Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 199: 卅 之 Inheritance

Yuan Shi Tianzun holds the flawed fairy dome in one hand, holding the golden dragon in one hand, and coldly looks at the six immortals on the opposite side!

The heavenly eyes of the six immortals appeared, and the huge Tianwei oppressed straight out.

Yuan Shi Tianzun's eyes appeared to stare at the six immortals.

Immortals, masters of heaven and earth, the most noble beings of all beings. No one would dare to disobey.

Today, however, Yuanshi Tianzun is not afraid of the six immortals, and even in words, there is a big collision.

All of this is far from reasonable in the eyes of Kong Xuan, Long Wanqing, and Hou Qing. This is not the hatred of Cat Tianyun and Liu Dao, nor is it a broken pot.

But everything looked so weird.

Gu Hai did not speak, and the others did not speak, watching quietly.

Gu Hai sent other people into the ancient immortal vault because the movement was too great at the moment, and those who were inadequately repaired would only be dangerous if left behind. Moreover, the skeletal avatar and Long Wanyu could prevent the six immortals from discovering and try not to let him. see.

Even in the ancient immortal dome, the skeleton avatar can still force out, and then be sucked into the body by the ancient sea body to repair itself.

Inside the ancient fairy dome, the ancient sea has set up a time-corresponding area, so that people inside can see the outside.

"Is this Yuanshi Tianzun looking for death? Did he fight with the Six Immortals?" The Mosquito Taoist was surprised.

"No, Yuanshi Tianzun practiced a 'talent'!" Long Wanyu said in a deep voice.

"Talent?" Mosquito said in surprise.

"Yes, before my previous life fell, I was worried that all the" aura "in the world would be captured by the six true monarchs. So, I put most of it into the land of Shenzhou. It turned into four" talents ". The remaining one fifth, It must have been refined by Liu Daozhen into the fifth "Talent". The heavenly eyes of Yuanshi Tianzun is the skill in "Talent! He must have got a" Talent "!" Long Wanyu said in a deep voice.

"Ah? The talent is so powerful? What is the light in this world?" Mosquito said curiously.

"Empower is a power!" Long Wanyu said impatiently.

"But I don't understand! What caused the aura of light, did heaven and earth conceive?" Mosquito said curiously.

Long Wanyu shook her head: "Shouyun Shenwenling was created artificially. Yuanshi Tianzun dared to fight against the Six Immortals, and his talent must have been cultivated to a high level!"

"Uh?" Everyone froze.

"You are reincarnated in the sky, and you have restored your memory? Are you sure you are not talking nonsense? Shouyun Shenwenling was created artificially? How is it possible!" The mosquito Taoist was surprised.

"I naturally restored the memories of previous lives, why is it impossible. Shouxiu, where did it come from?" Long Wanyu rolled her eyes.

"Uh, Shou Xiu was created by Fu Xi. But the other four are impossible. How could this be artificially created?" The mosquitoes did not believe.

"The operation and repair was created by my previous life!" Long Wanyu said lightly.

"What? Impossible, the luck repair you created? The way of the emperor? The luck of heaven and earth?" The dragon **** who restored the original side looked disbelieving.

Long Wanyu glanced at the Dragon God: "Dragon God, although you are the uncle of my life, the old man Dragon Warring States is kind to me. Do you know why?"

"Because my father respects Cangtian!" Dragon God frowned.

"But, old man, why respect Cangtian? When he was born, I have died hundreds of thousands of years. Why did he respect me so much?" Long Wanyu said lightly.

"I, ............!" Dragon God trembled for a while.

Indeed, even if Long Wanyu was reincarnated in the sky, what relationship does it have with the Dragon Warring States?

"If the emperor repairs and transports, will he gather the luck and luck of the golden dragon?" Long Wanyu glanced at the dragon god.

"Good!" Dragon God nodded.

"What shape is the Golden Dragon of luck?" Long Wanyu asked again.

The dragon **** shivered slightly. The Golden Dragon of Qi is the Golden Dragon of Qi, is it still necessary to ask? In doubt, look out at the golden dragon held by Yuan Shitian in the hand. Seeing that golden dragon, Dragon God frowned. Because the lucky golden dragon is so similar to the golden dragon outside, only one is illusory and the other is real.

"At that time, I was in charge of the Celestial Dome, commanded the three thousand avenues, and merged with the three thousand avenues. I blended my brand in the three thousand avenues. Therefore, the three thousand avenues will give Jinlong some special ability. It ’s time for repair. You have the golden dragon of luck for the emperor, do you understand? ”Long Wanyu said lightly.

"This, is this true?" Dragon God said suddenly.

"It ’s ridiculous that I did n’t know where the luck came from. It was also a luck during the Dragon War National War. He knew my identity. Thanks to me, he had the great dynasty and the full weather. Fortunately, it is not me. There is no luck in that day and time. Isn't Dragon Warring States grateful for me? I don't respect my previous life? "Long Wanyu said lightly.

"Uh, yeah!" Long Shenzhen was slightly bitter.

Everyone else listened, including the ancient sea, and was shocked at the moment. It turned out that the form of the golden dragon of luck came from the sky?

"My previous life was Cangtian, and the emperor had the Golden Dragon of Fortune and called Tianzi, because all their Golden Dragon of Fortune are my branded clones. I am the heaven, they are the sons, the heavens. I am the reincarnation of the heavens, and I create It's time for repair! "Long Wanyu proudly said.

Everyone nodded in sigh.

"Shouxiu was created by Fu Xi, Yunxun was created by Cangtian. Then you said aura of light? What about spiritual cultivation?" Mosquito Taoist curious.

Long Wanyu frowned slightly: "That person, should be dead!"

"Oh? Who, die? What do you mean? Who is he?" Skeleton Guhai wondered.

"He is shouting!" Long Wanyu frowned slightly.

"Well?" Everyone was puzzled.

Only the skeleton ancient sea, startled, the pupils of the ancient ancient sea shrank.


Others don't know it, Gu Hai is too familiar with the name.

The six heavenly domes, the corresponding one is called 卅 卅 仙仙 卅.

thirty! Fairies over the earth. Absolute **** over the earth.

The immortal dome of the gods, under the **** of the gods, on the other side of the earth, the peerless powerhouses such as Lao Tzu and Shakyamuni are hiding like rats, hiding in the fairy realm, and dare not show their heads.

Although Gu Hai has never seen a puppet, from the attitude of Lao Tzu and Shakyamuni, they understand the terror of this puppet.

It seems that 800,000 years ago, Xun once sensed six immortal vaults and came and invaded. At that time, Fuxi and Xun's thoughts were all gone?

thirty? Shouldn't it be the ruler of the earth?

How does Long Wanyu know? No, it should be said in the old days, she knows that? Have you seen me?

Aura is the way of practice left by You?

Everything sounds like Tianshu, leaving Gu Hai inexplicable.

However, Gu Hai understands that at this time you can't talk more about the topic of the uncle, wait for the crisis to pass through here, and ask Wan Yu for more information.

"Yuanshi Tianzun practiced his‘ talent ’, can he compete with the Six Immortals?” Skeleton Guhai turned the subject.

Everyone really looked at the outside world together.

Long Wanyu shook her head: "I don't know. In fact, the practice of each pulse is very different. I studied the aura and studied it for a long time, it was impossible!"

"What? You have a past life, but you ca n’t do anything about it?" Mosquito disbelief.

"So what, every spiritual practice requires special, just like brother-in-law, brother-in-law has great chess course, let you practice chess, give you a thousand years, ten thousand years, can you compare to brother-in-law?" Disdainful.

"Uh, I saw a big chess game, and I couldn't repair it for 100 million years. However, you are a **** in your previous life. You should be omnipotent. How can you not study the aura!" The mosquito smirked.

"You don't know much. My past life was Cangtian and not everything!" Long Wanyu said.

"No, that Dahong is crazy, and he is going to kill the people here!" Dragon God's face suddenly changed.

Da Hong mutilated himself for a while, and sure enough he was killed everywhere.

"Stay useless, annihilate it!" Said Gu Hai, the skeleton, lightly.

"Don't, give me, I want, that resentment is good for me!" Mosquito Taoist suddenly excited.

Skeleton Gu Hai froze and nodded: "Go!"

"Okay! Don't rob me!" Mosquito Taoist suddenly excited.

A large number of mosquitoes flocked to the crazy Dahong and began to devour Dahong's flesh.

Everyone looked outside.

Yuan Shi Tianzun and the Six Immortals confronted each other, and their respective heavenly eyes looked at each other coldly.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, you can think of the end against Benxian. From then on, there will be no place for you to stand in the world!" Liudao immortal said coldly.

Yuanshi Tianzun turned his hands over the Jinlong River map. Hetu was suddenly restrained by his whole body.

"The Six Immortals, this is not your fairy heaven. If I read correctly, you are just a **** now? Even your being is not qualified to leave me in the heavens and the earth, let alone you are now A ray of divine thought? With your patience, your body came here in person? If you came in person, how would I repeat a battle against the sky 800,000 years ago? But this time, it ’s not the sky, but your six kills! " Yuanshi Tianzun said coldly.

The words of Yuan Shitian Zun make Hou Qing and others open their mouths round. Just kidding, is this Yuan Shitian Zun really looking for death?

"Presumptuous!" Six immortals said with cold eyes.

"Presumptuous? Here, you are just divine, I dare presumptuously, because I have the strength, I can turn your hands on the ray of divine thought now, do you believe it? In the final analysis, you are not the master of this world! You want to command me, it's a long way off! "Yuan Shitian said to Lu Sen.

"Master of this heavenly heaven dome? Haha, how do you know that I am not the master here? In Liudaoxianqiong, I am a fairy, and here, I am still immortal!" Liudao immortal said coldly.

"Xianyuan here is still in my hands, what kind of immortal are you?" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"All beings believe in me. I am an immortal. This flawed immortal dome, all beings believe in me. Between my probes, I can move the power of all beings, believe it or not!" The six immortals said coldly.

"Oh?" Yuan Shitianzun frowned.

But I saw that six immortals waved their hands.

In the void, a golden dragon of 100,000 miles long suddenly emerged.


Qi Yun Jinlong roared loudly, spreading the whole flawed fairy sky.

"All beings obey, I am the Six Immortals, holding up their right hands, and lending all their power to the Immortal!" The Six Immortals sang in a cold voice.


A dragon chant from the lucky golden dragon, the voice instantly passed to all the living ears of the flawed fairy dome.

Nearly all beings were agitated, and suddenly knelt down in excitement.

The voice of the Lord, 800,000 years, finally waited for the Lord's response again.

ps: I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


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