Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 27: Dijiang attacked

Foot on Hou Qing's chest, knife holder on Hou Qing's neck, fingers into a knife, inserted in Hou Qing's brows! Gu Hai has already counted ‘two’, and with one more sound, Gu Hai ’s five fingers were inserted into Hou Qing ’s brows.

At the moment, Hou Qing was severely wounded and could not resist the injury. Today's strength is not even in the Heavenly Palace. The whole body is blood.


Zombie seed, is it necessary to let people?

But Gu Hai, at this moment did not give a little room for manoeuvre, the next moment is about to start.

Inserting five fingers into the eyebrow, is it really over, is it going to die?

"Three!" Said Gu Haiming ruthlessly.

A chill erupted in his hand and was about to be inserted into his brows.

"Don't, don't! I'll give it!" Hou Qing shouted the last voice with a horror.


Gu Hai's hand knife stopped at Hou Qing's heart.

Hou Qing stared at Gu Hai and understood that at this moment, she could not resist at all, and could only slowly force out the seeds of the zombie ancestors in a strong reluctance.


A spit of blood spewed out, and Hou Qing's complexion instantly turned white, and her whole body suddenly collapsed, but it was Hou Qing who forced the seed of the zombie ancestors, and at that moment, the seeds of the zombie ancestors again extracted the essence of the whole body.

Hou Qing's brows suddenly formed a small whirlwind. Under the small whirlwind, her brows glowed with emerald green light. A breathtaking breath emanated from Hou Qing's brows.

Gu Hai understands that it is the seed of the zombie ancestor.

But he saw that Hou Qing's brows slowly tore a thin seam. A verdant green seed came out slowly.

At the moment when the seeds of the zombie ancestors slowly flew out, Hou Qing felt that his strength was losing rapidly.

Hou Qing closed her eyes in pain. This zombie seed is not only Xiu Wei, but also all her own hope.

Seeds of the Zombies floated out little by little. Soon, it was already halfway up.

You don't need to take a closer look, Gu Hai understands that this is the seed of the zombie ancestor. Can be cultivated as a powerful treasure to the great consummation of the Heavenly Palace.

Probe, Gu Hai will pick up the seed of the zombie ancestor that has already emerged in half.

"Your Majesty be careful!" A sudden voice came from behind.

It was the voice of the dragon god, who came in and saw everything inside. At the same time, he saw the palm of the emperor facing the ancient sea with his back.

After hearing the words of Dragon God, Gu Hai's face changed instantly. There was no time to fight back. She stepped on it quickly and jumped away. When she jumped away, she protected her body with a health knife.

The step that jumped away kicked Hou Qing into the distance. The Health Knife greeted a golden palm.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~!"

Gu Hai flew two hundred feet in an instant, and stopped after hitting a small hill.

"Keke cough!" Gu Hai coughed twice after stopping her body.

"Both defeated by Houqing, how could you actually block the attack from Dijiang?" Long Aotian was surprised.

Only then did Gu Hai see everything clearly.

Not far away, as it is near the enemy, it is Dijiang's broken body, but the blow just now has made him realize that his power is stronger than Hou Qing's, much stronger?

Where is this monster emerging?

The ancient sea is in the west, facing Dijiang on the east. To the south is Hou Qing, kicked by Gu Hai towards the mouth of the Black Mist Valley. To the north is the Dragon God Clan, Long Aotian Father and Son, but the two are separated by a distance.

The ancient sea is on alert to the Dijiang River, which is also a close enemy to the ancient sea at this moment.

"Long Aotian? What is this?" Gu Hai looked at Dijiang, his face ugly.

"Sinko, when do you want to get into trouble?" Long Shen narrowed his eyes and stared.

Long Aotian showed a sneer: "Sin child? Dragon God, is there anyone you do this father? Zombie seed, you do not take it, look at it, the ancient sea has begun to take it. You do not take it, nor do you Is it just now, my Emperor Jiang is about to get the seeds of the Zombie ancestors, all blame you for the good deeds, all blame you! "

"Sin son, you no longer have a father in your eyes?" Dragon God shouted coldly.

"Father? Hahaha, father, did the father follow his father's enemies? Gu Hai killed the grandfather, but you became his running dog?" Long Aotian stared.

"Sin barrier!" Dragon God glared, as if to shoot.

On the other side, Gu Hai looked grimly towards the opposite Dijiang: "Dijiang, you say, his name is Dijiang? The land is the ancestor, Dijiang?"

Gu Hai heard Long Wanyu mentioned it.

The witch powerhouse who has long been destroyed. Dijiang?

"Yes, that's the Dijiang, Dijiang, but although my previous life was broken by God, God fuses his broken soul and broken ground stiff seeds into the broken body and revives it. In the previous life, I could reach the sky with the seeds of the zombie ancestors. In this life, I can also, Gu Hai, you can't stop me! "Long Shenxi sneered.

Gu Hai glanced at Dijiang, but his eyes narrowed slightly: "Dragon God!"

"Chen is here!" Long Shen frowned.

Obviously, telling his son that his previous life was Di Jiang, he was extremely puzzled and shocked.

"Did you hear the words of Long Aotian?" Gu Hai said in a deep voice.

"Yes! The dog is rebellious, please drop sin!" Dragon God said bitterly.

"Don't confess your sins, you're right. I reminded you a moment ago and avoided a heavy hit. But now, I have an order for you!" Gu Haishen said.

"Please, Your Majesty, please!" Dragon God said respectfully.

"Yu dragged Dijiang, you immediately took the 'Zombie Ancestral Seeds' and immediately refined it for your own use!" Gu Hai Shen said.

"What?" Long Aotian's face changed.

Dragon God Aya also widened his eyes.

"I do n’t know how powerful Dijiang was before, but, at least, your son is a son of infidelity and filial piety. He has the seed of a stupid ancestor. Trouble, grab him before him, take the seeds of the zombie ancestors, and melt into himself! "Gu Hai ordered.

"Yes!" Long Shenxi answered.

"Duck, that zombie seed is mine!" Long Aotian stared.

For a thought, it seemed to greet Di Jiang to the general.

"Zhou Tianjiu!" Gu Hai shouted loudly, slashing at Dijiang with a slash.

Dijiang had to turn around to resist.


With a loud noise, the sword and the flesh of Dijiang flew against each other, and a large spark exploded, but Dijiang was intact, but his body was backed up.

"Uh, so much stronger than Hou Qing's body?" Gu Hai stared.

Eyes of life and death, open!

In an instant, I saw the body of Dijiang clearly. It consists of countless black and white lines.

"No weakness?" Gu Hai was surprised.

There are black lines in Dijiang's body, but beyond the black lines, they are wrapped in white lines, indicating that all of Dijiang's weaknesses have been protected by himself.

This physical body, this kind of protection, Dijiang seems to be flawless.

"Roar!" Dijiang roared. Suddenly flew towards the ancient sea.

There is no weakness, it can only be bumped against, Gu Hai's face sank.

"Sunday nine!"


Under the huge collision, the ancient sea did not have the upper hand, and even was knocked out by the imperial river.

"So much better than Hou Qing?" Gu Hai sank.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Gu Hai and Dijiang crashed again and again.

Dragon God, Long Aotian is stepping towards the land of Houqing.

At the moment Hou Qing forced the seeds of the zombie ancestors, the body that was seriously injured, and collapsed again, where they could stop them, showing the color of despair.

In mid-air, Long Aotian slaps the Dragon Godhead with one palm, but the Dragon Godhead has experienced hundreds of battles. The last time Huangquan Haikou could defeat Long Aotian, this time it is natural.


"This is mine, Father, do you really want to fight with me? This zombie seed is mine!" Long Aotian glared madly.

"Niezi, don't take it up yet!" Long Shen glared and patted it.

Dragon God is not jealous of his son, nor does he want to grab his son's things. Not to follow his father's enemy.

Before the battle between Han and Huang, Gu Hai also personally recalled the Dragon Gods once and took him to meet the Dragon Warring States.

When I met the Dragon Warring States, although the Dragon Warring States didn't say anything specific, Dragon God has already guessed what his father and Gu Hai are planning.

He was assisted by Gu Shenghai by his father's school. Gu Hai's order was the order of the Dragon Warring States.

It was the Dragon Warring States that gave themselves seed to their ancestors. The father's life was difficult. How could he give up for the sinner?


Dragon God slaps Long Aotian away, letting it go.

Guhai VS Dijiang!

Dragon Gods VS Long Aotian!

Four weeks of melee started again.

The weak Hou Qing, as if at an opportunity, stepped back, little by little, into the valley, into the dark fog.

The four men fought for a while.

Gu Hai's eyes glared: "Dragon gods, your father and son are fighting each other. Don't let Hou Qing pick up the cheap and run away for him!"

"Ah?" Long Shenzhang and Long Aotian's faces changed. Suddenly the figure stopped.

The two were about to rush into the dark mist of the valley.


In the valley, there seemed to be a huge suction that sucked all the black gas into a platform on the deep center of the valley.

Above the platform, there is a bronze coffin. Among the coffins, Chi You's quarter body.

The black mist of the valley was all sucked into the body by the corpse.

Hou Qing now leaned on the edge of the coffin and was extremely weak.

Zombie seed, once forced out, it is difficult to stop, unless after re-integrating into the body, Hou Qing becomes weaker and more depressed.

In the valley. Except that coffin.

Vaguely, there is a weird formation. The eight directions around it are a picture of gossip. In the center of the gossip map is the platform where Chi You's coffin is located.

Around this platform, eighty-one giants were standing.

It is Chiyou's 81 brothers, who are motionless.

"Mr. Cangjie, help, help! Kekekeke!" Houqing coughed for a while.

"Feng Zonggong, you have worked hard, take a rest!" Said the 81 giants at the same time.

The sound of opening was the sound of Cangjie.


Eighty-one giants put golden light on their eyes, keeping Hou Qing in the center.

"Eighty-one brothers of Chiyou have been made into puppets? Ji Dihong is really a ruthless method. Dragon God Puppet, go quickly. There is obviously a formation in it. Before the formation starts, you will Zombie seed caught! "Gu Hai shouted.

Dragon God Aunt and Long Aotian gave up the battle at the same time and flung towards Houqing together.


One hundred and eighty-one giants roared and slammed into the Dragon's father and son!

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