Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 23: Each crisis

All the people in the world are paying attention to the poisonous mist of the infinite city! But few people saw that someone had gone straight to Ji Dihong's nest and went straight to Xuanyuan City!

Houyi and Xingtian are the great consummates in the Heavenly Palace.

In the past, when Chi You was alive, he went to Xuanyuan City as Chi You fought.

At that time, Ji Dihong mobilized the situation of the rhubarb world, and then blocked everyone.

But now they are here again. What else is there in the rhubarb heaven?

Ji Dihong went to nothingness, and Ao Ying, Xiong You, Li Mu, Feng Bo, and others went to the Heavenly Palace to great satisfaction, and they were all trapped in eighteen layers of hell. Even Cangjie is being dragged by the unborn.

Xuanyuan City, in the eyes of Houyi and Xingtian, has become an empty shell.

With this one empty shell, the two heavenly palaces came to great consummation, what could they resist?

When others didn't pay attention, Cangjie paid attention. When he saw Xun, Houyi and Xingtian leaving Honghuang City, and Xingtian and Houyi flew towards Xuanyuan City, Cangjie knew that it was going to be bad.

"Mr. Cangjie, what's so bad?" Kong Di said blankly.

"Lord Himeji, please defend!" Cangjie yelled.


Not far away, the door of a hall opened suddenly.

Bingji, in a white dress, walked out of the Ice Temple like an iceberg. Look up to the sky.

At this moment, Bingji had extremely strange eyes, and the pupil on the left was blue, like a cold ice that never changed forever, showing a chill. The pupil on the right is golden, like the real fire of the ancient sun, showing a hot glow.

The two conflicting forces are strangely merged into Bingji's eyes.

Although the two-colored pupils, they all revealed a sense of indifference and a sense of indifference to see everything.

"Mr. Nangong, start the birthday party and let Bingji show it!" Cangjie called to a short white robe in the distance.

"Yes, sir!" Shouying of Nangong in the white robe.

"Bing Ji, Xingyuan City's Ice and Fire Formation, you control! Quick defense!" Cangjie called.

Bingji looked at Cangjie, and suddenly, a respectful gift: "Yes, sir!"

Bing Ji's voice was unemotional, as if only simple obedience remained.


Under the urging of Nangong Shou, a huge layer of ice crystal flame enchantment suddenly enveloped Xuanyuan City.

The ice crystal flame enchantment is very strange. Some are similar to the black and white football shapes on the ancient sea earth. A piece of ice blue and a piece of fire red are intertwined into a net. Extremely strange. Each one looks like a pool of flames, or an ice crystal pool.

"Oh!" "Oh!"

Xingtian and Houyi arrived outside Xuanyuan City in an instant.

"Oh? With defense, haha, this little girl again!" Xing Tian sneered.

"The end of the crossbow! What's the use of defense again?" Houyi sneered.

But I saw that Bing Ji suddenly stretched out her hands, and suddenly waved suddenly, as if a strange force poured into the ice and fire **** array.

"Wow!" "Wow!" "Wow!" ………………

Above the fire and flame formation, in all the flame pools, a huge three-legged Jinwu suddenly rushed out, and once Jinwu came out, he fluttered his wings and hurled to the sky.

"Are you here? But there are quite a lot of three-legged Jinwu this time, ha ha ha!" Xing Tian laughed loudly. The axe broke in the hands.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Suddenly, Jinwu was chopped under a giant axe.

Bingji's eyes were cold, and she held out her hands.

"Wow, wow, wow!"

It was another croak, but this time, they were all ice-blue three-legged blue blacks flying from the ice crystal pool! Like the three-footed Jinwu, flapping wings rushed to the two in the whistling.

"Eh? Three-legged blue black? Does this thing really exist?" Xing Tian stunned.

Xing Tian cut off with an axe who did not believe in evil.


A three-legged blue black burst and burst open.

"Hahaha, but that's the case!" Xing Tian sneered.

"Be careful of Xingtian!" Houyi called suddenly.

However, they saw that a three-legged Jinwu and a three-legged Lanwu arrived at Xingtian at the same time and collided with each other.

Jinwu collided with Lanwu?

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The void suddenly shattered countlessly, and Xingtian was suddenly blown out by this force.

Her hair was a bit messy, and her clothes were a bit broken. Xingtian shielded her whole body with a shield, and it didn't hurt much. However, the collision between Jinwu and Lanwu just made Xingtian afraid for a while.

"Jinwu and Lanwu collided and exploded. How could they have such power?" Xing Tian was surprised.

"Wow!" "Wow!" ………………

The three-legged Jinwu and the three-legged Lanwu kept on, and the two rushed forward toward the two.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ……………………

For a time, a towering destruction was formed outside the city of Xuanyuan.

Especially the spies from all over the world, after avoiding this devastating explosion, immediately spread the news to all over the world.

In all parts of the world, countless emperors and suzerain are staring at Wujiang Tian, ​​looking at Ji Dihong's countless hands. When Wu Jiangtian is about to end, there is a sudden news that Xuanyuan City also caught fire in its backyard.

"What? Xingtian and Houyi went to attack Xuanyuan City? Isn't it Guhai's second hand?" The world's strongest appeared suddenly surprised.

Originally, I already felt that the battle of Rhubarb and Dahan was surging, and the backhand was infinite. In a blink of an eye, another hand?

Just now I feel that Boundless Sky is going to end, and Xuanyuan City is going to end soon?

The eyes of countless people also instantly turned to Xuanyuan City.

Xuanyuan outside the city.

The three-legged Jinwu and the three-legged Lanwu did cause trouble to Xingtian, but they were not fatal. Xing Tian gradually adapted to this rhythm.

Houyi shot more than ten Jinwu and Lanwu with an arrow.

However, in the distance, there are a steady stream of Jinwu and Lanwu.

The officials of Xuanyuan City secretly exhaled.

"Fortunately, there is the Lord of Bingji County!" Kong Di sneered.

"No! The Bingji County major is a little bit worse after all, otherwise, this life array can do more than that." Cangjie sighed suddenly.

While talking, the outside world, Hou Yi pulled a bow and an arrow, a flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.


The Shenjian hit the intersection of the flame pool and the ice crystal pool at an extremely fast speed, instantly generating an extremely powerful pole force.


With that pole as the center, the entire enchantment suddenly had eight huge cracks, as if the enchantment was broken at any time.

"Good solid formation enchantment? But, I see you can stand my arrows!" Hou's eyes became cold, and he pulled out another arrow of God.

"Mr. Cangjie, what to do now, what's better now!" Conte and some ministers remembered the turbulence.

The crisis has come to Xuanyuan City. Can this level be overcome? ——

Sky without borders.

Wu hurt the demons, with a huge self-confidence, manipulating the rolling black poisonous gas to drown the borderless sky capital, wanting to corrode all borderless sky capital.

Wu hurt the demon is a master of poison, even the scorpion demon can not compare. But compared to poison, would Chen Xianer be afraid of him?

One of the five main lines of the old Wu tribe, one of them was called God Blood Copy. That main vein has refined the blood poisoning ants with all the poison of heaven and earth. The blood poisoning ants contain all the toxicity of the heavens and the earth, will they be weaker than Wu hurt the demon?

The existence of the **** blood poison ant is to shape a body, a perfect poison body, which contains a rule, the law of poison, a complete rule! Corresponds to the Avenue of Poison.

In other words, in the field of poisonous tract, no one can master more perfectly and master more than Chen Xianer. Chen Xianer can mobilize the avenue of poison, and can mobilize all the poison in the world.

Compared to poison, it is impossible for Chen Xianer to meet his opponent, even if Wu hurts Tianmo's poison.

"Just a little bit of poison, and also ugly in front of this palace?" Chen Xianer said coldly.

In the cold voice, the whole body exuded a hint of green light, and the light was like a thread, suddenly pulling a looming big tree out of the void, and the tree was so clear that it carried a mighty spirit.

The shadow of the big tree trembled slightly, and there seemed to be suction in the branches. A sudden swipe, all the black poisonous gas was sucked into the leaves by the big tree.

In a blink of an eye, the billowing black gas that drowned the borderless sky disappeared inexplicably.

The gas that made everyone desperate disappeared in a blink of an eye?

"This, what's going on?" Countless powerful men suddenly appeared in astonishment.

What happened to Wujiang Tian just now, why did I just pay attention to Xuanyuan City and turned my head around, the poisonous gas of Wu Tiantian was broken? And is it so thorough?

We thought wrong? Isn't Boundless Sky vulnerable?

Many people's eyes widened and they regretted the picture they just missed.

Of course, the most shocking thing is Wu hurt Tianmo.

Wu Shangtianmo's eyes widened at this moment, and he looked at the borderless sky everywhere in surprise, the tree that cut through the sky.

"Poisonous avenue? Can you actually mobilize the power of the avenue?" Wu hurt Tianmo surprised.

Chen Xianer smiled coldly: "What kind of moves do you have, although the show is here, the poison just now is really ridiculous!"

Wu Shangtianmo was not angry, but suddenly showed a trace of excited laugh.

In the laughter, Wu hurt Tiantian, and there was a billowing green light. When the green light came out, it also pulled out a big tree, which was exactly like Chen Xianer behind him.

"Okay, okay, okay, you woman can actually mobilize the power of the poisonous avenue. Starting today, you, I want it! Hahahahaha!" Wu Shangtian's face showed a desire to possess.

"Presumptuous!" "Bold!" "Dare you be rude to the Queen!" ............

In the borderless sky, all the ministers suddenly glared and yelled.

"From the moment I captured the Avenue of Poison, no woman could touch it. Every time she touched it, she was poisoned into blood, so I always looked for a woman like me, so that I would not be hurt by me. Chen Xianer Really? I'll save you a life. I want you to go back with me and be my Mrs. Peak, ha, ha ha ha ha! "Wu Shangtian demo laughed.

The ministers scowled and glared.

Chen Xianer showed a sneer: "When you touch a woman, the woman will be poisoned. It can be seen that you can't even control the avenue of poison, which means you are incompetent! When you see a woman, you want to grab it back, which means you are shameless! By now, your brain is not controlled by reason! Explain that you have no brain! You are such an incompetent! Shameless! No brain! Seniors, do you think you can take this house? "

PS: I wish you a happy National Day!

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