Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 202: Second being, oh!

Watching Gu Hai's body used the ancient immortal dome to eat the defective immortal dome fragments. Although he did n’t know what was going on, Hou Qing understood that the ancient sea was searching for great benefits, so he didn't want to make the ancient sea wishful. Only then is it good for everyone to compromise and stop the ancient sea.

But now, a black robe man suddenly appeared?

Hou Qing had not seen him make a shot, but Gu Hai, the skeleton, wanted to replace himself, but made Hou Qing's heart stunned.

"Did you make a perfect repair to the Heavenly Palace? You have to fill the gap!" Hou Qing sneered.

"It's a short line, it's enough to fill the gap!" Said Gu Gu, a skeletal faint voice.

Wrapped in a black robe, Skull Guhai did not let Hou Qing see her appearance.

"The difference? Haha, do you know how much this nothingness consumes me and so on, and you haven't been rehabilitated in the Heavenly Palace, you're seeking your own way!" Hou Qing stared.

On the side of the ancient sea itself, "Hou Qing, do you want to leave or stay?"

"Of course I'm leaving!" Hou Qing stared.

"If you want to leave, don't make any noise here, walk away quickly!" Gu Hai's main body said in a deep voice.

"I, you!" Hou Qing stared.

Gu Hai looked disgusted with a disgusted expression.

"Hou Qing, if you dare to leave, you are not my brother!" Hou Tu anxiously counted on Hou Qing.

"Well, sister, I said, Cangtian is dead, what are you doing to Long Wanyu allegiance?" Hou Qing said depressed.

"Shut up!" Houtu exclaimed.

"Huh, anyway, I don't care about you anymore, this man in black robes hasn't come to the Heavenly Palace to great consummation, you stay here, just wait for death, see me less, how does this formation work, not immediately go to the Six Immortals like me Hum! "Hou Qing snorted.


Hou Qing broke away from the formation and shot into the distance instantly.

As soon as Hou Qing left, the enchantment formed by this formation suddenly shook, and was about to collapse.

The ancient skeleton of the skull flickered, stopped at the position where the large array was missing, and suddenly a force of skeletons poured into the formation.


Enchantment has stabilized again.

However, the consumption of the Skeleton Ancient Sea is also huge, but the Skeleton Ancient Sea has a strange spy sticking out of the enchantment.


The palms of a skull stretched out, and everyone looked at them for a moment.

Skeleton? Is this black robe man a skeleton? Is it a bone god?

However, everyone was stunned by another scene. The skull palms were stretched out. Without covering the body with shields, they contacted nothingness with skulls. But, strangely, the skull palms were not melted away.

"Meow, hell, this palm is in the midst of nothingness?" Cat Tianyun exclaimed.

In amazement, he stretched out a cat's claw.


There was a snoring noise, and a large swath of cat hair on the cat's claws, like moisture, disappeared instantly.

"Meow, you lied to the cat, how could you be fine!" Cat Tianyun quickly retracted the cat's claws, and looked in shock at the ancient sea opposite to the skull.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls is really okay, and even in the nothingness, there is a trace of strange nihilism entering the body, not only does it not dissolve the ancient sea of ​​skulls, it also strengthens the ancient sea of ​​skulls.

"Brother-in-law, this, is this?" Long Wanyu's eyes lightened suddenly, as if she had guessed something.

Gu Hai nodded, "Yes, that's it!"

The ancient sea onto the ancient immortal dome, Long Wanyu was excited at the moment: "I thought it was ruined!"

"How did it come about? Your ribs?" Gu Hai curiously asked.

"No, it's actually the spine bones of my previous life! Most of them have been dissipated by the force of nothingness, and they are like ribs, and the bone joints are fused together!" Long Wanyu shook.

"Unfortunately, his consciousness today ...!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

"My brother-in-law does n’t have to worry. It ’s useless to me. It ’s too late to be a brother-in-law, and I ’m too late to be happy. In addition, this spine was actually broken that year. It often makes me uncomfortable. There was a mutation in the nothingness 800,000 years ago. I can't say what kind of mutation it is, anyway, brother-in-law, research it yourself! "Long Wanyu shook her head.

Gu Hai nodded.

The outside world, as the ancient sea of ​​skulls absorbs more and more nihilism, the supply of confrontation methods is increasing.

For a time, Cat Tianyun, Houtu, Long Wanqing, and Kong Xuan all looked at the ancient skull in amazement.

"Meow, you really haven't been to the Tiangong Temple. What is it? Why is this power almost all your strength, I don't need to consume it?"

"Yeah, we just need to stabilize the formation, and we don't need to provide energy?" Kong Xuan was surprised.

"Isn't it better to provide energy? Wouldn't it be bothering you!" Gu Gu solemnly said.

"Your voice, ancient sea?" Cat Tianyun suddenly blinked his eyes.

Just now the ancient sea of ​​the skull and the ancient sea were together, and everyone didn't think about it. At this moment, the ancient sea itself entered the ancient fairy dome, and suddenly found that the sound of the ancient sea of ​​the skull and the ancient sea itself were one person.

Gu Hai nodded his head.

"Uh?" Everyone was surprised. But instantly understood.


Is this skeleton an ancient sea clone?

The rolling force of nothingness continued to pour into the ancient body of the skull, and it also strengthened the ancient sea of ​​the skull, it seemed to help him to impact the heavenly palace.

On the other side, the ancient fairy dome is devouring one avenue after another.

Shattered by the Six Immortals and Yuanshi Tianzun, some flaws in the Fragment of the Celestial Dome have nowhere to go.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls and the others searched for a while.

At this moment, there is no need to consume a little strength, and everyone naturally has no complaints.

Within the ancient immortal dome.

More and more imperfect fairy dome fragments and avenues are integrated into the ancient fairy dome, and the entire ancient fairy dome has been enlarged more than 100 times.


The avenues were erected, and the whole world changed dramatically.

"Two hundred and twenty avenues, brother-in-law, this fairy sky is getting worse!" Long Wanyu said with surprise.

Two hundred and twenty avenues also poured rolling force into the ancient sea, repairing the ancient sea's body injury. It didn't take long for the ancient sea's injury to be better.

Except for the five people in the outside world, all others were brought into the Ancient Fairy Vault by the ancient sea.

"The flawed fairy dome, how many avenues are there?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu.

"There are three hundred pieces in total, which are my and six years' treasures!" Long Wanyu sighed.

"Oh? Treasure?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Of course, the avenue, which is so good to condense, requires the most thorough understanding of a certain avenue, and then filled with endless energy, in order to condense a avenue, but I have collected countless years, each era, various The genius helped me to understand and perfect the rules of the branches of the avenue. I gathered countless geniuses, how many generations did I have to complete the accumulation of a avenue. I collected a total of two hundred. The six roads found one hundred. From these three Based on a hundred articles, and then collected countless rules to create the prototype of the avenue, barely forming the Holy Heavenly Celestial Dome. I wholeheartedly helped the Six Dao, but he never imagined that he was a liar! "Long Wanyu was angry.

"We only found 220, and the other 80, seem to have disappeared?" Gu Hai sighed slightly.

"No, the stubbornness of each avenue is greater than that of the Heavenly Palace, and it will definitely not disappear in one year!" Long Wanyu said immediately.

"That being the case, then continue to look for it!" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

A group of people kept searching in the nothingness, and sure enough, every avenue was found and collected by the ancient sea.

Six months later.


The skull Guhai made a loud noise all over his body, and it seemed to form a wave of rushing towards everyone.

"Meow, you, you broke through? The heavenly palace is full?" Cat Tianyun exclaimed.

Hou Tu also stared blankly at the ancient sea of ​​skulls.

"Luck!" Skeleton Gu Hai nodded.

The crowd looked blankly at the ancient sea of ​​skulls.

This is not reasonable. Here, only consumption and no accumulation are right. How did you break through? What breakthrough did you take?

However, the fact is that the ancient sea of ​​skulls really broke through.

Everyone was silent, and continued to find the avenue.

Two months later, the last avenue was finally found.


The ancient immortal sky swallowed, and then closed the exit.

The entire ancient immortal dome is now one hundredth as large as the six immortal domes, and has two realms of yin and yang. A smaller one of the Six Immortal Domes was born.

"After all, it has been consumed by nothing, twice as weak as the flawed fairy sky!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"I'm satisfied!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Brother-in-law, do you still have the Avenue of Chess? Oh, and there are Hell Road, Humanity, Ashura Road, Animal Road? The foundation of the Qiandao Avenue, if you want to show them with energy, it will take more than a hundred times! "Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Anyway, four rounds of reincarnation, think about it later!" Gu Hai laughed.

"But brother-in-law, why do you have their graphics? Isn't it possible to draw the avenue only if you thoroughly understand it? How can you ...?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

Gu Hai didn't conceal it, and the detective fetched the life and death book.

In the book of life and death, 305 avenue patterns immediately made Long Wanyu's eyes bright.

"Death and Life Book? It's really a life and death book, I, I thought I was taken away by the uncle!" Long Wanyu was surprised.

Gu Hai repulsed everyone, only Gu Hai and Long Wanyu stood in a big hall.

"Wan Yu, the aunt you mentioned just now? What's wrong, and aunt knows the book of life and death?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Of course, but most people certainly don't know about him, he, too long!" Long Wanyu recalled.

"Oh?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Brother-in-law, do you know how my past life became heaven?" Long Wanyu looked at Gu Hai.

"You are the first creature born in heaven and earth?" Gu Hai looked to Long Wanyu.

"No, I am the third, the second creature born in heaven and earth, called '叫'!" Long Wanyu recalled.

"Huh? Huh is the person of the Six Immortals?" Gu Hai said in surprise.

"Liudaoxianqiong? Well, I also call it Liudaoxianqiong, but, speaking of it, He is indeed the second creature of Liuxianxian Qiong. He was the real master of Xianqiang that year. He was the master of heaven and earth. Unfortunately, the whole The development of Xianqiong was extremely slow, and there were too few living beings. One day, he found me and said that he would search for nothing and see if there is any other fairy Qiong. "Long Wanyu recalled.

"Well? Want to go to nothingness and find another fairy vault?" Gu Hai stunned.

"Yeah, he said, we were too boring, we had too few creatures, two or three big cats and no desire to rule, we had to leave, so he took out the book of life and death, and the three thousand rules in the book of life and death. Records, you can mobilize the Three Thousand Avenues. He recorded the three thousand rules, forcibly stripped them from the book of life and death, and refined it into 'xianyuan', and gave me the xianyuan. I am the heaven, and then I dominate the world, and He left the world and went to nothingness, and probably died early! "Long Wanyu said unfortunately.

Gu Hai set off a huge wave in his heart.

What situation? ‘卅’ on the other side of the earth is the master of the Six Immortals, then invaded the other side of the earth? He is the person of the Six Immortals?

If another person said, Gu Hai didn't believe it at all, but Long Wanyu is the reincarnation of Cangtian. Her words are naturally facts. But even so, it took Gu Hai a long time to return to the news from this news.


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