Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 18: Three more battlefields

Emperor Mingzong, with strange formations and powerful power, can be huge, but in the face of the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace, it is unbeatable!


With a big palm, Shouzong burst into a burst.

"What!" Suddenly, a large number of disciples of Daming Sect rushed out.

As soon as the mosquitoes waved their hands, the overwhelming black mosquitoes spread all around instantly, no matter who they were, they were instantly drowned by the black mosquitoes.

"That's a mosquito!" Someone cried suddenly.

"There!" A different voice came suddenly. But it is the internal response of the Ming Dynasty.

The crowd flew towards a hall immediately.

Those who came to resist could not resist at all, and when Da Ri came waving a storm in his hand, he rushed out all the people who resisted.

"Who dares to come to my Damingzong wanton!" A man in a yellow robe shouted.

"Sovereign, is the Dahan Emperor!" Someone cried immediately.

The emperor of the Yellow Robe Daming stared: "The people of the Emperor Zhu of the Ming Dynasty, the Emperor urgently needs help, please raise your right hand to help me break the enemy!"

Fortune cloud sea whirled for a while, Long Yin Xiaotian. It seems that the power of the remaining people will be mobilized.

However, the dragon **** rushed forward.

"How much strength can you borrow from your remaining luck? Broken!" Dragon God narrowed his eyes and shot with a single palm.

His palm was too fast, and his eyes approached.

Some people's forces have already poured into the main body of the Daming Reign, and in a hurry, they can only be greeted with one hand.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

With a loud noise, the entire Sifang Hall was instantly blown up.

After all, the power of Long Shenyi was too great, and it immediately suppressed the Emperor Daming.

"That's him!" Exclaimed Nei Ying, pointing to a black robe man in the distance.

"Sin barrier, dare you rebel?" Daming Sovereign said angrily.


The billowing black mosquito rushed to the black robe man in the distance.

The black robe man's hat was lifted, and Dahong's face was immediately exposed, and Dahong's replica eyes instantly became red.

"Don't look into his eyes!" The Mosquito exclaimed.


The rolling black mosquito wrapped up Dahong's replicas, covering his eyes.

"Ah ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Dahong's copy screamed in pain, but it did not help at all. After all, the repair was too bad. No one else can help.

At this moment, more and more people's power enters the main body of the Daming Sect, and the strength of the Daming Sect is soaring rapidly, but even so, with the arrival of Da Riru and Hou Tu Niang Niang, everything seems insufficient.

Just when everyone felt that the winning ticket was in their grasp.

"Zhou Tian Xing Chen, I only use it. Star track, Jiulong Zhuozhu!" A loud drink sounded in the sky.

Over the top of the head, countless stars suddenly brightened up, starlights were connected in series with each other, and suddenly formed nine huge starlight fire dragons, which seemed to span time and space and reach everyone in an instant.

"Ji Dihong's ambush?" Long Shenzhen's face sank.

"I'm coming!" Hou Tu Niang hummed.

In the cold hum, the detective waved, Jiudao Tianhe emerged out of thin air, soared into the sky, and hit nine fire dragons.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The fire dragon and Tianhe collided at high altitude, and the void shattered countlessly.

"Mr. Wu Xing?" Long Shenxian sank.

Other than the Gu Hai family, no one knows who Mr. Wu Xing is. All I know is that he is Ji Dihong's subordinate, and at this moment listen to Ji Dihong's order ambush here.

Houtu's face sank: "What a starless Mr. Mobilize the power of several galaxies, Kowloon God of Fire?"

However, I saw that the tumbling nine fire dragons collided with Tianhe, and actually slowly suppressed Tianhe.

The soil on the back is cold and cold, with a wave of the probe, it is another Jiutian Tianhe soaring into the sky, forming a huge thrust at high altitude-

In the distance, Xuanyuan City.

Ji Dihong's face sank: "I understand, I know where to make you uncomfortable. Gu Hai not only sneaked into the headquarters of Damingzong, but the target was a replica of Dahongzong? Is there a traitor in Damingzong?"

"Holy, they killed Dahong's replica, and the human mind manipulated it, and it was a waste, and it took a long time to find the right person again!" Kong Di looked ugly.

"Notify Dahong replicas everywhere, and let him be careful! Try to avoid!" Ji Dihong said coldly.


Daming Reign.

The mosquitoes rushed to Dahong Replica. Under the numerous black mosquitoes and their own suction, the Dahong Replica turned into a human skin in no time. There was no sound at all.

The Emperor Daming became more and more powerful, but at the moment when the Dahong replica was destroyed, the Emperor Daming was a spirit. It seemed as if I had fallen asleep and woke up.

"What's going on, who are you?" Exclaimed the Emperor Daming.

"Sovereign?" Everyone said in surprise.

"He's awake!" Dragon God's expression moved.

On the other side, Hou Tu Niangniang cried: "Mr. Wuxing handed it to me, you go to the next place!"

Da Riru nodded.

"The time is hasty, and the two of them are left behind to protect the damsels! And speak clearly with the Emperor Mingzong!" Long Shenxi said to the two descendants.

The two descendants, in the past, were also two emperor dynasties. At this moment, it is not difficult for the maidservant to protect the earth. Moreover, the Emperor Daming has been sober, and his attitude towards everyone must be different.

"Okay!" The two responded.

"Let's go!" The mosquito said loudly.

Da Riru came with mosquitoes, dragon gods, four descendants, and shot down to the next gate in an instant.

During the flight, the Mosquito refining a Dahong replica, the whole body is a tremor, uncomfortable.

"call out!"

Da Riru came very fast, and in just three breaths, he reached the second gate. Conte's message has not yet reached a large number of Dahong replicas.


With a single hand, Da Riru broke the Zongmen array.

The same thing happened again. However, at this moment, Da Ri came out like a wind, and was extremely fast. He instantly damaged the suzerain, and Nei Ying pointed out where Dahong's replica was.

The mosquito pounced on him. The black straw instantly pierced the body of Dahong's replica.

"Ah!" Dahong's replica screamed.

But at this moment, a black sword light, like a ghost, appeared instantly behind the mosquitoes.

"Buddha's Palm!"


Da Riru struck out with a single palm, colliding with the black sword in the void.

"Shangtiangong great consummation?" Da Rirui was surprised.

Who is this swordsman? Why has he never heard of him before?

"Dahuang Tianchao, Commander of the Dark Guard, please enlighten me from the big day!" Black Shadow stabbed again in the cold voice.

"Dark guard? Ji Dihong's secret forces are responsible for gathering the world's intelligence, assassination of the ghost guards of all foreign enemies? Dark guards like Jinyiwei and Bloodyi?" Dragon God's face sank.

"Oh!" "Boom!" ...............

The dark guard commanded the sword to be extremely tricky, assassin's skill, and powerful. Da Ri is not afraid to come, but if he wants to defeat him, he has to waste some effort.


Suddenly, a sword light fell from the sky, and the Wei Wei's sword was flew out instantly.

"Huh?" Everyone looked pale, including Ji Dihong in the distance.

But it is a cyan sword lotus blooming in the void. Above the sword lotus stands a man in white clothing wins snow. Where the man steps, the void is full of infinite sword energy.

"Wangshou Taoism, eh? He actually condensed his sword and entered the Heavenly Palace to great consummation?" Ji Dihong's face sank.

"Oh? Isn't Guhai invited to go? This ancient sea has a big face!" Cangjie's face sank.

In the distance, there is no capital in heaven.

Gu Hai sighed softly, and there was a touch in his eyes. When I asked you for help, I agreed without hesitation.

Heavenly Temple complete? I won the master ’s Kendo and completely condensed the sword spirit. Now in Wanshou Taoism, besides Yuanshi Tianzun, I am the strongest being.

At this moment when encountering the commander of the dark guard, I naturally sent out a sword.

"Your seventh spirit, isn't it the sword spirit?" He looked at Commander of the Dark Guard with a slight confusion.

"Sword soul? Sword soul doesn't exist. How can you condense?" Commander Wei Wei surprised.

"Well, since it's not sword spirit, you don't deserve to see my Kendo!"


The sword qi around disappeared instantly. Jianlian at the foot also suddenly disappeared, looking coldly at the commander of the opposite Weiwei.

"Thank you, Master Qinglian!"

"I promised the ancient sea, and helped him stop a great consummation in the Heavenly Palace, just stop it, you go!" Faintly said.

"Yes!" The mosquitoer sucked a Dahong replica again.

"Two, please help you Master Qinglian!" Dragon God looked at the two descendants.

"No!" Faintly said.

"Okay!" Dragon God nodded.

"Go!" Da Riru waved.

"call out!"

A group went to the third gate again.

"Stop!" Commander Anwei made a stare to stop ...


Suddenly, the two sword qi were shot from the eyes of the cymbals, directing at the eyebrow of the commander of the dark guard.



The dark guard commanded the sword to resist immediately.

On the other side, the suzerain's face sank: "What's going on, what's wrong with me?"

"Sect master! You, are you really under control?" A group of disciples were surprised.

The mosquitoes came to the third gate in an instant.

Dairi Rulai is about to take a shot.

"call out!"

A huge long whip came straight towards the big sun, but it was the stump of a scorpion and a demon.

"It's you again?" Da Riru punched.


The emptiness shattered countlessly. Scorpion tail did not poison Da Riru, but Da Ri Ru grabbed the scorpion tail and slammed it.


A huge scorpion was smashed into the ground suddenly.

Suddenly, the thousands of scorpions became black robes.

"What's the matter, Da Ri Ru comes, aren't you afraid of my poison?" The scorpion and sky demon exasperated.

"Your poison has been thoroughly studied by Mr. and Mrs. Gu's, naturally it is useless to me!" Da Riru sneered.

"Hurry up!" Da Riru drank.

"it is good!"

A group of people rushed into the gate. Soon, the third Dahong replica was seized. The Dahong replica seemed to want to escape, but unfortunately, in front of the mosquitoes, it could not escape at all. Others stopped the suzerain here. Soon, the Dahong replica was sucked into the abdomen by the mosquitoes, and the mosquitoes were shaking.

"Two, stay for Da Riru to protect the Fa!" Long Shenzhang looked at the two descendants.

"Good!" The two descendants answered.

The power of the scorpion and the demon is arrogant. Although the poison is useless to Da Ri Nu Lai, but the strength is somewhat suppressed.

"Don't worry about me, you go to the next place!" Cried Da Riru.


Mosquitoes, dragon gods, and two descendants pounced on the last imperial dynasty.

At this moment, the breath on the human body surface of the mosquito tract becomes different, as if breaking through to the heavenly palace at any time.

"It's almost there, it's almost there!" The mosquitoes saw an excited ecstasy in their eyes.

In the distance, Xuanyuan City.

"The breath of the mosquitoes' body surface is a precursor to the great completion of the heavenly palace? No, the purpose of Guhai is the Dahong replica? Not to destroy him, but to let the mosquitoes engulf him?" Ji Dihong's face turned sink. Realized the plot of Gu Hai.

But it was too late, because there was only one Dahong replica left.

At this moment, the mosquitoes have arrived at the fourth ambush site, where the emperor Chao Dynasty is located.

PS: The second one, and the third one later! Cavan, forcing a breakthrough, forgive me!

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