Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 21: Who counts who?

A large number of emperors and lords hurried to the periphery of Wudu Tiandu, suddenly their pupils shrank suddenly under the strong light, and everything was invisible. The only visible thing was endless white light and endless red light!

Ji Dihong's strength is known to all. The gods have successfully cultivated themselves. Can the ancient sea mobilize the potential to resist it? Many people feel hanging.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

A super loud noise, thousands of miles in the void, all shattered instantly.

Beyond the large black hole, while standing on the ancient sea holding the knife, Ji Dihong standing on the other hand.

The two emperors, in a duel, did not even decide the winner?

"That ancient sea can really be tied with Ji Dihong?"

"No wonder Ji Dihong is afraid of him. He can't do anything about it, even if the gods are successful?"

"The terrible Dahan Emperor, Emperor? No, this is the power of heaven?"




Countless shocking sounds rang in the Quartet. This battle almost attracted the attention of all the powerful men in Shenzhou.

One duel, evenly divided, thousands of miles of vanity, instantly shattered.

The hearts of many powerful people were shocked. In the north of Shenzhou, countless emperors and suzerainians had the idea of ​​competing with the Dahan Emperor in the past, and all of them disappeared in an instant.

Regardless of Gu Hai's strength, the group of subordinates in the Heavenly Palace has already made people look back.

Ji Dihong stood in the distance and looked far away from the ancient sea.

"Oh, your strength can actually withstand the borrowing power of two thousand cities?" Ji Dihong said coldly.

"Things in the world are not everything you want to develop!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Well, it didn't develop according to the imagination? Yes, it is true, but today, your result must be the development according to the imagination, come again!" Ji Dihong said coldly.

In the cold voice, around Ji Dihong, hundreds of millions of sword gas suddenly burst out, and the white sword gas billowed into the sky, seeming to bring all the justice in the world.

Hao Ran's righteous sword is overwhelming. It makes people feel that Ji Dihong is justice.

Ji Dihong has a strong body and righteousness, and he represents heaven.

Gu Hai, standing on the opposite side of heaven, is evil. Extremely evil. It feels like a war between righteousness and evil.

If you change people, if you see Ji Dihong's righteous aura, you may have sullen to surrender. But Gu Hai can't, Gu Hai is not afraid of Ji Dihong.

At this moment, the trend is mobilized, and the tenth day of the week is displayed. The power can already fight Ji Jihong.

"Ten Sundays!"

"Haoran righteous sword!"

The two gave out swords and swords again. For a time, the world was filled with red and white.


The swords collided again. The two did not stop this time, but one sword after another, one sword after another. Rushing to death.


The huge shock was even greater than the previous great battles in the Heavenly Palace. The void was shattered for thousands of miles, the strong light illuminated the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon changed color, and the starlight bleak.

Huge vibrations rushed straight into the galaxy, and large stars quickly shook into powder.

In order not to hurt the borderless sky, Gu Hai flew higher and higher. The higher the battle, the higher.

Ji Dihong seemed to want to fly into the stars, the two of them battled slowly into the deep sky.

I saw that the stars were in the sky, and all the stars were broken. It seems like two rounds of Hao Ri, hit each other again and again.

"Cut, cut, cut!"

The battles in the stars are getting farther and farther, and the vibrations felt on the ground are becoming less and less.

"No, not good, it's in the ancient sea!" Exclaimed an emperor.

"what happened?"

"Gu Hai flew into the stars to protect the people from harm, but what about Ji Dihong? Does Ji Di Hong care so much about Dahan's people? No, he doesn't care about Dahan's people. He is digging for the ancient sea. They Enter the starry battle, with their strength, their speed, will it be far from the end of time and space? "Said the emperor.

As soon as the emperor said, the princes and emperors around him showed surprise.

"End of time and space, beyond the Six Immortals?" Someone said in surprise.

"It's true that the ancient sea has the power of the people in the borders of the heavens and the heavens, and it can reach the sky, but once Ji Dihong is forced out of the six immortal vaults?" The emperor was surprised.

"Besides the Six Immortal Vaults, it is not the boundary of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty. Once the Six Immortal Vaults are out, the power that the people lend to Guhai will quickly drain away, and the strength of Guhai will be greatly reduced. However, Ji Dihong does not Yes, his strength is his own strength, and it will not be lost! "Someone said.

"Ji Dihong has a good plan. He is trying to force Gu Hai into nothingness and make Gu Hai unable to borrow!"

"If Gu Hai is forced out, it will be over. If he can hold his position, there is still the possibility of defeating defeat!"




Countless people showed suspicion.

The battle of Gu Hai and Ji Dihong has indeed reached the end of time and space, a place where space and time become distorted and slow.

At this moment, Gu Hai seemed to realize something.

"Ji Dihong, you dare not face me, so do you want this bad move? Nothingness? Do you think you will do whatever you want?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Here, everything is beyond your control, Guhai!" Ji Dihong sneered.


The huge sword 罡 and sword 相 collided again, and this time, without a collision, Ji Dihong worked hard to prevent the ancient sea from withdrawing the sword, otherwise, it would create the ancient sea.

Gu Hai's face sank, and she seemed to feel bad.

"It's too late, you have no way out!" Ji Dihong smiled coldly.

In a sneer, Ji Dihong showed a trace of stubbornness and slammed hard.


Under the mighty force, the ancient sea and the killing knife crashed out of the twisted star area.

The ancient sea can be avoided. Under the unloading force, it can form the radian of the receding distance, and change the direction by the radian. However, that was on the premise that there was a lot of space to display at the rear. Now, it is too late to perform.

Just in an instant, he burst out of that twisted space.

In an instant, Ji Dihong was cut into nothingness.


As I flew out of the six immortal vaults, I brought a dozen stars together, but these stars flew into nothingness and were instantly disintegrated and disappeared by the force of nothingness.

Not at all.

The surface of the ancient sea also has a large force, which suddenly leaks out strangely, just like an inflatable balloon, suddenly leaking, and the rolling golden force just dissipates in the void.

It is not the decomposition of the power of nothingness, but the realm of the Dahan Emperor's dynasty. The power of the people is useless.

"Ha ha ha ha ha, Gu Hai, is your power disappearing? Come here and see what else you can fight with your uncle, here only disintegration, only dissipation, everything will disappear, your strength dissipates, you Your physical body, your consciousness, slowly turns into nothingness, slowly dissipates, and slowly disappears! "Ji Dihong sneered.

The escape of strength did not frighten Gu Hai, but stared at Ji Dihong.

"My strength will dissipate, and your strength will not?" Gu Hai said coldly.

"I will, just, slower than you, and my power is huge, even if it dissipates, it doesn't matter. Unlike you, you are a thousand miles away!" Ji Dihong sneered.

"Nothingness? Ji Dihong, how do you calculate, nothingness does great harm to confrontation, but don't forget, nothingness does great harm to you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Well, you're still dead when you die? Your strength disappears in an instant, enough to kill you immediately. Once you kill you, you can go back to the Six Immortals. What can you do, you can only die!" Ji Di Hong sneered.

"Dead? Do you think that the sooner you die, the better it is for you, but if you don't die so well?" Gu Hai laughed.

"Huh?" Ji Dihong showed a hint of doubt.

"Nothingness? This is endless. If you want to kill me, come on, hahahaha!" Gu Hai laughed.

He slammed into Ji Dihong's sword **** in his hand and then rushed towards nothingness.

"What?" Ji Dihong's face changed.

"You want to escape? If you can't escape, just go in and die!" Ji Dihong exasperated.

"Entering nothingness is death? I know! But at least I won't die yet. If you go back to the Six Immortals, you can go back. Unless you chase after you, you wo n’t do it. You go back, and I also go back. At that time, your calculations were a shortfall! "Gu Hai laughed.

"I won't let you go back!" Ji Dihong chuckled coldly.

"Then you come and see who is taking a long time, is it Ji Jihong or you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

Ji Dihong's face sank. A sword was cut again.

"call out!"

The ancient sea flew towards nothingness again. One sword cut off.

Seeing that the ancient sea was about to disappear, Ji Dihong's heart gave birth to a sense of irritability, don't chase it. Ancient sea will return to the Six Immortals in a circle, and chase it, getting farther and farther away from the Six Immortals.

"Huh, I don't believe it, you consume too much energy, in nothingness, everything depends on accumulation, how much can you accumulate!" Ji Dihong quickly chased the ancient sea.

Run away and chase.

The fleeing people are now full of self-confidence, more and more calm, and the chasing people, the more chasing, the more anxious, the deeper their hearts.

"Run, you run again, you will be lost in nothingness, you will never go back!" Ji Dihong anxiously.

Ji Dihong felt that he was getting farther and farther from the Six Immortals Dome, and was about to lose the direction of the Six Immortals Dome. Once he lost his direction and could not find the way back, he was miserable.

"It's better than dying in your hands!" Gu Hai sneered.

Ji Dihong's face was cold and fierce, and he continued to hunt away.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

The two were in the midst of nothingness and continually chasing and killing. The strength of Guhai did indeed drop countlessly. Only parrying was done, but parrying was enough.

Ji Dihong believes that Gu Hai can not persist for too long, after all, the power of nothingness is too scary. What Ji Dihong didn't know was that Gu Hai was not weakened by the force of nothingness at the moment. On the contrary, this endless force of nothingness was the source of strength of Guhai.

PS: This is the second and third!

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