Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 17: Fighting between the heroes

Half a month passed in a flash!

Xuanyuan City.

Ji Dihong stood at the entrance of Shangshangfang and looked coldly at the battlefield in the distance.

"Feng Bo, Xiong You, Ao Ying, and Li Mu them, and finally have a great decisive battle with a group of heavenly palaces of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty?" Ji Dihong stood indifferently, faintly.

A group of courtiers stood behind him.

"Yes, Holy, the Emperor Han Dynasty occupied the right place at the right time, but it is still today! It is weaker than we think!" Kong Di laughed.

Ji Dihong shook his head gently: "This is the rhythm that Mo Yike deliberately controlled!"

"Intentionally controlled rhythm? Are they dragging time?" Conte was surprised.

"It's okay, too. During this time, I completely persuaded the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, and cooperated with Rhubarb to destroy the Dahan Emperor's dynasty in one fell swoop!" Ji Dihong looked firm.

"Ah? They are willing to cooperate?" Conte smiled.

Ji Dihong looked at the distant battlefield and frowned slightly. "However, he always felt like there was something wrong?"

"Holy God is worried about Shoushi, not born? Sacred God need not worry, Shoushi? Oh, if he shot, Chen can deal with him!" Cangjie laughed.

Ji Dihong nodded, but his brows did not loosen.

"Holy, you are too careful about that ancient sea!" Conte laughed.

Ji Dihong nodded: "I hope!"

"Boom ~~~~~~~!"

In the distant battlefield, a loud noise came, but the distant Shangtian Temple was completed, and the first battle was started.


Sky without borders. Soaring to the mouth of the palace.

Gu Hai also looked into the distance with his ministers.

Without using the eye of the sky, the ancient sea mobilized Qi Yun Jinlong, and a little golden light was released in Qi Yun Jinlong's eyes, and all the scope of the Dahan Emperor's Dynasty could be clearly seen.

In the distance, the territory captured is Dahan's territory, and the front battlefield is also in the sight of the lucky golden dragon.

Between the waves of the ancient sea, Qiyun Jinlong will see the picture, which is arranged in front of the ministers with Qiyun. Immediately let everyone see everything on the battlefield.

"Your Majesty, everything is in order, and it is within our calculations. Only Ji Jihong, the gods are successful, and his strength is outstanding, Your Majesty ...!" Mo Yike was worried.

"Rest assured, I have my own coping!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Yes!" Mo Yike nodded.

Although everything was arranged, after all, there was still some worry.

Right now.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~!"

A loud noise came from the battlefield, and everyone looked at the battlefield together.


That was the battlefield of Kong Xuan.

Following the half-month battle, the Dahan Emperor again took down 50 cities, and the handsome teams of the two armies slowly came face to face.

A huge desert land.

Kong Xuan stepped on the handsome platform, the ‘Kong’ banner slammed in the wind, and Dahan ’s army was expelled behind him, one by one.

On the other side, Li Mu also stepped on the handsome platform. The banner of the word ‘Li’ was hunting in the wind. Behind them were the rhubarb army and the army of the four major forces.

"After all, you meet, Kong Xuan, you are really slow!" Li Mu sneered.

"Who is losing in a row?" Kong Xuan coldly said.

"It's useless to say more, Kong Xuan, see you!" Li Mu said coldly.

"I think so!" Kong Xuan coldly said.

"The whole army is obedient, kill!" Li Mu sang loudly.

"I am invincible, kill!" Kong Xuan shouted.

While drinking, Li Mu and Kong Xuan rushed towards each other at the same time. The two flew tall at the same time, and did not use weapons. One of the simplest punches came.

Li Mu stared and punched, and a violent black bull phantom suddenly appeared in the void.

"Oh ~!"

The black bull lifted up the sky, and seemed to bring a force to suppress the world. With the punch of Li Mu, the void was suddenly shattered by the black bull's shadow and smashed into the hole.

"It turns out that you are a bull monster." Kong Xuan showed his face.

"Oh ~!"

A huge peacock's shadow, with a fierce evil, followed by Kong Xuan's fist slamming, the peacock hissing, the void suddenly shattered a large space.

Two fierce fists collided as they approached the starry sky.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Hitting it hard, the stars burst instantly. A large galaxy was destroyed under this punch.

Below, the two armies were also roaring and fighting.


This is the first army fighting.

Where the second army was, Feng Bo and Mao Tianyun also fought with the army.

"Where's the Dragon God? At this time, I'm hiding behind you, Mao Tianyun, are you really surrendering to Dahan Emperor?" Feng Bo sneered while fighting against Mao Tianyun.

"Meow, surrender? I don't submit to anyone, it's not you who are harming you, you want to harm the back soil, I'm just to give back soil to me, meow!" Cat Tianyun glared.

"It's fair for Houtu to discuss? Why didn't she come and you are so active? You wouldn't look after her? But it's not bad, Houtu still has charm. How many people want to marry her to climb high branches!" Road.

Cat Tianyun is showing his fangs: "It's not my turn to tell you what's wrong, and no one wants to stigmatize the earth, Feng Bo, you've made me angry, meow, dry spring!"


Cat Tianyun's fire seemed to carry a pinkish color, rushing towards the wind-wrapped wind.

Third Army.

Ancient Han folded his hands: "The infinite Buddha!"

The ancient Han was surrounded by a lot of light, and beside him stood the Liansheng Buddha and Zibai Buddha, the third Buddha came out, thousands of miles of Buddha sound, and the immense amount of Buddha light was sprinkled to the opposite army.

"Boy, dare!" The bear roared.

With one palm shot, there was only one huge bear paw in the world.

"As the palm of God!" Detective Gu Han struck.

"Boom ~~~~~~~!"

The Third Army suddenly started fighting.

The Fourth Army also fought at this moment.

Gao Xianzhi was guarded by a group of powerful men, and Shangguanhen and Aosheng were soaring into the sky.


Ao Ying waved his hand across the face, and a nearly ten thousand blue dragon emerged from behind. The dragon's pupils were white, exuding an air of antiquity. As soon as the Qing dragon came out, it was overwhelming.

"This is, Zulong? The body of Qinglong?" Ao Sheng's face changed.

Qinglong's body, obtained from the corpse mound world, is now stunned by Ao Ying's chemical composition, and when it appears, it emits a mighty power.

"The situation is tough, Ao Sheng, can you stand it?" Shangguanhen asked.

Ao Sheng said to Lu Senhan: "Rest assured, Zulong's body, although overbearing, but after all, died early, I try!"

Ao Sheng yelled, and suddenly, he was a black dragon with a body of four thousand feet, the surface of the black dragon, but at this moment it was strange and glaring.

"Huh? Didn't you get the North Sea Dragon God, the West Sea Dragon God, and the South Sea Dragon God? Why, is the light of your gods blue?" Ao Ying was surprised.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~!"

Ao Sheng shouted from the sky.

Under Changxiao, the body is still four thousand feet, but the body surface is covered with a thousand feet of blue dragon virtual shadow package, its shape is exactly the same as the ancestor's body opposite.

"Dragon Ball of Zulong? Do you have Dragon Ball?" Ao Ying screamed suddenly, then her eyes showed greed.


Ao Sheng roared and rushed over.

"Hahaha, I've been looking for it. It turned out that you, Zulong's Dragon Ball, you don't deserve it, that's mine!" Ao Ying roared excitedly.


The corpse of Zulong roared and rushed towards Ao Sheng.

Ao Ying also rushed over to **** Zulong and Dragon Ball. But at this moment ushered in a Jin Chancan fist. Ao Ying stared and punched.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~!"

The void shattered countlessly.

Ao Ying stood up and looked at the Shangguan mark on the opposite side.

"Now, your opponent is me!" Shangguanhen sneered.

In a sneer, he dared to the past again.


From the sky to the ground, the four armies, their respective commanders, fought.

The eight heavenly palaces were completed, opened and closed, and there was no conspiracy, but they fought with all their strength. Under the watchful eyes of the whole world, fierce fighting began.

Gu Hai and Ji Dihong looked away from each other in the battle of supervision.

The fierce battle was also the first comprehensive war between the Dahan Emperor and the Huanghuang Heavenly Dynasties. This battle is for the people of the world, not only their respective strengths, but also their respective prestige in the world.

This battle determines who is the first in the world!


Under the chaotic battlefield, there is an undercurrent.

Daming Reign, one of the four forces controlled by the hearts of the Emperor Huang.

With the two months of war, only a quarter of the city under the control of the Emperor Daming was missing, and his luck was seriously lost. Not to mention the imperial dynasty. insufficient.

At this moment, the elders of the Ming Dynasty were anxious.

Ten people stood at the top of a mountain outside the Ming Dynasty.

They are: Mosquito Taoist, Dragon God Clan, Da Ri Ru Lai, Hou Tu Niang Niang, and the six descendants. The six descendants were the masters of the six powers, all of which are in the eighth and ninth places in the Heavenly Palace. Cultivate, all peerless masters.

Today, a group of people who came to 'sneak attack' the Daming Sect, who was almost out of luck, was almost crushed.

"Your Majesty is too careful. Our group of people, when they go to Daming Zong, still have to attack? The army sent troops around, this Daming Zong headquarters must be extremely empty, are we too luxurious?" The Mosquito laughed.

Dragon God, however, shook his head: "The mosquitoes, I find that you are not as cautious as before!"


"You were before, but everything was ahead!"

"Hahaha, that was a lonely man in the past. Be careful of everything, but now it is different. What do I worry about leaning against this mountain?"

"But you never thought, why did your Majesty send us to follow? Even the two heavenly palaces were completed!"

"Uh?" The mosquito stunned, and then his face changed.

Mosquitoes were just proud, not stupid. Dragon God woke up a little, and suddenly his face sank: "You mean, Ji Dihong is also guarding us, may there be an ambush here?"

"Ji Dihong also has a group of conspirators. You and I can think of it. Ji Dihong must also think that His Majesty and Ji Dihong seem to have used their own means. In fact, they are still fighting with a knife and a sword. Anything tricky! "Dragon God chanted Shen.


"The composition of the power on the bright side can be thought of by His Majesty, and Ji Dihong can be thought of. Ji Dihong can be thought, and His Majesty can be thought of. Therefore, in many cases, various undercurrent layouts are open to both. It's fighting for strength, just like Ji Dihong already ambush here now, and Her Majesty understands the ambush, so he has already prepared us to accompany you! Do you understand? "Long Shenzhen explained.

Mosquito smiled bitterly: "Well, stupid people will be cleverly calculated, clever and clever, there will be no secrets. What else can there be besides competing power?"

"They can also have their own means of concealment. What cards they hide are unknown to each other, so that they can be surprised!" Explained Dragon God.

The mosquito nodded.

"Well, let's hurry up!" Hou Tu Niangniang said.

"Okay, let's go!" The mosquito Taoist's face sank and he answered.

A group of ten people, as the mosquitoes walked, walked towards Da Mingzong.

PS: This is the first update, there are two more today!

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