Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 11: Wind Zombie

Heavenless Capital! Go to the study.

Gu Hai sat behind the desk, watching a memorial, and stood in front of Gu Qin.


Ancient seas will be folded together, his brows locked deep.

"This is the message from Gu Ming?" Gu Hai looked at Gu Qin.

Gu Qin nodded solemnly: "Father, Hou Qing went to Ji Dihong!"

Gu Hai silently said: "Let Gu Ming be careful. In the future, things that are not life or death will not be used to believe, just in case you are found out!"

"Yes!" Gu Qin nodded.

"Father, in the news, you also saw that Chi You's body is a trap, just to lie to your father that you leave the borderless sky capital, that Cangjie has fully locked his father. As soon as the father leaves the borderless sky capital, they will know immediately, And, they will try their best. So ... "Gu Qin showed a hint of worry.

"Rest assured, I know the situation!" Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Yes!" Gu Qin nodded.

"But Houqing turned to Ji Dihong, what should he do? He knows a lot of our secrets! And Gu Ming said, Hou Qing just betrayed our news in exchange for the high-ranking official Houjue!" Gu Qin annoyed for a while.

"Secret? It ’s leaked, too. I ’m worried that people ’s minds control, and Conte found a substitute for Dahong? The rhubarb powerhouse is extremely dangerous!” Gu Hai frowned.

"Human mind manipulation is powerful, but as long as our people are careful, should they be able to avoid it?" Gu Qin frowned.

Gu Hai shook his head: "It's not as simple as you think. If you are Ji Dihong and you have the ability to control the human heart, what do you do?"

"Uh?" Gu Qin frowned slightly.

"He used to be clumsy. Now, he doesn't need it. Manipulation. What if he chooses to manipulate the lords of the world's emperors?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Ah?" Gu Qin's face changed.

"Now, I will announce Ji Dihong's" Human Heart Control "to the world, so that the emperors will have a defense!" Gu Haishen said.

"Yes!" Gu Qin answered.

"Father, then Houqing ...?" Gu Qin said anxiously again.

"In fact, he doesn't know many secrets. Although these secrets have caused us some losses, they are not hurting our bones!" Gu Hai recalled again.

"But ...?" Gu Qin was still depressed.

"Well, let's let Houtu Niangni know this!" Gu Hai frowned slightly--

Xuanyuan City, in the study.

Ji Dihong stared at Houqing, frowning slightly: "You just said, Gu Hai still has a clone?"

"Yeah, that avatar is weird! Although he hasn't shot it yet, I feel that he has the ninth most important accomplishment in the Heavenly Palace!" Hou Qing recalled.

"No shot? Where did you see it?" Ji Dihong frowned.

"For the first time in the flawed fairy sky, he and Kong Xuan came up somehow, but he never shot. Later, in Huangquan Overseas, the elder Blood Witch was also a bale, just scared, all scared. Gone! "Hou Qing recalled.

"Skull clone? Bone ancestor?" Ji Dihong frowned.

"It should be, I was seriously injured at the time, and I didn't watch it carefully enough, but he couldn't do it for real! I can beat him down with one hand!" Hou Qing said with a grimace.

Ji Dihong and Cangjie and Kong Di looked at each other, all of them showed a dignity in their eyes. At the same time frowning for the words of Hou Qing, Gu Hai's avatar, you can beat down with one hand? Just kidding.

"Mr. Hou Qing, who do you think is boundless and heavenly, who is the best?" Cangjie asked solemnly.

"It should be unborn!" Hou Qing frowned.


"At that time, in the flawed fairy vault, the unborn person played against the three heavenly palaces at the same time! But he also had only the ninth major cultivation of the heavenly palaces!" Hou Qing recalled.

"Impossible!" Conte suddenly dismissed.

Cangjie shook his head: "No, not necessarily, he is a life master, you do n’t understand the means of life master, but rest assured, I have means to deal with him!"

"Oh?" Hou Qing frowned slightly.

Then, Hou Qing sighed softly, the more powerful the Huanghuang dynasty, the more sensible he was.

"Do you know the origin of Da Ri?" Ji Dihong asked again.

"Dairi Rulai? Uh, I don't know about it!" Hou Qing shook his head.

"Ancient Han, Shangguan Hen, Da Ri Ru Lai, Kong Xuan, Chen Xian'er, Long Wanqing, Hou Tu Niang Niang, and Cat Tianyun? Oh, unexpectedly, in this short time, Gu Hai has gathered eight heavenly palaces, Eight? "Ji Dihong's face was gloomy.

What is the weather like for the eight heavenly palaces?

"Holy, the Dahan Emperor's dynasty, even if there are eight, there are many but not refined, just like the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. Although there are more than a dozen heavenly palaces, they are mostly not worth mentioning!" Kong Di said immediately.

Ji Dihong nodded.

"Ji Dihong, it's time to say, I also said, I don't know what I said before ...?" Hou Qing frowned.

"I am honored that Mr. can come to my rhubarb dynasty, sir does not give up, please stay with me. It is a great help for me to have rhubarb alone. What about my seal Mr. Feng Zonggong?" Ji Di Hung looked to Hou Qing.

Hou Qing's eyes brightened, the wind stiff? In the end, is the Duke? The Duke of Heaven.

"Chen Feng's deadlock, Hou Qing, see the Holy Lord, Long live the Holy Long Live the Long Live!" Hou Qing immediately fell down in excitement.

Ji Dihong immediately got up and helped Hou Qing personally: "Mr. De is here to help, I'm as good as a hand!"

Hou Qing's heart suddenly warmed.

"By the way, Hou Qing, you said just now that Hou Tu and Mao Tianyun stay in the borderless sky capital. Why? They have a good relationship with Gu Hai?" Ji Dihong curiously.

Houqing frowned slightly, thinking about her sister's words before leaving, after all, she did not say Long Wanyu.

"Well, because Gou Chen, Changsheng, and Ziwei, you know, their five gods have always had a good relationship. Now, the three Gou Chens have stayed in Wudu Tiandu, so they have stayed, but, You can rest assured that my sister, Cat Tianyun and Gu Hai have a normal relationship! They are not loyal to Gu Hai! "Hou Qing said immediately.

"Oh? Not loyal to the ancient sea?" Ji Dihong looked slightly.

"That's right, so if you are dealing with Gu Hai in the future, please holy up your sister to my sister!" Hou Qing said immediately.

"Mr. rest assured, since Houtu is your sister, I will naturally treat it differently!" Ji Dihong nodded.

"Xie Sheng!" Hou Qing said immediately.

"Mr. comes, surely the wind and dust are servants, why not rest first and wait till tomorrow, I am going to take the wind and dust the gentleman in person?" Ji Dihong laughed.

"You are welcome, holy!"

"Yes, ha ha ha, Mr. Desperate, why don't you worry about a big deal? Conte, you take Hou Qing to the 'Bishuixing Palace'! There will be Hou Qing's mansion!" Ji Dihong ordered.

"Bishui Palace? Holy, that's the palace you plan to live by yourself!" Conte surprised.

Hou Qing is also a stunner, the palace of the holy?

"Living to Mr. Houqing can only be worthy of the Bishui Palace. This is the first gift you give to Mr. Xi, so please talk a lot!" Ji Dihong laughed.

"Yes!" Kong Di solemnly said.

"Xie Sheng!" Hou Qing said happily.

This is the holy family, Hou Qing feels that the Huanghuang Tianchao is too worthy.

"Mr. Hou Qing, please!" Kong Di laughed.

"Resignation!" Hou Qing looked at Ji Dihong.

Ji Dihong smiled and watched after Qing left.

After Hou Qing stepped out of the study room completely, Ji Dihong's smile abruptly narrowed, and her face became gloomy.

"Mr. Cangjie, what do you think?" Ji Dihong said Shen.

"Holy is suspicion, this Hou Qing was sent by Gu Hai intentionally?" Cangjie laughed.

Ji Dihong nodded: "If Hou Qing is true, then he is too exaggerated. If what he said is false, then the ancient sea is really deliberate, this conspiracy is too superficial, unlike Gu Hai's style!"

"Isn't the Holy Father already giving him a seal?" Mr. Cangjie smiled.

"Duke Feng? Oh, the famous and dukeless duke. Just how many ancient gods will be sent to the Heavenly Palace to complete it, I can seal them as many dukes!" Ji Dihong sneered.

"Actually, the Holy Lord wanted to check Houqing, and there was no other way!" Mr. Cangjie laughed.

"Oh?" Ji Dihong wondered.

"Hou Tu Niang Niang! From there, you can ...!" Cangjie said half of it and said nothing.

Because at this moment Ji Dihong has understood--

The borderless city of heaven, the mouth of Houtu Palace.

Hou Tu Niang Niang sent away the ancient sea.

Watching Gu Hai leave, Hou Tu Niangniang was irritable at the moment.

"Meow, really Hou Qing turned to Ji Dihong?" Cat Tianyun stepped out from the side.

"Gu Hai personally said that it should be true. This desperate ghost knows that Dahan and Rhubarb are tit-for-tat. At this time, they are still running rhubarb? These days, I have explored Gu Hai's growth experience. This ancient sea, what a cruel role, Isn't he crazy? In case ...! "Houtu said ugly.

"Did Gu Hai tell you just now? He will do his best to take care of Hou Qing! As long as he is not excessive!" Cat Tianyun said.

"Excessive? What is excessive? My brother, don't you know that when you went to help Chi You, it was also a hot head. When people were holding it, they don't remember the southeast and northwest. I would rather he be lowered than he is now. Xiu is going to make trouble, now it ’s terrible to do it. And it ’s still under the handful of Ji Dihong who is the old and sly! ”Houtu's face was ugly.

"Everyone has their own blessings, you don't have to worry too much, maybe Dahan will lose to Rhubarb?" Cat Tianyun advised.

"Well!" Hou Tu Niangniang sighed slightly.

Two days later.

Hou Tu Niang Niang held a letter in her hand, her brows locked.

"Who's the letter?" Cat Tianyun curiously.

"Houqing!" Hou Tuniang frowned.

"Hou Qing? He dare to write? What does the letter say?" Cat Tianyun was surprised.

"He asked me to meet out!" Hou Tuniang frowned.

"Meet him? He won't want to persuade you to take refuge in Dahuang Tianchao?" Cat Tianyun was surprised.

"Although he didn't say anything in the letter, I know the style of his letter. He has been turned around by Ji Dihong. He must want to draw me to rhubarb, oh!" Hou Tu Niangniang sighed.

"What then?"

"No, I'm going to persuade him!"

"Are you persuaded?"

"I don't know. Before he participated in the battle for the deer of Chi You and Huang Di, I can't help it, but this time I have to persuade it!"

"I'll go with you?"

"No, Hou Qing said, this time, he is the only one who wants to talk to me privately. You don't need to intervene in the matter of our sister and brother!" Hou Tu shook his head.

"Are you sure, this is Hou Qing's letter?"

"Rest assured, I didn't write the letter if he wrote it. I want to pull him one more, and don't tell others!" Houtu asked.

"Okay, be careful yourself!" Cat Tianyun nodded.

Houtu received a good letter, sighed, and quietly left Wudu Tiandu.

Houtu has just left. Gou Chen hurried to Gu Hai's study.

"Master, you made me stare. Hou Qing wrote an invitation and Hou Tu left. I have good ears and I heard them." Gou Chen came to report.

The ancient sea eyes narrowed.


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