Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 196: This Xianyuan does not belong to you!

In an instant, Kong Xuan was under control?

The ancient sea and unborn people suddenly showed a horrible color. This manipulative manipulation can be described as abnormal and heinous.

No wonder it can become one of the five main threads of the Wu tribe.

Kong Xuan, the Heavenly Palace was a great success.

Hou Qing, the Heavenly Palace was a great success.

Cat Tianyun may have broken through, and it was also a great success in the Heavenly Palace.

Dahong, Gu Hai naturally knew that he was the emperor of Ji Dihong, but he did not expect that this Dahong was also a great success for the Heavenly Palace.

Four great consummations? At this moment Lu Senhan looked at Gu Hai and the unborn.

Don't count on the outside world. Gu Hai only hoped that Long Wanqing would not be harmed.

"Master, what they want is Long Wanyu, one is Long Wanyu's father, and one is Long Wanyu's brother-in-law!" Hou Qing explained.

"Oh? You're for this woman?" Hou Qing looked at Long Wanyu above Jin Long's head unexpectedly.

Xianyuan, Jinlong, Long Wanyu, Da Hong is the most despised of this Long Wanyu, a little woman, what's the use?

"Yes, we just want her, give her to us, we quit!" Weiren Shen said in a silent voice.

No one was worried that Dahong would rise up and hurt Long Wanyu.

"Dahong, you want everything in this hall, no problem, we just take Long Wanyu away!" Gu Hai said again.

"Ha, ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, so distressed auntie? Do you think I will give you Long Wanyu now? Joke!" Dahong sneered.

Dahong originally wanted to kill the ancient sea. Wouldn't it be better if Long Wanyu could let the ancient sea cast a mouse jerk? How could it be sent out?

Gu Hai's face sank.

Shen Sheng said, "They gave it to me, you save Wanyu!"

Gu Hai unexpectedly glanced at him. Are you dealing with four of them? Unborn people really have such strength?

"Good!" Gu Hai nodded.

Suddenly the body fluttered and fluttered.

"Hehe, no one, you are a longevity master, and you want to be my enemy, don't you know?" Kong Xuan suddenly sneered at the six-colored light.


The six-colored **** light exploded on the unborn person, and the unborn person seemed to explode into a group of black mist in an instant. The next moment, it appeared strangely behind Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan's face changed, and his whole body was suffocated, and it was determined that even if he was not born, he would be okay.

"The mystery of Shoushi is not something your reckless husbands can understand. Shouzhe wins his life and gives me 'old'!" The unborn person waved at Kong Xuan.


A gray light rushed to Kong Xuan and others, but they saw that wherever the gray light was irradiated, it was rapidly aging. Just a moment, white hair appeared in Kong Xuan's hair.

"What?" Kong Xuan's face sank, his figure dangled, and his sky billowed.

The peacock field erupted. Suddenly, thousands of Xuan Xuan virtual shadows appeared, and they wanted to pounce on the unborn.

"Shouzhe wins his life, when the years are closed, the years pass!" The unborn person took a seal with his hands.

Suddenly, hundreds of millions of gray light emerged from the unborn person, and the gray light only shrouded a circle with a diameter of a thousand meters, a gray field. Kong Xuan is in this circle. 10,000 Kong Xuan avatars, while throwing out six colors of light.


However, upon entering this area of ​​gray light, the six-colored divine light disappeared instantly, and even the avatars suddenly disappeared strangely. The unborn person rushed to Kong Xuan, the gray light shrouded, Kong Xuan's hair became more and more.

"It's impossible, break it for me!" Kong Xuan slammed on the unborn person with a bang.


The unborn body exploded and turned into black mist, but the next moment, it appeared again behind Kong Xuan and continued to age Kong Xuan.

The weird Shou Dao Gong Fa was astonished by the people watching it.

"Go!" Dahong called.

"Meow!" "Huh!"

Cat Tianyun and Hou Qing rushed towards the unborn.

The unborn are still the ‘Streamer Years’! Walking in the middle of the three peerless powerhouses, the three of them could not be beaten, and the hair of the three was turning white.

"No, the speed at which Kong Xuan is getting older has slowed down? That is to say, the more people you enter in the streamering years, the weaker the effect?" Dahong looked.

While talking, Dahong was about to pounce on the unborn.

The ancient sea at this moment is stepping towards Long Wanyu.

"Haha, I was almost deceived by you. I want Long Wanyu, don't even think about it!" Dahong stared and stopped Gu Hai.

"Zhou Tianjiu!" Gu Hai cut off with a stab.

Dahong also took out a long sword and cut it to the ancient sea.


The swords collided, but there was no victory.

"Gu Hai, the Holy Lord made me kill you. I didn't expect your life to be so big, but it was just a fluke before. Now you have no chance. It ’s Sunday 9th. However, you seem to be worse than my strength this week!" Dahong sneered. .

boom! boom! boom! …………

Even though the injury hadn't healed, Gu Hai couldn't take care of it so much. Zhou Tianjiu went all out and collided with Dahong again and again, even the Cangtian Temple was blown up, revealing everything inside, and everyone in the outside world who saw it suddenly was shocked.

Long Wanqing was pinned down by the rear mother-in-law, so she couldn't open her hands at all. The mosquitoes on the other side couldn't even bring anyone close.

Although Gu Hai fought Dahong again and again, his eyes avoided Dahong's eyes and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

Long Wanyu, Jinlong, and Xianyuan were wrapped in the temporary arrangement of the ancient seas.

Just because Dahong could not be looked at, Gu Hai was also suppressed.

Far away.

The ancient sea of ​​skeletons dragged half of the spider's corpses quickly, and the small skeletons and evil spirits in the black and blood mist kept eating, and finally, the half of the spiders were completely eaten away.

As she swallowed, a transparent ball fell from her body.

"Secret sky"? Gu Hai, the skeleton, immediately picked it up and guessed what it was.

However, at this moment, it was not the time to search, and quickly shot towards the distant body. The war there fell into a jelly. I have to get there early.

Land of the Ancient Sea. The Quartet is deadlocked.

Long Wanyu inside suddenly burst out a touch of golden light.


That gleam of golden light twisted in Long Wanyu's body, and suddenly entered Jinlong's body.

"Ah, ah, great, I finally have a body, ha ha ha, thank you, Long Wanyu, thank you, I finally don't need to be parasitic in your body, you also gave me the body of the golden dragon, ohh! Jin Long made a humming sound.

"Demon ghost spirit? River figure?" Gu Hai looked a little moved.

The ghost spirit is separated from Long Wanyu?

Gu Hai guessed the reason, but Dahong didn't know it. Suddenly he heard Jin Long's voice, his face suddenly changed.

"Well, little girl is going to revive Jinlong?" Detective Dahong broke the chess pattern with one palm and grabbed at Long Wanyu.

"No!" Gu Hai's face changed.

"Sunday Ten ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Gu Hai once again tried his best to cut it down. A phantom of a giant tree appeared behind him.

With a stab, Gu Hai's back instantly burst open a large amount of blood.

Swinging Zhou Tianjiu is already difficult, not to mention Zhou Tianshi, how horrible this load is, and the ancient sea injuries are still not good. At the moment, a lot of blood exploded from the whole body, and blood was splashing.

At this moment, Zhou Tian ten was cut, but the power was greatly reduced. However, it is more than ten times stronger than Zhou Tianjiu.

At this time, it had to be cut. Once Dahong hurt Long Wanyu, he regretted it too late.

The sky-like sword suddenly appeared, and Dahong was able to suppress the ancient sea. You can see this sword, and it was shocking.

"No!" Da Hong exclaimed.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise. Heaven and earth seem to be split apart. The huge impact shocked everyone around.

That Dahong was difficult to dodge, but still couldn't dodge.


The waist was down, and all the fly ash was annihilated, and the flesh was blurred and terrible.


A half of Dahong's blood spewed out and was blown away a hundred miles away, but he did not die.

The ancient sea was also miserable. It was cut off with one stroke, and it was already out of power.

Perhaps for the sake of Xianyuan, Long Wanyu was still calm all around.

The huge shock also completely awakened Long Wanyu.

Long Wanyu slowly opened her eyes, but the moment she opened her eyes, she saw the ancient sea exploded with blood.

"What? Brother-in-law. How did you change this?" Long Wanyu screamed in surprise.

"Kekekeke!" Gu Hai was full of blood, and coughing blood, seeing Long Wanyu rushing, his weak eyes revealed a touch of relief.

Half of Dahong was also vomiting blood, and rushed to Xianyuan for the first time.

"Gu Hai, this knife, I remember, I will ask you to pay your life!" Dahong roared loudly.

Kong Xuan, Hou Qing, Mao Tianyun, and Hou Tu Niangniang still wanted to pounce, but the unborn person and Long Wanqing intercepted with all their strength, leaving them unable to assist.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, don't scare me, why are you doing this?" Long Wanyu embraced the weak ancient sea to fall, her eyes suddenly burst into water.

"Cough, cough, I'm fine, just cultivate for a while!" Gu Hai said weakly.

Inside the body, a surge of invigorating force poured into the injured body, and this load almost broke himself.

Long Wanyu was still terrified and wanted to save Gu Hai.


Suddenly, the ancient sea of ​​skulls arrived.

"Who are you!" Long Wanyu's face changed, and she seemed to be shooting.

"Don't do it, it's me!" Gu Hai said weakly.

"Clone?" Long Wanyu stunned.

However, he saw that the ancient skull of the skull suddenly poured a lot of power into the body.

This time the injury was too severe, and Tianli was not enough, but fortunately, the extinct knife can be used to replenish the ancient sea according to the needs of the ancient sea.

Just swallowed the Pansi demon, naturally has a lot of power to nourish the ancient sea itself.


The ancient sea ontology became much more comfortable.

"Hahahaha, Xianyuan!" Dahong had only the first half of his body and was seriously injured, but he was still excited when he wanted to catch Xianyuan.

Seeing that Dahong was about to catch Xianyuan. But at this last moment, a white jade hand actually ran into Xianyuan in front of him.

"What?" Dahong looked at the sudden hand in amazement.


However, it was a man in a white robe, who gently held Xianyuan in his hand, and Jiezu boarded first.

"Who dares to grab me Xianyuan!" Dahong snarled loudly.

Looking up at the man in the white robe, the moment he saw the man in the white robe, Dahong's face turned wild.

"Yuan, Yuanshi Tianzun?" Dahong sucked cold air.

Yuan Shi Tianzun glanced at Dahong with disgust: "This Xianyuan does not belong to you!"


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