Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 3: Shinto deprivation

"It's Pangu, but the myth story is not so simple. The immortal vault has already been formed and naturally won't close. He was captivated ..., alas!" Da Rirui sighed slightly.

Gu Hai frowned: "So, I am really the one of the six immortals. The six immortals and the immortals of the immortal are the opposite and the opposite? In this case, I have a way to shuttle the two immortals. ! "

Da Riru looked at him: "Mr. Gu, you mean, if you want to come back, you can come back?"

I found the way, if I want to go, if I want to go back, then these six immortals are not ...

Gu Hai shook her head: "I guess, not so!"


"I suppose that the road that shuttles through the two immortal vaults is gone!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"What do you mean?" Da Riru wondered.

"800,000 years ago, Fu Xi's idea of ​​fighting against Qiang blocked him from the six immortal vaults. What does it mean that Xu did not return the same way, but another situation came back, and it was just one Thoughts! "Gu Hai Shen chanted.


"You think, Amitabha, when he first discovered the six immortal vaults, he was also unable to enter. He is not so simple in the nothingness outside the six immortal vaults. It should be in another dimension. The Six Immortals do not come, until they fell into nothingness, and then were recited by countless people who practiced Buddhism, and gave birth to their thoughts after being chanted by faith from generation to generation! Two immortals are not in the same space. Dimensions, it is almost impossible to reach the other side! The idea came back 800,000 years ago, and it is the same as that of Amitabha! "Gu Haishen said.

"But I haven't come here? Can't you go back and forth? Mo Fei, this Qiuqiu is really better than Ji and Amitabha?" Da Ri Ru frowned.

Gu Hai shook his head: "Yi Qiu is my predecessor, and I shouldn't have said it, but this time it is about the blessings of the two immortals, and I can only make a guess!"


"Yi Qiu didn't open a passage for two immortal vaults. Instead, he found the passage that Lu broke out of!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Huh?" Da Riru wondered.

"I guess that our two passages of the immortal sky were actually left by the uncle, but I was careless and lost. The two entrances and exits of this passage were found by Yiqiu's predecessors and also by the six immortals of the immortal sky. The Supreme Master found it. So they set a password for this channel and hid it where I couldn't find it. Later I got it! "Gu Hai guessed.

"You mean, this channel is sloppy. I lost this channel and couldn't come back at will? I can only find another way in nothingness?" Da Riru frowned.

"I suppose so!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Perhaps you guessed it right, I remembered that during that time, Qiu Qi was mad, how many galaxies were killed, and in the universe on the earth, many galaxies were destroyed How many immortal gods were killed for a long time, many immortals did not dare to show up! It was that period of time!

"I lost something! So angry!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

Da Riru nodded his head: "So, if you can't come back, is it relatively safe here?"

Gu Hai shook his head: "No, I think it ’s getting more and more dangerous. 800,000 years ago, I once invaded once, indicating that he has never given up looking for a second way back. 800,000 years, I guess , His second invasion should not be far away! "

Day Sun Rulai's face was slightly heavy.

"It's a little bit far away, let's go through the moment. The Dahan Emperor Dynasty and the Huanghuang Heavenly Kingdom are about to fight the dead. Among them, there is the intervention of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land!" Said Gu Haishen.

Da Riru exhaled and nodded.

"I said so much, just to let you know the number. In the sky without borders, whenever Long Wanyu is in danger, please be sure to help!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Oh?" Da Riru wondered.

"Long Wanyu is the key to resolving the calamities of life!" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"She is, isn't it ...!" Da Riru's pupils shrank.

Gu Hai nodded: "You know, don't say it!"

Da Riru nodded.

The two stepped out of the ancient immortal dome. Enter the Great Heroes Hall.

Among the noble treasure halls.

In the Dan furnace, Shangguanhen's eyelids were picked, and it seemed to be the first to wake up.


As soon as Gu Hai waved his sleeves, the gate of Nobita's treasure hall opened.

Outside the main hall, Chen Xianer and others watched the door open and rushed in.

"Fu Jun, how is Xiaohan?" Chen Xian'er eagerly said.

"Wake up soon!" Gu Hai looked into the Dan furnace.


Under the eyes of everyone, the eyelids of Gu Han and Ao Sheng also kept beating for a while. In the end, the three eyes opened.

"Wake up, great!" Gu Qin surprised.

"The injuries on them are all broken, so strange!" Long Wanyu frowned slightly, as if thinking of something.

The three woke up and saw Gu Hai and his party.

"Your Majesty, you are back!" Shangguan marks suddenly red eyes.

"Father Emperor, the child is incompetent, and can only watch Uncle Chi You slump!" Said the ancient man with red eyes.

"Your Majesty, Chen Chen is incompetent! Kekekeke!" Ao Sheng also said bitterly.

The ancient sea once again flooded into the three with a tonic power, and then Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, and Long Shenyu slowly lifted the three out of the furnace.

"Look at the seat!" Gu Hai commanded.

"Baby is afraid!" Gu Han refused immediately.

Shangguanhen and Aosheng also dare not sit.

"Sit down, you are physically weak, sit down and say!" Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" The three people sat down slowly.

"What happened that day? How did Chi You die? How did Ji Dihong kill him?" Gu Hai looked at the three.

"On that day, Chiyou City suddenly heard an alarm, and the thick fog covered Chiyou City instantly. We heard Chiyou's loud call, ringing across the borderless sky, me, Prince Han, and Supreme Master Ao Sheng, without hesitation. Passed by. Ao Sheng didn't arrive at the Heavenly Palace, and I took it with me! "Shangguanhen said.

"Oh? You went, what did you see!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

As soon as we entered the fog, we encountered a sneak attack.

"Sneak attack?" Gu Hai frowned.

"Yes, it seems that Ji Dihong had ambushed a long time ago. I met a scorpion tail, which was not so good. The scorpion tail poked on my head, and I was dizzy for a while!" Shangguanjin recalled in shock.

"The scorpion tail, is that a poisonous horse?" Gu Hai's face sank.

The ancient man nodded: "Yes, it was the upper body of Shangguan Supreme, the upper body of Shangguan, who was attacked by the fourth son of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. It is also good. You know, the power of the stinger, thousands of forces condensed a little, can threaten The gods are consummate. That is, Shangguan Supreme, King Kong ’s indestructible body, barely stopped him, and changed to a baby. Then, you can kill the baby! ”

"What then?" Gu Hai asked.

"I met Aoying, the Dragon King of the East China Sea, who was incompetent and suppressed by him again and again!" Ao Sheng smiled bitterly.

"Nao Ao should go to the Heavenly Palace to great consummation. You can hold it in his hands. It's not easy!" Gu Hai nodded.

"Baby meets, Mr. Wuxing!" The ancient Han complexed.

"Mr. Wuxing?" Gu Hai frowned.

Mr. Wu Xing, isn't it Gu Ming? Your fourth son. The ancient man must know him.

"Yes, that Mr. Wuxing has already arranged the formation and stopped me! What a weird formation!" The ancient man frowned.

"In other words, have you been stopped? What about Houyi, Xingtian?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"They were also stopped. The battlefield was extremely chaotic at the time, and the children could not see it clearly, but they were either the people of the Huanghuang Heavenly Dynasty or the people of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. Anyway, all the people we went to help were stopped, and in In the center of a turbulent storm, Ji Dihong battled Chi You! In the end, Chi You was defeated! "The ancient man said bitterly.

"The defeat of Chi You? What kind of ability is Chi You? He is a perfect practitioner of the gods, and one of the five veins of the practiced Wu tribe, devours the sky, eats everything, and is inaccessible. The physical body is more arrogant than Shangguan. Even more powerful! "Gu Hai frowned.

"Yeah, but Uncle Chi You is still defeated. At the last moment of the battle, we remember that an eye appeared in the sky, like the eyes of the heavens, golden color. That eye gave out a few golden lights, and hit hard. I waited for the body, and our body was severely damaged instantly, and numerous cracks appeared! "Gu Han recalled.

"Eye of heaven?" Gu Hai's pupils shrank.

Long Wanqing, Long Wanyu and others were also surprised. Heavenly Eye? This is the skill in the five talents. Does Ji Dihong also have a "talent"?

"But the eye of heaven, after letting go of the golden light, seemed to be a little tired, closed it up, and then disappeared!" Recalled the ancient man.


Gu Hai and others became more and more surprised. It seems that this eye of heaven is definitely worse than Liudaoxianren and Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Uncle Chi You, my father's indiscriminate flesh, and the ability to swallow everything, may be gone!" Recalled the ancient man.

"What do you mean?"

"We were battered by the heavenly eyes of that golden pupil, and we were dying. Chi You suddenly appeared. Looking at us for a while, he said, 'My devouring heaven is gone, and my body has become a normal child, and Lost, but I ca n’t help you anymore, I hope you can escape and take care! '”The ancient man recalled.

"Chi You is saying farewell?" Gu Hai's face sank.

"Yes, then Chi You threw me, Prince Han, Ao Sheng, Houyi, Xing Tian all by throwing them out, and we flew back to the borderless sky capital. When we flew back, we saw Seeing Ji Dihong's Xuanyuan Sword, it emerged from the thick fog, pierced through Chi You's neck, and came out of the throat! "Shangguan marks bitterly.

"Brother Chiyou, really defeated? How could it be gone? Devouring the sky, inaccessible to the sword, how could it be broken by Xuanyuan Sword?" Gu Hai frowned.

"The five main threads of the Wu tribe!" Long Wanyu sank.

"What?" Gu Hai looked at Long Wanyu.

"Chi You's powerful physical body and ability to swallow the sky may be really gone!" Long Wanyu said with an ugly face.

"You just said, the five main lines of the Witch tribe? What do you mean, the four major zombies, devouring the earth, copying the blood of the gods, and the manipulation of the human heart, and what is one? Ji Dihong has a Shinto scripture, and certainly has the fifth master. What is the pulse? It's related to Chi You's death? "Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes, if Ji Dihong has mastered this last main thread, Chi You may really care about it, everything is captured by Ji Dihong!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"What is the fifth main vein? It is so mysterious, why we haven't recorded all the information?" Chen Xianer wondered.

"The fifth main vein is called 'Shinto Deprivation'!" Long Wanyu frowned.

"Shinto deprivation?" Everyone looked at Long Wanyu in surprise.

"Yes, that is to directly deprive each other of the Shinto secrets and refine them into their own. Ji Dihong deprived the Shinto secrets of" Swallowing the Sky and Eating the Earth "from Chi You's body and placed it in his body. Consume everything? These abilities were all stripped off by Ji Dihong, except Chi You, these abilities were all gone, so ...! "Long Wanyu frowned.

"Shinto deprivation?"

Almost everyone in the hall took a cold breath. Good horror of the witch tribe!


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