to help.

"Big deal, big deal, I sing to compensate you, and you stay!" Gou Chen gritted his teeth and begged.

Sing? You sing for us?

"Come on!" Ran Zong shouted.


The ten ancestors suddenly turned and flew away. Without hesitation, never stop.

"Huh, a group of ingratitude guys, I curse you guys!" Gou Chen cursed and grinned.

"Hahahaha, that Lord Ran said just now. I only need the life of Gu Hai, and if I surrender, I will give you a chance to survive!" Du Juan Tianmo laughed.

"Hum, stop thinking!" Gou Chen was gritted.

"Since you don't want to, then I'll take a look. This ancient sea is hiding in the bone pile, and how long it will take!" The cuckoo Tianmo sighed coldly, and ran a fist into the skull grave where Gu Hai was.

"The body of the generals, the power of the ground stiff!" Dragon God yelled loudly.

Two black dragon-scale bone wings emerged from behind, and the whole body breathed out. The dry bones trembled suddenly under the overflow of this power. A punch greeted the cuckoo demon.

"Boom ~!"

The fists collided, and the void shuddered, and the countless dead bones on the ground exploded instantly.

The fists suddenly stalemate.

With the full strength of the Dragon God, he blocked the Great Heavenly Palace.

"The body of the general minister? Oh, it really is strong enough, but you don't know, is the great difference between perfection and non-perfect perfection?" The cuckoo's face was cold. He shook suddenly.

"Boom ~!"

The dragon **** suddenly flew out of the palm of the cuckoo's demon.

"Blood Mosquito Sting!"

A sharp thorn tube suddenly shot from behind him towards the head of the cuckoo demon. It was the sneak attack of the mosquitoes' domain.


The cuckoo heavenly demon suddenly flicked a little, and the spiky tube exploded and opened instantly, even with the domain avatar suddenly burst open.


In the distance, the dragon **** knocked against a large mountain, but flew again in an instant.

"The ninth weight of the Heavenly Palace is truly extraordinary. I can't do that much at this time for you, but do you know what is great consummation?" Dujuan Tianmo sneered.

The Shinto area of ​​Mosquito eruption broke out again, and 10,000 avatars rushed towards the cuckoo demon. Suddenly the water around the cuckoo and the demon four leaked out, and a horrible fist struck.

"Broken!" The cuckoo screamed loudly.


Thousands of mosquitoes were exploded and blasted off, firing at all directions.

"I'm not a purple jade demon. I only helped the Lord to break through the great consummation. I came to practice it myself, and I'll tell you what it means to be a great consummation!" Cuckoo Tianma sneered.

In a sneer, flipping his hands, the void seemed to have tens of thousands of palms, and greeted the dragon gods and mosquitoes.


A loud noise repelled all the avatars.

"Well, great consummation is not invincible, nor is it impossible to kill! These days, I have also died a lot!" Dragon God continued to smash with great power.

For a moment, a lot of cracks appeared in the void not far away, and the mosquitoes and dragon gods rushed to the cuckoo in succession, but they couldn't get close by the hands of the cuckoo.

"None of the great consummates use only their own strength. How strong can they be? Is it better than the power of heaven and earth? And the great consummate moves the power of heaven and earth. The power of heaven and earth blends into the Tao, Is n’t your group of reckless men mobilizing the power of heaven and earth? If you do n’t enter the Great Consummation, you will never know how strong we are. Broken! ”The cuckoo screamed loudly.


The mosquitoes and the dragon **** suddenly burst out again.

The two and the domain split, all vomiting blood, but at this moment they are still rushing up to protect the ancient sea law.


Not far away, the battle was roaring.

The unborn were guarding the bone grave of Gu Hai, and Chen Chen looked anxious and wondered what to do.

At this moment, without being blocked by mosquitoes, the skull tribe finally rushed up.

"No, the skeletons are coming up. The top ten lords are nothing. You don't help me deal with the great consummation. It's okay to deal with these skeletons!" Gou Chen was extremely anxious.

Skeletons rushed to pose in a fighting pose, but their hearts were extremely tense.

Just a few feet away from where the ancient sea is.

The skeleton at the front seemed to feel something weird.







The skeletons knelt down in quick succession, seemingly terrified.

"My Lord spares life!" Countless skeletons horrified.

But it is the skeleton of the ancient sea, the ancestral breath of the bones, which suddenly made these countless skeletons like a buster, terrified.

"Uh, why did these skeletons kneel?" Gou Chen was surprised.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance. Suddenly like a shell, the dragon **** was shot back and crashed not far from the ancient sea.


The ground was smashed into a pothole.

"Well!" Dragon God spit out blood.

"Your Majesty, I and the mosquitoes can't stand it!" Dragon God said bitterly.

"call out!"

With a cry of anguish, the dragon **** shouted again at the cuckoo demon.

Bone Grave. The most critical moment of the ancient sea at this moment was naturally unable to respond, but under the control of the mind, the gate of the ancient fairy's sky suddenly opened.

Among the ancient immortals.

One day outside, ten years inside.

In these days, Kong Xuan has swallowed all the **** ginger replicas.

At this moment, Kong Xuan turned into a human form, sitting cross-legged on the void. The whole body was blasted with black gas. Trying the ultimate breakthrough.

"It's almost a little bit, it's almost a little bit. Jiang Rulai's replica, although it has raised me to the limit, but Jiang Rulai's replica itself is not a great consummation. Even if I eat more, I can't achieve great consummation Just one step away, I can condense the peacock Taoism, but this step is a step away from the earth. It ’s almost, it ’s almost! ”Kong Xuan said eagerly.

But at this moment, Kong Xuan opened a void exit.

Gu Hai's voice made by his thoughts circulated beside Kong Xuan's body: "There is a great consummation outside the Heavenly Palace. Almost, a demon who ate a great consummation and tried it!"

Kong Xuan suddenly saw a fierce light.


Kong Xuanfei emerged from the ancient fairy sphere.


The sky is full of rhododendrons, which suddenly blocked the void, blocked the dragon gods and mosquitoes, and the two people spit blood. The rhododendrons were everywhere.

"I don't know if I live or die!" Dujuan Tianmo snorted, and slammed at the two with a single palm.

At the time of the call, all azaleas suddenly turned into palms, like hundreds of millions of palms.

"It's over!" The two exclaimed.

Seeing to be overthrown, suddenly, a dark wind rolled up.


Suddenly, the palm of the rolling azalea was rolled by the black wind and entered a sudden population.

But it was Kong Xuan, who resolved the crisis between the two. At the same time, Kong Xuan slammed into the palm of the cuckoo Tianmo.


Kong Xuan stepped back when the void blew, and the cuckoo heavenly demon stood in place, but the palm of the hand disappeared.

"Kong Xuan? Can you actually catch my hand?" Du Juan Tianmo said coldly.

"Not only did I catch your hand, I also ate you!" Kong Xuan exclaimed.

The palm of the hand made Kong Xuan understand that the strength of the cuckoo demon is stronger than himself. However, the strength is also limited. If I can eat him, maybe I can break through?

Kong Xuan's mind was flooding with wild expectations. Must eat him!

"Kong Xuan, you have increased your power so much? But he can mobilize the power of heaven and earth!" The mosquito Taoist exclaimed.

"My Peacock family has a record of inheritance. The foundation is not thick. Even if the power of the heavens and the earth is mobilized, only the perfection of the gods can mobilize a perfect power of the heavens and the earth. He, obviously, has not yet the gods. Deceive the words, what is the power of mobilizing the power of heaven and earth is the root. I admit that when he mobilizes the power of heaven and earth, he is stronger, but his foundation is not stable without me, not to mention His Majesty, His Majesty Cultivate in me, kill him, pinch an ant! "Kong Xuanzi said.

"Is that so?" Long Shenzhang was surprised.

"You two rush for me and watch me kill him and devour!" Kong Xuan said in his face.

"Okay!" The two responded.

ps: qq chat next Monday, everyone remembers to come, in addition, the plot on the other side of the earth, Dragon Warring States on the earth's huge layout, has appeared on the WeChat public account in a foreign situation, interested in watching the current situation of the Dragon Warring States, you can Take a look, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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