Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 200: Not a word, kill everything!

Defective Fairy Dome!

The moment Xianyuan was pulled out by Yuanshi Tianzun, there was no power of heaven and earth to repair the eighteen rifts. Invasion of nothingness suddenly appeared, and large cracks suddenly appeared on the periphery of the flawed fairy dome.

The entire immortal dome will be destroyed by the force of nothingness. At this moment, the flawed immortal dome is shaking and shaking. The beings inside are naturally the most feared.

The landslide broke, and the sky was a huge gap, like the end of the world.

All the major disciples knelt down.

"Oh Lord, what's wrong?"

"The sky is going to end, are we all finished?"

"Holy Lord, you haven't appeared in 800,000 years. What can you do now?"

"Oh Lord!"




The fear of the end of the world, so that everyone's hope can only be pinned on the Six Immortals, all kneeling and begging. But there is no other way.

Just when everyone was desperate, the sound of the six immortals finally appeared with a dragon yin.

"All sentient beings obey, I am a six immortal, hold up your right hand, and lend all my strength to this immortal!"

The voice of the six immortals came, making everyone's eyes widened.

"I heard it, I heard it!"

"The voice of the Lord, the Lord has not abandoned us!"




All kinds of happiness sounded to the sound of fainting, worshiping the Lord of life, and finally appeared.

"Hurry up, raise your hand, raise your right hand!"

"Holy Lord, please save us!"




All beings were excited, and kept raising their right hand.

This flawed fairy dome is a cult of six immortals, and the six immortals spoke, and the power of faith passed on to everyone. All this was true, and almost everyone raised their right hands.

No hesitation, no waiting.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

I saw that the heavens and the earth were full of strength, as if they were running all over the river, towards the golden dragon of luck on top of the six immortals.

The power of sentient beings. Almost all converged.

How big is the power of all the creatures in a fairy dome? Even if the number of defective immortal creatures is only one percent of the six immortals, that is counted in trillions.

This rolling strength is even greater than the strength borrowed from a heavenly pilgrimage of the Six Immortals. If this scene appeared in the land of Shenzhou, how many people would have been scared.

That force came like a tsunami. The golden dragon that rushes into Qiyun is about to enter the body of six immortals.

Inside the ancient immortal dome.

"Crazy believers use their power? Houtu made wedding dresses for Liu Dao!" Zi Wei said unhappyly.

"Six? Huh, I still pass this luck, he actually used my method, huh!" Long Wanyu was uncomfortable for a while.

But no matter what, the strength of the body of the six immortals is about to increase exponentially.

Opposite, Yuanshi Tianzun did not fear, but showed a sneer.

"Mobilizing the power of sentient beings? It is indeed a way, but unfortunately, it is not useful to me!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

"How can it be useless?" Six immortals disdain.

Above the sky, the lucky golden dragon roared, dragging the forces from all over the world, and rushed towards the Six Immortals, which was about to merge this boundless power.

"The one who blocks me is dead!" Yuan Shitianzun waved gently.

"You want to kill me? It's too early!" Six immortals sneered.

"I said not only you, but all who blocked me!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.

The Six Immortals don't care, because after mobilizing the power of sentient beings, they can immediately kill Yuan Shitianzun, and no matter how much it is nonsense.

But at this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly stretched out his right hand, right hand Qingtian. Suddenly, a ten-foot-size gray energy ball appeared in the palm of the right hand. The gray energy ball seemed to have countless sword qi condensing inside.

The power of the gray energy ball is getting bigger and bigger, ten feet? No, it's almost a hundred feet in a blink of an eye.

"There is chaos and sword air in it? Although it is powerful, but the six immortals who are in control of the sentient beings might as well be right?" Hou Tu Niangni curious.

"No!" Gu Hai's pupils suddenly shrank.

"Why ...?" Kong Xuan didn't finish asking.


The giant ball in the palm of the hand of Yuanshi Tianzun exploded and burst open. In an instant, the explosion was torn apart, and billions of swords were blown out, just like the heavenly girl scattered flowers, and it shot in all directions.

"Uh? His Chaos Sword balloon, collapsed?" Cat Tianyun stared at it and couldn't understand.

"No, he's going to kill!" Gu Hai eyelids out.

"Miscellaneous! Yuanshi Tianzun, how dare you!" Liu Dao Xianren stared.

However, everything is too late. Each of these chaotic sword atmospheres seems to cross time and space, and the speed is extremely fast, reaching the world in an instant.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Chaos sword gas exploded to all parts of the world, one by one, but the most terrifying thing was that every sword gas penetrated a body.

It's every one that kills a creature instantly.

"Ah!" "Don't!" "Help!" ……………………

Because of the luck of the golden dragon, the shouts of creatures everywhere can be heard, and the screams are endless.

But this scream was just a shout.


Fortunately, there was no sound in the place where the golden dragon was lucky.


All the living beings gathered suddenly collapsed. Qi Yun Jinlong also suddenly fell apart under a wailing.

The power that was about to flow in, even into the six immortals, suddenly disappeared.

"His!" Not far away from the ancient sea, a group of people took a cold breath.

"Here, what's wrong?" Gou Chen and Changsheng glared inside Gu Xiangxian Qiong.

"Yuanshi Tianzun respected him, and just killed all the creatures in the world!" Long Wanyu shook.

"Why, what? All the creatures who killed the flawed immortal are dead? All the demons are dead?" Gou Chen exclaimed.

Beyond Gou Chen, everyone was shocked by the means of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Extinction between hands?

If you don't agree, just kill it?

Except for a group of people in the ancient sea, all the souls of the flawed fairy sky were dead, and even the dead spirits of the underworld were all destroyed.

In an instant, all died!

"It's so murderous!" Long Wanqing shook.

For the first time, Long Wanqing saw someone so ruthless, so ruthless, with trillions as the unit of count, killed all with one stroke?

It is not how powerful it is, but this ruthlessness that really makes everyone chill.

"How big is the cause and effect, isn't he afraid of him?" Ziwei shook.

"His" Talent "should be cultivated to the late stage, and only if he has cultivated to the late stage, will he not be causal!" Long Wanyu said with shock.

"Do not touch cause and effect?" Everyone looked at Long Wanyu in surprise.

"Yes, no cause and effect, I just didn't expect that he would be so cruel, so many creatures, all the tricks? Just because he blocked him, just just blocked him?" Long Wanyu shook.

"He was slaughtered once when he was in the land of Shenzhou and the South China Sea!" The skull Gu Hai sank.


"He is cool by nature!" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

far away. Yuan Shi Tianzun flipped his hands, slaughtered all living beings, and let the power that flocked to the Six Immortals disappear. The Six Immortals also looked at Yuanshi Tianzun in surprise.

Feeling annoyed, same in my heart. Because this is the first time that the Six Immortals have met people like themselves, so ruthless.

Relentless, invincible!

The Six Immortals looked at Yuan Shi Tianzun, who had grown to such a strength in front of his eyes, and killed his heart all at once. Such a person cannot stay, and he must be killed early.

A ruthless person, just one of them.

"I said, whoever blocks me will die!" Yuan Shitianzun sneered.

The six immortals narrowed their eyes to Yuanshi Tianzun and sneered: "Wangshou Taoism? I didn't expect you to be a real person. Kill my believers. Today, you can't even think of getting a good end!"

While talking, the six immortals waved.


The heavenly eyes of the six immortals suddenly burst into a black light, and a super-giant extinction light sprayed out from the eyes of heaven.

"Huh! But so!" Yuan Shitianzun said coldly.


Yuan Shi Tianzun ’s eye of heaven suddenly burst out with a purple super-giant extinction light.


The two annihilation lights collided, and suddenly a super black hole erupted. The range of the black hole was rapidly expanding towards the periphery.

"Go!" Gu Hai shouted.

"call out!"

The group suddenly shot away in the distance and escaped this huge battlefield.

Under the impact of the light of extermination of God, Yuanshi Tianzun and Liudaoxianren finally shot at each other.

The two collided with each other with great strength, straight into the sky.


Suddenly, Gu Hai and others saw that the whole world was broken by two forces.

The world is broken upright?

The flawed fairy dome itself has numerous cracks, and the strength of the two is to overwhelm the camel's last straw. Suddenly produced a huge chain effect. Heaven and earth burst apart, and for a while, nothingness surged in. The world exploded in countless places in an instant.

"Come on, let's go back to Huangquan Road!" Gu Hai said.

"Yes!" Kong Xuan said suddenly. Coming back to the same way.

"Brother-in-law, it's better not to go back from Huangquan Road!" Long Wanyu cried suddenly.

"Why?" Gu Hai said.

"The Six Ways are just a ray of divine thoughts. There must be some divine thoughts at Huang Quanhai. There is the restraint of Yuanshi Tianzun here, so he didn't pay attention to us, but once we get out of Huang Quanhai, the Six Ways will definitely not stand still ...! "Long Wanyu said.

Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

On the other side, Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Immortals formally fought. The horrific fighting power, combined with the invasion of nothingness, all of a sudden, the imperfect celestial vault was torn apart and the entire sky was torn. It seems like the whole world is broken.

"Brother-in-law, I have a while, I need five Heavenly Palaces to complete the shots at the same time, condensing a formation, I can stay in nothingness for a while, wait for Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Wars to end, and when they are gone, we go back and I have Find a way back! "Long Wanyu said.


The whole world is fragmented. Gu Hai nodded, and finally nodded: "Let's go to nothingness, leave this battlefield, listen to Wan Yu!"

PS: I wish you a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


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