Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 6: Two corpses each

Dacheng Heavenly Kingdom, Honghuang City, within a hall!

He stood with his hands on his shoulders and looked at Xing Tian and Hou Ji who closed their eyes and adjusted their breath.

There was a hint of purple breath on their heads, their faces flushed, and there were some cracks on their bodies, but the cracks were all recovered.

The detective waved.


Two red lights rushed into the two people's bodies. For a time, the two of them flashed red at once. Soon, the spots on their faces disappeared completely.


The two breathed a long breath and opened their eyes.

"Thank you for your help! The minister's injury is 80% better!" Houyi sighed.

"Chen also recovered 80%, and the remaining injuries, Chen can take care of himself!" Xing Tian thanked.

"Well, just recover!" I nodded.

"The minister is incompetent, please holy forgive sins!" Houyi stood up and bent down in shame.

"The minister was incompetent and failed to help Chi You, causing Chi You ...!" Xing Tian also felt guilty.

"Nothing, everything happened too fast at that time, Ji Dihong carefully arranged, covered by dense fog, I never expected that everything would change so fast!" Shen Shen said.

"Yes, I don't know, what's wrong with Chi You's body now?" Houyi said bitterly.

"Chi You's body was divided into four parts, her hands, her feet, her head, and her body were divided into four places to shock the world. Oh, there are actually four traps set up, waiting for me to jump!" His eyes flickered, his eyes flashed After a cold light.

"Holy, don't be dangerous. Ji Dihong is insidious and deceitful. Moreover, his strength is now much more powerful than he was at the beginning. He has obtained Shinto witchcraft and even learned Shinto deprivation. This person is poisonous!" Houxi eagerly said.

I shook my head slightly: "Although I don't recognize Jiang Lianshan's old husband, I still admire Jingwei because she is my sister. Jiang Rulai? That's just a speculator. I can't care whether he lives or not. But Chi You, hehe , Although He didn't give him a good look before, but after all, he was the same blood with me. His body, He couldn't ignore it! "

"But ...!" Xing Tian was worried about what to say.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the hall: "Sheng Qiqi, Dahan Emperor, Fifth Army Commander, Kong Xuan, see you!"

"Oh?" He frowned.

"That ancient sea is finally back?" Xing Tian looked.

Although Gu Hai announced the retreat to the public, many eyesight people can still see it. Gu Hai is not in the borderless sky capital at that time, because the cloud of luck in the borderless sky capital has disappeared. Kong Xuan and others disappeared together, apparently following Gu Hai.

"Bring him over!" Shen Shen cried.

"Yes!" There should be a voice from outside the hall.

I also stepped out of the hall slowly. Xingtian and Houyi followed closely behind.

Soon, Kong Xuan was brought to his uncle.

"The Dahan Emperor, Kong Xuan, I have seen the Great Lord!" Kong Xuan said slightly.

"Oh? Kong Xuan, did you actually reach the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace?" Xu looked a little surprised.

Kong Xuan did not conceal: "Thank you for your love and help break through the imprisonment!"

"Oh? The injuries of the War God and the Arrow God Hou have also recovered?" Kong Xuan looked at the two slightly unexpectedly.

After all, Kong Xuan knew that the injuries of the two were as severe as those of Shangguan marks, and they were extremely violent. They had recovered at this moment.

"Also? It seems that the wounds of Shangguanhen, Guhan and Aosheng have also recovered?" Shen Shen said.

"Thank you, Lord Shang, the Supreme Master! The Supreme Master Shang, the Supreme Master Ao, and the Crown Prince of the Ancient Han have woke up and are recovering fast!" Kong Xuan nodded.

"The ancient sea healing method is also very good!" Faintly said.

"Yes!" Kong Xuan was not modest. After all, it was an exaggeration, and Kong Xuan accepted it.

"When did Gu Hai come back?" Wu Shensheng asked.

"Just yesterday, His Majesty returned, and His Majesty came to deliver a message today. He didn't want to know His Majesty the Holy One!" Kong Xuandan laughed.

"I don't know? Oh, the Jinyiwei of the Dahan Emperor really deserved its reputation. Some time ago, I thoroughly investigated the borderless city of the sky, and actually all the sentinels of all the forces in the world were removed!"

"Forcing it!" Kong Xuan nodded.

"Say, what message did Gu Hai want you to bring?" Wu Shen asked.

"Your Majesty wants to ask, Majesty Saint promised in the past, but also His Majesty Lin Waner, when the time is up, why did Majesty Saint not honor it?" Kong Xuanshen said.

"Rest assured, what I promised will naturally be achieved. I have helped Jingwei consolidate a new body, only to be separated from the fire day, so that they can not be separated in the least!" Faintly said.

Kong Xuan looked at her and finally nodded her head: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your integrity. Before you leave, Your Majesty has confessed that Your Majesty has kept your promise. We will of course give you a message and provide us with a message!"

"Oh?" I wondered.

"Just yesterday, before we returned, we saw Jing Wei's body in the underworld!" Kong Xuan solemnly said.

"Jingwei's corpse?" Wu looked intently.

"Impossible, the little princess's body has already been eaten by fish and shrimp, why is there still? Kong Xuan, don't tell me blindly!" Xing Tian stared.

Kong Xuan shook his head. He did not conceal it, and said what happened when the underworld met with a tick.

"Hook? This, how can this happen?" Xing Tian was surprised.

"The new commander of the Wu tribe, this is, this is the arrangement of the old saint? Experiment with his own daughter ...?" Houyi wondered.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha, this is just like Jiang Lianshan's style!" Yan looked cold.

Obviously, Jiang Lianshan was angry. Experiment with your loved ones. If you fail, you will be gone. If you succeed, you can use it again? Regardless of family relationship, only care about themselves, the children are not ghosts or ghosts, no wonder I hate Jiang Lianshan so much.

"However, speaking, the momentum of the hook is indeed prosperous, I feel that she is not weaker than you, and that she only has the same bloodline as you, and has no memory of Jingwei!" Kong Xuan solemnly said.

"I know, thank me for telling Gu Hai!" Shen Shen said.

"Okay, I will report to His Majesty truthfully. Before leaving, His Majesty still has an explanation about recapture Chi You's body!" Kong Xuanshen said.

"Oh? Gu Hai knows Ji Dihong's current strength, and would like to intervene? Now, the Dahuang Tianchao specifically targeted him. He dare to leave the borderless sky?" Shen Shen said.

"Yes, Your Majesty asked me to say that Chi You is divided into corpses, and His Majesty is responsible for Chi You's head and body!" Kong Xuan solemnly said.

"He is responsible for regaining Chi You's head and body? Oh, if he has the courage, Chi is responsible for Chi You's hands and legs!" Shen Shen said.

"Your Majesty did exactly that. Soon after, His Majesty will take action, and I wish the Lord His Majesty, and the victory will be opened!" Kong Xuan solemnly saluted.

He looked coldly at Kong Xuan and did not speak.

"Farewell!" Kong Xuan stood up and flew towards the distance.

"call out!"

Instantly, Kong Xuan disappeared into the sky.

Xing Tian and Hou Yi looked at each other.

"Gu Hai really has to take risks to win Chi You's head and body?" Xing Tian was surprised.

"This ancient sea worshipped by Chi You is worth the worship, and the ancient sea is indeed not a ruthless one!" Hou Yi sighed.

妭 Looking at the distant sky and the capital of heaven, he sneered: "Ji Dihong is an old man who is so cunning, ancient sea? Can you parry it, say two more!"


Kong Xuan came to send the letter.

The threat of Emperor Dahan's dynasty has begun to spread to the major forces in the world.

In the study room of an emperor dynasty, the emperor looked at the edict from the emperor dynasty.

"The rhubarb dynasty and the dynasty emperor are immortal, and the forces in the world can help Huang Xihan to treat the dying enemies of the emperor dynasty, immortal and endless! Ha ha ha ha ha ha, this ancient sea, a big breath Help the bad guys? Is he learning Ji Dihong and threatening the whole world? "The emperor sneered.

"Your Majesty, this ancient sea monster is so strange that you must guard it!"

"No matter how strange it is, it's just the imperial dynasty. How big a storm can he set off? The Dahuang Tianchao is about to enter the city, and Dahan is about to fall. What's to worry about? Speak madly and see how he died!" The emperor sneered.

From the middle to the north of Shenzhou, the major forces have different attitudes, disdain and fright. After all, Gu Hai's record is still extremely horrible. The threat came out soon. Leaving aside the decision making that affects all the forces, at least, the major forces began to feel heavy in their hearts at the moment.

The seal script is, after all, a seal script of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty. Outside the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, it naturally has no effect. After the initial tension, the major forces quickly resumed as usual. At the same time, some forces threatened by Ji Dihong, They also conceded several cities for the extension of the territory of the Emperor Huang Dynasty toward the Emperor Han Dynasty.

Until half a month later. A sky-rocketing news came.

It was still the emperor's study before, a group of heavy ministers obeyed, and along with the emperor looked at an official in surprise.

"What did you say? Say it again!" The emperor said coldly.

"Yes, the Nanyang Emperor, the Yunting Emperor, the Emperor Cang, the Lou Lanzong, the Zangsong, and the Xiaotianzong, today, they submitted the" Enhanshu ", the three emperors, and the three emperors It ’s like an appointment. At the same time, they surrendered their emperor dynasty and ancestral gate. Their six hundred cities changed the Dahan emperor dynasty together! In other words, these six forces were recruited! ”The official smiled bitterly. .

"What? Impossible, they didn't have any resistance. Didn't their six forces want to destroy the ancient sea? Was recruited? There was no resistance? Nothing at all?" The emperor said coldly.

"No, although there is some confusion, there is no riot. The chiefs of the six forces cooperate with Dahan officials to take over the 600 cities, and at the same time all the royal family enters the borderless sky capital!" Said the official.

"How could there be such a funny thing in the world, they gave up everything and turned to prisoners?" The emperor disobeyed.

"It's not a prisoner, but it has sealed the marquis as many as possible, Nanyanghou, Yuntinghou, Dicanghou, Loulanhou, Jiansanghou, Xiaotianhou!" Said the official.

In the study, there was a brief silence.

After a while, a serious minister began to say, "Your Majesty, the minister said earlier that this ancient sea must be guarded. Although it is the emperor's lord, it is more fierce than the emperor's Ji Dihong. ! "

"What does Ai Qing say?" The emperor frowned.

"Ji Dihong's threat to the scriptures, the forces from various parties, at most, gave up a few cities, but Gu Hai's threatening scriptures are the scriptures of annihilation and extermination!" The official shook.

"The imperial clan, the extermination of the country?" The pupil of the emperor shrank.

"The minister thinks that this is just the beginning. The research on the ancient sea by Yichen is still the most gentle, and it will be more and more extinct. Alas, I am helpless and caught between rhubarb and dahan!" The official A bitter.

PS: Going out in the next few days, the update may be a bit unstable, but watch chess strives to keep two changes a day.


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