Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 189: Reunion

Kong Xuan's eyes seemed to have a bloodthirsty color!

Kong Xuan was willing to do everything in order to make himself break through. Besides, a pair of palms just now made Kong Xuan distinguish. This cuckoo Tianmo is stronger than himself, but also limited because of his foundation Not as good as myself.

Kong Xuan didn't have the Peacock clan heritage before, and it was all through fighting that killed him all the way. The foundation is very solid, and most of the time, they are invincible.

Kong Xuan didn't know how the cuckoo demon achieved great success, anyway, Kong Xuan dared to fight him fiercely, and even fought hard.

In an instant, Kong Xuan fluttered the six-colored Shenguang, and rushed towards the cuckoo. He fought hard and even exchanged for injuries.

"Boom!" "Oh!"

Rhododendron demon struck Kong Xuan's chest with a single palm. Kong Xuan spit out blood at once, but his six-colored light drew a piece of flesh on the shoulder of the rhododendron demon.

It seems that the cuckoo demon is suffering, but the cuckoo demon is just a skin injury, but Kong Xuan is an internal injury. But Kong Xuan didn't care. The raging ** in his eyes prompted Kong Xuan to continue to trade injuries for injuries!

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Under a series of shocks, the two were fighting fiercer and fiercer. Kong Xuan's large robes shattered and a lot of wounds were torn from his body, but Kong Xuan didn't care. He continued to flutter without hesitation.

"Kong Xuan, you lunatic!" Cuckoo Tianmo exasperated.

This is totally a deadly play.

Not far away, the mosquitoes and dragon gods who cooperated with Kong Xuan jumped wildly.

"I finally understand why I'm not as good as Kong Xuan!" There was a shock in the eyes of mosquitoes.

When you think about your own practice, the mosquitoes feel that they can achieve such a practice, which is really lucky.


The three strong men besieged the azalea demon, although they were still suppressed by the azalea devil, but Kong Xuan's madness made the azalea demon's heart beat for a while.

No matter what, Gu Hai is temporarily safe.

Gou Chen and unborn guard Zhou Zhou.

As the skeletons entered the heaven and earth, the skeletons were not sure about the whereabouts of the bone gods, so the soldiers divided the way, and the three gods of the heavenly gods had three ways.

However, the movement of the huge battle here soon caught the attention of the other two.

"Huh?" The old eight suddenly slumped away.


Suddenly, the old man flew forward.

"Hehe, old nine, three unsuccessful people, can you fight them to this day?" Old eight sneered in surprise.

"Don't talk nonsense, old man, come and help!" Du Juan Tianmo depressed.

Obviously he has the advantage, but he is constantly injured, but the cuckoo demon is anxious at this moment. Although that Kong Xuan's injury was more serious, but this is exactly the same as the exhaustion.

The old eight did not go up to help, but looked around.

Countless skeletons knelt down, kneeling down to that skull grave. Standing next to Gou Chen and Weisheng.

"It's over, it's over, call him No. 8? That was No. 9 now, this is No. 8? Isn't it more powerful?" Gou Chen's face changed.

"Lao Jiu, what are the graves of those skeletons?" Old Ba asked.

"It's Guhai, Guhai is in it, and it's against the spirit of the bone gods! If you don't help me, go and chop Guhai!" Cuckoo cuckoo.

"Do you dare!" The mosquito screamed, exasperated.

"Hahahaha, you three lunatics are starting to worry now? It's late, at this time, I'm just struggling to get worse, and you shouldn't even want to leave!" Du Juan Tianmo laughed.


The cuckoo heavenly demon desperately intercepted the three.

"Fast, inform your Majesty, fast!" Dragon God shouted anxiously.

"Notice? Hehe, it's too late, Gu Hai? The last time you were in the sky, you were bad. We were so bad, masters of poison? We didn't bring it now!" Old Ba said coldly.

In the cold voice, a palm blasted towards the skull grave.

Gou Chen's face changed. Although he was very weak, he still welcomed him without hesitation.

The unborn were standing at the grave mouth, their fingers were not moving, and they seemed to be shooting.

"Hahahahaha, Zhongtian Temple? Hahaha, funny, a Zhongtian Temple also wants to stop me? You and the ancient sea die together!" Lao Ba laughed loudly.

In the laughter, the power in his hands suddenly shook the void, and a powerful coercion immediately struck a spit of blood.


Gou Chen wouldn't do it before his palm arrived. Seeing that one palm came out, Gou Chen's eyes showed despair.

"Save me!" Gou Chen exclaimed.

But at this moment, a palm appeared beside Gou Chen, facing the palm of the old eight.

A small palm is extremely petite, but this small palm seems to carry the most powerful river power between heaven and earth. Blatantly collided with the old eight.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A loud noise blew up a huge black hole in the void.

"Deng Deng Deng Deng ........."

The old eight actually took eight steps back and forth, and stepped on all the dead bones before stopping.

"What? How is that possible! Who are you!" The old eight was surprised.

It was this critical moment, Long Wanqing arrived, greeted the eighth with one palm. Standing next to Ziwei, Changsheng.

"Mother, that's great, you're finally here!" Gou Chen was instantly agitated.

"Gouchen, your pants are wet?" Changsheng glared and suddenly called.

"It must be scared, it's really strange. It's the first time I've seen Gou Chen scared to urinate pants!" Zi Wei also laughed suddenly.

"Who said that I was scared to urinate my pants, this is sweat, sweat!" Gou Chen suddenly turned red.

"Where is the ancient sea?" Long Wanqing suddenly looked at Gou Chen.

"There, Your Majesty won't let us bother!" Gou Chen cried instantly.

Long Wanqing suddenly saw the grave to which all the skeletons worshiped, and also saw the unborn.

Seeing the unborn, Long Wanqing frowned slightly: "Why don't you shoot?"

"It's not enough to be uncultivated!" Gou Chen said blankly.

The unborn person shook his head: "The ancient sea hasn't reached the point of life and death, I don't have to shoot!"

The words of the unborn person left Gou Chen scratching their heads, but Long Wanqing understood it. Only the ancient sea was at the critical point of life and death, and she would see the sisters' affection in the shot. At other times, it was impossible. As for the others, they will not.

Long Wanqing frowned slightly, but didn't blame any more, but looked at the old man not far away.

"You were going to kill my husband just now?" Long Wanqinghan whispered.

"What's the matter? Little girl, I haven't thought that Guhai has hidden a great consummation. What power did you use just now? Why is there a sense of great river!" Lao Ba said coldly.

"You feel it yourself, hum, I want to kill my husband, I will kill you!" Long Wanqing stared.

Big wave.

"Boom ~~~~!" Hundreds of huge black rivers rushed out, all the dead bones broke down instantly when Heihe arrived.

These Heihe Rivers are naturally the Minghe River. The ancient sea destroyed the ancestors of the Minghe River, and using the storage of the ancestors of the Minghe River, the powerful Minghe River reshaped the body of Long Wanqing.

Today, Long Wanqing waved and manipulated one hundred Styx Rivers, and everything that was passed was broken apart.

"What is this? Huh, no matter what river you are useless, I am the body of a koi, the world is a million river, let me travel!" Old Ba said coldly.

The detective waved, as if a sea of ​​golden fish scales came towards the hundreds of rivers.

"Boom Kaka Kaka!"

Hundreds of Styx Rivers passed, and the sea of ​​fish scales rushed away instantly.

Long Wanqing went down the river, and in the blink of an eye again reached the place of the old eight, and once again slammed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise again, and the eighth was beaten out again.

"Impossible, how could Gu Hai have a great wife!" Cried the old man in depression.

Long Wanqing didn't hesitate, and the hundred Styx Rivers instantly broke the sea of ​​fish scales, and soared to the sky, like a hundred giant dragons, swarming towards the old eight.


Suddenly, the old eight was submerged in the Ming River.

While resisting the decomposing power of the Minghe River, it was necessary to cope with Long Wanqing's monstrous killing intention.

"If you want to kill my husband, let's die!" Long Wanqing continued to hit the eighth.

Under the intensive attack, the old eight was frustrated.

"No, no, this is impossible!" The old eight snarled in depression.

In the distance, the cuckoo demon, Kong Xuan, the mosquito Taoist, and the dragon **** cricket were all staring.

"This is Queen Long Wanqing? Then I used to feel the terrifying breath of Wudu Tiandu, is she? She is too powerful, right?" The mosquito Taoist said in surprise.

"Wan Qing niece?" Long Shenxi said in shock.

This is the sister's daughter, so powerful?

The strength of Long Wanqing, which Kong Xuan saw, became more and more eager for great perfection. Even though his whole body was blood, he still fiercely attacked the cuckoo demon.

The cuckoo's demon was so depressed that he had expected the eighth to save himself, so why did the eighth fall into it?


Fighting between the two sides broke out again.

While Gou Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng were worried, a voice came suddenly not far away.

"Gu Hai's wife? Oh, she has some patience. Stop it now, otherwise, I will kill Gu Hai immediately!"

"Huh?" The Quartet's combat man turned his head and looked suddenly.

But I saw that the graveyard where the ancient sea was was actually covered by a large spider web.

"Pansi Demon?" Shenren said quietly.

"My sixth son, you're finally here!" Cuckoo surprised.

"This **** is so terrible, shit, my sixth son, you have to deal with it!" The old man eagerly said.

Countless spider webs surround the web. Above the spider web, a black robe figure is standing at the moment.

"It's over, they call him the sixth child, the sixth child? Isn't it more powerful?" Gou Chen said hopelessly.

"Fu Jun!" Long Wanqing was anxious. Some of them are afraid of shooting.

Pansi Tianmo looked at the tomb of the skeleton, and seemed to be ready to shoot at any time.


But at this moment, the skull grave suddenly collapsed.

From the inside, suddenly stood up. It is the ancient sea.

As everyone dragged on the eighth and ninth, Gu Hai finally completely wiped out the consciousness of the reuniting of the skeletons. That skeleton has become a avatar.

However, Gu Hai has just been trained, and Gu Hai is not too familiar with it.

Earning the ancient fairy sphere, the ancient sea stepped out.

A large number of dead bones spread out, and the ancient sea suddenly exposed, and everyone was seen.

"Fu Jun!"

"the host!"

"Ancient sea!"

Meet friends and relatives and be extra happy.

PS: Something happened today, the second is about an hour later than usual, forgive me!


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