Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 20: Gu Hai vs Ji Dihong

Ji Dihong smelled a strong conspiracy! Knowing that Gu Hai must have a plan here, but it was too late.

But I saw that a group of peerless masters gradually gathered together.

For ordinary practitioners, this piece of land is far away, but for the strong consummates in the heavenly palace, is this a long way away? Just one or two breathing distances, and just one pursuit!

By coincidence, almost at the same time, all the powerful men suddenly met in a starry sky.

Feng Bo, Li Mu, Mr. Wu Xing, Ao Ying, Xiong You, Scorpio Demon, and Dark Guard commander were shocked by the same heart and felt something wrong, but everything happened too quickly, and everyone had no time to think about it.

I saw it above the starry sky. Suddenly, a void opened wide.

A super big mouth, a big mouth that swallowed the entire starry sky.

When the big mouth came out, the entire starry sky was swallowed up, including the powerful seventeen-way giants.

"What is this?" Cangjie was surprised.

Conti and others could see the starry sky because of the pictures that Cangjie had previously arranged, and all of them suddenly widened their eyes, revealing incredible colors.

"Is it the Ancient Fairy?" Kong Di said in surprise.


The big mouth suddenly slammed, and seemed to swallow all the seventeenth masters.

Swallowed up!

The entire starry sky was suddenly quiet, and the entire land of Shenzhou was also suddenly quiet.

This quietness, isn't it weird, the movement that just shook the whole world just now is gone, and everyone is gone?

"This is impossible!" Exclaimed the emperors and suzerains below.

The void was quiet, like a dream. Everyone would have thought of a dream if it had not been destroyed by the battle.

That's it, all the strong are gone?

No, there is another battlefield between the unborn and Cangjie. This battlefield has not stopped. Although the mosquitoes have disappeared, the two are still fighting. Perhaps the life division's fighting style is special, the two did not stop.

But what about previous people?


"Ancient Fairy Dome? No, Xiaoxian Dome can't bear so much destruction of the Heavenly Palace. The ancient Fairy Dome is impossible. Even if it is ten times stronger, the Ancient Fairy Doom can't hold them!" Shen said.

Ji Dihong's face was gloomy, his eyelids beating for a while: "It's not the ancient fairy's dome, it's six reincarnations!"

"Six reincarnation?" Everyone was silent.

"Yes, it looks like **** road reincarnation, they have entered the eighteenth floor of hell!" Ji Dihong Shen said.

"Isn't he eighteen floors of **** sealed by six immortals? Can't he go in again?" Kong Di exclaimed.

"There must be a special way for Gu Hai, and it is possible to open such a huge entrance at a time. He is indeed Xiao Gu, this ancient sea!" Ji Dihong's face was dull.

"But, even so, what can be done inside the eighteenth floor of hell? They may not win!" Conte comforted himself.

"No, they have one more mosquito mosquito, a mosquito mosquito in the Heavenly Palace!" Ji Dihong's face sank.

Among the peerless powerhouses, the Dahan Emperor had another mosquito-like person, just like the last straw that overwhelmed the camel.

"Holy, not only that, but the mosquito was swallowed before it seemed as if the eyes had turned red!" Cangjie recalled.

Ji Dihong's face sank, and he suddenly closed his eyes and quickly remembered.

When I closed my eyes, the previous picture seemed to be replayed in my head, and I suddenly saw the last mosquito.

The mosquitoes smirked, their eyes turned scarlet, and the scene was exactly the same as Da Hong's "human control".

At that moment, the eyes of Kong Xuan, Shangguan Hen, Ao Sheng, Hou Tu, Mao Tianyun, Da Ri Ru Lai, and Ancient Han all looked at the mosquitoes, and everyone's eyes flashed expectation and flashed excitement. That looks as if all hope is pinned on the mosquitoes.

Everyone expects mosquitoes, they know the abilities of mosquitoes?

Mosquito eyes, isn't it ...?

"No, no wonder the mosquitoes are going to swallow the Dahong replica, and after swallowing the Dahong replica, he breaks through, because he needs the resentment in Dahong and swallows Dahong's heart, so the mosquito can also "Manipulation"? "Cangjie's face changed.

Obviously, Cangjie also instantly recalled the pictures of that moment.

Mosquitoes master the human mind? Moreover, the strong in the ancient seas still have the advantage?

The ministers suddenly got excited and thought of the endless terrible results.

"Holy?" Cangjie looked anxiously at Ji Dihong.

"Holy, you said that we also had a chance to enter the eighteenth floor of hell!" Conte said anxiously.

"It's too late! I didn't expect that Gu Hai could open eighteen floors of hell?" Ji Dihong's face was gloomy.

The ancient sea opened eighteen layers of hell, or because of the book of death and life, the rules of the four reincarnations are recorded. Although it cannot be manifested in the ancient immortal dome, it can open the four reincarnations like the pool of reincarnation. Entrance.

Just now, Guhai opened the entrance.

Between the light and flint, everyone disappeared.

焱 God temple mouth.

He stared at the ancient sea in the distance, frowning, "Is this the first step of the ancient sea? It really is strange!"

Take the mouth of the temple.

The minister stood with his hands on his shoulders, and looked with some appreciation to the ancient sea in the distance. A slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Interesting, interesting, did you deceive the whole world?"

The previous battlefields were all stopped, and the emperors and suzerains swallowed at this moment. How many people in the world are paying attention to this war is also a shock.

What happened just now? Is it Gu Hai or Ji Dihong?

All of the peerless powerhouses are gone in one shot? How could this be?

Everyone froze in their hearts.

Xuanyuan City, the court officials were anxious.

"Holy, what now?" Conte said anxiously.

Ji Dihong's eyes were stunned: "Gu Hai prepared this incident, it is really brilliant, but I have prepared!"

"Holy, just in case ...!" Cangjie was worried.

"Relax, you can't tolerate their hesitation, and I didn't expect it to be so fast. Since Gu Hai played this hand, I'll let everything end!" Ji Dihong said coldly.

Ji Dihong stepped forward.

During the steps, a lot of brilliance, an overwhelming momentum, burst out instantly.

At this moment, the land of Shenzhou, almost everywhere, suddenly felt a sense of Xuanyuan City, unconsciously looking in the direction of Xuanyuan City, although they could not see anything.

Ji Dihong stepped, just for a moment, just like a meteor falling to the ground, outside the borderless sky.

At this moment, the ancient sea of ​​the borderless sky is looking at it.

"Xian'er, Wanqing, Ji Dihong must have a second hand, remember what I told you earlier, be careful, and follow me!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"Okay!" The second woman answered.

"The people of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty, today, the dynasty of the dynasty is coming, and I beg you, Dahan, all the people in the world. By your strength, please raise your right hand and help you!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.

"Ang ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The 40,000-mile-long Jinyun, a long-suffering sound of horror, instantly passed into the Dahan Emperor's 2,300 cities.

Perhaps the newly-acquired people in the city did not take advantage of it, but there were still two thousand cities and the people raised their right hands.

Billowing strength, straight into the air to Jinlong.

Forty thousand miles carried Jinlong, suddenly dragging endless power, dived down.

Rushing into the ancient sea.


The robe of the ancient sea swelled for a while, and the power of the ancient sea instantly reached the sky.

With the power of Dahan, the ancient sea is powerful.

Dare not to stay at the entrance to the Temple of Heaven, the ancient sea rushed out of the borderless city of heaven, stepped in the void, separated by a distance, opposite Ji Dihong Yaoyao.

The ancient sea, with the potential of Dahan world, reached its extreme strength.

Ji Dihong, the gods are completed, is a higher level than the Heavenly Palace, and has even slaughtered Chiyou, a peerless powerhouse of the same level. Powerful.

Gu Hai vs Ji Dihong?

The countless wait-and-see emperors and lords, the countless powerful men in the world, were all shocked at this moment.

So fast? The Dahan Emperor Dynasty and the Huanghuang Heaven Dynasty have already begun the showdown of kings against kings?

Although shocked, the emperors and suzerains were still full of expectations. Many emperors and suzerains flew away from their respective capitals and ancestral gates and approached the periphery of the borderless sky capital to watch this impending battle.

Ji Dihong did not call any other subordinates. The ancient sea did not make people swept.

In this way, the two face to face, their respective momentum climbed to the extreme. A shocking battle is about to begin.

"Oh, ha ha ha, Gu Hai, good plan, I accidentally concealed it for you, but that's fine, without their interference, I can shoot as you like. Your two queens haven't started, but To fight for you? ”Ji Dihong looked coldly at Gu Hai.

"No, there are hundreds of billions of people to help you in the Dahan Han Dynasty. It is enough to deal with you, Ji Dihong!" Gu Hai said with confidence.

In his confidence, Gu Haihan pulled out a blood-red long knife. Killing knife!

Everyone knows that the ancient sea has four magical knives, and the slaying and slaying all have unpredictable power. What kind of sword does the ancient sea deal with?

The killing knife came out, and the scarlet light instantly penetrated the heavens and the earth. Under the dazzling light, with a terrifying killing illusion, looking at the red light world, everyone suddenly saw the killing **** and hit them unconsciously. A spirit.

"It is true that there are many people in the two thousand cities, but it also depends on whether you have the ability to withstand the power of all the people. It is impossible for the heavenly palace and those who are not great consummates to bear all the power. Do you have many people on your body? The power ca n’t be used? Only the great consummates in the heavenly palace can mobilize the strength of the people in the two thousand cities to compete with the uncle. Now, have you not come to the great consummation in the heavenly palace? ”Ji Dihong sneered.

"Huh, how do you know if you haven't?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Mouth is useless. The mosquitoes are your carefully prepared pawns. Unfortunately, as long as you die, he can't turn up the storm, so let's see how much you can do!" Ji Dihong murmured coldly Road.

In the cold voice, the detective waved.


Immediately, the emptiness of billions of mighty righteousness, the white light of righteousness, instantly stabbed the entire world, and the countless people of the thorns could not open their eyes. The endless and mighty righteousness wrapped a huge golden sword in the center and chopped towards the ancient sea.

"Xuanyuan Sword? Huh, Zhou Tianshi ~~~~~~~~!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


The killing knife cut out Zhou Tianten, but it closed the previous red light more than ten thousand times, and closed the eyes of countless people.

Heaven and earth were left with only red and white light, Xuanyuan Sword, Sword of Sword, and they collided in the sky.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

PS: This is the first update, there are two more today!

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