Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 7: Hou Qing leaves

Sky without borders.

Although the town's national army did not publicize it, Mo Yike has started to use the orders of the ancient sea to mobilize the elite troops in the world of Dahan. All the big movements were naturally passed quickly to the Quartet forces.

The forces of the Quartet all got the news, but they all guessed that Gu Hai was ready to fight back. He never thought that Gu Hai would dare to send troops south. After all, there were too many forces to be faced by Gu Hai, and the Rhubarb was looking at it with anger.

The forces of all parties are preparing to do wall observations to see the dragons fighting against the emperor dynasty.

Until the six major forces suddenly surrendered to Dahan, this scene, but it sounded an alarm to everyone.

The three Zhongzong gates, the three emperor dynasties, but this is the same level as the Dahan emperor dynasty.

How many layouts does the Dahan Emperor have?

As a result, the army of the Dahan Emperor also increased instantly.

There are more than one Great Heavenly Palace, and the territory of two thousand cities. This is true even in the heavens. The forces trapped in the middle of Rhubarb and Dahan suddenly became anxious.

Sima Changkong's ambassador also followed the news and began to rush to the emperors. And the speed is extremely fast, not a flying boat, but by a group of people in the heavenly palace, those who go to heaven. In just a few days, they arrived at the emperor dynasties and the ancestral gates and began to deal with them.

The Dahuang Heavenly Dynasty and the Dahan Emperor Dynasty have not yet started war. The situation in this world has already begun to erupt.

Sky without borders.

With more than half a month's cultivation, Hou Qing's injury is almost better.

Standing at the entrance of a large hall, looking at the direction of the upper study in the ancient sea in the distance, Hou Qing's eyes were cloudy and uncertain.

"Hou Qing, are you well?" Hou Tu Niangniang asked.

"Sister, I'm almost in good condition, and I can't stay here anymore. Sister, leave with me!" Hou Qing looked back at the mother-in-law.

"What did you say?" Hou Tuniang frowned.

"Sister, don't you see that? The ancient sea is obviously looking for death. There is only one enemy of the Huanghuang dynasty. Now, it is even threatening to write books. Isn't this against the whole world? The six forces are loyal at this time, not shocking. The forces in the world, but angered them, this ancient sea went crazy! "Hou Qing said anxiously.

"What's crazy? Gu Hai opened up the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, step by step, and it ’s not as good as your judgment to go to today's Dachao weather? Hou Qing, do you still remember to hate Gu Hai in your heart, and the grievance is hard to dispel? When you were trapped in Huangquan's weak water, Guhai saved you. "Hou Tu Niang said in a deep voice.

"Sister, okay, I still have resentment in my heart, but when I was saved, it wasn't all ancient seas, my sister was beside me, and my sister would save me too. I don't appreciate Gu Hai, I am grateful to my sister. Sister, You also heard that day that Ji Dihong had mastered the "shinto deprivation" and there was also "human control". What did Gu Hai fight for? Ji Di Hong even had the help of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land to help each other. Did n’t Chi also lose? Gao Chiyou. No, Chi You's 'swallowing the sky' was also deprived of Ji Dihong. It is equivalent to Ji Dihong and Chi You's helper. No one can control Ji Dihong in this world. "Hou Qing Anxiously.

"Meow, so, are you going to escape? Be a deserter?" Suddenly, out of the cat sky cloud not far away.

"I talk to my sister, what are you talking about!" Hou Qing stared.

"Huh, I'll just intervene, what! Hou Qing, you don't want to go to Ji Dihong, right?" Cat Tianyun sneered.

"How can I rely on Ji Dihong, sister, I want to go to the Dalai Heavenly Kingdom to find Jiang Yan, sister, you go with me, stay here, just wait for death, the ancient sea playing with fire **, there will definitely not be Good end! "Hou Qing advised.

"Enough!" Hou Tuniang murmured coldly.


"Houqing, you have to go and stay. I do n’t stop you. I also know that I ca n’t stop you. You have your own thoughts. No one can change it. No, maybe Jiang Yan can change your thoughts. To make it clear, you must not disclose things about Long Wanyu, even Jiang Yan. If you let me know that you have leaked the news, you, my brother and sister, will never die, and I will chase after death To you, never die! "Hou Tu Niangni said coldly.

"Sister, you can't ...!" Hou Qing eagerly said.

Houtu Niangniang looked at Houqing with a frosty face, and when Houqing reached her mouth, she turned back.

"Sister, you really don't leave, even with Long Wanyu, we ...!" Hou Qing wanted to persuade.

Hou Tu Niang Niang still cold eyes.

"Well, sister, take care of yourself!" Hou Qing sighed.

Cat Tianyun looked at the brother and sister, frowned, and said nothing.

"Farewell!" Hou Qing said Shen.

call out!

Regardless of the others, Hou Qing stepped towards the distant sky and turned into a streamer that disappeared.

"Well!" Hou Tu Niangniang sighed slightly.

"Houtu, in fact, the boy Houqing is not justified, do we all stay? This ancient sea seems to be in the center of the storm. His position is dangerous!" Cat Tianyun frowned.

Houtu shook his head: "Your task is to protect Long Wanyu, isn't it?"

"But this ancient sea ...!" Cat Tianyun frowned.

"Speaking of, Gu Hai is surrounded by dangers, but because of the danger, isn't his side also full of opportunities? Staying here may not be a bad thing!" Hou Tu Niangang shook her head and said.

"You're talking about Kong Xuan, Shangguanhen, Ancient Han, Long Wanqing, and Chen Xianer. They reached the Great Success of the Heavenly Palace?" Cat Tianyun wondered.

"Not only them, but also the mosquitoes and Ao Sheng have improved to a certain extent?" Hou Tuniangniang said.

"However, we were originally successful in the Heavenly Palace, why is it necessary to stay? And, once Long Wanyu is accidentally injured, wouldn't it ...!" Cat Tianyun frowned.

"No, it won't. This person in Guhai is still very affectionate. She will do her best to protect Long Wanyu. Long Wanyu is here, there will be no danger, but once you leave the borderless sky, you I and the two have been guarding Long Wanyu, can they hold it? Now, it is not the same year! "Hou Tu Niangniang sighed.

"What do you mean, Gu Hai is the safest place?" Cat Tianyun was surprised.

Hou Tu Niang Niang nodded.

"Well, you said yes, the heads of you several think about these intrigues and tricks more than mine. However, unfortunately, Gou Chen, Ziwei, and Changsheng, the three of them, are considered obsolete and have no previous memory. Use! Intellect is also anxious, and it is repaired only for the Zhongtian Temple. Half a dip, unfortunately ... "Cat Tianyun sighed.

"Oh, you read it wrong! Their achievements are now higher than ours!" Hou Tu Niangniang shook her head.

"What? Houtu, are you joking? The three of them are wonderful? Didn't they just master the source of Qin Tao, the source of Shu Dao, and the source of Hua Tao? They can only use some passively, far worse than us! "Mao Tianyun disagrees.

"Our five gods have mastered the wood, water, fire, soil, and five avenues of previous lives. They are gold, wood, and soil, but in this life, they are piano, books, and paintings. Do you think that piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are just simple Avenue? "Hou Tu sneered.


"Qin Qi, calligraphy, and painting belong to Wen Xiu. Shou Yun Shen Wen Ling, each repair, the use of the Three Thousand Avenues, you understand, every repair! Wen Xiu, you look down on Wen Xiu, it is not just The four heavenly roads are based on these four avenues, and horizontally capture the use of three thousand avenues. Each of the qinqi calligraphy and painting can mobilize some kind of power in the 750 avenues! "Houtu Shen said.

"Just kidding, impossible!" Cat Tianyun stared.

"The fact is this. Qin Qi calligraphy and painting belong to cultural cultivation. They are already different from other roads. They can transfer some of the power of 749 roads. The old people of ancient seas and chess, they rely on understanding and hard work. Those who master most of the chess training, but Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei are born. Although they are only the source of mastery of the rules, do you think they are obsolete? In fact, they have washed their lead and reached another level. They do n’t They will fight with each other, because their nature has changed! "Hou Tu Shen said.

"Why can these four avenues command three thousand avenues?" Mao Tianyun didn't understand.

"It was the person who created the" Wen Xiu ". What it did that year, based on the four vocals, paintings, calligraphy and paintings, inspired the power of the Three Thousand Avenues, just like the old heavens, and the power of the Golden Dragon to drive the power of the three thousandth Avenue. Gou Chen, their metamorphosis has just begun, but they are already in front of us. Do n’t underestimate them and do n’t be arrogant. The three of them, plus the ancient sea chess course, is a complete literacy! So, you still think Is ancient sea dangerous here? "Hou Tu Niangniang said.

Cat Tianyun froze slightly, and finally nodded: "It's really evil!"

Hou Tu Niangniang shook her head and looked in the direction of the upper study.

Go to the study.

Gu Hai sat behind the desk, and on the left column stood Gu Qin and the commanders of the army. Standing in the right column are six people who are the masters of the six forces who have just joined the Dahan Emperor. At this moment all have been marquis. It is listed in the Dahandi Dynasty.

At this moment, the Lord of the Six Powers looked at Gu Hai with a hint of doubt in his expression.

"At the chapel, I have already said, thank you six people for their success, and my Dahan Dynasty can grow up in peace!" Gu Hai said to the six.

The six smiled slightly.

In the past, Sima Changkong had indeed promised, but when the Huanghuang Heavenly Kingdom struck, the six forces hesitated for a while, but at that time, Sima Changkong circulated news around their center and forced the six to stand in line with public opinion. In the end, with a little reluctance, he entered the Dahan Dynasty.

However, at this time, no one will naturally say it.

"Of course, the position of the Marquis is no better than the nobility of the former emperor and emperor of the emperor dynasty. However, the Dahan of Dahan has clear rewards and penalties. Gu Hai looked at the six of them.

The six people froze slightly, looking at Gu Hai in surprise.

It stands to reason that such effective kings and suzerainers can be raised at most in the middle of the DPRK. Being a prince who does not give any rights, after all, it must be so for the long-term stability of the country. But what does Gu Hai mean?

"He is a man who loves talents, and doesn't worry about your rebellion!" Gu Hai said lightly.

"Don't dare!" The six men bowed at almost the same time.

"Don't worry, I said, I'm not worried about your rebellion, but you have to think about the cost of your rebellion. The army commanders on your right are mostly your opponents and your enemies. Now they are also among them. As the prince, wouldn't you be worried about those who act like you? "Gu Hai laughed.

Kong Xuan, Mosquito Taoist, Gao Xianzhi, Dragon God, Mo Yike, and Sima Changkong laughed. It was indeed an ancient sea opponent before.

The six of them froze slightly, and then their eyes brightened. One of them solemnly said, "Your Majesty's heart, I will admire!"

"The Dahan Emperor Dynasty will be promoted to the Heavenly Dynasty. The King of the Heavenly Dynasty is almost the same as the Emperor of the Emperor Dynasty. It is not inferior to the Zhongzongmen Sovereign. There are six people who can develop the Emperor's Dynasty and the Zhongzong. Doors are not all generations, they all have their own means. Why wo n’t you waste your waiting ability and let you wait for nothing? ”Gu Hai laughed.

"Your Majesty!" Said the six with a hint of gratitude.

"At this moment, it is a critical moment for Dahan. I have a credit for opening up the land and building a career. I want to share it with others and show their talents. Once the big things have been set, and when Dahan ascends to heaven, you will win one. Lord Duke, it is not impossible! "Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Your Majesty, please arrange!" The six took a deep breath, and said with a hint of excitement.

It is definitely a blessing to meet such an enlightened king.

Gu Hai looked at Mo Yike and nodded.

On the other hand, Mo Yike understood that he understood that these six people should be included in the army of the town.

PS: I'm not at home these days, go to other places, the update is unstable, try to make two changes every day, this is the first change, in the afternoon on the road, no time to upload. First pass!


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