Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 201: Off-chain

Gu Hai and his party went straight to the stars.

As the sky soared, the force of nothingness invaded, and the dark bands visible to the naked eye poured into the entire flawed fairy sky.

The crowd flew up while avoiding.

"My formation method is called" Hunyuan Five Elements Array ". In the past, the five gods were prepared to perform, but they are now ..., but it is not necessary to let the five heavenly great consummates perform. This is the map. The five heavenly palaces form a five-element array, one at each station. The five forces blend together and become self-contained. The power consumption slows down, and at least ten years can be maintained! "Long Wanyu said.

Then, with a wave of his hand, the spell condensed a pattern.

"Kong Xuan, Wan Qing, Hou Tu, Hou Qing, Mao Tianyun, all five of you are in the Heavenly Palace, and you come to the battlefield, how about it?" Gu Hai asked.

"I'm fine!" Long Wanqing called immediately.

The others nodded.

Long Wanyu's map was revealed by the ancient sea.

The five of them immediately took five positions and swept a hand.


Suddenly, the five energies collided in the void at a specific frequency, and then formed a small spherical enchantment that surrounded everyone in the center.

Looking at the dark power of nothingness, everyone looked at it.

"Come in!"

The spherical envelop envelops everyone, and instantly enters the dark nothingness.


The enchantment shook for a while. It seemed that dripping water fell on the soldering iron and made a sound of 呲 呲 呲 呲, as if the energy was evaporated. After evaporation, it disappeared.

Void consumes the power of the enchantment, and it also consumes the power of the five heavenly palaces. Once the ego power of the five people is consumed, the enchantment is broken, because there is no energy supply in the nothingness.

"It's done, it's more than a hundred times smaller than the consumption of nothingness when I go into it alone!" Houtu suddenly opened his eyes.

"Of course!" Long Wanyu said proudly.

"Look at that flawed fairy dome!" Kong Xuan stared.

Standing in the nothingness and looking at the flawed fairy sky, we can see clearly. At this moment, we can see that the two internal forces are colliding with each other.

One black and one white, but it is the six immortals and Yuanshi Tianzun.


With each collision, the power generated is like a knife split, splitting the whole fairy dome in half. After a few passes, the flawed fairy sky was torn apart.

"The power of the Six Immortals and Yuanshi Tianzun is so powerful!" Kong Xuan shook.

Kong Xuan's Heavenly Palace is now complete, but they still don't imagine the power of the two, which can bring the whole world to pieces.

"You think too much!" Hou Tu Niangniang shook her head.


"This day is falling apart. It was n’t broken by the smashing of Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Immortals. Both of them haven't had such great strength. Heaven and Earth are broken because it has countless internal injuries and it ’s overworked. The flawed fairy sky itself is about to fall apart. At this moment, the force of nothingness poured in, and the flawed fairy dome accelerated the disintegration. Yuanshi Tianzun and Liudao are just an introduction, only to promote the progress of the flawed fairy dome. They are only the last straw that crushes the camel! " After the soil mother Niang Shen.

"Oh?" Kong Xuan said for a moment.


The flawed fairy sky suddenly shattered into hundreds of pieces. Tens of thousands of small pieces.

It's like a planet burst. The magnificent scene, the ancient sea and others who watched it were all shocked.

The power of nothingness is rapidly thawing these fragments. Large fragments still need time. Small fragments are ablated instantly.

Vaguely, among the remaining hundreds of large fragments, there are numerous tree-shaped energy phantoms looming, seeming to want to fuse these fragments, but everything can not withstand the power of nothingness, and is still disappearing.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

The battle between Yuanshi Tianzun and the Six Immortals did not end. The entire flawed immortal dome collapsed, but the two of them flew into nothingness in an instant.

Accompanied by the two is the golden dragon that was restrained. River figure possesses golden dragon.

"Why am I so unlucky!" He Tu hissed in despair, and the two disappeared into nothingness.

"They're gone! Let's go back and see!" Gu Hai said.

"call out!"

The enchantment enveloped the people straight into the broken flawed fairy sky.

But now, it's impossible to tell what is right. Huangquan Road also disappeared.

"Without Huangquan Road, what should we do now?" Hou Qing said extremely anxiously.

Gu Hai looked at the countless large trees in front of him, and the remaining flawed fairy dome shards.

"Be careful, I'm going to earn these ancient fairies!" Gu Hai said.

"What?" Everyone froze slightly.

"Jiejie just give me a mouth!" Gu Hai said.

"No, you are speeding up our destruction!" Hou Qing exclaimed.

"Yes!" Kong Xuan answered.


Kong Xuan opened a small opening.

"No, do you want us to be buried with you?" Hou Qing said in exasperation.

"Shut up!" Kong Xuan stared.

Long Wanqing also glared at Houqing.

Houtu and Mao Tianyun didn't speak.

But he saw that Gu Hai waved at Xiaokouzi in the enchantment.

The ancient celestial vault seemed to open a monstrous mouth, and swallowed it toward a tens of thousands of miles of debris.


Suddenly, the super huge shard entered the ancient fairy's dome.

At the same time, the ancient immortal dome is still swallowing, swallowing those large tree-shaped energy shadows, the ancient sea understands that it is the avenue, and that is the avenue struggling in the nothingness.

The Six Fairy Vaults and the Three Thousand Avenues are a whole, forming their own cycle, forming a perfect world. Therefore, don't be afraid of invasion of nothingness. Now, the defective fairies, these avenues are difficult to support, and the fairies are broken.

It's as if a drowning man suddenly found a life-saving straw, which naturally rushed in.

The ancient sky is the living path.

All the struggling avenues dragged the huge flawed fairy dome fragments and poured into the ancient fairy dome constantly.


The avenue enters the ancient fairy dome. Suddenly included in the book of life and death, and then formed the avenue lines into the ancient fairy dome. Those flawed fairy dome fragments are like the energy of the avenue. The avenue is filling fast.

In the past, a avenue of chess was shaped by countless spiritual stones. Today, the world directly supplements the world. This is the perfect avenue nutrient for Lingshi. Where to look?

"Boom, boom!"

Among the ancient immortal domes, the integration of the avenue suddenly expanded rapidly.

At the same time, in the entire world, there seems to be a huge shadow of giant trees, which is the avenue rooted in the ancient fairy dome.

"Is this the old man's fairy sky?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

In nothingness.

The power of nothingness and the ancient fairy dome are vying to consume the defective fairy dome fragments. Fortunately, the avenues of the defective fairy dome favor the ancient fairy dome. Therefore, most of the defective fairy dome fragments have entered the ancient fairy dome. Enlarging the ancient immortal dome.

This time, no energy is needed, and no space force is needed, because everything in these fragments comes with it.

The creatures in the ancient immortal dome watched the whole world undergoing earth-shaking changes.

One avenue, ten avenues, and one hundred avenues.

The ancient immortal dome is constantly expanding, and the aura is constantly rising.

While everyone inside was shocked, Hou Qing turned wild.

"Gu Hai, you can stop it!" Hou Qing exasperated.

Hou Qing saw that the ancient sea had a great benefit. He originally had an opinion on the ancient sea. Now naturally, he is even more jealous. At the same time, because Kong Xuan opened a small gap in the enchantment, everyone's power was also extremely huge.

I previously said that I can persist in this enchantment for ten years. I don't know how long it will last for one year?

It's all dead outside.

"Presumptuous!" Kong Xuan stared back at Houqing.

"Hou Qing, this is not the time to argue!" Long Wanqing said in a deep voice.

"What is not a time for controversy? Kong Xuan is an ancient courtier, Long Wanqing is an ancient sea woman, and of course you are facing him. He is making a noise here, but he wants us to bury him. Where are the six immortals? Now there is no loss. Play with him and kill us all, sister, do you say yes, cat Tianyun, do you want to die? "Hou Qing said coldly.

Cat Tianyun and Houtu frowned slightly and did not speak, apparently hesitant.

"Well, who said, our fairy heaven, I naturally know how to go, and I can go quickly. My brother-in-law consumes some energy, I've calculated it, it's impossible, we will return to our fairy heaven immediately!" Long Wanyu suddenly became angry.

The ancient dome of heaven did not isolate the voices of Long Wanyu and others.

"Your past life was heaven, and I respect you, but now, you are the aunt Guhai, don't think I don't know, you are facing Guhai, you are pulling us to accompany him to death!" Hou Qing stared.

"Presumptuous, Hou Qing, what do you say?" Hou Tu stared.

"Sister! The old sky is dead. This is not the sky anymore, it just has the sky's memory, the personality is completely different!" Hou Qing angered.

"You are not allowed to talk nonsense!" Hou Tu stared.

"Anyway, I don't care. If you can find our immortal sky, look for it, tell me!" Hou Qing was angry.

Long Wanyu was also exasperated: "Okay, don't you believe me? No matter, I made a transparent eye, you see for yourself!"

Speaking, Long Wanyu waved her hands instantly, and the magic spell condensed an eye-like magic weapon.

Gently urge.


The eye-like magic weapon suddenly surrounds the four-dimensional three-dimensionally, forming a piece of light. In most of the light curtains, there is nothing, a sudden light, and the appearance of six immortal domes.

"There?" Everyone blinked.

"In the direction of this transparent eye, you can go back and worry about anything!" Long Wanyu said.

"Then let's go back!" Hou Qing said in surprise.

"No, my brother-in-law's business is not over yet. I'll leave when it's over!" Long Wanyu cried.

"You don't leave, I'm leaving, sister, Mao Tianyun, don't you want to go back right away?" Hou Qing bewildered.

"Hou Qing, shut up and listen to Long Wanyu!" Hou Tu Shen cried.

"No, I have to go back. I don't believe them. If you don't go, I will go!" Hou Qing cried immediately.

"You go? You go, what do we do?" Long Wanqing stared.

"It's gone, I have to leave, sister, Mao Tianyun, don't you really go?" Hou Qing looked at the two.

Because as long as the two walked with themselves, the Five Elements Array was completely dispersed, and Gu Hai could not stay in this nothingness. He will never get any better.

"Meow, Hou Qing, I went to you once, and you thought, I would still listen to you?" Cat Tianyun said coldly.

Apparently, Cat Tianyun stood by Long Wanyu.

"Hou Qing, you're so disappointed!" Hou Tu Niangniang also hated iron and steel.

"Well, you don't have to leave. But I remind you that the unborn person, although he was against me, Kong Xuan, and Mao Tianyun, but he was not a great consummation in the Heavenly Palace. Just as soon as I leave, your mixed five-element array will disperse, and you will not have much time left! "Hou Qing sneered and looked at Gu Hai.

Then, Hou Qing wants to withdraw her formation.

"Houqing, you!" Everyone was angry.

Only five of the heavenly palaces must be fulfilled, and one less. But now, Hou Qing left ...

"I'll fill the gap!"

Suddenly, the ancient sea of ​​skeletons stepped out of the ancient fairy dome.


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