Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 194: Discovery of the ancient sea

Cat Tianyun is controlled by the human heart! Mu Chenfeng is also controlled by people.

Fifty people, such as Da Hong, brought by Cat Tianyun, went into the small space inside.

Some people around the palace were also curious, but Mao Tianyun ignored it and took fifty people directly to a main hall.

The gate of the main hall slammed shut. Just a little effort.


The gate of the main hall opened again, and Cat Tianyun came out with fifty people in white robes. At the same time, there were a large number of internal guards, and he followed them with great respect at the moment.

A group of guards, scattered with fifty white robes, walked around.

It didn't take long for all the guards in this small space to be controlled by the human heart.

After everyone was under control, Dahong took fifty white robes to the hall where Houqing was located.


The agent pushed open the door of the hall.

"What?" Hou Qing suddenly angered.

"Hou Qing, I have something to ask you!" Cat Tianyun said coldly.

"If you have something to ask me, won't you knock on the door? Mao Tianyun? Who are they?" Hou Qing looked at Mao Tianyun in confusion, and then looked at the group of white robes.

"Just look in his eyes!" Cat Tianyun called.

Hou Qing didn't respond and looked instinctively at Dahong's eyes. Da Hong's eyes were flushed, and for a moment, Hou Qing was a little dazed.

"No, it's human control? This is impossible. It has long lost its heritage. Is it the Shinto Scripture of Jiang Lianshan?" Hou Qing screamed and struggled.


Cat Tianyun immediately mobilized the rules of the fire system, trapping Houqing. If it was normal, Hou Qing could break free, but now, his mind is bound, his fundamental actions are difficult, and he is temporarily caught in a quagmire.

"Come together!" Dahong called.

"Yes!" Suddenly, the people in the fifty white robes glowed red eyes together and stared at the eyes of Hou Qing.

"You, you ...!" Hou Qing was furious.

"It is indeed a stiff ancestor of the wind system, and it can actually resist my mind control, but you can't hold it for long!" Da Hong said coldly.

"Sister, sister, come out soon!" Hou Qing screamed.

"It's no use. Outside of your hall, we have arranged the formation, and your voice cannot be heard!" Da Hong said coldly.

With the help of Mao Tianyun, after a while, Hou Qing's pupils also spread and opened, and it didn't take long for her to freeze.

"Meet my master!" Hou Qing respectfully said.

"Huh!" Dahong nodded.

The entire small space has been controlled by Dahong. The next one is Cangtian Temple.

"Inside is Houtu and Long Wanyu?" Dahong looked to Houqing and Mao Tianyun.

"Yes!" The two nodded.

"What's in it?" Dahong asked.

"I don't know, Houtu never let us in!" Mao Tianyun shook his head.

Everyone shook his head.

"Sir, all the forces of faith around this time have poured into this Cangtian Temple, Xianyuan must be in it!" A subordinate in a white robe said in a deep voice.

Dahong nodded.

A group of people slowly surrounded the Cangtian Temple.

Looking at the hall in front, Dahong gave Houqing a look.

Hou Qing nodded and stepped forward.


Hou Qing opened the door instantly.

"Who? Didn't I say it wasn't allowed to come in without my permission?" A cold female voice came from the hall.

"Sister, there is an urgent matter, we ...!" Hou Qing called.

"Stop, don't allow in!" Hou Tu Niangni said coldly.

Dahong looked into it.

Inside the main hall, there is a small space, surrounded by small floating islands. Surround the space inside this temple.

The center of the space in the hall is a platform.

At the top of the platform is a small ball with white light, and the ball exudes mists, dim, making people look at it, and the heart is shaking.

"Xianyuan?" Dahong instantly confirmed what the white ball was. There was a sudden joy on his face.

Around Xianyuan, the power of rolling beliefs was drawn. When it was adjusted, the power of rolling beliefs was poured into a large object below.

It was a golden dragon, a golden dragon with infinite nobility in its whole body, as if dead, immersed in the void, absorbing endless power of faith.

This is not a golden dragon of luck, but a real golden dragon, but some parts of this golden dragon are illusory, as if absorbing the power of faith and repairing the flesh.

"The Holy Spirit mentioned that the last generation of Cangtian was a golden dragon. This is, Cangtian's body? No, Cangtian was killed by the Six Paths that year, and his body was broken. This is to use the power of faith to resurrect? In the past, it was the subordinate of Cangtian. This 800,000 years of gathering the power of faith is to resurrect Cangtian and reshape the body for it? "Dahong suddenly shrank his eyes and understood everything.

Above Jin Long's head, a woman sitting cross-legged at this moment was Long Wanyu, Long Wanyu's eyes closed, as if settled.

Long Wanyu, Dahong didn't pay attention, mainly on the platform, a beautiful woman wearing a gorgeous black robe.

The woman is not someone else, it is Hou Tu Niang Niang.

Dahong saw Houtu Niangniang, and Houtu Niangniang saw everything outside the hall. A group of people from Dahong appeared, and the pupils of Tu Hou shrank.

"Hou Qing, Mao Tianyun, what are you doing? Who are they, do you want to rebel?" Hou Tu Niang Niu suddenly said to Lu Sen.

"Rebellion? Hahahaha, Hou Tu Niang Niang, you have to rebel. If the land today is six immortals, you are here to resurrect the sky, aren't you going to rebel?" Dahong sneered.

While talking, a group of people in white robes would step into the hall.

Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun followed closely with respect.

"You are crazy, how do you listen to him? No, you are controlled, the human heart is controlling?" Hou Tuniang's face changed.

"Hou Tu Niang Niang is very insightful. If you look, who am I!" Dahong laughed.

During the laugh, Dahong's eyes turned red. As soon as the mother-in-law of Houtu stared at her eyes, she immediately caught her mind and let her do whatever she wanted.

Hou Tu Niang Niang knows that the human heart is manipulating, so she will not be fooled.


Suddenly, there were countless small floating islands in the interior, quickly spinning around the internal space, and the billowing fog started, but it was the rear mother who arranged a matrix.

"Well, what kind of formation can you arrange in the projectile land? Cat Tianyun, break it!" Dahong said coldly.



Suddenly, the billowing fire came straight towards the hall, shaking a sway of void around, and a lot of trembling fog.

"Pick off the fog and let me see Houtu, hum, I see how he escaped our eyes!" Da Hong said coldly.

"Yes!" Cat Tianyun called.

Right now.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise came suddenly, and the whole space outside Cangtian Hall was shaking.

"What's going on?" Dahong was surprised.

"It's the outside voice, let me see!" Hou Qing flew out of the small space immediately.

Soon, Hou Qing flew back.

"Not good, master, just now the loud noise is a sword from the ancient sea, chopping Pansi Tianmo into two halves, and Long Wanqing suppresses Tianba, the holy land of Tianmo, and Kong Xuan they dragged Lao Ji!" Hou Qing was anxious Road.

"Ancient sea? Huh, it's really annoying!" Dahong's face was somber.

"Long Wanqing went to pick them up, Gu Hai should be back soon!" Cat Tianyun also explained.

There was a cloud of uncertainty in Dahong's eyes.

"You are watching outside, no one is allowed to approach!" Dahong said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Cat Tianyun answered.

Dahong entered the hall with fifty people in white robes.


The gate of the temple was closed. Cat Tianyun, Hou Qing and others were watching outside.

Manipulating the human heart is not as simple as being without wisdom. He has his own wisdom and quickly handles everything around him. Just wait for the ancient sea to come back.

Sure enough, after a while, Gu Hai and his party arrived and Cat Tianyun greeted him.

Afraid of being noticed, just preventing Gu Hai and his party from approaching the Cangtian Temple, Cat Tianyun walked away.

Disciples of Yipintang, only Mu Chenfeng is left.

Others don't have too much suspicion because they trust too much in Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun.

Only Gu Hai was in doubt from the moment he entered, until Mu Chenfeng called himself to his Majesty, Gu Hai finally affirmed that everything was wrong.

Mu Chenfeng?

If you want to find out, the best way is to load Mu Chenfeng into the ancient celestial vault for interrogation. He is his subordinate and no one can say anything.

But Gu Hai didn't. Just nodding his head, he didn't fight against the grass. Because so many eyes are staring at Mu Chenfeng.

All unusual things are in danger. Gu Hai looked around and wondered what was going on.

At the same time, Gu Xuan gave Kong Xuan an eye, and Kong Xuan and Gu Hai did not know how many times they had fought together. Gu Xuan had an eye to know what it meant. Although the surface was calm, Kong Xuan was instantly alert.

At the same time, outside.

A mouth of the sea, the skull of the ancient sea, a knife inserted into the spider's body.

Countless evil spirits, small skulls, and devoured spider bodies in the blood and black mist.

After several beheadings, Pansi Tianmo had nowhere to run. Can only be poisoned multiple times.

The ancient sea is not afraid of its poison, let alone the body of a skeleton?

"Ah, my leg, your skeleton has bitten all my legs, let me go, please let me go!" Half of the disco **** begged for mercy.

"Come with us if you don't spare you, don't you just die? Instead, you will let us go?" Skeleton Gu Hai said coldly.

"It's none of our business, it's the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom, Ji Dihong sent you to your place, and the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom instructed them, they are the culprits!" Pansi Tianmo shouted in despair.

"What? Dahuang Tianchao?" Gu Gu, the skull, suddenly made a sound.

At the same time, a small space inside the gazebo.

Gu Hai's pupils shrank, and they immediately wanted to understand everything. This is not Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun deliberately aimed at themselves, but also a third party, Dahuang Tianchao?

Ji Dihong, a safe man, sent a few groups of people to arrest the soul of the ancient Tang dynasty. This time, will he only kill with a knife? No, there must be someone coming along. The problem here is caused by the huang dynasty. They stayed in the Cangtian Temple. There must be something wrong in the Cangtian Temple. The people of the Dahuang Tianchao must be inside.

"Hand in hand, Wan Yu is in danger, quickly!" Gu Hai suddenly rushed to Cangtian Temple.

Kong Xuan shot in an instant.


The six-color Shenguang flew towards the Cangtian Temple instantly.

"Stop!" Hou Qing and Mao Tianyun's faces changed, and they came to stop immediately.

Long Wanqing, Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei didn't understand.

The unborn are a sudden shock. Wan Yu is in danger?

PS: QQ chat at 8 o'clock tonight, everyone remembers to come. In addition, the plot on the other side of the earth, Dragon Warring States' huge layout on the earth, has appeared on the WeChat public account in a foreign situation, and is interested to see the current situation of the Earth in Dragon Warring States. You can see, WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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