Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 12: Stupid queen

Divine Land, West Sea!

Houtu quietly arrived at an island. This is where I made an appointment with Hou Qing.

Far away, you can see the Houqing on the top of an island.

Hou Tufei fell into the clouds, and Hou Qing felt the Hou Tu coming in the distance, his eyes flashed.

"Sister!" Hou Qing smiled suddenly.

Houtu dropped a cloud head, cold eyes: "You still know my sister?"

"Sister, why do you say me as soon as you come?" Hou Qing said depressed.

"I ask you, have you joined the rhubarb heaven?" Hou Tu stared.

"Ah? Sister, how do you know?" Hou Qing was surprised.

"It's so obvious in your letter, wouldn't I know?" Houtu was angry.

"I, in my letter, only said to join a certain force, but did not say that it was the rhubarb heaven!" Hou Qing frowned.

"You're so embarrassed to say, didn't you say you were going to Dachao Tianchao before you left? Why did you go to Dahuang Tianchao?" Houtu Shen said.

"Dasao Tianchao?" Hou Qing suddenly fretful.

The humiliation of Honghuang City that day was vividly remembered, and every time Hou Qing thought back, he was stinging.

"Sister, Dasao Tianchao? Alas, haha, I will one day make her look good!" Hou Qing said with a gloom.

Houtu captured Houqing's emotions in an instant, guessing that he touched the nail, could not bear to blame, and then sighed: "I told you long ago, my character is too proud, you can't hold her, hey!"

"Sister, one day, I will surpass her!" Hou Qing still clenched her fists.

"Well, don't talk about her. If you go back with me, you really don't want to leave the rhubarb dynasty first. Rhubarb and Dahan are about to start a war. At this time, what fun you can do!" Hou Tu Shen said.

"No, I think the rhubarb heaven is very good. The Holy Spirit has given me a place to display my talents, and it has clear rewards and punishments." Hou Qing said immediately.

Houtu's face sank: "Are you blind? The rewards and punishments are clear, is it more rewarding to you, Ji Dihong, what a gloomy person? In the battle for the deer, did you forget? You are under him, you will be him No bones left!

"Sister, that's your misunderstanding of the holy. I'm already a deadlock anyway. Once the Dahan Emperor's dynasty is destroyed with my assistance, it is possible for me to become king. Sister, go with me to Xuanyuan City, you It's the only relative in my world! "Hou Qing immediately advised.

Hou Tu stared at Hou Qingqing: "What kind of ecstasy soup Ji Dihong has poured into you, seal the king? Hahaha, you dare to think!"

"Sister, it is true, you have misunderstood the holy!" Hou Qing persuaded again.

Houtu looked gloomily at Houqing, who could not pull back.

"Well, I know I can't stop you, and I will ask Gu Hai to show mercy to your men, hey!" Houtu sighed slightly.

"Pleasure? Sister, don't have to plead with the villain of Gu Hai, what is he!" Hou Qing said with contempt.

Hou Tu Niang Niang looked at Hou Qing with a complicated look. How did this younger brother become like this?

"Well, take care of yourself! I'm lazy to say you!" Houtu smiled slightly.

"Sister, I finally persuaded the Holy One. This is your chance. Don't go wrong with Gu Hai again!" Hou Qing said again.

"Wait, what are you talking about? It's hard to persuade Ji Dihong? What to persuade him?" Hou Tuxi looked at Hou Qing.

"Convince the Holy Lord to accept her sister. The Holy Lord has already said, as long as the sister goes, you can also give the sister a duke, and cat Tianyun can also, you five gods can be the duke, big deal, pick her up!" Hou Qing Said.

This ‘she’ naturally refers to Long Wanyu.

Hou Tu's eyes widened: "You, did you say that?"

"No, her matter, I did not mention, I just said that your five gods make a good relationship, and the Holy Lord let me persuade your sister! Otherwise, once soldiers meet, it will inevitably hurt you!" Hou Qing said.

Hou Tu stared at Xiang Houqing in wonder: "My safety, do you want to worry?"

"Sister!" Hou Qing said anxiously.

"Ji Dihong sent you to be a lobbyist? Persuasion to surrender me? Did you take the initiative or did he propose it?" Houtu stared.

"The Holy Lord arranged for me to receive a wind banquet, and mentioned my sister. At that time, the Holy Lord kept sighing. What if I fight with Dahan and hurt my sister? I also asked me many times if I face my sister face to face. Of course, I pleaded with the Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost was also very distressed. The Holy Ghost was sandwiched between you and me, and I did n’t know what to do for a while. At that time, Conte proposed that if you could take your sister, you would be fine. See you. Even if you do n’t do anything with your elder sister, the Holy Lord still named you the Duke. I naturally took the initiative to ask for it! Sister, listen to me to persuade, the Holy Lord is definitely Mingjun! ”Hou Qing said again.

Houtu looked at Hou Qing, and he was in a daze for a long time, and then he looked complex and smiled bitterly.

"What's wrong, sister?" Hou Qing asked.

"Why do you have your unlucky brother, stupid is beyond hope, can't you see that this is a deliberate attempt by Ji Dihong? Did you take the initiative to ask for help?" Houtu looked bitter.

Hou Qing was depressed. I kindly save you, why am I stupid?


"I remember, you weren't so stupid before, now, have you been kicked by a donkey?" Houtu said depressed.

"Sister!" Hou Qing was depressed to vomit blood.

"Well, I said a long time ago that you can't have a high-mindedness, you're just ordinary, at least, when others count you, you don't take pride in thinking that you are great!" Houtu sighed.

"Sister, what's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? What is that ancient sea thing? An emperor dynasty, a person who hasn't been connected to Tiangong's great consummation! You are so optimistic about him? It's because of the dragon ..." Hou Qing called Road.

But when he was about to lift Long Wanyu, Houtu stared suddenly: "Shut up!"

Hou Qing's voice stopped.

"Houqing, I do n’t care about you, I ca n’t control it. I ’m dead or alive in the Dahan Emperor. I do n’t need you to control it, just as you were about to say, if you dare to leak, do n’t recognize My sister, heaven and earth, **** and grave, I will kill you with all my strength, endlessly! "Houtu Lu said coldly.

After seeing her sister's cold eyes, Hou Qing was agitated.

"If you don't say it, don't say it!" Hou Qing said depressed.

"Well, that's all for now, and I wish you every step up, so let's do it! Oh!" Houtu sighed.

"Sister!" Hou Qing shouted in depression.

Houtu is flicking his sleeves, leaving Houqing alone and leaving.

It was also the moment Hou Qing was leaving.


Above the West Sea, a huge wave suddenly set off. Then, a super-large enchantment enveloped the entire area of ​​the West Sea.

"What? Hou Qing, you want to use force against me?" Hou Tu stared at Hou Qing with a sharp stare.

"Ah? I, I don't know!" Hou Qing's face also changed.

Not prepared by Hou Qing? Houtu suddenly sank.

But at this moment, a sound of laughter came suddenly from the distance.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Hou Tu Niang Niang, I haven't seen you for many years, don't come here!" A thick alto came.

"Dragon King of the East China Sea, Aoying?" Houtu sank.

But at this moment, above the surface of the sea, three figures slowly flew out.

Aoying, Xiong You, Feng Bo!

The rhubarb dynasty, three peerless powerhouses in the Heavenly Palace. The three appeared and blocked the road where Houtu was leaving.

"You!" Hou Qing's face changed, a little angry.

"I've seen Feng Zonggong!" The three of them saluted at the same time.

At this ceremony, the called Hou Qing was relieved for a while, and most of the anger just disappeared.

"Why do you three follow me?" Hou Qing stared.

"Feng Zonggong forgives me. I understand that your sister and brother are deeply affectionate. You ca n’t bear to hurt the mother-in-law. If you can persuade Houtu Niangniang, if you can discourage it, it ’s a pity. Houtu Niangniang does n’t seem to be aware of the situation at hand. You kindly persuade but do n’t appreciate it, so let ’s follow along. When he returns to the North, he will pay for his crimes! "Feng Bo cried.

Hou Qing was completely dissipated at this moment, and he could only smile with a bitter smile: "I am incompetent and disappoint the Holy Ghost!"

"No, Feng Zonggong only values ​​empathy. The most important thing in the Holy Spirit is the people who value love and empathy. I am worried that Feng Zonggong cannot save the Empress Dowager because of love and affection, so I sent three people to help Feng Zonggong! "Feng Bo said.

"Hahaha, what a clumsy excuse, love is right? Send you and three people to help? What to help?" Houtu's lungs exploded at the moment.

Although he hated Hou Qing, his younger brother was angered by others.

Feng Bo looked at Houqing and said: "We have set up an enchantment. In order to prevent unnecessary harm to Hou Tuniang in the future, why don't we invite Hou Tuniang to Xuanyuan City together?"

Hou Qing frowned slightly, although it was not her sister's original intention, but her sister had been deceived by the ancient sea. At this moment, she could only be her brother's rescue sister.

In the end, Hou Qing nodded.

"Houqing, I won't go, you won't forcibly tie me to Xuanyuan City with them, right?" Houtu exasperated.

"Sister, I don't want to do anything, don't embarrass me!" Hou Qing said bitterly.

Hou Qing's attitude has been made clear. He really wants to force the Hou Tu Niangniang to go to Xuanyuan City.

"Sin barrier! In these years, I have raised you in vain! You asked me to meet alone, just to trap me?" Houtu depressed.

At this moment, one of the four heavenly palaces besieged himself? This place is remote, and there is endless distance from the mainland. Others don't even know where they are. Moreover, there is also the help of formation. Will I be planted under the foolishness of Hou Qing today? This evil barrier, this brother. How can I spread such an unlucky brother?

"Sister, you are now confused, and you will thank me later!" Hou Qing still repented.

After Earth: "...............!"

While Feng Bo, Ao Ying and Xiong Youzheng were happy, a voice came from behind the enchantment.

"Meow, Houtu, our five gods, you are the oldest and most thoughtful, but planted in the hands of your stupid brother, it is incredible, ha ha ha ha ha!" Cat Tianyun laughed loudly from outside the bounds.

"Um? Sister, you didn't come alone?" Hou Qing was surprised.

Xiong You, Ao Ying, and Feng Bo also lost their countenance.

Houtu's eyes brightened.

But I saw five figures standing outside the enchantment at this moment. Shangguanhen, Ancient Han, Long Wanqing, Mao Tianyun, Kong Xuan. Da Han Emperor is facing the great consummation of Heaven Palace.

"Hou Tu Niang Niang, the husband heard that you met Hou Qing and was worried about your safety. That's why we are here to follow you. It's rude, forgive me!" Long Wanqing gave a slight gift.

"Meow, it wasn't me who complained, it was Gou Chen, but I scolded him, but now it seems that I swear it wrong. Compared with Gou Chen's obnoxiousness, Houqing hates this! Cried Cat Tianyun.

"Thank the emperor, how can I blame it!" Houtu smiled slightly.

At this moment, there is no need to worry about Houtu.

The six heavenly palaces of one's own side were successfully completed. There are four opponents, and the ending is self-evident.


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