Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 198: Six Immortals

Defective Fairy Dome!

When Yuan Shi Tianzun pulled Xianyuan out of the void, a loud noise made the whole flawed fairy dome shake.

If you are in nothingness, you will find that the flawed fairy sky suddenly appears a large crack.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The previous eighteen huge cracks became 800 in an instant, and continued to expand.

Within the flawed fairy dome, countless disciples of disciples were amazed at the day shaking.

"What's wrong?"

"Is the end of the world?"

"Holy Lord, holy Lord, what's wrong?"




Disciples of various majors, panicked.

At this moment, it was a stream of light from Huangquan Road that suddenly entered the flawed fairy sky.

The streamer appeared, slowly twisted, and gradually, a body like a virtual body, a man in a black robe.

If Gu Hai saw it, he must recognize the man's appearance at first glance, which is exactly the six true monks that he had seen 800,000 years ago.

At this moment, it is not Liudao Zhenjun, but Liudao Xianren.

The bone **** spread the letter to the six immortals, cursing the heavenly eyes of the six immortals, wandering for a while in Huangquanhai. For a while.

Huangquan Road was found by the Six Immortals almost instantaneously, but just want to pass by?

The death of Cangtian, the Six Immortals are vividly remembered. They originally lied to Cangtian and went to kill him. Now, will someone lie to themselves to make six immortals, and then a trap or conspiracy is waiting for themselves? Because once the six immortals are out, one cannot mobilize the power of heaven and earth.

Curious about the other end of Huangquan Road, isn't any bone ancestor still alive, even if the bone ancestor is still alive? It's easy to kill him. What makes the Six Immortals curious is the Heavenly Celestial Dome.

Isn't that your own fairy sky? It should have been destroyed long ago. Still exist?

The six immortals looked forward for a while.


In fact, it doesn't matter. The body is still in retreat. In the past, there was at most a ray of divine thought. The body is still in the six immortals, and he is invincible.

"call out!"

Suddenly it turned into a streamer and rushed to Huangquan Road. Soon, the gods of the six immortals reached the flawed immortal dome.

Once in the flawed fairy dome, this ray of divine thought instantly mobilized the Quartet's power to reshape a robe body.

Standing in the void, the six immortals looked at the world in earnest.

"Sacred Heaven Celestial Dome? Really exist?" Six immortals looked around.


The six immortals closed their eyes and sensed the heaven and earth. The laws of heaven and earth here are modeled after the six immortals. The six immortals naturally sensed countless places through the avenue in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, the entire world was in their own general sense.


For a while, the power of countless faiths seemed to have found a goal, and suddenly came to Liudao Xianren strangely. The power of rolling beliefs surprised the six immortals.

"All the creatures in the world believe in me? Are they fanatics?" Six immortals' eyes brightened.

Suddenly, the Six Immortals had a day to return to the former Sovereign Sect.

"Yes, this fairy needs such a believer, huh, unlike the Liudaoxianqiong, a group of anti-bone things, all day only knows the fight, against the sky, hum!" Liudao immortal said coldly.

Close your eyes for a while.

"This flawed fairy dome should have cracked. Eighteen cracks? Actually, it has existed for 800,000 years? Oh, 800,000 years still exist? Someone mobilized Xianyuan here, and used it continuously. The power of scheduling repairs this immortal dome, but unfortunately, it cannot be repaired after all. This immortal dome has been consumed and will be destroyed in the future, but unfortunately, even if it is destroyed, the life here is so faithful in the immortal, Bring you all back then! "Six immortals said lightly.


At this moment, in the distance, Yuanshi Tianzun took Xianyuan down. The moment he took it off was equivalent to stopping the mobilization of the power of heaven and earth to repair the eighteen fissures. This stop of repairing revealed the horror of nothingness. Instantly, the force of nothingness erodes the flawed fairy dome, and the periphery of the flawed fairy dome is instantly cracked, and the crack increases in a geometric multiple.

The whole world is shaking.

Cang Sheng is asking for help. The six fairies looked cold and turned to look into the distance.


In an instant, it turned into a streamer and rushed into the distance.

In the distance, I saw Yuanshi Tianzun, Houtu, Mao Tianyun, Gou Chen and others, and then suddenly I saw the golden dragon attached to the river figure.

"Cangtian's corpse? No, Cangtian's corpse has already been destroyed by the fairy. That was resurrected with the power of faith? Oh, ha ha, I have been thinking, what else does Cangtian have to do? It turned out to be her few running dogs, help She resurrected her corpse, with the power of my faith, resurrected her corpse? Useless, no one can resurrect you, even if it is resurrected, it is not you, even if it is the original you? Without Xianyuan, you Nothing! "The six immortals said coldly.

In the distance, the sound of Yuanshi Tianzun came.

Yuan Shitian respected his eyes coldly: "Xianyuan is mine, and from now on, you are mine too!"

your? Ah!

"The immortal source of the holy heaven immortal sky? This doesn't belong to you yet!" The six immortals said coldly.


In just an instant, the Six Immortals arrived at the crowd.

"Six Immortals?" Kong Xuan also changed his face.

The six immortals in a black robe stood in the void. Although they seemed to be virtual, they were all shocked. One by one was shocked.

No breath was released, but a monstrous coercion naturally formed, and the mosquito trembled.

This, this is the Six Immortals?

The mosquitoes stared and didn't dare to plug in.

Yuan Shi Tianzun also suddenly looked at the sudden person with a condensed eye. The picture of the Golden Dragon River held in the hands of Yuan Shitian is also wide-eyed and a spirit.

"Houtu, this is a good thing you have done these years? Want to resurrect the sky?" Liudao Fairy looked at Houtu Niang in the cold.

Houtu's face was gloomy, but he didn't speak. When Hou Qing was agitated, she was afraid of the Six Immortals. Now when she sees the Six Immortals coming in, she suddenly feels apocalyptic.

"I, I, I am not Cangtian, you are mistaken, I am not!" He Tu suddenly exclaimed.

He Tu was caught by Yuan Shitianzun, but Hetu was scared. But when he met the six immortals, Hetu was frightened, because Yuanshi tenzun might not destroy himself. These six immortals would certainly.

He Tu's shout made the six immortals turn their heads and said coldly: "Hum, rebuilding the body, the soul gathering is just a timid consciousness, far worse than the sky. But that's it!"

"Yes, yeah, I'm just like that, it's just a fart, let me go!" He Tu said eagerly.

The six immortals frowned slightly and looked at the river map: "Rest assured, the immortal source of the Holy Celestial Dome belongs to the original immortal, and you are also the original immortal. The original immortal will break your bones and melt away!"

"Ah?" He Tu froze. Two lines of old tears burst out instantly.

Why am I so unlucky!

Looking up, the six immortals looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun opposite.

"Wangshou Taoism?" The six immortals said in a deep voice.

"Wangshou Taoism, Yuanshi Tianzun!" Yuan Shitianzun said flatly.

"Too high, to heaven, to surrender to Benxian for 800,000 years, it is also considered to be hardworking. In their face, Benxian has left you a way to live, give Xianyuan and this golden dragon to Benxian!" The six immortals ordered.

The tone of the six immortals has a feeling of supremacy. Take for granted, take for granted.

"Here you?" Yuan Shitianzun stared at the six immortals.

"Good!" The six immortals whispered.

"What if I don't want to?" Yuan Shitianzun was not afraid, but sneered.

Not willing?

Not far away, Kong Xuan, Hou Tu, and Hou Qing looked at the Six Immortals in surprise.

This is the Six Immortals, no one dares to reject the Six Immortals, and no one dares to disobey the Six Immortals? What did I hear? Just now Yuanshi Tianzun rejected the six Immortals?

The Six Immortals did not expect that this Wanshou Taoism who had surrendered to himself would dare to disobey himself.

The Heavenly Celestial Sky itself is its own, and this Xianyuan should also be its own. As for this golden dragon, he also did not want to escape. Originally, it seemed logical that Yuanshi Tianzun dare to refuse.

"Oh, you don't want to?" Liudao Fairy's eyes showed a gleam of cold light. The whole body exudes a murderous look.

As soon as the murderous spirits came out, the sky was suddenly filled with billowing dark clouds, and among the billowing dark clouds, there seemed to be a monstrous storm brewing.


Suddenly, the billowing black cloud cracked a hole from the center, an eye of heaven suddenly appeared.

Just like the six fairy tales of the past, an eye of heaven appeared, and a breath of heavenly power was suppressed. Overwhelmed everyone's urge to worship.

The mosquitoes bowed down unconsciously, but Gou Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng did not escape. They immediately bowed down.


Gu Hai waved.

Mosquitoes, Mu Chenfeng, Gou Chen, Ziwei, Changsheng, Long Wanyu, and Skull are all put into the ancient fairy dome, and even the half of Dahong's body that is constantly self-harm is covered in the ancient fairy dome. .

The only remaining things are the ancient sea, the unborn, Kong Xuan, Long Wanqing, Houtu, Houqing, and Mao Tianyun.

Except for the ancient sea wounded lying there, everyone else was in the Great Heavenly Palace, and barely knelt to stand while supporting. Long Wanqing and Kong Xuan supported the ancient sea. The others followed, slowly retreating towards the rear.

Six immortals and Yuanshi Tianzun, neither of them can be provoke. Let the two stare at each other.

The eyes of heaven came out, fierce and mighty, approaching Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuan Shitianzun sneered: "Eye of heaven, do you think that only you have?"

Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes were cold, and a sudden murderous gas burst out from his body.


Yuan Shi Tianzun's head also suddenly rolled up the rolling dark clouds, and the dark clouds rolled suddenly, splitting from the middle into two.


Another heavenly eye appeared, no, this heavenly eye seemed to be standing on the side of Yuanshi Tianzun, with pupils glowing purple.

The eyes of the heavenly gods of the Six Immortals have black pupils.

Two heavenly eyes separated at a distance, and at the same time erupted in equal power, two fierce powers, seemingly equal, but no one let them. Murder was shaking the whole void.


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