Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 192: Cat Sky Cloud Anomaly

Gu Hai looked at the huge shadow of the tree behind Kong Xuan.

"Avenue?" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Chen has now felt a heaven and earth avenue, but only a little force can be mobilized, but even a little mobilization is much more powerful than I used to be!" Kong Xuan explained.

"Oh? Feel the avenue and be able to move it?" Gu Hai frowned slightly, thinking about the reason.

On the one hand, Long Wanqing approached and said, "I heard Wan Yu said that when she cultivates to great consummation, the physical body has achieved the Tao. Because of the Tao, you can feel the corresponding road."

"What is Tao?" Gu Hai puzzled.

"I also don't know. Listening to Wanyu said that it is similar to a physical form, and it can be consistent with a certain avenue!" Long Wanqing explained.

"Same frequency, resonance?" Gu Hai looked instantly.

Tiandi Avenue has its own special vibration frequency, and the Tao body cultivates the physical body to coincide with this frequency, then forms resonance, and then mobilizes the power of the Avenue?

"Chen feels that only when the three souls have achieved the perfect three souls completely, like His Majesty, reaching the human soul at 49 feet, the earth soul at 64 feet, and the heaven soul at 81 feet, can Kong completely master a avenue!" Kong Declared.

"That makes the gods complete!" The Mosquito said a little jealously.

Gu Hai nodded his head: "So, then you can practice well! Find the way to complete the gods as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Kong Xuanying said.

In any case, Kong Xuan's great success was a great help to the Dahan Dynasty. The strength of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty can be even stronger.

"Wan Qing, these years have kept you waiting for a long time!" Gu Hai held Long Wanqing's hand and said with guilt in her eyes.

"Wan Jun can come, Wan Qing is already very happy!" Long Wan Qing also said softly.

Others didn't have a good socket, all turned around, pretending not to see it.

"Master, master, you can come and save me, Gou Chen is so touched. Gou Chen is going to write a song for you!" Gou Chen Yi's voice shouted, which immediately disrupted the beautiful atmosphere of the couple reuniting.

"Mr. Gu, I haven't seen you for a few years. You have improved a lot, it's amazing!" Changsheng suddenly eagerly said.

"Yeah, what measures can you take to increase our strength? Don't upgrade to the kind of suffering and suffering!" Zi Wei also asked eagerly.

Gu Hai smiled bitterly: "I have disappointed you. Every time I improve, I break through on the edge of life and death!"

"Ah?" Zi Wei's face froze.

"Edge of life and death? Forget it, forget it, that's fine!" Changsheng shook his head immediately.

When the unborn person flew over, he glanced deeply at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan was also very successful, and the strength of the Great Han Dynasty was growing too fast.

"Fu Jun, I heard Cat Tianyun and Hou Qing said, you seem to face the bone god?" Long Wanqing asked.

Although there are many whispers between husband and wife, Long Wanqing can't say for a while, so she can only ask about the previous topic.

"Yeah, it has been destroyed, oh, no good!" Gu Hai suddenly sank.

"What's wrong?" Long Wanqing wondered.

"Wan Yu is in danger. Before the bone **** was dying, she cursed herself and transmitted six immortals. Please ask six immortals to come to this flawed immortal sky!" Gu Hai said.

"What?" Everyone suddenly changed his face.

"The Six Immortals? When the Six Immortals come, when they discover Wan Yu, they will destroy Wan Yu as soon as possible! Your Majesty, why didn't you stop it at the time!" Someone blamed Gu Hai in anxiety.

"I don't blame you, just keep watching. If you shoot early, why is this so?" Long Wanqing looked angry at the unborn.

"Let's go back immediately!" The unborn screamed only in depression.

"call out!"

The crowd went away in an instant.

During the flight, Gouchen curiously said, "Master, what about the countless skeletons just now?"

"In the ancient fairy dome, don't worry!" Gu Hai shook his head during the flight.

"Ancient immortal dome?" Gou Chen looked slightly faint.

Gu Hai did not explain much. It didn't take long before everyone reached a white cloud.

"Wan Yu is there!" Long Wanqing explained.

"Time is tight, let's go in!" Wei Sheng also eagerly said.

"Wait!" Gu Hai suddenly stopped everyone.

"What's wrong?" Everyone looked at Guhai in puzzlement.

"Any recent battles around here?" Gu Hai wondered.

"No, it's peaceful here, it's been a long time since I've been outsiders!" Long Wanqing looked at Gu Hai in a puzzled manner.

The ancient sea pointed to the mountains below.

Everyone looked down. However, I saw that the mountains had a large area of ​​scorched black, as if they had just been burned.

"This is the fire of Mao Tianyun?" Ziwei's eyes glared.

"Maybe the dead cat set fire to play!" Gou Chen said.

Long Wanqing shook her head and frowned, "Although Cat Tianyun is sometimes wayward, but it is right and wrong, it can't go wrong, and it's less likely to destroy it outside the post-Tuniang cloth!"

"You mean, wasn't this fire set by Cat Tianyun?" Gu Hai's face sank.

When the mosquitoes waved their hands, a large number of mosquitoes poured into the scorched earth, and rummaged for a while.

"Your Majesty, there is still some anger in the scorched black. Although the fire was extinguished, it should have just died soon!" The mosquitoes explained.

"What happened inside?" Weiren's face changed.

"Meow ~!" A sudden meow came from Baiyun.

"Huh?" Everyone looked for a moment.

It was Cat Tianyun who came out of Baiyun.

"I set the fire. Is it interesting for you to analyze it this way? One day I excrete the feces, do you have to study it too?" Cat Tianyun was unhappy.

Everyone's face froze.

Suddenly a man sighed.

Long Wanqing also smiled slightly bitterly, as if ashamed of the suspicion just now.

Only Gu Hai, at this moment did not loose his brows, looked at Cat Tianyun in doubt.

"Pansi Tianmo them, solved? Quite fast!" Cat Tianyun laughed.

"Uh? How do you know it is Pansi Tianmo?" Long Wanqing frowned.

Cat Tianyun was called back by Hou Qing before, but Long Wanqing could see that Cat Tianyun should know nothing about the ambush of Pansi Tianmo. But now Cat Tianyun speaks openly?

Cat Tianyun panicked slightly, and then sneered, "I don't see with my eyes, you think that, with my strength, I can't see you just on the battlefield?"

Long Wanqing only released her doubts, but Gu Hai felt more and more strange about Cat Tianyun.

"Come on, let's go in!" Weisheng said.

This is a large array in the clouds, and the interior looks like a small space.

Gu Hai can see that this internal world has some chess moves, but this chess moves is slightly worse than himself.

The crowd suddenly entered the interior.

In a small space, there are a lot of palaces around. In the void, there are bursts of faith and divine power, as if coming from all corners of the world, slowly converging into the main hall of the center. Cangtian Temple.

At the mouth of Cangtian Dian, a large number of guards stood at the moment, waiting to be seen.

"Huh? What's wrong? When I left, didn't all the guards practice in their respective halls? How did they run out together?" Long Wanqing frowned.

"When you left, Long Wanyu came out once and said that she would be closed. No one should be disturbed. Let us stay outside to protect the law and not approach!" Cat Tianyun explained.

"What? Retreat? Not at this time. How can you retreat at this time? I want to see Wanyu!" Long Wanqing eagerly said immediately.

The Six Immortals received the news, although they were not sure if it would come, but once they came, Wan Yu was bad.


Cat Tianyun suddenly stopped in front of Long Wanqing: "Long Wanyu said, no one should be disturbed, even if the sky falls, they are not allowed to approach!"

"I'm her sister!" Long Wanqing glared angrily.

"Sorry, we are also waiting for her order!" Cat Tianyun shook her head.

"Get away!" Long Wanqing stared.

But at this moment, Hou Qing stepped forward: "Long Wanqing, although Long Wanyu is your sister, she is also reincarnated. At this moment, she has reached the critical point of cultivation. My sister said that once approaching, she will be right Long Wanyu caused irreparable harm, so if you care about your sister, please follow us to protect her!

Hou Qing also stopped in front.

"Irreparable harm? What's going on, what are Wanyu and Houtu Niangniang doing inside?" Long Wanqing eagerly said.

"I don't know, but please believe my sister!" Hou Qing solemnly said.

Long Wanqing was suddenly at a loss, looking at the ancient sea.

Calling Long Wanyu is not necessarily useful. If the Six Immortals come, no one can escape, and those who are not born also look to the ancient sea.

Gu Hai watched all the guards as if they were close to the enemy, frowning slightly, and finally Shen said: "Okay, let's wait!"

The crowd nodded.

Although Cat Tianyun and Hou Qing guarded Gu Hai and others, they did not stop, and left Gu Hai in a gazebo aside.

"I thought the kitten was weird?" Ziwei wondered.

"Me too. It used to be lazy if it could be lazy. How could it stop in front of us?" Changsheng was also weird.

"My master dares to stop the dead cat. Do you know that Long Wanyu has friendship with my master?" Gou Chen was also depressed.

Only the ancient sea, eyes narrowly looked at the hall.

"Gou Chen, let you enter the underworld with Mu Chenfeng's booming camp at that time, what about Mu Chenfeng's bombing camp?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Cultivate in the hall over there!" Gou Chen pointed to a hall over there.

"Bring them all!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes!" Gou Chen nodded.

Soon, in a distant hall, Mu Chenfeng came.

"What about the others?" Gu Hai wondered.

"I don't know, no one is here!" Gou Chen shook his head.

Mu Chenfeng stepped forward, and some joyously worshiped and said, "Meet your Majesty, Majesty Long Live Long Live Long Live!"

When others heard Mu Chenfeng's worship, the others didn't take it seriously. Only Gu Hai suddenly had a shrinking pupil.

Because Mu Chenfeng generally only refers to himself as the lord of the church. Yipintanglord! Instead of Your Majesty!

This person is not Mu Chenfeng?

ps: tomorrow night, qq chat, everyone remembers to come, in addition, the plot on the other side of the earth, the Dragon Warring States on the earth ’s huge layout, has appeared on the WeChat public account in a foreign situation, interested in watching the current situation of the Dragon Warring States Earth, you can Take a look, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

Add the WeChat public account program, open WeChat-click on the '+' in the upper right corner-click on 'Add a friend'-click on 'Public Account'-enter 'aiguanqi' search-add attention, the icon appears and I Concubine's wedding photo.


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