Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 7 Chapter 210: Huiyang alarm

Wu Go slowly stood up from inside the coffin and looked coldly at everyone around him.

Although it is just a little girl, the appearance of this little girl gives a strong sense of oppression.

"Meow, Hou Qing, they are zombie ancestors, you are also a zombie ancestor, why are you so much worse than him?" Mao Tianyun's hair exploded, but he counted aside Hou Qing.

Hou Qing was already weak. Under the suppression of this stiff ancestor, her face was pale, and her heart was speechless.

When the baby girl died in the past, Hou Qing felt the breath of Jianguo in the palace of Jiang Lianshan. At that time, Jiang Lianshan covered it, but at that time, the hook was not as horrible as it is now.

The same zombie ancestor, is he the weakest? Hou Qing was also depressed.

Long Wanqing's face sank: "The new Witch Commander?"

"Jiang Lianshan and the Elder Blood Witch created monsters to deal specifically with generals?" Long Wanyu also frowned slightly.

Kong Xuan stood by the ancient sea of ​​skeletons, and it seemed that as long as the ancient sea gave an order, he would go all out.

Hook? Although not moving, but from the momentum, made Gu Hai think of Chi You's outbreak of breath, isn't he weaker than him?

"Jiang Lianshan, there are so many furnishings!" Gu Hai's body looked dull.

The ancient skeleton of the skull is a stubble that looks down on the opposite side: "How do you want to avenge the elder Bloodwitch just now?"


Skeletons gave birth to knives in ancient altitude, and seemed to be ready to shoot.

Kong Xuan was also ready for battle.

"Revenge? Hahahaha, it's not necessary, he's not dead yet. What kind of revenge am I?" Wu Go sneered.

"Huh?" Skeleton Guhai frowned.

"In the Witch tribe, as long as he didn't die, his own enemies and his own revenge, he would never let anyone else intervene, he has not completely destroyed, he escaped a ray of soul thoughts, enough, you just wait, he will come to find Yours! "I went coldly.

"Oh?" Skeleton Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything with you. It doesn't make sense. Maybe one day, you will also be a member of my Witch tribe. When that happens, you will respect me like the sky!"

Then, he waved his detective. The coffin under his feet was instantly taken into the crotch.

"Respecting you as heaven? You think too much!" Skeleton Gu Hai sneered.

Taking a deep breath, Hook looked up at the sky.

"The Wu tribe, its birth is great. It is a new era. Although Jiang Chen brought out a group of people to create the Wu tribe, Jiang Chen himself could not stop its development. The emergence of the Wu tribe will be immortal. The generals were afraid of the prosperity of the Wu clan, so before the advent of the great Wu clan era, the Wu clan was strangled in the cradle! However, he could not cover it. I came, this world is the Wu clan, huh, Hahahahaha! "Sugo laughed suddenly.

Laughing, stepping, his figure flew towards the far south.

"Your Majesty!" Kong Xuan looked at Gu Hai and seemed to be intercepting.

Skeleton Gu Hai shook his head: "Let her go, I also want to see, what is different about this witch!"

"But Chen felt that she was a lunatic, a lunatic immersed in the past achievements of the Witch!" Kong Xuan frowned.

"Crazy? Maybe!" Skeleton Gu Hai shook his head.

Didn't intercept the hook. Gu Hai has his own plans.

"Come on, it's time to go back!" Said Gu Hai ontology.

"Okay!" The crowd followed Gu Hai and flew towards the south.

It didn't take long for me to come to the Wanguyinshan area. At this moment, there are hundreds of millions of skeletons walking in it. The boundless distance is the world of skeletons.

The ancient sea itself stopped for a moment. The detective waved.


The overwhelming skeleton soldiers were suddenly taken from the ancient immortal vault.

It was not long ago that the skeleton army brought by the bone **** in the flawed fairy dome.

As soon as the army was out, there was a loss.

"We're back?"

"Really come back, we have been trapped there for so long!"

"Finally came out, didn't they kill us?"




Fortunately, countless skeleton soldiers.

"I remember, Bone God is dead!" Said a skeleton suddenly.

"Yes, the bone **** is dead, the bone **** mark in my body is gone!"

"Bone God is dead? What shall I do about Yinshan?"

"What to do? Bone gods are dead, let's take the mountains as kings!"




The skeleton soldiers were in a commotion.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls stood on top of a mountain, and suddenly, the whole body exuded a weird breath.

This breath seemed to have a great suppression of the skeletons. The endless skeleton army suddenly trembled, and then most of the instincts bowed down.

"What happened? What happened to me?"

"This breath, so familiar, so familiar!"

"This is, is this the ancestor?"

"The ancestor is back?"




The endless skeletons suddenly appeared in terror. Bone ancestor?

This is the existence of the commander-in-chief Wangu Yinshan for 800,000 years. In the soul of the skeletons, the majesty of the ancestors. Only a few decades ago, the bone ancestors were successfully rebelled by the bone gods.

But the mark of the bone ancestors, the skeletons will never forget.

Countless skeletons looked at the top of a mountain according to this breath.

The ancient skull stood quietly on top of the mountain, looking coldly at the skeletons around him.

"Really a bone ancestor?"

"The bone ancestor is back, he killed the bone god, he is back!"

"Meet the ancestor!"

"I wait for ten thousand deaths!"




Thousands of skeletons trembled in horror.

There is no need to indicate anything. The ancient sea of ​​skeletons is now the ancestor of bones, commanding the gods of the world of skeletons. All the skeletons bowed down, and the skeletons of the betrayal in the past were scared to move.

The ancient sea of ​​skulls, almost instantaneously, took control of the skeletons.

"Well, let's go!" Said Gu Hai ontology.

The skeleton and the body are a consciousness.

Skull avatars naturally stay. In command of the skeletons, Wanguyinshan is naturally the best base. Skeleton Guhai left, and stayed to sort out the forces here.

The others glanced blankly, nodded, and followed the steps of the ancient sea to continue to fly to the south.

Wait for everyone to leave.

Skull Guhai said coldly: "Call all the skeletons and come to the bone ancestral hall to report!"

"Yes!" All the skeletons answered.


The ancient sea itself left the Wanguyin Mountain with everyone and arrived at the place that once shuttled between the two realms of Yin and Yang. Because only this place can travel back to the borderless sky capital.

In addition, the unborn people have set a ban on the life array here, and only unborn people can take people to travel between the yin and yang circles here.

"In the future, here, open two passages!" Gu Hai pointed to a azimuth road.

"Yes!" The unborn person answered.

"The ancient emperor spared his life!" Dongfang Shou and Chun Shenshou also wanted to beg for mercy.

However, Gu Hai didn't take a look at all.

At this moment, a large number of bats are flying around in the distance. Seems extremely impatient.

"What's wrong?" Gu Hai shouted coldly.

"Ah? Your Majesty!" Suddenly a blood race saw the ancient sea and flew over in surprise.

"Hundreds of Bloody Guardians, meet Your Majesty!" A blood tribe respectfully said.

"Where is Changming?" Gu Hai Shensheng asked.

"Your Majesty, just now, the commander made the adult still in retreat. Somehow, a **** demon wind, with a **** smell, went straight to the commander's main hall. Then, the commander came to call the adult for help. "Sound!" Said the eager household.

"Oh?" Gu Hai's eyes narrowed.

"The Scarlet Demon Wind? Is it the Elder Blood Witch?" The Mosquito's face changed.

"Possibly, you said earlier that Chang Ming got the God of the Blood Witch, where there is half of the soul of the elder Blood Witch. In these years, the elder Blood Witch has been invisible to find his half-wretched spirit, and he must be hiding his general. Yes, now, the Blood Witch Wraith is no longer in the corpse grave, and he must know that it can be retrieved, so he came to Changming? "Long Wanyu analyzed.

"How is Changming?" Gu Hai looked at the hundreds.

"Your Majesty, the command suddenly caused the adult to rush out madly, holding his head as if it was very painful, talking strangely for a while, as the adults said, then what should the blood elder elder soul enter into him After that, the commander caused the adult to argue with himself for a while. After only one sentence, he left! "Recalled the hundred households.

"What did you say?" Gu Hai pursued.

"The commander said," I won't be your uncle! Then look at who can refine who. In the meantime, I won't let you destroy my Dahan Emperor's dynasty. I'll take you away. Don't think about it. " Destroy Dahan's arrangement. All blood-clothed guards are obeying orders. From now on, all blood-clothed guards must not wait for my order, find my figure anywhere, and do not recognize each other. They must first report to your Majesty, and your Majesty is not allowed to contact I'm in touch. '"Said the hundred households.

Gu Hai's face was slightly heavy.

"Your Majesty, Lord Chang Ming, but it is the heart of Dahan!" Kong Xuan frowned.

Gu Hai Shen chanted, "Elder Blood Witch? I should have killed him completely before!"

"Your Majesty, the command has made the adults wonder where they are going, what shall we do now?" Said the hundred households anxiously.

"Your Majesty, you must rescue the Lord!" Said another group of blood races anxiously.

Gu Hai nodded: "Go to Wanguyinshan right away and find the bone ancestors there. He will take care of everything and see him. Rugao will come in person!"

A group of blood races looked at Gu Hai in surprise, and finally reverently said, "Yes!"

The underworld has its own avatar, and Gu Hai doesn't want to stay too much.

"Unborn, open the passage between the sun!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Yes!" Weiren waved his hand.


A rift suddenly appeared in the void.

Long Wanqing held Gu Hai's right hand nervously.

"Wan Qing, don't worry, Xianer gets along well, and always looks forward to you!" Gu Hai said with a smile.

"Sister, don't worry, I'm here, no one dares to bully you, even if the last name is Chen ..." Long Wanyu patted her chest immediately.

"Wan Yu!" Long Wanqing immediately drank.


"I'll see Sister Chen in the future, no big or small!" Long Wanqing yelled.

Long Wanyu was speechless for a while. I was helping you to speak, but I was wrong?

Gu Hai smiled slightly, took Long Wanqing's hand, and stepped into the Yangjian first.

The corresponding sunny place here is in the study.

Enter the study. Suddenly I saw several women in white filial clothes standing in the study, as if waiting for the return of the ancient sea.

When the ancient sea stepped into the study, the eyes of the palace ladies brightened.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty is back?"

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Great, the queen reads every day, let us wait here, and when there is news, report immediately, Your Majesty finally returns!"




A crowd of court ladies surprised.

The ancient sea was suddenly sinking.

Palace girls wear white filial piety? In Dahan, although the ancient sea was extremely tolerant of the harem, it was not that the palace ladies stood guard in filial piety? There must be a very important person dead, and the maids will wear filial piety, and the dead person is still a very important person.

"What happened? How are you wearing filial piety?" Gu Hai sank.

Long Wanqing and others who were nervous behind her face also sank.

"Yes, it is Jiuli Li, Chi You, who was killed by Ji Dihong and divided into corpses! The queen said that Chi You was his brother's elder brother who died. His brother's family member must wear Ma Daixiao to honor his brother and remember Hatred! "Said a court woman.

"Chi You? Big brother was divided by Ji Dihong?" Gu Hai looked cold.

"How can this be?" The mosquitoes, the dragon gods, and the unborn were all surprised.

That Chiyou, but the strong power of the gods. Killed and divided? The news was too shocking.

PS: The seventh volume ends, the eighth volume starts tomorrow, the eighth volume, Dahan Tianchao!


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