Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 1: Downfall

"Chi You? Big brother was divided by Ji Dihong?" Gu Hai looked cold.

Gu Hai's eyes are particularly unbelieving. This is impossible. Before he left, Chi You even killed Xuanyuan City all the way. How could he be killed in the Jiuli Dynasty?

"It's true, Your Majesty, Shangguan Supreme, Ao Sheng Supreme, and the second prince are all seriously injured, and I am surrounded by the people of Ji Dihong without borders!" The palace woman anxiously.

"Kuang!" Gu Hai instantly opened the door to the study and looked out to the outside world.

Outside, a layer of emerald green fog shrouded beyond the borderless sky.

At the moment, the people of the borderless sky are panic-stricken, watching the verdant green fog.

Outside of the fog, it seemed that black insects were flying around, completely encircling the borderless sky, but these insects did not dare to break in. Because there is a billowing poisonous mist.

"Where's the ancient sea? Why dare not come out, wouldn't you be in the borderless sky?"

"Gu Haihai, Dahan is over. Get out of hand!"

"No one can save you, the rhubarb dynasty, like the sun and the sky, it is useless to wait for the stubborn resistance!"




Outside the green fog, there were calls of battle.

"Extremely, dare to slap words to the limitless days?" Kong Xuan glared and rushed out.

Gu Hai waved his hand and stopped Kong Xuan.

"There is a layer of poisonous fog outside, arranged by Xianer. This group of people can't get in, they can only cry!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"It's a powerful poisonous mist. This is, the poisonous poison in the poisonous avenue!" Long Wanyu was surprised.

"It's very poisonous?" Long Wanqing asked.

"Yes, this poisonous fog enchantment, non-avenue parcels, is absolutely dead, no one can break in, once ...!" Long Wanyu has not finished.


Suddenly, in the poisonous mist, a huge long whip suddenly appeared, and from outside the poisonous mist, rushed towards the Tiandian Square.

"How is that possible!" Long Wanyu was surprised.

Gu Hai also sank, turning his head to look at the Chongtiandian Square.

Looking at it, his face suddenly changed. It was Chen Xianer and Gu Qin, with Manchu fighters facing the enemy from outside, and the whip went straight to Chen Xianer.

"Xianer be careful!" Gu Hai cried instantly.

Kong Xuan, the Mosquito Taoist, and the Dragon God Falcon almost resisted the long whip at the same time.

But the whip was too fast and came to Chen Xianer almost instantly. At the top of the whip is a black hook, where the tip of the hook cuts through the void.

Chen Xianer did not move, and Da Riru came forward immediately and hit it with one palm.


Rulai's palm collided with a black hook.

The hook came back, but the palm of Da Riru suddenly turned black.

"Poisoned?" Gu Qin and others were surprised.

The ancient sea in the distance also changed his face.

"call out!"

The huge hook fluttered, and seemed to be hooked again.

"Trapped knife, turn!" Gu Hai detective waved.

The borderless sky of the chess team suddenly changed wildly, the fog was rising, the space changed, and instantly, the hook could not find anyone else.

"Zhou Tianjiu!" Jian Shengdao cut out abruptly.


A loud noise. The long whip and the hook of the whip head instantly reversed and retreated from the borderless sky.

"Zhou Tianjiu? The ancient sea?" Outside the poisonous fog encirclement, there was a sudden cry of anger.

"Fu Jun!" Chen Xianer in the distance was overjoyed.

Da Riru's palms turned black. At this moment, her whole body was purple, sitting cross-legged, and she was detoxifying.

The ancient sea stepped, and instantly arrived at Chongtiandian Square.

With the appearance of Kong Xuan and others, Dahan Qunchen suddenly showed great joy.

"Welcome your Majesty to exit the customs!" A surprise minister said.

These days, being harassed every day, the ministers and even the people are at a loss. If it was not hosted by Queen Chen and the eldest prince, Wujiang would have been chaotic.

"Your Majesty is out?" Some people in the city were surprised.

"It's great, Your Majesty is out of the game, this group of Xiaoxiao is over!"

"Long live Your Majesty, live long live!"




The people in the city were screaming.

The ancient sea has arrived where it is.

Chen Xianer waved his hand, and from the place where Da Riru came to break his palm, a little black liquid came out. Black liquid dripped on the ground.


The floor was corroded and a stream of poisonous smoke was emitted.

Fortunately, Chen Xianer was very poisonous, and all of it was resolved in a blink of an eye.

"Hoo!" Da Riru breathed a long breath.

"Thank you Queen Chen, thank you Mr. Gu!" Da Ri Ru lamented.

"What was that just now? You can't stop it when Da Ri comes?" Kong Xuan said in surprise.

Everyone's strength is visible to Da Riru, but just now, a long whip and a sting hook almost ruined Da Riru?

"Bad horse poisonous stakes!" Da Ri Ru Shen said.

"Down horse poison stake? What is it?" Mosquito said in surprise.

"Scorpion tail!" Chen Xianer said.

While talking, Chen Xianer looked at the followers Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu.

Chen Xianer smiled suddenly: "You are Wanqing sister, and it really is Peugeot. It has been a long time since you finally saw you!"

"I've seen Sister Chen!" Long Wanqing smiled slightly.

"Huh, fake!" Long Wanyu looked at Chen Xianer coldly.

After all, Gu Hai was a brother-in-law, and that was supposed to be her sister's husband, and a woman who contended for her husband with her sister appeared, and Long Wanyu was naturally uncomfortable.

"Is this sister Wan Yu?" Chen Xianer laughed.

"I'm not your sister, I only have one sister!" Long Wanyu didn't look good.

"Wan Yu! Forgot what I said?" Long Wanqing frowned suddenly.

"Huh!" Long Wanyu didn't speak, but she still turned her head and did not look at Chen Xianer, obviously she was very repulsive.

"Wan Yu, you promised me before!" Long Wanqing said anxiously.

However, Chen Xianer shook her head and stopped Long Wanqing, saying: "It's okay, Wan Yu's childish nature. What kind of mind is on my face, I like it very much. Don't worry, I'll talk to Wan Yu!"

"Well! Wan Yu was spoiled from an early age, sister Chen forgive me!" Long Wanqing sighed.

Obviously, Long Wanqing had no choice but to change her attitude.

Chen Xianer came to Long Wanyu.

Long Wanyu frowned. "What?"

"I have something to tell you, but this sentence cannot be heard by anyone. Sister Wan Yu, if you listen to me and you still don't look at me, then I don't need to call your sister!" Chen Xianer laughed.

"Well, you said, my sister asked me to call your sister, but I just don't like it. Just say a word, don't regret it later!" Long Wanyu said with a calm face.

Chen Xian'er nodded, leaning against Long Wanyu's ear, and gently spoke a sentence, which even lowered his voice so that no one around him could hear it.

In a short sentence, at the moment Gu Hai was worried, Chen Xianer had finished speaking.

Long Wanqing was also worried that Long Wanyu was not talking big or small, and was about to stop Long Wanyu from speaking out.

But when she saw Long Wanyu's eyes stare, she looked at Chen Xianer in surprise. For a moment, it seemed like I forgot to speak.

Chen Xianer looked at Long Wanyu and smiled slightly.

Long Wanyu glanced down at the ancient sea, her face was reddish, a little incredible, and she looked at Chen Xianer again.

"What you said, what you said is true?" Long Wanyu's face was a little flushed and surprised.

Chen Xianer smiled slightly and nodded.

For a moment, Long Wanyu's eyes softened, and she gave Chen Xianer a gracious gift, and then twisted a little: "Sister Chen, don't blame me, just now, I just ..."

"Family, don't be so restrained!" Chen Xianer laughed.

"Sister Chen, you are really my good sister. Why haven't I met you before!" Long Wanyu immediately leaned in and pulled Chen Xianer, intimacy.

Gu Hai: "………………!"

Long Wanqing: "………………!"

Hou Tu Niang Niang: ".........!"

Manwu Wenwu: "………………!"

So, what did Chen Xianer tell Long Wanyu? Just one sentence? Long Wanyu changed so much before and after? So pro? Wasn't it the expression of eating steamer just now? Almost dried up. In a blink of an eye, why is it so good?

Even Long Wanqing was incomprehensible.

Gu Hai was very worried just now, but in a blink of an eye, I didn't know what to say.

Forget it, don't say it, just don't see it.

Gu Hai turned her head away from her three daughters.

Many ministers have big eyes and small eyes, and at the same time unconsciously secretly said: "This Queen Chen is really amazing!"

"Darri is here, you said just now, the horse is poisonous? You can't stand it so much?" Gu Hai frowned.

Da Riru nodded his head: "It's really good, this is the second time I've fallen asleep, huh!"

"The outside is also a master of poison. Just now, his scorpion tail shuttled my poisonous mist. He also wrapped the scorpion tail with the power of the avenue. Although its poison is not as much as I have mastered, the scorpion poison has been used by him. Dedicated and refined, except for me, I am afraid that others will be difficult to deal with this scorpion poison! "Chen Xianer frowned.

"This is, the fourth child of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, the Scorpio Heavenly Demon! I heard that Xiuwei is close to the completion of the gods." The Mosquito Taoist suddenly remembered.

"Scorpio Demon? The fourth child?" Gu Hai sank.

"The perfect scorpion essence of the heavenly palace! Sure enough!" Da Riru said in a deep voice.

"By the way, Da Ri Ru Lai Buddha, you said that the second time you hit the horse, the first time, how did you get rid of the poison?" Chen Xianer curiously.

Because of this poison, in Chen Xianer's view, no one except him is solvable.

"Last time, it wasn't the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace! A female scorpion sperm, in fact, Mr. Gu also knows this!" Da Riru smiled bitterly.

There was something in Da Riru's words, and the ancient sea looked and understood instantly.

In the past, on the earth, Gu Hai had read a book "Journey to the West", and there were records when Tang monks and apprentices encountered scorpion sprites on the way. Sun Wukong was defeated by this horse-poisonous stump several times. Later, after several inquiries, I learned that the scorpion essence was listening to Da Riru's lecture in Lingshan. At the time when Da-ri came, the pain was unbearable. He sent King Kong to catch him. As a result, he was escaped by the scorpion sperm.

It can be seen that the scorpion poison is not so good, it is not the Great Heavenly Palace. Now, the Great Heavenly Palace is much better than the original one.

"It's no wonder that Rugao could only rank seventh in the past, but this **** Scorpio was ranked fourth!" Gu Hai's face was gloomy.


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