Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 16: Before you start

It's not that the city gate is broken, this city is yours. The strength of the Dahan emperor's army is indeed strong, and there are strong men at all levels. However, after all, there are shortcomings, too fast growth, and insufficient information.

Talent! A steady stream of management talent! This is the anxiety of the Dahan Emperor.

It's easy to break a city, not to mention the strength of the heads of the army, and the leaders of the six forces are all the ninth in the Heavenly Palace. Where can't the door be broken? Secondly, there are a large number of Dragon and Xuanwu clan.

As far as breaking the city and the army is concerned, today there is no need for too much ingenuity, and they are invincible. When the army is strong to a certain degree, some conspiracies are useless.

In addition, the town's national army went up and down, and there were many counselors. Always be prepared.

But, after breaking the city? How to compile enemy forces? How to soothe the people? How to prevent confusion? How to make the original city run as usual is the most important thing.

A city does not need to be someone. It also requires managers and officials at all levels. In this way, a city can develop in an orderly manner and it is a dynamic city.

The Dahan Emperor Dynasty is not enough in management talent.

Even with the addition of six major forces, it is impossible to take over the world.

Therefore, in order to prevent accidents, although the army dispatched troops by means of thunder, it did not go straight to the dwellings of Chaodu and Zongmen. Instead, he slowly moved towards the political center of the four major forces.

Little by little, cannibalizing cities quickly.

Even in the eyes of Kong Xuan and others, the speed is slow, but in the eyes of outsiders, it is horrible.

In one month, in just one month, one hundred and eighty cities of the four major forces have been won, and everything is cleaned up.

For a month, in addition to the masters and emperors being controlled, his subordinates, the elders of the ancestors, had a personal palpitation, and their hearts were moving.

For a month, the army of the Dahuang Tianchao came one after another. The strong also began to take over the forces of the four major forces.

Kong Xuan battlefield all the way. A long distance away, you can see the enemy camp in the distance. The original handsome flag has changed. I wrote a big word for force.

Kong Xuan stood on the high platform and looked coldly at the commander in the distance, from the Minister of the Huang Dynasty, Li Mu.

To others, it is too far apart, but for the two, they can see clearly at a glance.

"After hearing about Kong Xuan's name, one person can reach tens of millions of troops. Do you want to, or do you need other soldiers to help?" Li Mu sneered distantly.

"Oh, Li Mu? If you want to be eaten by me, you can try it yourself!" Kong Xuan sneered.

Although Li Mu did not show the mountains and water, Kong Xuan understood that he was also a minister equivalent to Feng Bo. However, Kong Xuan was not afraid because Kong Xuan was more confident than him.

Now that the good show has just begun, Kong Xuan will naturally not rush up.

"Then, sir, just willingly watch someone else kill and hide behind you?" Li Mu exclaimed.

"Do you want me to go to your barracks? Oh, do n’t bother me, it ’s no use. Why should you be angry with someone who is not as good as me? Now, I like the feeling of step by step. Looking at the city that is being collected every day, what? Unhappy? "Kong Xuan sneered.

Opposite Li Mu's face sank: "Hum, then we'll see you on the battlefield!"

Kong Xuan smiled coldly and ignored.

On the battlefield of Dragon God, a new handsome platform also appeared on the opposite side.

Above the handsome platform in the distance, Feng Bo's face was a little pale, and he looked coldly at the opposite Dragon God.

Standing next to Long Shenyi was Cat Tianyun, staring at Feng Bo in the distance without fear.

The mosquitoes were on the handsome platform, and the ancient man was aside, watching the bear on the opposite handsome platform.

Gao Xianzhi's handsome platform was also ushered in by Shangguanhen and Ao Sheng, and he looked coldly at the opponent's handsome platform, Donghai Dragon King Aoying.

It is not so easy to change the war. With the arrival of the strong emperor of the Huanghuang dynasty, for a time, the two sides began to fall into a rubber war.

But even with the rubber war, the Dahan Emperor's army was still advancing step by step.

A group of peerless powerhouses did not take action. Only the middle-level strong soldiers continue to send troops, but that is enough to break the city and the army. The Dahan Emperor's understanding of the surrounding forces is much stronger than the Dahuang Tianchao.

In this way, after another half a month, the Dahan Emperor's army won 20 cities again.

For a time, no forces participated in the war, and they watched its changes.

The Dahan emperor slowly collected the city, and also made the subjects and elders of the four hostile forces extremely frightened.

Because, in just one and a half months, I have lost a small part of the country. What would happen if I still did so?

Perhaps the Huanghuang dynasty came from across the border, but in this battle, it was found that the huanghuang dynasty was above the army, and it was actually not as good as the Dahan dynasty.

Heaven is not as good as emperor? As soon as this situation emerged, the world was uproared, but it was a fact. Dahan's growth has exceeded everyone's expectations.

The peerless powers of the two dynasties have not yet shot, and the cards of the two dynasties have not been fully exposed, but even so, countless people are already looking up.

Tiandu, the borderless city, go to the study!

The mosquitoes were ordered by the ancient sea and came quietly.

In the study room, Mo Yike, Gu Qin, Mengtai and Sima Changkong stood.

"Meet your Majesty, see Mo Shuai! The front line of the war is constantly going on, why is the call back? What about the front line?" Mosquitoist said with a hint of doubt.

Gu Hai smiled slightly. Everyone laughed in the study.

The mosquitoes face was blank: "Your Majesty, Mo Shuai, what's wrong? Am I wrong?"

"Sima Changkong, come on!" Gu Hai laughed.

"Yes!" Sima Chang nodded.

Mosquitoes looked at Sima Changkong: "Master Sima, what is the matter?"

"This month and a half, the mosquitoes have achieved good results. They scared people inside the four forces!" Sima Changkong laughed.

Speaking of war, the Mosquito smiled suddenly: "That is of course, the demon army came out, enough to break through all the cities, then what are the four major forces, where did the enemy have our army? If it was not Mo Shuai repeatedly ordered, we must slow , At this moment they have hit their Chaodu and Zongmen centers! "

"Mo Shuai asked you to slow down, but there are several layers of intentions, one of which is for you, Mosquitoist!" Sima Changkong laughed.

"Me? For me? What do you mean?" The Mosquitoist wondered.

"Your Majesty once said that those who practice‘ manipulation of the human heart ’will have a lot of grievances in your body?” Sima Changkong asked.

"Uh, yeah, did you find anyone?" Mosquito-man's eyes brightened.

"Yes, Lord Jin Yiwei of the monarch, but he monitors the world. During this period of time, the four major forces failed to retreat. Even the Huanghuang Tianchao sent troops, and it did not help. Except that their suzerain and king were controlled, there was no fear, and within them, A group of ministers and elders are extremely anxious. You are slow and win, but they have given them a powerful momentum. This momentum has made them breathless, terrified, and Jin Yiwei's goodbye stitches. Among them, they are already willing. I have come to my Dahan Emperor's dynasty. Similarly, there is something to be said about the 'manipulation of the human heart'! "Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Really?" Mosquito surprised.

"Still Dahong!" Sima Chang said quietly.

"Dahong? Isn't he dead? I still sucked the flesh!" Mosquito frowned.

"To be precise, it is a replica of Dahong. In the past, Jiang Lianshan helped Ji Dihong to reproduce some of Dahong's replicas. These replicas are naturally inferior to Dahong himself, only the fifth-largest repair in the heavenly palace! But , Their mentality is not much different from Dahong. So they can cultivate 'human mind control', but the power is naturally not comparable to the body, and there are not many people who can control it! They must also exert their power of control constantly! "Sima Changkong solemnly Road.

"Is it determined by those ministers and elders who betrayed the four forces?" Mosquito asked.

"Yes, Dahong replica, walking between the palaces, was still seen by some ministers, the portrait has been transmitted, absolutely right!" Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Great!" The Mosquito said excitedly.

"At most another half a month, all the marshals will meet, Kong Xuan and Li Mu! Shangguanhen and Aoying! Cat Tianyun and Fengbo! The second prince and the bear have it! The war is about to happen, so here is a big mess On this occasion, I am going to let you quietly pound Huanglong and destroy the Dahong replica. "Sima Changkong solemnly said.

"Okay, okay, that's great. Thank you, Your Majesty, thank Mo Shuai, and Master Sima!" Mosquitoes were extremely excited.

Dahong's resentment, but the key to his success in the heavenly palace.

"There should not be many copies of Dahong, otherwise, you will not only control the four major forces. At that time, you should be careful, Master Mongolia will let Jin Yiwei guide you!" Sima Changkong said.

"Yes!" Said the mosquito.

"This battle roar, I need you to master the‘ human mind ’!” Gu Hai Shen cried.

"Ah? Human control? I master?" Mosquito said in surprise.

"It's not really mastered, you just need to make Ji Dihong feel that you have mastered the 'human mind control'. You have to lead Ji Dihong! Lead Ji Dihong!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"This is the decisive battle?" Mosquito said blankly.

"Not yet. These are not Ji Dihong's hole cards. It is still early in the decisive battle, but, taking this opportunity, it is time to take back Chi You's body!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Uh, yes, the minister is waiting for dispatch!" The mosquito Taoist answered.

"This time, the Yellow Emperor is not good at all, and he is definitely planning new methods, so we must hurry up and let all the dust settle before their new methods are unleashed!" Said Gu Haishen.

"Yes!" Everyone answered,-

Dasao Tianchao.内 Inside the temple.

Inside the hall stood Xingtian and Houyi, looking at the dragonfly on the dragon chair together.

I held a letter in my hand and carefully watched it again and again.

"Holy, letter from Emperor Dahan?" Xing Tian curiously asked.

"Gu Hai is about to get started. He is going to capture Chi You's body and let him cooperate with him. Hehe, this method is good, just to see if he can succeed!" Wu Dandan said.

"Oh? It's time to start?" The two eyes brightened.

PS: Pico Cavern, will break out tomorrow and break through the levels!

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