Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 2: Pangu

Outside the borderless sky!

The huge scorpion tail returned instantly, and in a blink of an eye entered the large sleeves of a man in black robe with gold rim.

"Zhou Tianjiu? The ancient sea?" The man in Heipao, Phnom Penh, said suddenly.

Around him, at this moment, a group of people in black robes were surrounded, looking at the people in black robes in Phnom Penh with great respect.

"Scorpion and demon, what did you say, Guhai is back?" One of the black robes was surprised.

"Yes, it must be the ancient sea, he actually came back at this time!" Shen Xie Shenmo said.

"That's not right, the Scorpion and the Sky Demon show their skills and kill the ancient sea?" The black robe man smiled suddenly.

The Scorpion and the Demon looked coldly at the black robe man: "Feng Bo, do you want me to continue to shoot?"

"That is of course. Just now, Your Excellency's" Poison Horse Poisonous Pillar "has explained everything. This poisonous mist outside the borderless sky cannot stop Your Excellency. Is it not easy for your strength to destroy an ancient sea? "Feng Bo laughed.

"Oh, it's you who look down on me!" The scorpion and demon said lightly.

"How can it be! The Scorpio and the Demon, the Holy One has already explained that this time, you have helped the Holy One to destroy Chi You, and the Holy Spirit has allowed you to enter the sun. This Dahan Emperor is the place for you to settle, and I will assist you later. , In charge of all this! "Feng Bo laughed.

The Scorpio Demon stared at Feng Bo, and finally smiled coldly: "I remember that the original Ziyu Demon also did the same for you!"


"Kill with a knife, use my hand to help you deal with the ancient sea? Ha, ha ha ha ha!" The scorpion and demon revealed a slight disdain.

"Scorpion and demon, don't you say that the sixth, eighth, and ninth in the demon sacred place have already died in the hands of the ancient sea? You are so revengeful, you are not going to report?" Feng Bo asked.

"Just because the sixth child died, I was even more careful. Gu Hai did n’t come back. Then there was a master of poisoning in the borderless sky, and more people blocked my poisonous horse stake. Oh, you think this time, I Will it continue to be stubborn? "The Scorpio Heavenly Devil sneered.

Feng Bo frowned slightly.

"The enemies of the Dahan Emperor and the Dahuang Emperor are irreconcilable. Do you want me to end up with the Dahan Emperor? I think, if not, I wait, wait for you and Dahan Emperor to return together?" God Scorpion God sneered.

"You don't care about the hatred of the sixth, eighth, and ninth?" Feng Bo said in a deep voice.

"It's not as good as people, no wonder who, besides, isn't your Dahuang Tianchao going to take revenge on them?" The scorpion Tianmo sneered.

"Kill Chiyou, I have you too, and you can't hide from it!" Feng Bo said in a deep voice.

"Really? Then wait and see. Here, I don't care!" The scorpion and the devil laughed.

"Scorpion and demon, are you really afraid? Are you afraid of the ancient sea?" Feng Bo said in a deep voice.

"Exciting me? It's useless. I'm not the sixth child, they are stupid, huh, goodbye!" The God of Scorpio Tianmo said coldly.

Under the cold voice, a roll of large sleeves suddenly flew into the distance with a group of people in black robes.

Feng Bo looked ugly as the Scorpion and the Demon left.

"Master, is this scorpion and demon too timid?" Said a subordinate in a black robe.

"He is not timid, it is the poisonous nature of the scorpion, hidden in the dark, stubborn in the invisible, hum, want to see our rivalry with the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, to collect the profit? It's too early, we go!" Bo Shen cried.

With the big sleeves flung, Feng Bo took everyone away quickly.

In a blink of an eye, all the people who besieged the borderless city of Heaven were gone, and the countless scorpions that had been crawling around all disappeared.

Cupola Temple Square.

Chen Xian'er frowned: "Fu Jun, that group of people seems to be gone!"

"Gone?" Gu Hai was surprised.

"Huh!" Chen Xianer waved his sleeves.

The poisonous mist of the skyless city disappeared instantly. Everyone looked to the outside, and sure enough it had disappeared.

"Huh, God Scorpio? It's so fast, I just thought of how to deal with him!" Gu Hai Shen said.

On the side, Da Riru smiled bitterly: "Mr. Gu, wouldn't you want to summon the 'Sunrise Star Officer'?"

On the earth side, Sun Wukong originally invited the Sun Sun star officer, a rooster demon who specifically restrained the scorpion essence, and then destroyed the scorpion essence. Gu Hai wants to invite him?

"What's wrong?" Gu Hai looked at Da Riru.

"This Scorpion Essence should not be surrendered by the Sun Rixing Officer! This Scorpion Essence is too great! It has been completed in the Heavenly Palace, and it no longer fears the roar of the rooster!" Da Ri Rulai lamented.

Gu Haining frowned and nodded.

"At this point, you still need to be careful about this scorpion essence. The scorpion is insidious. It emits smoke and flames. The sting is invincible. What's more rare is that the scorpion essence is very abnormal, dormant and deeply patient. Will give a fatal blow! "Said Da Riru.

"Thank you, Da Ri Ru Lai Buddha!" ​​Everyone nodded, and became extra vigilant.

"His Majesty! His Majesty, Long Live, Long Live!" The people in the city suddenly shouted.

These days, foreign enemies are coming in, and they are extremely depressed. Now that the ancient sea suddenly appears, the group of foreign enemies is frightened to "run away and flee." Naturally, all of them are encouraged and worship the ancient sea better.

Long live the people, expressing gratitude and excitement. Gu Hai didn't explain anything.

Just use the trap knife to strengthen the formation of the borderless sky capital, and suddenly the void mist surrounds. It's elusive.

"Where are they in Shangguan marks?" Gu Hai looked at Chen Xianer.

"In my Daxiong Baodian, their injuries have stabilized, Mr. Gu can come and watch!" Da Riru said.

Gu Hai nodded. Follow Da Riru to slowly walk to Daxiong Hall.

"You are waiting outside!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

The ministers waited outside.

Chen Xianer was pulling Long Wanqing and Long Wanyu while talking.

Only Gu Hai and Da Ri Ru Lai stepped into the Daxiong Hall.

In the Noble Heroes' Hall, at this moment is a huge smelting furnace.

"This is it?" Gu Hai looked surprised at Dan furnace.

"This Dan furnace, Mr. Gu gave it to me, Mr. Gu forgot?" Da Riru laughed.

"Earth fire cremation furnace? In the past, the purple furnace of the purple jade demon, at that time, the Dragon King of the South China Sea used to refining the brothers of Ao Shun and refining Shangguan marks. Ao Shun died because of this, and Shangguan marks became golden eggs because of it? Gu Hai wondered.

"It is the earth-fire incinerator, which is a type of gossip furnace. It can refinish the alchemy and save people. The three of them will come back, but it is timely to save it!" Da Riru solemnly said.


The furnace was opened, and Gu Hai immediately saw the three men.

Ancient Han, Shangguanhen, Ao Sheng.

At the moment, the three of them were severely wounded, their bodies were almost broken, and a large number of cracks appeared on the skin. Fortunately, a steady stream of force poured in to make the cracks slowly make up, but the speed was very slow.

Gu Hai waved his hand.


An invigorating force, straight into the Dan furnace. Instantly flowed into the cracks of the three human body surface.

"Buzz .........!"

The cracks on the surface of the human body are visible to the naked eye and slowly shrink in general, and in rapid recovery.

"Mr. Gu, your secret way to save people is really amazing. The three of them are recovering at double speed. It shouldn't be long before they can recover?" Da Riru wondered.

The magic of tonic power makes Da Ri more and more surprised.

Gu Hai nodded, but still looked a little worried when looking at the three.

"Mr. Gu rest assured, they should be able to wake up soon after repairing at this speed, right?" Da Riru said.

"Just wake up. Ji Dihong was hurt by such a serious injury?" Gu Hai frowned.

Da Riru shook his head. Gu Hai revealed a hint of doubt.

"I ’m not sure about that. On that day, Chiyou City suddenly changed. The three of them went there for the first time. At that time, outside the city of Chiyou, the dense fog was filled. No one knew what was happening inside. Houyi and Xingtian were all there. Going to help, I thought that Chi You had more defense, but I didn't expect that ... I couldn't see through the battle. The three people in Shangguan marks seemed to be thrown into the borderless sky by a mighty force, as well as the heirs and the punishment days. The same is true. They were all severely wounded. The three returning from Shangguanhen were all unconscious and dying. These days, I can only hang their lives, and no one knows the battle on that day! " Such as weight gain road.

The ancient sea was slightly silent. There was a change in my eyes.

Chi You's death was full of doubts. What happened at the time? It seems that they won't know until they wake up.

"Mr. Gu, do you want everyone to wait outside Daxiongbao Hall and come in alone with me, is there something to say ...?" Da Riru came curious.

Gu Hai nodded and waved his hand.


The ancient sea and the big sun came into the ancient immortal dome.

Da Ri is so cautious when looking at the ancient sea.

"As far as the earth is concerned, try not to mention it in the land of Shenzhou, just in case." Gu Hai said.

"Oh? Mr. Gu wants to ask about the earth?" Da Riru curiously asked.

"Yes, over the earth, Xun Zhixian Qiong, Xun harshly manipulated the entire immortal dome?" Gu Hai looked at Da Riru.

Da Riru nodded: "It's no secret, Mr. Gu should have known it long ago!"

"But I recently got a message, alas, once was the creature of the six immortals, no, he used to be in charge of the six immortals, and after getting tired of the weakness of the six immortals, he went into nothingness, looking for other immortals. Outside the earth, are foreigners? "Gu Hai looked at Da Riru.

"What?" Dayi Rulai was surprised.

"But the truth?" Gu Hai asked.

"No wonder, it ’s no wonder that the uncle is so ruthless and so cruel to us, killing all enlightened people, without feeling, like pigs and dogs! He, isn't our fairy-tale?" Da Ri Rulai also surprised.

"Xun Zhixian Qiong, don't you know he is an outsider?" Gu Hai frowned.

"I don't know, all the power before him died in his hands. It should have been thought long ago, we should have thought long ago, and also how to move him, hahaha, ridiculous!" Bitterly.

"Xian Zhixian Qiong, Xun also killed the sky to take the throne?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"Yes!" Da Riru sighed.

"Kill the heavens? Who is the last generation of heaven? Who is the last generation? Is there no reincarnation? The sky of the first generation must have countless secrets. Is it really killed? No backhand?" Gu Hai curiously said.

"I don't know if there is a backhand, but you have heard of Xiongxian Qiong from the previous generation!" Da Riru sighed.


"His name is 'Pan Gu'!" Da Ri Rulai said in awe.

"Pangu?" Gu Hai looked utterly.

In the past on earth, who did not know that Pangu opened up the world, the first creature between heaven and earth, and later supported the heaven and earth, not letting them close together, and becoming the world.

"It's Pangu, but the myth story is not so simple. The immortal vault has already been formed and naturally won't close. He was captivated ..., alas!" Da Rirui sighed slightly.


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