Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 190: Week ten

When Gu Hai stepped out of the skull grave, all his relatives and friends had a happy face, but the three big demons changed their faces.

"Bone God is gone?" Cuckoo Sky Demon exclaimed suddenly.

"The ancient sea!"

In the past, the borderless sky capital almost died of toxic poison because of dealing with Gu Hai. This fear made Pansi Tianmo like an enemy.

At the same time, with a wave of spider webs all around, a pink gas suddenly burst out and went straight to the ancient sea.

"Your poison has already been touched by Xianer. Do you think this poison can hurt you?" Gu Hai sneered and looked at Pansi Tianmo.

Standing in the poisonous gas, the ancient sea was nothing.

Between the probes, Gu Hai took out the sword.

"Gu Hai, be careful!" Long Wanqing cried suddenly.

Gu Hai turned to look at Long Wanqing, showing a touch of tenderness: "Relax, I'm fine, take care of myself!"

Long Wan nodded her head, probed, and more Minghe strangled towards Lao Ba.

On the other side, Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God slammed into the cuckoo demon.

The war has begun again.

Gu Hai looked at Pansi.

Pansi Tianmao's poison did not get any effect, and the detective waved.


The Quartet suddenly rolled up the rolling spider silk, like a sea of ​​spider silk, tangling towards the ancient sea.

"Sunday nine!" Gu Hai sang coldly.

A blade slashed across, and the hob knife gas instantly cut the entire spider silk sea in half and exploded toward the two sides. Zhou Tianjiu's monstrous power instantly came to Pansi Tianmo.

"What?" Pansi Tianmo's face changed, welcoming with one palm.


The huge blade shattered a large void. Pansi Heavenly Demon had a sudden meal.

"You, why do you have so much power?" Pansi Tianmo was surprised.

This knife is actually indistinguishable from Pansi Tianmo?

Gu Hai waved.


All skeletons are included in the ancient fairy heaven.

Gu Hai did not bother with Pansi Tianmo, stepped forward, and cut it again.

"Sunday nine!"


With great power, Pansi Tianmo was cut back one step at a time, and looked at Guhai in surprise at the same time.

"It's impossible, you haven't completed it, how can there be such a huge power? In the past Sunday and Sunday, didn't you have to mobilize the power to do it?" Pansi Tianmo was surprised.


The foundation of the ancient sea practice is so solid that even the Dragon Warring States of that year were ashamed. Each level of cultivation begins with the perfect three souls.

In the past, when the heavenly palace was second, there was the power of the ordinary heavenly palace.

Today, the Heavenly Palace is seventh in weight, showing how strong the ancient sea power is.

Moreover, Gu Haixiu is not a kind of Qi. At first, no mystery can be seen. As the types of Qi become more and more, Gu Hai found that the power they produce is not only superimposed, but a kind of sublimation. A kind of gas, the power of which has increased ten times.

In the past, Zhou Tianjiu needed to mobilize the trend, which would hurt the physical body, but now, cutting out Zhou Tianjiu is more than easy.

Zhou Tianjiu, in the past, he could hurt Liudao Zhenjun, and he has already achieved great success.

At this moment, since Gu Hai had identified Pansi Tianmo, naturally he didn't bother.



Once again, Zhou Tianjiu, Pan Sitian Mo suddenly cut off and flew into the sky.

Pansi Tianmo is Lao Liu, and Jiang Rulai was Lao Qi in the past. Although it is more powerful than Jiang Rulai, it is not ordinary people to imagine that Gu Haixiu has skyrocketed.

"Impossible, Pansi field!" Pansi demon exclaimed.

In the waving hands, in all directions, everywhere in the world, it is covered with endless spider webs. A field formed by spider webs seems to envelop all the paths of the ancient sea.

However, on the day of Zhou Tianjiu's emergence, a huge field of knife air was suddenly formed. There were more than 200 large-scale knife air, each of which was accompanied by more than 200 medium-sized knife air. Around each medium-sized knife air was accompanied by more than 200 small ones. Knife gas. Going down layer by layer is like the condensation when the ancient sea 100,000 chess scores were promoted.

As soon as the sword air field came out, all the spider silk was completely shredded, and Zhou Tianjiu once again cut to Pansi Tianmo.


Slam the Pansi demon again, and the two immediately fought to high altitude.

"This is the Great Perfection? Oh, it's not good!" Gu Hai sneered.

In the hand, the stabbing knife continued to be cut out, and the Pansi Heavenly Devil cut back and flew again and again.

Pansi Tianmo is more powerful than Jiang Rulai. The biggest dependence is poison!

Yes, poison? No effect on the ancient sea. Chen Xian'er had been prepared for the Pansi demon for a long time, and naturally set the body of the ancient sea.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom ~~~~~!"

Above the starry sky, Gu Hai and Pansi Tianmo smashed all the way, blowing up several stars. It was difficult to solve for a while, and even the ancient sea had a slight advantage.

"Impossible, unless your gods are almost complete in their practice, otherwise there can be no such powerful base force! You, you, how much your human soul, how much earth soul, how much heaven soul?" Anxiously.

"Have you never heard anyone say that?" Gu Hai sneered.


"It seems that you did not investigate your information about You. Oh, the Lord of all the major forces in the world should have Your information, You, forty-nine feet in human soul!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"What? Perfect human soul?" Pansi Tianmo was surprised.

"Earth soul, sixty-four feet! Heaven soul, eighty-one feet!" Gu Hai said coldly.


On the 9th day of the week, Pansi Tianmo once again retreated, but at this moment looking at the ancient sea, it seemed like a ghost.

"Impossible, the perfect three souls? Only the great consummators can do it, and it is not an ordinary great consummator. Only those who are consummate gods can achieve the perfect three souls. You, are you not, once you break through the great consummation And it was straight to the gods? I, I practiced 300,000 years and reincarnation 76 times, and I could n’t do it! You, you, how are you possible! "Pansi Tianmo exclaimed.

"Is the gods fulfilled?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

Because during the battle between Chi You and Ji Dihong in the past, the two seemed to mention that they were the gods, and the ancient sea knew that the Dragon Warring States was also the gods.

"Even a perfect human soul, I won't let you become a great consummate, because today, I will kill you and eat your three souls, maybe it will be of great help to my spiritual practice, hahaha!" Pan Sitian Devil laughed.

"Kill it? You seem to be better off now, right?" Gu Hai sneered.

"What do you know, ah, the great perfection, you can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, do you know what the power of heaven and earth is? Oh, maybe, the great perfections you have encountered before are too weak, not enough level at all, I Let me see, what is the power of heaven and earth! "Pansi Tianmo sneered.

In a sneer, his body suddenly swelled, instantly turning into a huge black spider that was a hundred feet tall.

As soon as the Baizhang spider came out, there was a hint of black gas behind it, and the black gas was soaring into the sky. It didn't spread out, but it seemed like a thin thread, which stirred the law of the void.


Behind the Baizhang spider, there appeared a phantom of a big tree that penetrated the sky. When the big tree appeared, it seemed to have a mighty power to destroy the world. When the tree was shaking, it seemed to draw the power of endless heaven and earth through the black gas thread Gush into the spider body generally.

Baizhang spider's figure suddenly became bigger again.

The ancient sea can feel that the spider's breath is expanding throughout the body, expanding infinitely. Power is getting stronger.

"Here is the avenue, the big tree under the sky? Is it the law of heaven and earth?" Gu Hai sank.

"Yes, it is the law of heaven and earth. I am now mobilizing the power of the avenue. The old eight and the nine are not enough to elicit a whole avenue. Those who are consummate can directly mobilize a whole avenue, or even more. . And I, in the middle, although it is not enough to fully mobilize the avenue, but it can be done at a price, the power of the avenue, Tiandi Avenue, let me mobilize! "Baizhang spider laughed.

Laughing, Gu Hai saw that the shell of the Baizhang spider was cracking.

Obviously, his cultivation was not enough. He forced the force of a avenue, the load was too great, and his body could not stand it anymore, but he could not bear it. That ever-rising power made Gu Hai feel heartbroken.

The power of the avenue?

The ancient sea transfers the avenue of chess, facing the corpse worm and other people, it can be described as unfavorable. Nowadays, although we don't know what avenue is transferred by Pansi tianmo, but as long as the avenue is involved, the power is extremely horrible.

"Sunday nine!"

The ancient sea was cut again.


A spider claw of Pansi Tianmo actually blocked the health knife under the force of the avenue.

"Oh, I have n’t climbed to the extreme right now, but now I have more than five times the power. Hahaha, do you still want to use Zhou Tianjiu? It ’s useless, all your means are useless, including your chess team. The law is useless, because what I mobilize is also the power of the avenue. The avenue is invincible! Ready to die! "Pansi Tian Mo chuckled.

"You have climbed five times the power? I understand. Since that is the case, then you look at this sword again!" Gu Hai's eyes were cold, and the sword was cut again.

With one shot, the area of ​​knife air around it suddenly expanded nearly a hundred times. Instantly wrapped the entire starry sky.

With this sword, a big tree suddenly appeared behind Gu Hai.

"The Avenue of Chess? Not a matrix, but a rule of chess? How can you mobilize the authority of Avenue? You haven't come to the Great Perfection yet!" Pansi Tianmo exclaimed suddenly.

"Sunday, ten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The ancient sea was cut off with one shot. Endless swordsmanship came together, seeming to come with the most powerful force in the world. A small part of the ancient sea's body was washed away, and the entire body of the ancient sea that had been impacted would fall apart. This knife has exhausted the ancient sea's full strength. It also caused Guhai's physical body to tear out serious internal injuries.

The ancient sea nowadays, Zhou Tiandao's most powerful sword is also the first time after the seventh weight of the Heavenly Palace, and it is very reluctant to cast out.

Even so, Zhou Tian's sword method, with each increase in weight, increased its power by a factor of 100, also made this knife seem to split the world in general.


The knife was so bright that the entire flawed fairy dome seemed to be purple by this knife.

"No!" Pansi demon exclaimed.

The fighting of the Quartet was all a meal. Because of this sword, everyone felt a sense of Tianwei coming. The heart is not depressed, and there is a sense of fear.

Pansi demon exhausted all resistance.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The endless starry sky suddenly burst a huge black hole, and several galaxies exploded. Everyone's heart seemed to be suddenly stunned, there was a feeling that the entire immortal vault was cut open.

The sword was cut, and the huge spider's body of Pansi Tenmon exploded. Perhaps the protection of the power of the avenue he mobilized did not explode into powder, but, in an instant, he split in half.

"No!" Old Eight and Old Nine exclaimed.

The sixth child stronger than them was cut in half by Gu Hai?

The knife light slowly disappeared, and the void slowly recovered. Above the starry sky, there seemed to be an irrecoverable fissure.

Baizhang spider, a land cut in half. Gu Hai's body shook.


Guhai's body was cracked, and a lot of blood came out.

Ten days a week, the load on the ancient sea is too great.

Bu Tianli surged out, repairing his injuries. Gu Hai breathed a long breath and looked at the spider halves.

PS: Next Monday, QQ chat, everyone remembers to come. In addition, the plot on the other side of the earth, Dragon Warring States on the earth ’s huge layout, has appeared on the WeChat public account in a foreign situation, interested in watching the current situation of the Earth in Dragon Warring States, you can Take a look, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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