Everlasting Immortal Firmament

Vol 8 Chapter 28: Po Dijiang

Gossip in the mountains!

The ancient sea is towing the Dijiang, and the emperor is also towing the ancient sea.

After devouring the defective fairy dome fragments, the ancient fairy dome is much stronger, but the ancient sea can not guarantee whether the heavenly palace entered successfully and whether it can tear the ancient fairy dome barriers.

After all, the ancient sea of ​​skulls has been tried, and almost reached the limit of the ancient immortal dome, so the enemies of the heavenly palace, the ancient sea will generally not be included in the ancient immortal dome.

So was the battle with Dijiang, and Guhai was extra careful.

Although this emperor was not the strength of that year, in the end of ancient times, the gods have finally come to an end, and their own defense has reached the extreme. In the preparedness, even Zhou Tianjiu, for a time, it is nothing.

The dragon gods and Long Aotian rushed into the valley for the first time.

The black mist in the valley is all condensed in the coffin. From the periphery, this valley is a huge dragon's mouth, and nothing strange can be seen.


Eighty-one giants came crashing.

The dragon **** suddenly met a giant and punched him, and the giant also punched him.

"When ~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

The two fists collided as if they were struck by a stone, causing a large spark.

After the punch, the giant took a step back, and Dragon Godhead took a step back.

On the other side, Long Aotian is also the same. After a head-to-head encounter, he failed to win the giant.

"This is impossible!" Long Aotian stared.

Dragon God Clan also rushed towards the center again.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!" ...............

Under a series of battles, the strength of the giant's outburst left the father and son of the Dragon to be extremely shocked.

Even the ancient sea not far away showed a sense of astonishment. Chi You, the 81 brothers, are all ninth in the heavenly palace? And it's still the ninth middle and late period? No wonder, it was no wonder that the Master of Heaven had no choice.


The dragon **** shouted a loud roar, and a pair of dragon scale bone wings emerged from the back, and the strength soared again. Rushing away.


Under a heavy blow, a giant retreated, but two giants behind him suddenly stood on their backs, suddenly blocking the impact of Dragon God's Puppet.

The eighty-one giant is too strong. The father and son of the Dragon were extremely anxious for a while, but couldn't rush in, and the giants' combined attack was even more powerful. Long's father and son, suddenly dangerously born.

Hou Qing sat at the mouth of the coffin with a hint of excitement: "That's it, Mr. Cangjie, you should have been this way!"

Looking at the ancient sea trapped in the distance, Hou Qing laughed while coughing blood: "Cough, cough, ha ha ha, Gu Hai, you have been fighting for a long time, it seems that it is just an empty, cough cough, ha ha ha ha ! "

"Ancient sea!" Long Aotian shouted suddenly.

"Huh?" Gu Hai was in a distant battle.

"Don't fight, Dijiang won't fight with you, break this mess first, and then divide the zombie ancestor seeds!" Cried Long Aotian.

Not far away, Hou Qing's face froze. He vomited blood and looked at Long Aotian. You are too principleless, don't you fight?

Not far away, Gu Hai did not agree: "No!"

"What?" Long Aotian looked cold.

"I said, no!" Gu Hai shouted.

"Gu Hai, you are crazy. If you go on like this, no one will get any benefit. You will take advantage of Hou Qing and drag it on. Hou Qing's injury will improve. If you escape, none of us will get the seed of the zombie ancestor!" Tian suddenly angry.

"Zombie seed, it's not yours, so don't worry about it!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"I have Dijiang, can you break Dijiang? No, you can't break Dijiang at all, what are you talking about? You ...!" Long Aotian stared and roared.

But just half the story, but I saw the sudden change in the momentum of the entire ancient people.

"Ten days ten ~~~~~~~!" Gu Hai stared abruptly, exhausted everything, and utterly cut off.

The moment the sword was cut, the stable space of this life array shook violently, and it seemed that the entire life array was torn apart.

The sword is fierce, no matter how Dijiang tries to resist, it cannot stop the knife at all.

With the birth of a sword, the purple light illuminates the heavens and the earth, not only the life space, but also the outside world, above the land of Shenzhou, and the land of the Eight Diagrams Mountain.

"Boom ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!"

There was a loud noise and it was shaking.

Regardless of Xuanyuan City, the borderless sky, all the strong are a violent shock, it seems that the whole world is trembling.

Outside the borderless sky.

"What's going on? Where's the loud noise!"

"The Qin figurine came to report that it is Bagua Mountain, which seals Chi You!"

"What? Gossip Mountain, the trap that Ji Dihong set for Gu Hai? Is there still a battle between Gu Hai and Ji Di Hong?"




For a moment, the world was uproar.

The battle between the borderless sky and Xuanyuan City has seen everyone's dizziness. This ancient sea and Ji Dihong still have a battlefield in Bagua Mountain? And in that nothingness, and those eighteen layers of hell?

Thinking of these battlefields, all the powerful men are chilling.

The details of the Dahan Emperor Dynasty and the Huanghuang Heaven Dynasty are too abnormal.

Take the mouth of the temple.

The gaze of Chen Chen was shifted from the borderless sky to Bagua Mountain.

"Dijiang? It's a pity, I should have known that in the past, you lost, and you are completely done. I still expect you to make a comeback? I was expecting too much of you!" Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed slightly.

Inside the gossip mountain.

With a loud noise, the entire internal life array space was almost tearing.

The power of Zhou Tianshi was too great, so huge that everyone inside was horrified.

Dijiang? The peerless powerhouse who was able to share the same level with the ancient sea just now, has now been blown to pieces by a knife.

In the ancient times, Dijiang was smashed by his courtiers, and later stuck together. After all, the adhesion was not its own.

The ancient sea of ​​Zhou Tian was cut down, and the huge force instantly smashed the cyan energy of adhesion. Correspondingly, Dijiang's body lost adhesion and instantly exploded into countless fragments.

"Yeah!" Long Aotian was implicated in his heart and spit out in blood.

A spirit, Long Ao Tian Lai only reacted at that time of rest.

"No, no, my Emperor Jiang, I went to the Emperor's Palace with a great consummation, Guhai, you returned me to Emperor Jiang!" Long Aotian shouted suddenly collapsed.

When sending the court to his own emperor, Long Aotian suddenly felt a sense of arrogance to the world, and a strong self-confidence that no one in the world could compare to himself.

But now, the root of his own power, this blink of an eye, was blasted by the ancient sea?

My powerful dream was instantly broken?

Long Aotian was extremely sad.

On the other side, Hou Qing's original collapsed face suddenly became pale.

Hou Qing understands the power of the sword just now. That is not to mobilize the people of the ancient fairy heaven. It was the strongest blow from the ancient sea. Just now, if that blade fell on himself, wouldn't it ...?

Hou Qing didn't dare to imagine, and at the same time suddenly understood the foolish guess that Gu Hai scolded himself. If Gu Hai didn't want to kill himself, wouldn't he have died earlier?

"Oh!" Gu Hai spurted blood again.

Zhou Tianshi is too overloaded, even if the tonic power is constantly pouring into the body, the ancient sea is still shaking, and there is not much strength in the whole body.

"Your Majesty!" Long Shen trembled anxiously.

Long Aotian watched Dijiang be broken, with a huge hatred in his grief.

"Gu Hai, I want you to die!" Long Aotian struck towards Gu Hai at once.

"Niezi, dare!" Dragon God narrowed his eyes and rushed forward.


Before Long Aotian hit the ancient sea, Long Shenyu intercepted it.

"Let me go, I want to kill him, give me back to Dijiang, give me back to Dijiang!" Long Aotian growled angrily.

The roaring battles continued, and the dragon gods and fathers started fighting again.

The ancient sea was seriously injured at this moment, carrying a razor knife, walking towards the Longkou valley little by little.

"Oh, ha ha ha, Gu Hai, you have also been hit hard? Are you injured too?" Hou Qing said with a surprised stare.

"Roar!" Eighty-one giants rushed towards the ancient sea.

"Not good!" Long Shenzheng's face changed: "Niezi, you get away!"

"No, I can't kill Gu Hai, these monsters can also kill Gu Hai! Father, don't move, stop me!" Long Aotian stopped the dragon god.

"Niezi, you're looking for death!"

Giants rushed, all fierce and monstrous, and the ancient sea was shaking like a gust of wind can blow down. Hou Qing showed excitement.

Gu Hai coughed up blood, and looked at Houqing with cold eyes: "I'm injured, but even if I am injured, it's not something you can mess with!"

The giant giant's fist at the front has reached the ancient sea surface gate, and it looks like he will smash the ancient sea with a punch.


With a strange blink, the giant disappeared.

"What?" Everyone's face changed, showing an incredible look.

The ancient sea stepped out again.

"Hoo!" "Hoo!" "Hoo!" ...... …………

The giants rushing towards the ancient sea disappeared one after another, inexplicably.

"Ancient immortal sky?" Hou Qing exclaimed in despair.

Long Aotian fighting the dragon gods over there also showed despair. Looking at the engulfing giants one after another in the Ancient Fairy Sky, Long Aotian finally understood a little.

Under the great consummation of the heavenly palace, all the strong men are like ants in front of the ancient sea.

Do you still want to kill Gu Hai? As long as the ancient sea has one thought, he can be trapped in the immortal dome of the ancient world, and he must not turn over forever.

"No!" Long Aotian stopped the fight, revealing despair.

This moment is really desperate. Especially when Gu Hai waved his hand just now, all the giants ‘swipe’ all of them for a moment, all disappeared, no one left, all disappeared?

How else can I fight?

In the despair of Long Aotian, he could only roll up the broken corpse of Dijiang, revealing extremely unwillingness.

The battle is over.

Gu Hai stepped step by step toward Hou Qing.

Hou Qing had no more thoughts of resistance. At this moment, Hou Qing was also deeply desperate. The ancient sea is so powerful that she can't fight it at all.

Gu Hai slowly walked in front of Hou Qing.

"Zombie seed, it doesn't belong to you! You can't hold it!" Gu Hai said lightly.

During the conversation, Gu Hai's hand went to pick the seed of the zombie ancestor after Qing Qing's heart.

At this moment, Hou Qing did not resist and could not resist.

"Dragon God, come here!" Gu Hai cried suddenly.

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