Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 13: Long Aotian's request


Kong Xuanyi stepped out, and the enchantment above the West Sea burst into pieces.

The enchanted soil was broken from the outside, but it was vulnerable.

The arrival of Long Wanqing made Feng Bo and others look pale, but not desperate.

Feng Bo looked at the crowd and looked around.

"Oh? Gu Hai didn't follow him?" Feng Bo suddenly opened his eyes.

"What if my husband isn't here? By yourselves, I want to stay behind, too?" Long Wan said coldly.

"Sister, don't be obsessed!" Hou Qing cried immediately.

Houtu glared at Houqing: "Houqing, do yourself a favor!"

Then, Houtu flew towards Long Wanqing.

"Stop!" Bear glared, blocking Houtu for a moment.

"Haha, big bear, I practice with you?" Kong Xuan stared, and a six-colored ray of light rushed away.

The nether shattered instantly, and the six-colored Shenguang came to Xiongyou in an instant.

The bear's face sank and he slammed it with his palm.


With a loud noise, the void shattered countlessly, and the West Sea set off a huge wave.

"Houqing, what are you still doing, stop Houtu soon!" Feng Bo suddenly called.

"But!" Hou Qing was anxious.

"Don't worry, the Holy Spirit will come right away, and after a while, they won't be able to leave any of them!" Feng Bo cried.

"Okay!" Hou Qing's eyes lightened, and she suddenly rushed back to the earth.

On the other side, Shangguan marks flew to Ao Ying instantly.


The two monster races collided, and the void and black hole became larger.

Houqing stopped Houtu and let him down for a while.

"Hou Qing, one day, sooner or later, you will be stupid!" Hou Tu's expression was resentful.


Cat Tianyun came to Feng Bo in an instant.

Not only the cat Tianyun, Long Wanqing, the ancient man also surrounded Feng Bo instantly.

Feng Bo's face changed. Take one to three?

Are these people making appointments?

"Meow, Feng Bo, I found out that this is your worst!" Cat Tianyun stepped suddenly, and the Quartet suddenly rolled up a sky-high fire.

"After your mother, be careful not to hurt yourself. Feng Bo can give it to me and Cat Tianyun!" The ancient man said.

Folding his hands together, the ancient Han suddenly emerged a large merit light wheel. The palms stretched out, and within the palm of the Buddha, bursts of Buddha sounds were heard.

"No, don't care so much at this time, kill Feng Bo as fast as possible, and go all out! Don't show mercy!" Long Wanqing said coldly.

Ji Dihong was going to kill Dahan's power after he was gone. Long Wanqing was one of the emperors of Dahan, and naturally understood that hurting ten fingers was better than breaking one finger.

Without hesitation at all, Long Wanqing's hand waved eighteen Minghe rivers and threw it towards Fengbo.


Feng Bo rolled up tornadoes around him, but is he comparable to the three great strengths of the Heavenly Palace? Styx River, Fire Dragon, Buddha in the palm of your hand.

Almost instantly greeted the tornado around Feng Bo.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Feng Bo's face flushed in the tornado center, apparently injured.

The ten successful battles in the Heavenly Palace were so huge that they almost detonated the world almost instantly, and the void shattered countlessly.

The world of Shenzhou was shocked by the peerless powerhouses.

"Why didn't God come?" Ao Ying said anxiously.

Ao Ying could not help Shangguan marks for a while. Xiong You couldn't help Kong Xuan. Kong Xuan's combat effectiveness was extremely amazing. Although he had just completed the Heavenly Palace, he had already shot more than a hundred times in a short time, and even got a mouthful.

A black wind crazily bear.


The bear yelled, a mighty power blocked Kong Xuan's engulfment, but a five-colored divine light burst out a lot of flesh on the back.

the other side.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Another three consecutive batters, hitting Feng Bo's body heavily.


Feng Bo's blood spewed out. Obviously, under the combined attack of the three men, he couldn't hold on.

The time is not long. The battle lasted only 20 breaths, but the time for 20 breaths is enough for the Great Perfection of Heaven to cross the land of Shenzhou.

"Go, hurry!" Feng Bo dare not stubborn.

After being struck hard three times, Feng Bo finally broke out of the encirclement, but the price was also extremely tragic, and Feng Bo's whole body bones were broken.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Ao Ying and Xiong You also were struck hard, and suddenly fled Feng Bo towards the distance.

"Sister, you will regret it!" Hou Qing screamed depressively before she fled.

"My last regret is to have a younger brother like you!"

"Meow, where do you run!" Cat Tianyun has to stop.

"Don't chase it, we shouldn't stay here for a long time, let's go!" Long Wanqing said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

"call out!"

The crowd turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

"Nearly! Meow! Let's fight hard just now to stop Feng Bo!" Cat Tianyun said depressed.

"It's too late, the husband just helps us hold on for so little time, once Ji Dihong kills, it's dangerous!" Long Wanqing explained.

"That Fengbo is really good luck! Two more strikes together will kill you, but ..." Cat Tianyun said depressed.

"Relax, he's not much better. Before leaving, Sister Chen gave me something. When I shot just now, I already broke into Feng Bo!" Long Wan laughed.

"Oh?" Everyone froze slightly--

Xuanyuan City. Chao Tang Great Hall entrance.


Xiong You, Ao Ying, Feng Bo, and Hou Qing fell on the square.

"What's going on, didn't the Holy Lord say that they would answer us? Why didn't the Holy Lord come?" Ao Ying wondered.


Feng Bo spit against blood again.

"Feng Bo, how are you?" Xiong You put his palm against his back, and a force poured into Feng Bo's body.

"No, the blood spit out by Feng Bo is blue. He's poisoned?" Ao Ying's face changed.


Xiong You suddenly burst into blood, his face suddenly turned blue.

"I, I have been poisoned, poisoned? This is contagious poison!" Xiong You exclaimed.

"Gu Hai? This insidious villain, he actually poisoned?" Hou Qing suddenly exasperated.

At this time, a lot of officials gathered around to go to Fufengbo and Xiongyou.

"Don't touch them!" Cried Mr. Cangjie, who came hurriedly.

Everyone had a meal.


But at this moment, a yellow figure suddenly fell from the sky, but Ji Dihong returned.

"Holy!" Said everyone respectfully.

"Holy, the minister is incompetent!" Feng Bo suddenly said bitterly.

"Notify the Scorpio Demon and let him detoxify, quickly!" Ji Dihong's face was dull.

"Yes!" Conti immediately responded.

Ji Dihong was gloomy.

"Holy, why didn't you come ...!" Ao Ying's face was a little ugly.

Aside, Mr. Cangjie smiled bitterly: "blame me!"

"Uh?" Ao looked at Cangjie in doubt.

"I also blame that ancient sea. Guhai played a conspiracy. Just now, he went to Chi You's body. I thought he wanted to take Chi You's body out of order, so I first reported to the Holy One. That is the first priority. All four of you are in the Great Heavenly Palace, and even if you ca n’t stop it and run away, no one can stop it, but who thinks of it ...!

"Mr. doesn't need to blame himself, that's what it means!" Ji Dihong shook his head.

"Ancient sea? Did that kill the ancient sea?" Ao Ying looked at Ji Dihong.

Ji Dihong shook his head: "It is just a guise that Gu Hai left Wujiang Tian. When he walked away, he had also fled to Hell, and by now, he should have returned to Wujiang Tiandu!"

"Gu Hai? Really insidious!" Hou Qing looked resentful.

Ji Dihong looked at Hou Qing and shook his head: "This is not insidious, this is a strategy. This ancient sea seems to have insight into our ability, perhaps, we have explored Mr. Cangjie's ability!"

During his speech, Ji Dihong glanced at all his relatives, and a suspicion came to her mind.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a streamer shot in the distance, but it was a scorpion and a demon.

As soon as the scorpion and demon arrived, two scorpion tails flew out of their sleeves, and they stabbed into Feng Bo and the bear.

"It's a terrible poison. If I come later, they will be miserable!" The scorpion and demon surprised.

"Scorpion Demon, are you from near the borderless sky?" Cangjie frowned slightly at the Scorpion Demon.

"Yes, during this time, I have been dormant outside the borderless sky, what's wrong?" The scorpion and the demon faintly said.

"Then I will write to you and tell you that you have no air defense in the borderless sky. Why don't you do it?" Cangjie said coldly.

"Why should I do it?" The Scorpio Sky Demon said lightly.

Cangjie paused and stopped talking.

On the other hand, Kong Di stared and said, "So good opportunity, you have destroyed the borderless city of heaven, and the luck of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty will collapse."

"Oh, to kill Gu Hai, kill yourself, I won't play with you, you said it, I believe? Besides, do you think that there is no defense against the borderless sky? I have watched the war in the West Sea before. People, but not exhausted! "Scorpio Tianmo sneered.

"You!" Conte was depressed.

Ji Dihong didn't blame it, but said a little politely: "The scorpion and demon, Feng Bo, and the bear have poison in their body, please take care of you!"

"Rest assured, the Heavenly Demon Holy Land and the Rhubarb Heavenly Kingdom are all alliances! I naturally detoxified with all my strength, but this time the poison is worse than the last time, and I have to take a closer look!" The Scorpion Heavenly Demon said lightly.

"There is work!" Ji Dihong nodded-

West coast.

During the previous shocking battle, Long Aotian happened to be on the west coast.

After being taught by the dragon gods from the underworld in the past, he has been sorrowful, but he does not want to see such a war again today.

"Houqing? Really waste! If I get the seeds of the zombie ancestors, I will definitely be better than you." Long Aotian showed jealousy.

When everyone left, Long Aotian also flew back to the Temple of God in Lingshan.

General Chen has returned. At this moment, he is holding the wine glass in one hand, and the scroll in one hand, and is looking at the scroll comfortably.

"God!" Long Aotian cried.

"Huh?" Jiang Chen looked at Long Aotian.

"I want Houqing's zombie ancestor seed, please God to help me!" Long Aotian kneeled on one knee, respectfully.

"Houqing, the seed of the zombie ancestors?" Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and lowered the scroll slowly.


Jiang Chen looked closely at Hou Qing, his eyes changed slightly, as if thinking about something.

PS: The time is tight today, the first is ahead! Second, maybe a little later, don't blame it!


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