Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 195: Horrible human manipulation


At the moment when Kong Xuan's six-colored divine light was thrown out, Hou Qing probed a white wind and rushed away. With a bang, the six-colored Shenguang and the white wind exploded, and Kong Xuan also collided with Hou Qing.

Suddenly, the two of them exploded with fierce flames, Kong Xuan's face was exposed, and Hou Qing's face was also murderous. The two collided, rolling up a huge wave of space.

Gu Hai snatched his hand, and all the guards guarding the Cangtian Temple were instantly included in the ancient fairy heaven.


When Cat Tianyun threw his paw, the Quartet rolled up a horrendous fire. A huge flame dragon headed straight for the ancient sea.

"Minghe!" Long Wanqing yelled.


The billowing river water rushed towards the billowing flame, the huge flame faucet, and plunged into the river.

"Long Wanqing, what you did, I told you, Long Wanyu can't be disturbed! Do you want to kill Long Wanyu?" Cat Tianyun shouted indifferently.

"I believe my husband!" Long Wan chuckled coldly.

The unborn person was anxious when they heard that Long Wanyu was in danger, almost synchronized with the ancient sea, and arrived at the mouth of Cangtian Dian.


They did not hesitate to open the huge Cangtian Dian door.

The moment the door opened, the inside was billowing with fog.

But at this moment, everyone instantly saw everything inside.

The surrounding small floating islands were all blown to pieces, apparently broken by Dahong and others.

Long Yuanyu from Xianyuan and Jinlong still remained.

A black robe behind the Tu Niangniang, at this moment is confronted with fifty white robe men, Hou Tu Niangniu waved a big river-like impact, fifty people fully resisted.

Fifty people all turned their backs on the ancient sea, and no one was born.

At the ancient sea, the unborn were glad to have arrived in time.

But looking at the eyes of the earth lady, she suddenly turned red.


The battle in the hall stopped suddenly.

"Meet the master!" Hou Tu Niangniang suddenly respected Dahong and others.

"Meet the master? You're crazy, Houtu!" Weisheng said suddenly in anger.

Hou Tu Niang Niang, the ancient sea formerly 800,000 years ago, had a relationship with her, can be considered to know.

Hou Tu Niang Niang, worship this group of white robes as the master?

"Master, Gu Hai they broke in, be careful!" Cat Tianyun called outside.

"Master? Master? Whoever is your master!" Weiren said angrily.

But they saw that the group of white robes slowly turned around and looked at Gu Hai and others together.

Fifty people, all with red eyes, trembled at a glance.


Eyebrows, the town's seal of the town suddenly trembled, Gu Hai suddenly trembled, almost seemed to be trembling.

"Don't look into their eyes!" Cried Gu Hai.

But everything was a little late.

Mosquitoes and dragon gods followed the ancient sea, but it was an instant.

The dragon **** stunned, and suddenly bowed down: "Meet the master!"

"What?" Gu Hai sank.

Mosquitoes were in a hurry, and recovery was as good as ever.

"I'm okay? I remember, this is the mystery of the witch tribe, Your Majesty, this is the mystery of the witch tribe, I was in the corpse world before, I heard the fly Taoist people say. Human control!" The mosquito Taoist exclaimed.

"Human mind manipulation?" Weiren was also surprised.

"Don't look at their eyes, it seems to be one of the five main threads of the Wu tribe. The human heart manipulates it, and I don't know where the fly Taoist heard it. It said that in ancient times, the number of the Wu tribe was very small. A large number of demons formed riots from within the demons. Watch their eyes! "The Mosquito said anxiously.

"Human mind control?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Ancient sea? You are really fateful, the three big demons are siege, you are not even dead?" Da Hong sneered.

Not far away, Long Wanyu seems to be in the process of being determined. Behind them, Gu Hai was anxious. The detective flicked.


The ancient dome of the immortal formed a suction, which would **** them all in.

"Presumptuous!" Hou Tu Niangniang sneered. Detective fists.


Suddenly, there was a wave of emptiness, and the entrance to the Ancient Fairy Dome was suddenly slammed back.

"Human hearts control, you really control everyone!" Weiren's face was gloomy.

The unborn were also extremely worried about Long Wanyu, and naturally rushed to the past.

"Unborn, do you want to die?" Hou Tu Niangniang shot towards the unborn.


One palm was shot on the unborn, and the unborn's body exploded.

"Dead?" Dahong was surprised.

This is not born, so it is resolved?

However, when everyone thought that the unborn was killed, a figure suddenly appeared behind Hou Tu Niang Niang, and a palm was shot on the back of Hou Tu Niang Niang.


Houtu was snapped by a palm moment.

After the earth maiden fell and flew out, the unborn person flew to Long Wanyu instantly.

"Hum, come back!" Dahong looked cold and waved his hand.


A large net appeared in the void, which instantly stopped the unborn. The unborn person's palms ripped violently, tearing the big net instantly.

But after this short delay, the mother-in-law of the earth later reacted and appeared in front of the unborn.

"Miscellaneous account, get away!" Hou Tu snapped with a bang.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The impact of the air waves, the unborn person's meal, is not that the unborn person is not strong enough, but is not afraid of too much power. Once tearing the void, Long Wanyu will be affected.

Gu Hai also rushed over the first time, but Gu Hai saw that there seemed to be a chess pattern inside, and he swept his hand.


Gu Hai manipulated the formation, and a white enchantment wrapped up Long Wanyu's air.

"Unborn, you can shoot with all your strength, I have protected Wan Yu!" Cried Gu Hai.

"Good!" Weiren said coldly.

Da Hong waved his hand and threw all the white robes out of the hall.

"Let's die!" The mosquito pounced coldly.

Mosquitoes can't deal with Houtu and Dahong, can't they deal with this group of white robes?

The people in the white robes came out of the hall.

In a blink of an eye, one was caught by a mosquito.

The man looked red at the mosquito.

"I have the heart of flies and mosquitoes, and your human manipulation is useless to me!" The mosquito smirked.


Suddenly, a large number of mosquitoes trapped them in the center.


With just a scream, there was only one layer of skin left to be swallowed.

After swallowing this man in white robes, the mosquito Taoist suddenly felt a joy on his face: "This, swallowing you, can strengthen the heart of my fly?"

Mosquito beating heartbeat?

Turning around excitedly, I want to continue.


A six-colored divine light rushed towards the mosquitoes.

"Kong Xuan, you are crazy!" The Mosquito screamed.


Under full defense, the mosquitoes were suddenly blown out by the six-color Shenguang.

However, they saw that Kong Xuan suddenly stopped with Hou Qing, and under the control of a group of white robes, he suddenly worshiped Dahong inside.

"Meet my master!" Kong Xuan respected.

With respect, Kong Xuan and Hou Qing flew to Cangtian Temple.

"Not good, Kong Xuan is also in control!" Exclaimed the mosquito.

Mosquito scalp tingling. This human manipulation is too scary.

"Queen maiden, be careful, don't look into their eyes." The mosquito Taoist screamed and looked at Long Wanqing, who was not far from fighting Cat Tianyun.

At this moment, a large number of people in white robes have surged past. All looked at Long Wanqing with red eyes.


The power of Mao Tianyun's mobilization rules, although suppressed by Long Wanqing, can drag Long Wanqing, as long as Long Wanqing is controlled by the human heart, then it is over.

At the moment of the war, Long Wanqing was unaware of the situation, and when she looked at it, she was suddenly surprised.


Suddenly, a large swarm of mosquitoes enveloped Long Wanqing, which immediately blocked the red light in the eyes of the white robe man.

"Mixed black mosquitoes, die for me!" Cat Tianyun burned the black mosquitoes with high fire.

Long Wanqing was a jerk, and suddenly came to her senses.

"Good danger!" Long Wanqing exclaimed.

"I'm here to kill them, queen, be careful of Cat Tianyun!" The mosquito Taoist shouted with injuries.

Between words. Billowing black mosquitoes came over the sky.

"Meow!" Cat Tianyun screamed.

Long Wanqing, however, burst into a torrent of huge water and rushed to Cat Tianyun. With a bang, Mao Tianyun's figure suddenly retreated. And all the remaining white robes were shrouded in billowing black mosquitoes.

"Master, help me, sir!" Exclaimed all the white robes.

In the Cangtian Hall, Kong Xuan and Hou Qing came to help, and suddenly made Dahong's pressure much less. Suddenly he heard the outside call, Dahong's face sank.

"Houtu, you go to save people!" Dahong Shen said.


Houtu rushed out of the hall instantly.

Houtu waved his hands as if there was water from the sky, coming down wildly, and heading towards the white robe man surrounded by black mosquitoes.

On the other side, after Long Wanqing smashed Mao Tianyun with the Ming River, she suddenly waved another hundred of Ming River water into the Tianhe water behind him.


Flooding. In a scream, the group of white robes had all been sucked by the black mosquito, leaving only a layer of skin.

The mosquitoes sucked the flesh and blood of the people in the white robes and suddenly trembled, uncomfortable.

"Duck!" Hou Tu said angrily.

"Houtu, you stop them, I'll help the master!" Cat Tianyun cried.


Cat Tianyun rushed into the hall.

"Crazy, mad, what do Cat Tianyun and Houqing do?" Gou Chen exclaimed in the distance.

"Kong Xuan's betrayal? How could this happen?" Changsheng said blankly.

"Human mind control is not good, Houtu and Mao Tianyun are all controlled!" Ziwei also exclaimed with a look of surprise.

"Control?" Long Wanqing's face changed.

"Long Wanqing, you'd better not move. When the host finishes everything, he will let you go!" Hou Tuniang said coldly.

"The mosquitoes, you protect them!" Long Wanqing cried instantly.

"Yes!" The mosquito pounced.

Long Wanqing waved her hand suddenly: "The river is infinite!"


The huge black water instantly destroyed all the buildings in the entire small space, and the entire small space instantly collapsed and opened. The billowing black water rushed towards Hou Tu Niang Niang.

"Tianhe immeasurable!" Hou Tu Niang Niang was not afraid, and waved.


The endless endless blue water came out of the sky, and the black water resisted the court in an instant.

Mosquitoes rushed into the distance with Gou Chen, Changsheng, Ziwei and Mu Chenfeng.

Long Wanqing was in a state of anxiety. Small spaces were destroyed and countless palaces were destroyed, leaving only the Cangtian Temple intact.

In the Cangtian Hall, the chaotic battle also stopped.

Gu Hai and Weisheng stood on one side, and opposite were Dahong, Houqing, Mao Tianyun, and Kong Xuan.

Looking at Kong Xuan, who was standing behind Dahong, Gu Hai's heart was horrified, and the human mind manipulated it? so horrible.

On that day, Chi You led the four heavenly palaces to the Dahuang Heavenly Kingdom. If Dahong controlled the four heavenly palaces to deal with Chi You successfully, then Ji Dihong would not need to take a shot. Is this Ji Dihong's card? A horrible hole card.


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