Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 22: Under war

This is the third more! ——

Six Immortal Domes, Shenzhou Land!

Ji Dihong played against the ancient sea, and how many strong players are paying attention, but the two are too strong and too fast, even if the speed in the battle, not many people can compare. However, there are also some strong men who have already flew into the stars, or have special abilities, and can see above the starry sky, the end of time and space.

Ji Dihong and Gu Hai's final blow, everyone can see clearly, as long as there are six immortals, Gu Hai will be dead!

Even with all kinds of expectations before, in the end, I went out.

At the moment of going out, countless strong men exclaimed, and at the same time, when they looked at the borderless city of heaven, they all showed a pity.

Because, out of the six immortal vaults, it indicates that the ancient sea was defeated.

Of course, this is just the opinion of many people, and the specific results are still unknown.

Long Wanqing and Chen Xian'er looked at each other. There was a flash of worry in the eyes of the second daughter, but the ancient woman had already explained it before. The second daughter was not too anxious because Gu Hai had said that he and Ji Dihong would enter nothing in.

Xuanyuan City.

Conte and others were overjoyed.

"Hahaha, the ancient sea is dead. After six immortal vaults, the power of luck is useless. Even if there is a big means, it is not a holy opponent!" Kong Di said excitedly.

Everyone was excited. As if this victory has been set.

The battle between Cangjie and the unborn was not over, but at this moment Cangjie also secretly sighed.

"Perhaps, there is no need for the arrangement over there, and the Holy Spirit can already hold the ticket!" Cangjie smiled slightly.

"The arrangement over there? What arrangement?" Conte curiously.

Cangjie shook his head without explanation. Just a flick of my finger, a blue circular light curtain suddenly appeared in front of me, but in the center of the blue light curtain, there was a small red dot.

"What? Impossible!" Cangjie exclaimed suddenly.

Looking at the light curtain, there was a sudden state of dysfunction, and at this moment of dysfunction, no one in the distant place caught the opportunity and suddenly urged Dafa to act on Cangjie.

"Oh!" Cangjie burst out of blood.

"Mr. Cangjie, how are you?" Kong Di said in surprise.

Cangjie stabilized his body and shook his head: "I'm okay, I just divided a god, and was attacked by an unborn person a little bit, no big deal!"

Cangjie is not a big deal, but the whole person stares at the light curtain in front of them, for a moment, they are out of focus.

Conte looked curiously at the blue light curtain: "This is a map of Shenzhou? This little red dot is the Bagua Mountain? Where is the seal Chi You's body? What happened?"

Cangjie shook his head. No explanation. Fear of messing up with the ministers.

The blue light curtain is a map of Shenzhou. The red dot is not a Bagua mountain, but corresponds to a person, and that person should have been out of the six immortals. Why is he still on the land of Shenzhou?

"How can this be? Ancient sea, ancient sea is really weird, holy, fortunately, you have to arrange carefully beforehand, otherwise .... Well, fortunately, there is a holy hand of the Holy Lord!" Cangjie sighed slightly.

Bagua Mountain, located in the west of Chiyou City in the past, is a heavy fog. Inside sealed a part of Chi You's body.

At this moment, not only Cangjie glanced over and seized the mouth of the temple. General Chen's eyes also looked over.

"Long Aotian, you asked me, I can give you the answer now, you can go to the seal of Chi You to see!" Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"Yes, thank God!" Long Aotian excited.

Bagua Mountain! Outside the fog.

At this moment there was a man wearing a black dragon robe, not someone else, but the ancient sea that the world was paying attention to.

Another ancient sea?

No, this is the body. The ancient sea fighting Ji Dihong is the skeleton clone of ancient sea.

The body is in charge of the knife. The skeleton avatar is in charge of killing the sword. Moreover, the skeleton avatar is successfully completed by the Heavenly Palace, which is broken by the force of nothingness.

No one has found that the person who previously opened the entrance to the eighteenth floor of Hell is the ancient sea ontology that no one has noticed.

Everyone is concerned about Gu Hai's skeletal avatar, but they don't know the real culprit here.

The ancient sea ontology reached under the Bagua mountain.

Today, almost all the elites on Ji Di Hongming have been pinned down, and even Ji Dihong has been pinned down. For Gu Hai, the Bagua Mountain at this moment is the most empty time.

Chi You's body was suppressed here.

Although this older brother forced himself to worship his brother in the past, he has always been good to his brother, and would rather save himself as an enemy of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land. How can we forget each other?

Gu Hai stood at the mouth of the fog, watching all the battles in the sky, and there was a firmness in his eyes.

Regardless of the trap in front of you, Chi You's body must be taken back!


Turning his head, Gu Hai stepped into the fog without hesitation, and stepped into the trap of Ji Dihong without hesitation.

There is a sacred array around here, and the two realms of yin and yang cannot cross each other again. Gu Hai has already tried it for no one, so be extra careful.

In an instant, the ancient sea disappeared into the thick fog——

Except for a very small number of people, the people of Shenzhou didn't know about the two ancient seas, and everyone's eyes were focused on the land of the borderless sky.

The seemingly peaceful borderless sky is as if waiting for the final sentence. Countless strong men now look at the great Han subjects in the heavenly capital of the borderless regions, all showing a touch of compassion, especially the ancient sea relatives.

Everyone understands that in this battle, Ji Emperor Hong Sheng will end the people in the borderless sky.

I thought it would take some time.

However, at this moment, outside the borderless sky, a man holding a Taoist man suddenly appeared, and the man was wearing a large golden robe. Rough in shape, icy looking, treading in the void.

In the limelight, it seems that it is necessary to destroy the entire borderless sky alone.

"Who is this person, who came to break through the borderless sky?"

"Is it Ji Dihong?"

"Ji Dihong has too many backhands. It is not enough to drive Gu Hai to a dead end. Still want to cut off the grass?"




Countless powerhouses showed surprise.

In the distance, Xuanyuan City, Cangjie saw the man in the golden robe, but exhaled, "Here, there is no omission in the Holy Spirit, the people of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land, after all!

"That's the person of the Heavenly Demon Holy Land? Who?" Conte curiously looked at the picture urged by Cangjie.

"Who can you say?" Cangjie laughed.

In the distance, not everyone knew the man in the robe, but someone recognized it.

"Tianmo Holy Land, ranked third, Wu hurt Tianmo! That poison maniac!" Someone exclaimed.

After screaming, he immediately covered his mouth, afraid of being heard by Wu hurt Tianmo, and ran back in horror.

Of course, Wu Shangtianmo didn't care about the noisy surroundings at this moment, but looked coldly at the skyless city in front of him.

"The third child in the Heavenly Devil's Holy Land, Wu hurt the Heavenly Devil?" Chen Xian'er sank.

After all, there are ancient Hans who knew a little about the Demon Holy Land, and reported the portraits of the Demons to the ancient sea.

Wu hurt Tianmo, the third child of Tianmo Holy Land, more than several times more powerful than the Scorpion Tianmo. Suddenly there appears to be no border in the sky. Is this Ji Dihong's second hand?

"Be careful, Wu is hurting the demon. He is the closest to the perfection of the gods among the demon holy land!" Chen Xianer said in a deep voice.

"The closest to the completion of the gods?" Long Wanqing sank.

"Yes, it's the closest. The gods can be fulfilled one step away. Xiaohan once told us to be careful. He is a scumbag, his body is inaccessible, his poison is overbearing, and he has created countless poisons. The poison is not his opponent! Moreover, listening to Xiaohan said that he still has any weird means that he has never used! "Chen Xianer explained.

Long Wanqing sank. Know that it is an extremely dangerous enemy.

Gu Qin grabbed the trap knife: "After the mother, the father has previously explained, and the son-in-law will use the trap knife to cooperate with you!"

"Good!" Chen Xianer nodded.

Outside, Wu Tiantian's demon looked coldly at Wudu Tiandu. Eventually, his eyes turned to Chen Xian'er. Looking at Chen Xianer, Wu Shangtian demoted a sneer: "The fourth child said that Wu Jiangtian has a poison master, is that you?"

In the distance, Chen Xian'er looked coldly and did not answer.

Wu Tiantian magic twisted his head and sneered: "You don't agree, it doesn't matter. After today, there will be no borderless sky. You have poisonous skills, you can do it earlier, otherwise, there will be no chance!"

After Wu Tiantian's speech was finished, a sudden burst of black poisonous gas erupted all over his body. As soon as the poisonous gas came out, the sound of ‘呲 呲’ was heard in the void around him. All the borderless heavens and mountains, all plants and animals were poisoned instantly. And then quickly corroded.

Black gas is the most poisonous, and it overflows a lot, leaving many onlookers strong and uncomfortable for a while, even before they can escape. After two steps, they all fall to the ground.

In the black gas center, the void is even corroded by poisonous gas, and even the space can't stand the poisonous gas, which shows that the toxicity is powerful.

The poisonous gas showed a tendency of encirclement, and wrapped towards the entire borderless sky.

Many people are as scared as the last days.

Just for a moment, Wujiangtian was drowned by this vast black poisonous mist.

In the distance, Xuanyuan City, a large number of courtiers suddenly showed excitement.

"This is Wu hurt the demon, and it really is powerful!" Kong Di said excitedly.

"Hopefully!" Cangjie nodded, looking forward to the distant borderless sky.

One battle has not yet ended, yet another thrilling battle has begun.

Countless strong men in the distance watched, with a chill in their hearts. The rhubarb's shots were devastating. Dahan Emperor Dynasty, this time is really over.

But at this moment, Honghuang City, the mouth of the temple.

妭 Looking at the distant borderless sky, he said lightly, "Okay, let's go!"

"Holy, Wu Shangtian demon shot, shouldn't we help the Dahan Emperor?" Xing Tian worried.

"Gu Hai didn't ask for help, indicating that he was confident. As I said earlier, let's go, get the body of Chi You, you go straight to Xuanyuan City, destroy Xuanyuan City!" Lu said coldly.


The three of them suddenly stepped into the sky.


Chi instantly turned into a streamer and shot towards the south of Chiyou City, an ambush point of Chiyou's body.

Xingtian and Houyi stepped forward and headed for Xuanyuan City.

"咻!" "咻!" "”! "

Three streams of light flew out of the flood plain city, and Cangjie found it. Turning his head abruptly, he saw the flight direction of the three of them. Suddenly his face changed.

"I'll suffer!" Cangjie was surprised.

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