Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 197: Cruel practice

"Yuan, Yuanshi Tianzun?" Dahong sucked cold air.

Yuan Shi Tianzun glanced at Dahong with disgust: "This immortal source does not belong to you!"

Yuanshi Tianzun gently held Xianyuan with a buzz. Xianyuan seemed to be implicated in the entire immortal dome, which was not so easy to remove. However, this is Yuanshi Tianzun, the ownerless Xianyuan.


When Yuan Shi Tianzun pulled, there was a tremor in the void.

Dahong looked at Yuanshi Tianzun about to be in Xianyuan. Although he knew that his strength was not as good, he was also very unwilling.

My group of subordinates died, and now, I am hurting only the upper half of my body, and I have been fighting so miserably, I will see the clouds and the moon clear, and suddenly I'm picking a peach?

Xianyuan is mine. Yuanshi Tianzun is strong? so what. What I have is the mystery of the Wu clan, which is controlled by the human heart.

Many of the heavenly palaces are completed, aren't they instantaneous control?

"Yuanshi Tianzun, look at my eyes!" Dahong suddenly exclaimed.


Dahong's eyes turned red instantly, as if two lanterns were shining bright red.

A shout also attracted the attention of Yuanshi Tianzun, and turned to look at Dahong not far away.

"Well!" Gu Hai's face in the distance sank.

Dahong wants to control Yuanshi Tianzun? Once it's under control, it's over.

Yuan Shi Tianzun stared at himself, Dahong also trembled with excitement, looked, he really looked, hahaha, as long as you look at my eyes, no one wants to escape my human control.

However, Yuan Shi Tianzun took a look. The imaginary controlled scene did not appear. Yuan Shi Tianzun was still so cold and so cold.

"How? No control over people's hearts? It's impossible, continue!" There was a terror in Dahong's eyes.

"Ancient witch tribe, the human mind manipulates?" Yuan Shitianzun suddenly said.

Dahong's face suddenly changed, and Yuanshi Tianzun really was not controlled? It's impossible. It's impossible to control your own heart. How could it fail?

However, he saw that Yuan Shitianzun suddenly stretched out his other hand, and the detective nodded toward Dahong's eyebrow.

Dahong's face changed and he wanted to avoid it, but he couldn't escape at all. The hands of Yuanshi Tianzun looked unpleasant, but it gave people a despair with nowhere to hide.

Just watching that finger grip awl. It hit Dahong's heart.

"No, no ~~~~~~~~~~~~! Dahong growled in despair.

At this moment, he regretted it very much. Yuanshi Tianzun, who could not be dealt with in the Holy, why did he deal with it? Isn't this death?


With only a muffled sound, he saw that Dahong's eyebrows were opened by a hole in Yuanshi Tianzun's fingers, and Yuanshi Tianzun's hands were pierced into Dahong's eyebrows. Everyone who saw them shuddered.

So Dahong is so powerless in front of Yuanshi Tianzun?


Yuan Shi Tianzun's hand retreated from Dahong's eyebrow again. When he retreated, an extra sarcoma-like object appeared in the palm, glowing with red light.

The sarcoma was pulled out, and the red light in Dahong's eyes disappeared instantly.

"You, how do you know!" Dahong said in fright.

"Human heart control, everything comes from this‘ heart source ’!” Yuan Shi Tianzun with a hint of curiosity slightly aroused the sarcoma.

"Ah!" "Don't!" "Devil!" "Help!" ...............

There was a terrible scream in that sarcoma-like heart.

"Oh? These screams come from pregnant women?" A hint of curiosity flashed in Yuan Shitianzun's eyes, and he was urged again.


Just like historical playback, there are more virtual screens in front of you.

The situation in each picture is the same, only the characters are different. In the picture, Da Hong opens the belly of a pregnant woman in front of a pregnant woman, pulls out the baby inside, and then breaks the baby's neck. Splashing and laughing. And the pregnant woman watched her child be pulled out and twisted her head. The **** scene instantly scared the pregnant woman crazy.

Despair, terror, hatred, resentment, helplessness, sorrow, and accumulation of boundless resentment in the screams of pregnant women, the power of resentment seems to surpass all resentment in the world. That bewilderment, but strangely poured into Dahong's brows in the picture. That is into this wish.

"Xinyuan, it turned out to be made by this most venomous method. Ha ha, there are 100,000 grievances, that is to say, you have killed 100,000 pregnant women, and put their babies in their belly in front of them. Take it out with your belly open, let the pregnant woman watch her child's head be broken, and use this resentment to make this wish. This resentment is so powerful that even if the Heavenly Palace is complete, can't you stand it? " .

Dahong was out of his head at this moment, already stunned: "Repay me, pay back my heart, pay me back!"

Yuan Shitianzun looked at the people around him and said coldly, "It seems that there are more than 100,000 pregnant women. This grievance is a consumable item. Use some less. These people, it seems that you have already used a part of it? Thousands of poisonous grievances, ready to be used on me? "


Yuan Shi Tianzun gently squeezed his hand, and the sarcoma-like heart burst instantly.

"No!" "Alas!"

As if his mind was implicated, Da Hong's blood spurted out instantly.

"You do n’t know, this is a great sin. Anyone who is severely sinful will not die or die. This is the cycle of heavenly principles. You ca n’t escape the cause and effect of heaven and earth. I do n’t care about cause and effect. It does n’t mean that you are waste. It ’s Ji Dihong ’s person. Why did n’t Ji Dihong practice this secret method? It ’s because its cause and effect are too big. At that time, that witch clan was controlled by this human heart, and it never hurt, but you know how they died. They are the worst one of the witches who died. It ’s not that they do n’t report. The time is not up. You committed it in my hands today, and you deserve to die in hell! ”Yuan Shitian said in a cold voice.

While talking, Yuan Shitianzun waved.


The crushed heart, and the sorrow of resentment, was waved by Yuan Shitianzun, all gathered in the palm, and then slowly pushed into Dahong's body.

"Return to my baby!"

"My son!"

"Demon, you must die!"

"Don't kill me, ah!"




Dahong was suddenly flooded with boundless resentment. This time there was no heart to restrain these resentments. This most desperate resentment instantly overwhelmed Dahong's will.

Those scenes before the death of the pregnant women instantly made Dahong himself.

"No, don't, don't kill me!"


"Don't sting my flesh!"




Dahong seemed to be mad, tearing his own flesh with his hands. At the same time, he was madly eating his flesh and blood. For a moment, Dahong's self-harm looked like a shock to everyone.

Also in Yuan Shi Tianzun crushed his heart.


Kong Xuan, Hou Qing, Hou Tu, and Mao Tianyun woke up instantly.

"Ah? What's the matter, you haven't born, you've made me old!" Kong Xuan exclaimed.

"Me? Long Wanqing, how can I fight you?" Hou Tu also exclaimed.

"Meow, my black hair, unborn, you old man, my life is returned to me!" Cat Tianyun exclaimed suddenly.

Hou Qing was horrified to look at the unborn.

Unborn, Long Wanqing froze slightly.

Looking at the ancient sea in the distance, the ancient sea nodded.

"Your Shouyuan, I haven't finished it yet, take it!" Shen Weiren said in a silent voice.


Three colorful lights burst into Kong Xuan, Mao Tianyun, and Hou Qing.

The three swallowed quickly, and a flash of colored light burst out all over the body. The white hair slowly changed back to the original.

Houtu and Long Wanqing quickly gathered to the ancient sea.

"Fu Jun, that Da Hong's cruel means, pregnant women have given up?" Long Wanqing said in horror.

"Some people, for the sake of strength, do everything. However, it was really terrifying just now, the Heavenly Palace was a great consummation?" Gu Hai's main body said in a deep voice.

"His great consummation of the Heavenly Palace is false, because of this secret method, he pushes the soul of Heaven to the Great Heavenly Palace!" Long Wanyu said.

"Oh?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu.

"This cruel practice can only be endured by those with extreme mental extremes, and those who are absolutely terrible will have no emotions, and can be pushed to completion because of this practice! However, they are all imaginary and he has achieved great success It ’s just that when you first entered the Heavenly Palace, it was a complete success, and you ca n’t continue to strengthen it forever! ”Long Wanyu said.

"He had fifty subordinates just now. They were eaten by me, and all of them can be controlled by the human heart?" Mosquito said.

"The fifty people must not have Dahong's fierce mentality, so they can't do it to promote to Dachen's completion. Moreover, they need Dahong's extradition to practice this method. It can only be Dahong's deputy However, none of them is a good thing, it is not a pity! "Long Wanyu said.

"It's not enough to die, but I don't know if Ji Dihong's men are the only one!" Gu Hai's face was dark.

Human heart control, Ji Dihong sent a Dahong cultivation, will it send other people?

"Brother-in-law, rest assured, there are too few people with extreme mental limits. Dahong's appearance is already a special case. Everyone who has not extradited to practice and practiced this method by himself will be instantly mad by this resentment. After training, they also live shortly, because the cause and effect are too big to die! "Long Wanyu explained.

As the crowd came around.

That Yuanshi Tianzun pulled suddenly.


With a loud noise, Xianyuan was completely deducted from the void by Yuanshi Tianzun. The entire flawed fairy dome suddenly trembled, like a major earthquake.

"I can move!" The Golden Dragon under Xianyuan also twisted his body suddenly and ecstatically.

"That is the ghost spirit?" Gu Hai looked at the golden dragon.

"Yes, he is actually a reincarnation of Hetu, but at the time of reincarnation, he was unlucky, lost some memories, and came to me! I divided him out!" Long Wanyu nodded.

Jinlong is excited.


Suddenly a big hand caught Jinlong, but it was Yuan Shitianzun holding Xianyuan in one hand and Jinlong in one hand.

"Will not be unlucky, right?" Jinlong looked at Yuanshi Tianzun in astonishment.

Yuan Shitian respected his eyes coldly: "Xianyuan is mine, and from now on, you are mine too!"

"What?" Jinlong said in shock. Howling, how can I be so unlucky? Just want to be free, you got arrested again?

"Save me, Queen Mother, save me!" He Tu cried in despair.

Gu Hai and his party had not yet spoken, and a voice came from the void in the distance.

"The immortal source of the heavenly sky? This doesn't belong to you yet!" A majestic voice came from the sky.

That voice, Gu Hai heard it more than once.

"Six Immortals?" Kong Xuan also changed his face.


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