Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 191: Kong Xuan

The power of Zhou Tianshi is too great!

The most powerful Pansi demon was actually cut in half by Gu Hai.

The old eight and the nine are all full of hair.

How is this possible?

"Your dependence is dead, I see what else you have to rely on, roar!" Kong Xuan showed his face again to the old nine.

The mosquitoes and the dragon gods also violently tore up with Lao Ji in shock.

Seeing Lao Liu beheaded, Lao Ji's fighting rules are a bit messy.

On the other side, Long Wanqing immediately relieved her heart, and struck up the old eight with all her strength. Suddenly, the old eight was hit harder.

Everyone saw the glorious ancient sea, but did not know how much the load of the ancient sea was just now. Perhaps, it was possible to mobilize the power of the world to cut it out. Now, by itself, there are numerous internal injuries.

Fortunately, there is nourishing power, and he is mending the body quickly.


Suddenly, the spider's body trembled in half.

"Huh?" Gu Hai suddenly changed his face.

"No, they want to merge?" Gu Hai suddenly rushed to the spider in half.

"Sunday ten? Why don't I know, you will have Sunday ten?" The two spiders exclaimed.

"Not dead?" Gou Chen exclaimed.

Gu Hai stepped forward again.

"Sunday nine!"


Under the heavy blow, the two halves of the spider were immediately cut back and failed to merge. However, at this moment, maybe Zhou Tianshi was scared, turned around, and shot towards the distance.

In the distance, Lao Jiu still has the upper hand, and the two spiders shoot at Lao Jiu quickly. Gu Hai naturally kept up, even if his body was wounded, he had to bear it. Otherwise, once the two halves of Pansi Tianmo merged, then he would be bad.

"Six, are you still alive?" Nine said with surprise.

But the next moment, Lao Ji was frightened: "You, have you brought the ancient sea to me?"

Gu Hai's power of Zhou Tianshi just now, but Jiu Jiu has a deep memory, and that terrible blow will make her sixth son able to survive, and she must die for herself.

"On Sunday, ten days, the ancient sea could not be cut out. Stop him and allow me to repair the flesh and watch me break the ancient sea flour into bones!" The two halves of the spider roared at the same time.

"What?" Old Jiuyi said.

Gu Hai's face sank. His wound was seen by Pansi Tianmo?

"Stop him!" The two spiders roared.

"Okay!" Lao Ji roared.

Fighting hard, Kong Xuan's six-color divine light hit him once, and flew towards the ancient sea in an instant.

On the other side, the mosquitoes and dragon gods knew that they were not good, and they rushed at the spiders in half.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two halves of the spider, even if they were so badly damaged, were not what the mosquitoes and dragon gods could deal with. They waved the spider's claws and instantly flew them.

Lao Jiu rushed to Gu Hai, Gu Hai's face sank, knowing that at this moment of crisis, once Pansi Tianmo was given a chance to breathe. Everything was lost before.

"Guhai, suffer!" Lao Jiuyi waved out, and the azaleas roared towards Guhai.

The ancient sea is now numerously injured, and Zhou Tianshi can't cut it out. Although Zhou Tianjiu can barely resist the old nine, each time he casts, his injury will be heavier.

As the sky full of rhododendrons was photographed with overwhelming palms, the ancient sea suddenly got into shape. The detective waved.


A black robe man stepped out from the ancient fairy's dome.

It was a skeleton clone condensed by a razor knife and came out.

Skeleton avatars, which have just been refined, are not yet familiar with the power of the body. Therefore, the ancient immortal dome was sent in, and it just came out again in a short time, because the ancient immortal dome has passed for several days, and the ancient sea is already familiar with this extra avatar.

The skeleton stepped out, and an eerie atmosphere radiated, all the people watching were trembling in their hearts.

"Kill the knife, here you are!" Gu Hai cut open his skin, and suddenly a blood knife rushed out of the blood vessel.

The ancient sea skull wrapped in a black robe, the detective clutched the killing knife.

"Sunday nine!"

Instantly, Zhou Tianjiu cut it out.


The palm of the azalea bloomed and exploded, and the killing knife took a forward-looking power and turned into a blood-colored sky. It immediately appeared to Lao Jiu.

The killing knife was cut out, and the blood was shining. In the blood, there seems to be a killing **** illusion. In the illusion, the killed people all turned into sensen bones.

Just like Lao Jiu, when he saw himself killed in a fantasy, his eyes were decayed into dead bones. For a moment, panic appeared.

But the panic at this moment was extremely deadly.


Most of the shoulders were split open immediately by the killing knife. At the same time, around the killing knife, accompanied by bursts of black mist and blood mist, there seemed to be countless small skulls and evil spirits in the mist, biting flesh and blood.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"


Old Nine immediately flew his right arm and was drawn a lot of blood.

The skull was split, and after a stab, it immediately chased the spiders in half.

Zhou Tianjiu was cut off again.

The spider's body, which had just been restored, was split again. If it were not for the protection of the power of the avenue, this sword can also capture a large piece of flesh.

"What? Is it Zhou Tianjiu?" Pan Shengtianmo exclaimed.

On the other side, Lao Jiu was cut off by the skeleton, and he took a large piece of flesh and blood.


Suddenly, a huge peacock flew over and swallowed Lao Ji with his broken arm into his belly.

"No!" Lao Ji was desperately under the shock.

"In my belly, there is no power in the road. Lian!" Kong Xuan shouted excitedly.

"Boom, boom, boom .........!"

There was a roar of noise in Kong Xuan's belly.

Kong Xuan suddenly looked ugly.

"Hurry up, mosquitoes, dragon gods, help me, I need strength, instill your strength into me, and let me melt the cuckoo demon!" Exclaimed Kong Xuan.

"it is good!"

The two immediately jumped on the back of the peacock, clapped their hands on Kong Xuan's back, and poured their strength into it. Kong Xuan desperately refined the things in his belly.

Gu Hai waved.


Kong Xuan entered the ancient fairy dome with dragon gods and mosquitoes.

One day outside, ten years of the ancient immortal sky, there, slowly refine it.

The ancient sea is the land of two spiders.

The Skull's avatar casts the Sword of Slaying, which immediately produces a great destruction effect.

Although it is not comparable to the power of Zhou Tianshi, Zhou Tianjiu is even better with the increase of the killing knife illusion.

"No, no!" The spiders in half exclaimed.

At this moment, the ancient sea itself has arrived, however, it did not participate in the battle, but just fought for the skeletons in case the Pansi demon ran away.

For a while, roaring above the sky.

Long Wanqing's battle was over.

The unborn person looked in the direction of Gu Hai in amazement.

"How is that possible? I know the details of the ancient sea, where did the man in black robes come from? A breath of skeletons and ghosts? Zhou Tianjiu? That's not something everyone can do!" Weisheng squeezed his fists.

"This broken spider is so hard to kill?" Gou Chen was surprised.

Fighting at high altitude for a while. Still no difference.


However, the exit of the ancient fairy dome opened again.

Kong Xuan's three came out again, Kong Xuan's body was in red.

"Kong Xuan, did you break through?" Gu Hai itself asked in the distance.

"The cuckoo demon has been refined, but it's almost not enough!" Kong Xuan was extremely depressed.

"Kong Xuan? Are you going to swallow the great consummates and break through the cultivation?" Suddenly, Long Wanqing at the Minghe called.

"Yes, Queen!" Kong Xuan said suddenly.

"Just right now, this old man is going to die, I won't kill it, let me eat it!" Long Wanqing said.

Happiness came too suddenly, and Kong Xuan was grateful at once: "Thank the Queen, thank the Queen!"

Can't the eighth go?

The two spiders trembled suddenly. He was stopped by the man in the black robe, dragged on, and was dead.

"Burst!" The two spiders yelled suddenly.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

The two halves of the spider burst into a huge wave of power, instantly knocking the skull apart.

Of course, the sudden outbreak of power comes at the cost of numerous cracks in the whole body.

However, the price is still worth it. You can run away by smashing the skeleton clone.

The two halves of the spider, the soldiers split in two ways.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Turned into a streamer, shot in two directions.

The heavenly palace fled without any purpose, even the ancient sea itself could not keep up with the speed, especially today it was badly hit.

Only the skeletal avatar, caught up half of the body instantly.

"Zhou Tianjiu!" The skeleton was cut off with a single knife.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The fled half body flew back instantly.

Just now the power broke out and the whole body was overloaded. At this moment, he was chopped off again, and suddenly a huge crack appeared on his body, extremely weak.

"Kong Xuan, swallow!" Gu Hai himself ordered.

"Oh!" Kong Xuan fluttered at the half-spoiled spider.


Suddenly, I swallowed.

When swallowed, there was a roar again in Kong Xuan's belly.

"Mosquitoes, please help me again! This half of the spider is even more powerful than the cuckoo demon just now. However, I have also improved a lot just now to come alone." Kong Xuan was painful and happy.

Great happiness, but disappeared without blessing, but great sorrow. Fortunately, with the help of others, I can surrender half of my body.

"it is good!"

Once again, Gu Hai waved his hands and sent the two into the ancient immortal dome.

The other half of the spider has fled to the sky.

"Your Majesty, half of the body of that panic demon fled?" Dragon God said anxiously.

"Can't escape!" Said Gu Hai's body lightly.

While talking, the skeleton of the black robe shone, and fluttered towards the half of the body.

The two halves of the spider are not skeletal avatars. Besides, there are only half of the spiders today?

Suddenly, the skeleton avatars and half spiders disappeared into the sky.

Long Wanqing overwhelmed the old eighth.

Wait for a while. Gu Hai waved.


Kong Xuan and mosquitoes reappeared. Kong Xuan has not yet broken through.

Kong Xuan's face was depressed: "Your Majesty, it's almost, this time it's really just a little bit!"

"Kong Xuan, catch it!" Long Wanqing yelled.


Suddenly, the badly hurt eighth was dumped.

"Queen Xie, thank you Queen!" Kong Xuan said excitedly.

Open your mouth and sip the devastated old man into your stomach.


The old eight hit hard in Kong Xuan's abdomen, but Kong Xuan faced Sen Han.

"This time, I am alone!" Kong Xuan said.

Then, Kong Xuan sat cross-legged. There were bursts of blue light all over the body.

Gu Hai and others waited patiently for a while, but saw that behind Kong Xuan, suddenly the sky was full of rays of light, and in the rays of light, there seemed to be a rainbow of six colors.

"Weng Ronglong!"

The six-color rainbow seems to be linked to a looming tree shadow, which is so vast and infinite.


The last loud noise, centered on Kong Xuan, erupted into an extreme storm. The storm slammed into the void, and the void shook in a strong general.

Kong Xuan opened his eyes.


In his eyes, Xun shot two seven-colored gods' light, which shone straight into the clouds and shot into the sea of ​​stars.


Kong Xuan trembled slightly with excitement.

Then he quickly got up and thanked the ancient sea, Long Wanqing, Mosquito Taoist, and Dragon God for his gift: "The minister has completed the Heavenly Palace, and felt the existence of Tiandi Avenue. Thank you, Your Majesty and the Queen!"

"Great consummation?" Mosquito envious look!

"Congratulations to Confucius!" Long Shenzhang took a deep breath and envy.

PS: Tonight, QQ chat. Everyone remember to come. In addition, the plot on the other side of the earth, Dragon Warring States has a huge layout on the earth, and has appeared on the WeChat public account in a foreign situation. If you are interested in watching the current situation of Dragon Warring States, you can Take a look, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add WeChat public account program, open WeChat ---- click on the '+' in the upper right corner-click on 'Add a friend'--click on 'Public Account' ----enter 'aiguanqi' search ----- With attention, it appeared, the icon is my wedding photo with my wife.


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