Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 209: Blood Witch's Sacrifice

Open your eyes, the cold exploded, and thousands of miles away, heavy snow was flying!

The appearance of the hook made everyone sink in their hearts.

But looking at the hook in that coffin, the face suddenly twisted, like a very painful look. In that pain, the temperature of the void around him was lowered again. The four sides suddenly rolled up the biting wind, the earth froze instantly, a large number of mountains and even frozen turtles. Rising up.

"It's so cold, Hook? Meow, it's also the body of a zombie ancestor. This Hook is much better than you, Hou Qing!" Cat Tianyun looked at the weak Hou Qing.

Hou Qing was also cold at the moment.

"What's wrong with her?" Gu Hai frowned.

However, I saw that the elder elder of the Wu tribe said something in his mouth, as if he were thinking of some kind of spell, and within the coffin, one by one weird runes slowly entered into the mind of the hook.

"This elder of the Wu tribe wants to control the hook?" Long Shenzhen stared suddenly.

The scene in front of me is indeed very similar. The Wu Gou has just awakened, and the elders of the Wu tribe are using the Secret methods of the Wu tribe to manipulate the **** go?

"Stop him!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Kong Xuanying said.


With a loud shout, Kong Xuan rushed to the elder elder of the Wu clan in the distance.

The elder suddenly made a sudden sound and turned his head.

"Peacock demon? Why do you want to stop me? The sea of ​​blood is condensed!" The elder snorted.

In Lengheng, the crutch in his hand knocked gently on the ground.


With the elders as the center, a huge wave of blood suddenly rolled up, a vast sea of ​​blood suddenly appeared, and in the sea of ​​blood tumbling, a figure exactly the same as Kong Xuan was suddenly condensed, but the whole body was glowing with blood.

Scarlet Kong Xuan greeted Kong Xuan and collided with one palm.

"Boom ~~~~~~~!"

The void trembled violently.

"Isn't this the Huangquan self-raising team just now? A Huangquan clone has formed. What's going on?" The mosquito Taoist was surprised.

In the distance, Scarlet Kong Xuan confronted Kong Xuan, and actually used the other means.

"I see. The original Huang Quan self-formation was created by this big witch. He is the elder of the blood tribe of the witch family, but the elder of the blood witch is not dead? I remember that he was indeed a general Killed! "Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Elder Blood Witch?" Gu Hai wondered.

"Yes, in the corpse mound, there is a blood witch grieving spirit, that is, the grieving spirit after the death of the elder blood witch, who wanders in the mound grave every day, he ...!" Long Wanyu recalled.

"Do n’t you keep saying" I ’m so dead! "" The Mosquito asked.

"Yeah, that is the elder blood witch, the wizard of the witch tribe, based on the sea of ​​blood, and created thousands of witches. He is one of the veterans of the witch tribe, and is the commander of the blood!" Wan Yu recalled.

The mosquitoes looked at Gu Hai in amazement: "Your Majesty, wasn't that blood witch resentment, was it refined by Chang Ming?"

"This is not the blood elder elder!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

In the distance, the elder in the blood robe seemed to hear Gu Hai's voice: "Oh, yes, I am him!"

"Isn't you dead then?" Asked the mosquito.

"Do you think it's so easy to escape under the eyes of Jiang Chen? At that time, I repaired the method of tearing the three souls, tearing the soul into two, one left in the Lich battlefield, hiding the Chen Chen, hiding everyone Only one person escaped quietly with Shinto Witchcraft. You know me, naturally you know my means. The witch tribe is not so much the same as the demon tribe, but is it ruined in the hands of generals, commander-in-chief? Haha Hahahaha, the moment when the Witch tribe is about to triumph, it has actually ceased fighting, but it has turned back. General, what do you want? Well, the Witch tribe, I will report it. I will make the minister uncomfortable, you Follow the funeral, too. "Elder Bloodwitch whispered coldly.

"The soul is divided into two?" Gu Hai frowned.

What a weird secret.

On the opposite side, in the sea of ​​blood, Kong Xuan and Scarlet were fighting continuously. After repeated blows, they couldn't help each other, and Kong Xuan was also very angry.

"I'll help Kong Xuan?" Long Wanqing frowned.

"Help? Hahaha, between heaven and earth, under the Three Thousand Avenues, there is no one I can't condense. When you come, it will condense one more of you!" The elder of the blood witch laughed.

The ancient sea ontology is pulling Longlong Wanqing.

"Kong Xuan, come back!" Gu Hai's body sank.


Although Kong Xuan was extremely annoyed in fighting, Gu Hai ordered that he finally retreated.


The **** peacock suddenly disappeared.

Gu Hai looked at the coffin behind the Blood Sea. At the moment, Hou Gou was still distorted, and the runes on the coffin kept pouring into Hou Gou's mind.

"Retreat when you are difficult? Useless, you will all become my blood food, the heavenly palace is a great consummation? Really rare! When I am done, I will kill the generals and reappear the glory of the ancient witches!" The elder sneered.

The blood elder's crutch hit the ground again.


The previous sea of ​​blood expanded innumerable times instantaneously, and all of the ancient sea squares were drowned in an instant.

The sea of ​​blood drowned all around, blocking everyone's way. Kong Xuan showed indignation, and wanted to take a shot.

But at this moment, the ancient sea of ​​skeletons took a step forward.

"Oh? What are you, you want to die first, or die, come on!" Elder Blood Witch gently moved the sea of ​​blood.


Suddenly, a figure condensed in the sea of ​​blood. It is the scarlet avatar of the ancient skull.


However, just after condensing, the scarlet avatar collapsed and collapsed instantly.

"What's going on? My formation, why can't you consolidate your scarlet avatar? You have no fight in your heart?" Elder Blood Witch was surprised.

"Who said I didn't, you want to kill me, how could I not fight?" Skeleton Gu Hai said coldly.

The ancient sea of ​​skeletons took a step. On the earth, countless blood seas instantly became dry bones, as if transforming the essence of blood seas with the power of skeletons.

With each step of the ancient sea of ​​skeletons, a large part of the sea of ​​blood becomes dead bone.

More and more, more and more dry bones gradually drowned the sea of ​​blood.

"Impossible, how can you affect my blood sea? Ning!" The elder Blood Witch exclaimed.

However, the sea of ​​blood is becoming less and less, and it is impossible to condense at all.

"My brother-in-law, be careful, this blood elder elder, all means are in the sea of ​​blood. He can arrange various formations through the sea of ​​blood, but he can't use it in front of his brother-in-law, hahaha!" Long Wanyu suddenly excited.

"Slayers? It's ridiculous, if you really have that ability, you don't have to curl up like a turtle for millions of years!" Skeleton Gu Hai said coldly.

"No, no, within the Three Thousand Avenues, I can simulate the sea of ​​blood as much as I can. Why is it that you don't work? You are not within the Three Thousand Avenues. Impossible." The elder Blood Witch exclaimed.

Skeleton Gu Hai didn't talk nonsense to him, waved his hand. Billowing black mist erupted.

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

Suddenly, countless small skeletons emerged from the black mist, and the small skeletons scoured all the way, and the remaining sea of ​​blood was swallowed in an instant, and the black mist rushed toward the blood elder elder.

"Is Heaven going to perish my Wu clan? No, the teachings of the Wu clan, if the demon destroys me, I will destroy the demon. If the earth destroys me, I will destroy the land. Heaven will destroy me, I will kill the sky. Hahahaha, witch The clan is immortal. No one can destroy us, no one. Ancient witchcraft, guided by me, to help the new commander of the clan, the hook, and the supreme success of the witch! @ # ¥% …… & *! "Suddenly the elder Blood Witch burst into drink.


From all corners of the underworld, a sudden burst of black gas rushed into the elder Blood Witch's body, and then the Elder Blood Witch quickly poured the witch air from his body into the coffin.

For a moment, the face in the coffin became soothing, and the runes inside the coffin entered its body, so that it would no longer be painful.

However, at this moment, the elder blood witch was suddenly corroding, the robe quickly eroded, and the flesh was rapidly melting, leading the rolling witch into the body of the hook. Is getting bigger.

"No, the elder Blood Witch is not controlling the hook, but using some kind of curse of sacrifice to complete the hook? What is he going to do?" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Issuance? Wugou? Let Wugou become the new commander of the Wu tribe?" Long Wanqing frowned.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The elder Blood Witch just shouted a tear. Suddenly, the whole body completely disappeared, and with the whimpering energy, it turned into a special energy, and all entered the body of the hook in the coffin.


All seas of blood also disappeared.


The void suddenly stood still, and as soon as the elder Bloodwitch disappeared, the witch spirit stopped entering the coffin, and everything calmed down.

The coffin was also calm, but there was a billowing black witch in it, drowning the hook.


The coffin exuded a terrifying breath, blowing away the dead bones all around.

"I remembered that the runes in the coffin were the most primitive writings of the Wu clan, and all the inheritance of the Wu clan? The hook was Jingwei's body, but no soul, no memory. The elder blood witch, the witch Everything of the clan, including hatred, was passed on to Hougo? Commander-in-chief of the clan? He is ...! "Long Wanyu was surprised.

"Elder Blood Witch? Although he is too cruel, but his heart is very firm, the Witch? He has only the Witch in his heart. For the Witch, he is even willing to sacrifice his life and sacrifice everything?" Long Wan Qing shook the road.

"It's too early!" Skull Gu Hai suddenly said coldly.

In the cold voice, the killing knife slammed into a void in the distance.

"Boom!" The blade was cut, and suddenly a large swath of blood burst out from the void.

"Ah ~~~~~~~!"

There was a scream from the blood elder at the **** place.

"I will remember you, I will come back to seek revenge from you, ah ~~~!"

The blood elder elder's voice was full of resentment, but it disappeared into the distance in an instant.

"Where to go!" Kong Xuan chased immediately.

However, I can only chase a void.

"What happened just now? Elder Blood Witch, not dead?" The Mosquito said in surprise.

Gu Hai's eyes narrowed slightly: "He sacrificed his life, but the magic of the Witch clan was strange, and he still had a soul idea, which escaped, but he was wounded by the uncle and wanted to recover So easy! "

"Ghosts who can't be separated!" Mosquitoes were worried as the Blood Witch resentment left.

Just as the crowd was solemn, a voice came from the coffin just now.

"Oh, the ghosts are still there? Everyone, I am the elder of my witch clan, and I am not saying badly, is it too rude?" A little girl's voice came.

Everyone was shocked and turned around.

But he saw that the witch in the coffin was sucked into his belly by a swig.

Wu Go slowly stood up from inside the coffin and looked coldly at everyone around him.


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